34 research outputs found
The aim of this study was to verify the correlation between biomechanical characteristics of muscle force measured by isokinetic and vertical jump tests for each lower limb. Peak
torque and total work of 46 professional male soccer players were assessed with an isokinetic dynamometer at 60°/s, 120°/s and 180°/s and maximal strength, maximal power and impulse were determined during countermovement jump (CMJ) on a double force platform. A factor analysis of all analyzed variables resulted in two independent factors (F1, F2), where factor F1 is characterized by peak torque and total work at 180o/s and factor F2 by maximal power and impulse during CMJ. Only low correlations between the variables determined by isokinetic test and CMJ were observed
Avaliação de programa para reduzir dores nas costas em trabalhadores de enfermagem
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of a program designed to reduce back pain in nursing aides. METHODS: Female nursing aides from a university hospital who had suffered episodes of back pain for at least six months were included in the study. Participants were randomly divided into a control group and an intervention group. The intervention program involved a set of exercises and an educational component stressing the ergonomic aspect, administered twice a week during working hours for four months. All subjects answered a structured questionnaire and the intensity of pain was assessed before and after the program using a visual analogue scale (VAS). Student's t-test or the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test for independent samples, and Chi-square test or the Exact Fisher test for categorical analysis, were used. The McNemar test and the Wilcoxon matched pairs test were used to compare the periods before and after the program. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant decrease in the frequency of cervical pain in the last two months and in the last seven days in the intervention group. There was also a reduction in cervical pain intensity in the two periods (2 months, 7 days) and lumbar pain intensity in the last 7 days. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that a program of regular exercise with an emphasis on ergonomics can reduce musculoskeletal symptoms in nursing personnel.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito de um programa na redução de dores nas costas em auxiliares de enfermagem. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo auxiliares de enfermagem com menos de 50 anos de idade, do sexo feminino, de um hospital universitário e que apresentavam dores nas costas por um perÃodo mÃnimo de 6 meses. O programa envolveu parte educativa, com abordagem ergonômica, e a realização de exercÃcios executados durante o horário de trabalho, duas vezes por semana, em um perÃodo de quatro meses. As participantes foram divididas aleatoriamente em grupo tratado e grupo controle. A intensidade das dores foi avaliada pela escala visual analógica. Foram utilizados os testes t de Student ou de Wilcoxon, para amostras independentes e os testes Qui-quadrado ou Exato de Fisher, para as categóricas. Para comparar as proporções do inÃcio e final do programa utilizou-se o teste de McNemar. RESULTADOS: Ocorreu diminuição estatisticamente significativa na freqüência de dor cervical durante os últimos dois meses e durante a ultima semana no grupo tratado. Houve também redução na intensidade da dor cervical em ambos os perÃodos (2 meses; 7 dias) e da dor lombar na última semana. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo sugere que programa regular de exercÃcios, acompanhado por abordagem instrucional ergonômica, pode reduzir sintomas músculo-esqueléticos em trabalhadores de enfermagem.35636
The aim of this study was to compare the impulse production between the dominant and non-dominant limb of soccer players during countermovement jumps on a double force
platform. A bilateral difference of more than 15% was considered as significant. Therefore a nonparametric contingency test between dominant or non-dominant limbs
and the existance of lateral differences, and a paired t-test were performed. No significant differences were found for impulse production between dominant and non-dominant
limbs (p=0,067). However, for 15 of the 36 individuals (41%) a more than 15% greater momentum production was found for the dominant than for the non-dominant limb. For
identification of individual bilateral differences, countermovement jumps on a double force platform seem to be an adequate method
The purpose of this study was to investigate if the range of motion (ROM) of knee extension during a Taekwondo kick could be influenced by a single section of passive static stretching. Black belt Taekwondo recreational athletes (n=12) with no recent injury of the lower limbs were submitted to passive static stretching. The knee extension ROM during the kick and the passive static ROM of the hamstring muscle were analysed before and after the stretching. The stretching caused an increase in joint ROM, but did not result in differences of the knee extension ROM during the Taekwondo kick
Evaluation of the Image-Pro Plus 4.5 software for automatic counting of labeled nuclei by PCNA immunohistochemistry Avaliação do programa Image-Pro Plus 4.5 para contagem automática de núcleos imunopositivos para PCNA
The objective of this study was to create and evaluate a routine (macro) using Image-Pro Plus 4.5 software (Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, USA) for automatic counting of labeled nuclei by proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunohistochemistry. A total of 154 digital color images were obtained from eleven sections of reticular oral lichen planus stained by PCNA immunohistochemistry. Mean density (gray-level), red density, green density, blue density, area, minor axis, perimeter rate and roundness were parameters used for PCNA labeled nuclei discrimination, followed by their outlined presentation and counting in each image by the macro. Mean density and area thresholds were automatically defined based, respectively, on mean density and mean area of PCNA labeled nuclei in the assessed image. The reference method consisted in visual counting of manually outlined labeled nuclei. Statistical analysis of macro results versus reference countings showed a very significant correlation (r s = 0.964, p < 0.001) for general results and a high level (89.8 ± 3.8%) of correctly counted labeled nuclei. We conclude that the main parameters associated with a high correlation between macro and reference results were mean density (gray-level) and area thresholds based on image profiles; and that Image-Pro Plus 4.5 using a routine with automatic definition of mean density and area thresholds can be considered a valid alternative to visual counting of PCNA labeled nuclei.<br>O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e avaliar uma macro (rotina informatizada) usando o programa Image-Pro Plus 4.5 (Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, EUA) para a contagem automática de núcleos imunopositivos para o antÃgeno nuclear em célula proliferante (PCNA). Utilizamos 154 imagens microscópicas digitalizadas coloridas obtidas de onze cortes histológicos de lÃquen plano oral reticular processados por imuno-histoquÃmica para PCNA. Os parâmetros densidade média (nÃvel de cinza), densidades de vermelho, de verde e de azul, área, eixo menor, taxa de perÃmetro e redondeza foram usados para a discriminação dos núcleos imunopositivos pela macro, que, no final do processo, apresentava estes núcleos delineados e contados na imagem estudada. A definição dos limites de corte para densidade média e área foi realizada automaticamente em função, respectivamente, da média da densidade e da média da área dos núcleos imunopositivos presentes em cada imagem. Para controle, foi realizado o delineamento manual dos núcleos imunopositivos sobre as imagens digitalizadas e sua contagem visual. A comparação entre os resultados das contagens da macro versus contagens do controle mostrou uma correlação estatÃstica significativa (r s = 0,964, p < 0,001) e uma alta proporção (89,8 ± 3,8%) de núcleos imunopositivos contados coerentemente pela macro. ConcluÃmos que os principais parâmetros associados com a alta correlação entre os resultados da macro e do controle foram os limites de corte para densidade média (nÃvel de cinza) e área baseados no padrão das imagens. Além disso, a análise de imagem usando o Image-Pro Plus 4.5 com definição automática dos limites de corte para densidade média e área pode ser considerada uma alternativa válida para o método visual de contagem de núcleos imunopositivos para PCNA