38 research outputs found

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    Elderly people\u27s quality of life with information and communication technology(ICT): toward a model of adaptation to ICT in old age

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    Enhancing the role of academic librarians in conducting scoping reviews

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    Information exposing, in conjunction with technological innovations and the emergence of social media, altered the traditional roles of academic libraries and enabled librarians to become necessary partners in research. The role of academic librarians in conducting systematic reviews is well recognised, however, their role in conducting scoping reviews is not yet well established. Nevertheless, we propose that, in more and more frequent situations when it is not feasible to read and analyse all relevant literature to be scoped manually, librarians employ bibliometric analysis and mapping to visualise and chart literature content. Our study demonstrated that science landscapes induced automatically by bibliometric mapping software could serve as a tool to visualise and chart the content of relevant literature when conducting the fourth step of scoping reviews. Additionaly science landscapes can help also serve to help improve the decision strategies when conducting scoping reviews

    Citation context and impact of \u27sleeping beauties\u27 in paediatric research

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    Objectives: ‘Sleeping beauties’, i.e. publications that are not cited for a long while, present interesting findings in science. This study analysed the citation trends of sleeping beauties in paediatric research. Methods: The study used bibliometric software to analyse the papers citing sleeping beauties in paediatric research, to understand the context in which paediatric sleeping beauties were finally cited and the impact of these sleeping beauties on paediatric research. Results: Two paediatric sleeping beauties, addressing medical homes and the transition from paediatric to adult health care, respectively, awakened in response to organizational needs. Both presented novel concepts of paediatric service organization that became important because of an increased need for optimization of services. Conclusion: All sleeping beauties bring new knowledge that becomes important only after several years. Paediatric sleeping beauties exhibited unique characteristicshowever, their presence in paediatric research shows that knowledge acquisition in paediatrics resembles that in other disciplines

    Loneliness and social media: A qualitative investigation of young people's motivations for use and perceptions of social networking sites

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    The democratisation of Internet access has incrementally changed every domain of activity and has created new business and economic models. From answering work emails to learning a new language, shopping, booking medical appointments or managing one’s finances, almost everything is attainable at the click of a button. The added implications of the rapid rise of social networking websites (SNSs), such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat, have further contributed to changing the way we communicate and build new friendships. Indeed most of our social relationships are now being ‘increasingly developed and maintained online’ (Nowland, Necka & Cacioppo, 2017: 1). Ostensibly, despite improved Internet access and enhanced social connectedness, modern societies are struggling to combat loneliness. It is reported to affect people of all ages, especially young adults (16-24 and 25-34 years old) who are avid Internet and social media users (see Office for National Statistics, 2018)

