11 research outputs found

    Dystrophin 71 involvement in the central control of osmotic homeostasis

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    Revisiting medial preoptic area plasticity induced in male mice by sexual experience

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    Abstract Sexual experience in male rodents, induced by a first exposure to a receptive female, improves efficiency of following copulations. In mice, the mechanisms supporting this improvement are poorly understood. We characterized molecular modifications of the mouse hypothalamic medial preoptic area (mPOA), the main integrative structure for male sexual behaviour, after a single mating event. This paradigm induced long-lasting behavioural improvements and mPOA morphological changes, evidenced by dendritic spine maturation and an increase in the acetylated and tri-methylated forms of histone H3. Ejaculation affected testosterone, progesterone and corticosterone levels in both naive and experienced mice, but sexual experience did not modify basal plasma or hypothalamic levels of steroids. In contrast to studies carried out in rats, no changes were observed, either in the nitrergic system, or in sex steroid receptor levels. However, levels of glutamate- and calcium-associated proteins, including PSD-95, calbindin and the GluN1 subunit of the NMDA receptor, were increased in sexually experienced male mice. The Iba-1 microglial marker was up-regulated in these animals suggesting multicellular interactions induced within the mPOA by sexual experience. In conclusion, plasticity mechanisms induced by sexual experience differ between rat and mouse, even if in both cases they converge to potentiation of the mPOA network

    Reactive Oxygen Species Are Required for the Hypothalamic Osmoregulatory Response

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    International audienceFree radicals, or reactive oxygen species (ROS), are highly reactive byproducts of oxygen degradation. They are well known for their cellular toxicity, but few studies have analyzed their potential role in homeostatic processes. We investigated ROS production and function during the arginine vasopressin (AVP) hypothalamic response to hyperosmolarity. Six-week-old male C3H/HeJ mice were subjected to salt loading for 2 or 8 d. The osmotic axis was progressively activated and reached a new steady-state status at 8 d as demonstrated by monitoring of plasmatic osmolality and c-Fos and AVP expression in the supraoptic nucleus (SON). Free radicals, visualized by dihydroethidine staining and measured by 2'-7' dichlorofluorescein diacetate assays, were detected after 2 d of salt loading. The activity and expression of superoxide dismutase 2 and catalase were concomitantly up-regulated in the SON, suggesting that free radicals are detoxified by endogenous antioxidant systems, thereby avoiding their deleterious effects. The early phase of the osmoregulatory response has been investigated using an acute hyperosmotic model; free radicals were produced 45 min after an ip injection of 1.5 M NaCl. This was followed by an increase in c-Fos and AVP expression and an increase in superoxide dismutase 2 and catalase activities. alpha-Lipoic acid, a ROS scavenger, administrated during the 3 d before the hypertonic ip injection, abolished the increase of AVP. These findings establish that hyperosmolarity causes ROS production in the SON, which is essential for AVP increase. This demonstrates the importance of free radicals as physiological signaling molecules in the regulation of body-fluid balance. (Endocrinology 153: 1317-1329, 2012

    Phospho-ERK and sex steroids in the mPOA: involvement in male mouse sexual behaviour

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    International audienceThis paper aimed to investigate the mechanisms triggering ERK phosphorylation and its functional role in male sexual behaviour. ERK1/2-phosphorylated form was detected in the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus (mPOA) during the sexual stimulation of naive and sexually experienced males who were killed 5 min after the first intromission. This mating-induced ERK phosphorylation was increased in sexually experienced males compared to that in naive mice. The functional role of the ERK1/2 pathway activation during sexual behaviour was explored with the administration of a MEK inhibitor, SL-327 (30 mg/kg, i.p.), 45 min before the contact with a receptive female. Inhibition of ERK phosphorylation was found to decrease sexual motivation in both naive and experienced males without altering their copulatory ability. The mechanisms potentially involved in this rapid ERK1/2 pathway activation were specified ex vivo on hypothalamic slices. A thirty-minute incubation with 100 nM of testosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or oestradiol (E2) led to ERK phosphorylation. No changes were observed after incubation with testosterone 3-(O-carboxymethyl) oxime-BSA (T-BSA), an impermeable to the plasma membrane form of testosterone. All these results indicate that ERK phosphorylation within the mPOA could be a key player in the motivational signalling pathway and considered as an index of sexual motivation. They also demonstrate the involvement of oestrogen receptor (ER) and androgen receptor (AR) transduction pathways in steroid-dependent ERK activation

    Reactive oxygen species are physiological mediators of the noradrenergic signaling pathway in the mouse supraoptic nucleus

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    International audienceFree radicals are essential for the vasopressin (AVP) response to plasmatic hyperosmolarity. Noradrenergic afferents are the major projections on the supraoptic nucleus (SON) of the hypothalamus and stimulate the expression of AVP via a nitric oxide (NO) pathway. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms linking free radicals and noradrenaline (NA)-induced regulation of AVP. Analysis of Tg8 transgenic mice, invalidated for the monoamine oxidase-A gene and with consequently high levels of brain monoamines and AVP in the SON, showed that free radicals are more abundant in their SON than in that of wild-type mice (WT). Antioxidant superoxide dismutase 1 and 2 and catalase enzyme activities were also higher in these mice than in WT. This may explain the observed absence of cytotoxicity that would otherwise be associated with such high level of free radicals. Treatment of Tg8 mice with alpha-MPT, a blocking agent for NA synthesis, decreased both the production of free radicals and the AVP levels in the SON. Furthermore, incubation of ex vivo slices including the SON with NA increased the production of free radicals and AVP levels in wild-type mice. When NA was associated with alpha-lipoic acid, an antioxidant blocking the production of free radicals, AVP remained at its control level, indicating that free radicals are required for the effect of NA on the expression of AVP. In slices incubated with SNP, a producer of NO, free radicals and AVP levels increased. When NA was associated with L-NAME (a NO synthase blocker), the levels of free radicals and AVP were the same as in controls. Thus, the noradrenaline-NO pathway, which stimulates the expression of vasopressin, involves free radicals. This study provides further evidence of the physiological importance of free radicals, which should no longer be considered solely as cytotoxic factors

    Comparative distribution of the mRNAs encoding urotensin I and urotensin II in zebrafish

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    International audienceThe neural neurosecretory system of fishes produces two biologically active neuropeptides, i.e. the corticotropin-releasing hormone paralog urotensin I (UI) and the somatostatin-related peptide urotensin II (UII). In zebrafish, we have recently characterized two UII variants termed UIIα and UIIβ. In the present study, we have investigated the distribution of UI, UIIα and UIIβ mRNAs in different organs by quantitative RT-PCR analysis and the cellular localization of the three mRNAs in the spinal cord by in situ hybridization (ISH) histochemistry. The data show that the UI gene is mainly expressed in the caudal portion of the spinal cord and, to a lesser extent, in the brain, while the UIIα and the UIIβ genes are exclusively expressed throughout the spinal cord. Single-ISH labeling revealed that UI, UIIα and UIIβ mRNAs occur in large cells, called Dahlgren cells, located in the ventral part of the caudal spinal cord. Double-ISH staining showed that UI, UIIα and UIIβ mRNAs occur mainly in distinct cells, even though a few cells were found to co-express the UI and UII genes. The differential expression of UI, UIIα and UIIβ genes may contribute to the adaptation of Dahlgren cell activity during development and/or in various physiological conditions

    Characterization of the Spinal Nucleus of the Bulbocavernosus Neuromuscular System in Male Mice Lacking Androgen Receptor in the Nervous System

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    International audienceMotoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) and their target bulbocavernosus (BC) and levator ani (LA) muscles play a role in male copulation and fertility. Testosterone (T) induces sexual differentiation of this SNB neuromuscular system during development and maintains its activation in adulthood. In the rat, T-induced effects mostly involve the androgen receptor (AR). However, the role of central AR in T-induced effects remains to be studied with pertinent genetic models. We addressed this question by using specific motoneuron immunolabeling and retrograde tracing in mice selectively disrupted for AR in the nervous system. This work reveals that nervous system AR is not required either for T-induced development of BC-LA muscles and perinatal sparing of SNB motoneurons from atrophy or for adult sensitivity of BC-LA muscles to T. By contrast, loss of AR expression in the nervous system resulted in SNB motoneurons having smaller somata and shorter dendrites than controls. We studied the effects of adult castration and T supplementation on SNB cell morphology in control and mutant males; these experiments showed that central AR is involved in the developmental regulation of soma size and dendritic length and in the adult maintenance of soma size of SNB motoneurons. T seemed to act indirectly through BC-LA muscles to maintain dendritic length in adulthood. Our results also suggest that central AR functions may contribute to normal activity of SNB motoneurons and perineal muscles because mutant mice displayed diminished copulatory behavior and fertility

    Cutting Edge: Neuronal Recognition by CD8 T Cells Elicits Central Diabetes Insipidus

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    International audienceAn increasing number of neurologic diseases is associated with autoimmunity. The immune effectors contributing to the pathogenesis of such diseases are often unclear. To explore whether self-reactive CD8 T cells could attack CNS neurons in vivo, we generated a mouse model in which the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) is expressed specifically in CNS neurons. Transfer of cytotoxic anti-HA CD8 T cells induced an acute but reversible encephalomyelitis in HA-expressing recipient mice. Unexpectedly, diabetes insipidus developed in surviving animals. This robust phenotype was associated with preferential accumulation of cytotoxic CD8 T cells in the hypothalamus, upregulation of MHC class I molecules, and destruction of vasopressin-expressing neurons. IFN-gamma production by the pathogenic CD8 T cells was necessary for MHC class I upregulation by hypothalamic neurons and their destruction. This novel mouse model, in combination with related human data, supports the concept that autoreactive CD8 T cells can trigger central diabetes insipidus. The Journal of Immunology, 2012, 188: 4731-4735

    Delayed pubertal onset and prepubertal Kiss1 expression in female mice lacking central oestrogen receptor beta

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    International audienceOvarian oestradiol is essential for pubertal maturation and adult physiology of the female reproductive axis. It acts at central and peripheral sites through two main oestrogen receptors (ER) alpha and beta. Here we investigate the role of ER beta on central effects of oestradiol, by generating a mouse line specifically lacking the ER beta gene in neuronal and glial cells. Central ER beta deletion delays the age at vaginal opening and first oestrous and reduces uterine weight without affecting body growth. Analysis of factors necessary for pubertal progression shows reduced levels of Kiss1 transcripts at postnatal (P) day 25 in the preoptic area, but not in the mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH) of mutant females. In agreement with these data, the number of kisspeptin-immunoreactive neurons was decreased by 57-72% in the three subdivisions of the rostral periventricular area of the third ventricle (RP3V), whereas the density of kisspeptin-immunoreactive fibres was unchanged in the arcuate nucleus of mutant mice. These alterations do not involve changes in ER alpha mRNAs in the preoptic area and protein levels in the RP3V. The number and distribution of GnRH-immunoreactive cells were unaffected, but gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) transcript levels were higher in the P25 preoptic area of mutants. At adulthood, mutant females have normal oestrous cyclicity, kisspeptin system and exhibit unaltered sexual behaviour. They display, however, reduced ovary weight and increased anxiety-related behaviour during the follicular phase. This argues for the specific involvement of central ER beta in the regulation of pubertal onset in female reproduction, possibly through prepubertal induction of kisspeptin expression in the RP3V