    Inclusion of an elderly person in online social networks

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    Uvod – Spletne socialne mreže postajajo eden najpomembnejših medijev za osebno komunikacijo in interakcijo med ljudmi, v zadnjem času pa opažamo tudi porast uporabe spletnih socialnih mrež med starostniki (osebami, starimi 65 in več let). Študij, ki bi preučevale sodelovanje in uporabo spletnih socialnih mrež s strani starostnikov sicer skoraj ni zaslediti, pa vendarle obstaja nekaj študij primerov, kjer so starostniki povezani z informacijsko komunikacijsko tehnologijo in le-to izrabljajo predvsem za povezovanje in komunikacijo z družino, prijatelji ter za pridobivanje novih znanj in vseživljenjsko izobraževanje. Predložena doktorska disertacija preučuje vpliv spletnih socialnih mrež na starostnike, vidike uporabe in uporabnosti ter težave, ki se pojavljajo pri vključevanju starostnikov v spletne socialne mreže. Predvsem smo v doktorski disertaciji preučevali vpliv spletnih socialnih mrež na kakovost življenja starostnikov v aspektu preprečevanja in zmanjševanja izoliranosti in osamljenostito je še posebej pogost pojav med starostniki. Metode – V sklopu izvedene raziskave smo izvedli kvalitativno in kvantitativno raziskavo, v okviru katerih smo izdelali natančne analize podatkov in na podlagi rezultatov pripravili ustrezno interpretacijo. V okviru kvalitativne raziskave smo izvedli poglobljene intervjuje 3 anketirank, katerih odgovore smo natanko opisali ter se osredotočili predvsem na izjave, ki so jih anketiranke podale. V sklopu kvantitativne raziskave smo vključili osebe, stare med 45 in 74 let, v raziskavo pa je bilo vključenih 54 oseb. V okviru kvantitativne raziskave smo izvedli multivariatne statistične analize v programu IBM SPSS Statistics 19 ter generirali nekaj odločitvenih dreves v programskem okolju WEKA, s katerimi smo pripravili kvalitativno interpretacijo kvantitativnih podatkov (triangulacija). Rezultati – Kljub našemu pričakovanju, da starostniki kot največjo spodbudo sodelovanja v spletnih socialnih mrežah opredeljujejo navezovanje stikov, je raziskava pokazala nasprotno, in sicer so starostniki kot največjo spodbudo ocenili pridobivanje novega znanja, s čimer smo zavrgli hipotezo (1). Sodelovanje starostnikov v spletnih socialnih mrežah je povezano s številnimi strahovi, ki smo jih navedli v hipotezi (2), in sicer strah pred informacijsko komunikacijsko tehnologijo (1), nezaupanje v informacijske socialne mreže (2), posebne potrebe starostnikov (slabši vid, sluh, nemobilnost ipd.), (3), neznanje (4) in mnenje okolice (5). Hipotezo 2 smo preverjali na dva načina, a nobeden ni pokazal korelacije med predpostavljenim in dejanskim vrstnim redom ovir, to pomeni, da je tudi hipoteza (2) zavrnjena. V največji meri se starostniki vključujejo v spletno socialno mrežo Facebook, s čimer smo potrdili hipotezo (3). V največjem obsegu starostniki uporabljajo funkcionalnost pisanja sporočil prijateljem, obenem pa so izpovedali, da najmanj uporabljajo funkcionalnosti v zvezi z iskanjem partnerja. Posledica teh dejstev je zavrnitev hipoteze (4) in (5). Zaradi natančne preučitve raziskovalnega področja smo dodatno preverjali hipotezi (1) in (2), ki sta bili potrjeni, in sicer smo v sklopu dodatne hipoteze (1) ugotovili, da je za starostnike v spletnih socialnih mrežah pomemben stik in komunikacija. Prav tako pa smo potrdili dodatno hipotezo (2), podatki so pokazali, da starostniki še vedno v večji meri uporabljajo in se udejstvujejo v neinformatiziranih socialnih mrežah. Diskusija – Rezultati raziskave so pokazali navdušenje starostnikov nad uporabo spletnih socialnih mrež, predvsem nad funkcionalnostjo, možnostjo, da se lahko povezujejo z družino ter vzpostavljajo in vzdržujejo kontakte. Veliko starostnikov je izpostavilo, da jim trenutno znanje o uporabi spletnih socialnih mrež zadošča, nekateri pa so zelo inovativni in napredni in si želijo, da bi informacijska tehnologija hitro napredovala, da bi lahko bili del razvoja in imeli možnost izkoriščanja prednosti, ki jih le ta ponuja. Nekaj starostnikov je izpostavilo težave,Introduction – Online social networks are becoming one of the most popular and important media for personal communication and interaction between people. Additionally, it is evident that in recent years use of online social networks has increased also among elderly people (aged 65 and more). At present there are not many evidence-based research studies which examine the use of online social networks among elderly people. There are, however, a few case studies which deal with the information communication technology and its use among elderly people. In general, elderly people use technology for personal interaction and communication with family and friends as well as for educational purposes. This doctoral thesis investigates the impact of online social networks on elderly people, aspects of their use and usefulness as well as difficulties which accompany the inclusion of elderly people in online social networks. In particular, within the doctoral dissertation thesis we studied the impact of online social networks on the quality of life of elderly people from the aspect of preventing and reducing loneliness, which is nowadays a very common phenomenon among the elderly. Methods – In the study, we carried out qualitative and quantitative research during which we made a detailed analysis of the data and provided an appropriate interpretation of the results. Within the qualitative research we conducted in–depth interviews with three elderly persons and presented, in an exact and detailed way, their responses focusing primarily on statements made by the interviewees. Within quantitative research, we included 54 persons aged between 45 and 74 years. The results of quantitative research were analysed with multivariate statistical methods using the SPSS IBM Statistics 19 software. Additionally, we generated some decision trees in Weka software, and on this basis we prepared a qualitative interpretation of quantitative data (triangulation). Results – Despite our expectations that elderly people would evaluate socializing as the biggest incentive of online social networks participation, the survey showed the opposite. According to the respondents, the biggest incentive was the acquisition of new skills, and we thus had to reject our first hypothesis. It is the fact that participation of elderly people in online social networks is associated with many fears, which we had stated in the second hypothesis, that is, the fear of information communications technology (1), distrust in online social networks (2), the special needs of elderly people (visual and hearing impairments, immobility, etc.) (3), ignorance (4) and the opinion of the surroundings (5). We checked hypothesis 2 in two ways, but none showed any correlation between the assumed and actual order of the obstacles which means that hypothesis 2 is rejected. Elderly people are involved mainly in the Facebook online social network which means that hypothesis 3 is confirmed. According to their responses the elderly use the function of writing messages to their friends to the greatest extent and the function related to finding a partner to the least extent. These results led to the refusal of hypotheses 4 and 5. Due to careful consideration of the research areas we examined an additional hypothesis 1 and 2 which were confirmed. As for the first additional hypothesis we confirmed that for elderly people, the possibility to make contacts and to communicate is the most important. The second additional hypothesis was also confirmeddata showed that elderly people are still more likely to use and engage in face to face social networks in comparison to their participating in online social networks. Discussion – The survey results showed enthusiasm over the elderly’s use of online social networks, particularly their functionality, and the possibility of socializing with family, establishing and maintaining social networks. Several of the respondents pointed out that their currently gained knowledge about using online social networks is sufficient, but some are

    Poročilo: postkonferenca nursing informatics 2009, helsinki

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    Dieticians Improving Education Training Standards across Europe (DIETS) : Socrates Programme

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