1,711 research outputs found

    O álbum infantil: alguns critérios de seleção

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    A literatura para a infância e juventude desempenha um papel fundamental na formação de leitores autónomos, isto é, leitores que queiram ler por iniciativa própria e que gostem de o fazer. Lendo e ouvindo ler literatura para a infância desde muito cedo, a criança vai descobrindo a linguagem escrita, vai-se familiarizando com ela e vai sentindo vontade de querer aprender a ler. Por outro lado, o contacto precoce com a literatura para a infância constitui-se como um fator de desenvolvimento da criança a nível social, cultural, afetivo e linguístico. Destaca-se ainda a importância deste recurso no âmbito de uma educação para os valores numa sociedade que se quer mais humana e respeitadora dos direitos de todos e de cada um. O álbum ilustrado veicula valores através das suas componentes textual e icónica, possibilitando uma discussão enriquecedora sem ser moralista, uma discussão suficientemente descentrada da criança para que a mesma não se sinta avaliada e suficientemente próxima para que a criança se sinta envolvida. Nesta comunicação pretende-se: caracterizar o álbum de literatura para a infância; identificar critérios que devem presidir à escolha de álbuns que contribuam para o desenvolvimento da educação literária, para odesenvolvimento linguístico e para o alargamento de horizontes no que se refere ao conhecimento do mundo em geral. apresentar alguns exemplos de álbuns que possibitem percursos enriquecedores de acordo com o que atrás se disseAbstract Literature for children and young people plays a fundamental role in the training of autonomous readers, that is, those who read of their own volition because they enjoy it. By reading and listening to children’s literature from a very early age, the child embarks on a voyage of discovery, becoming familiar with the written language and feeling a desire to learn and to read. At the same time, early contact with children’s literature constitutes an important factor in the child’s social, cultural, affective and linguistic development. This resource also has an important part to play in helping children to acquire values in a society that seeks to be more human and respectful of the rights of each and every citizen. The picture story book conveys these values through its textual and graphic components, fostering a discussion which is enriching without being moralistic, a discussion sufficiently removed from the child for it not to feel judged, yet sufficiently close for it to feel involved. Our aim in this communication is to: describe a picture story book; identify criteria to be applied in the selection of picture story books, bearing in mind the construction of an instrument of evaluation and analysis that may be used both by students of children’s literature and by teachers in the selection of suitable works; present some examples of picture story books which fulfill these criteria

    Microbiological quality assessment of sand from beaches in Portuguese coast: 15 years of experience

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    Communication presented at the TEMPH 2014 - Trends in Environmental Microbiology for Public Health. Lisbon, 18-21 September 2014

    The 5th International Congress of CiiEM : Reducing inequalities in Health and Society

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    Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of CiiEM - Reducing inequalities in Health and Society, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from June 16th to 18th, 2021.The 5th International Congress of CiiEM (IC CiiEM) took place on 16–18 June 2021, as a multidisciplinary scientific online forum focused on Reducing Inequalities in Health and Society. The congress brought together experts from several fields to present their latest findings, experiences and proposals. It included topics such as Personalized Health Intervention, Infectious Diseases and Improving Global Health, Decoding the Role of the Environment and Digital Transformation in Health. Over the course of the three exciting days, 36 invited keynote speakers presented their work, along with several free communications. During the last afternoon, six thematic sessions ran simultaneously, where more than 30 specialists discussed various topics related to specific areas of knowledge. It was a fruitful scientific event, and a model towards a more comprehensive approach to the current and future challenges in Health and Society.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Microbiological evaluation in oral health units: detection of antibiotic resistant bacteria

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Predicting calcium in grape must and base wine by FT-NIR spectroscopy

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    Calcium content in sparkling wines may not exceed 80 mg/L due to the risk of aggregation with alginate capsules. The high calcium content usually found in wine and must emphasizes the need to develop alternative and appropriate techniques faster and cleaner than atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). To obtain a robust model to predict calcium content, FT-NIR spectroscopy was used in 98 base white wine samples and 60 must samples from an Alentejo winery. The reference method for calcium determination was AAS technique, with a dry ashing sample procedure, as a prior treatment. Results confirmed the ability of FT-NIR as an alternative technique to AAS, to predict calcium content in grape must and base wine. Advance knowledge of the calcium content in the grape must will help avoid obtaining a mixture of musts with a high calcium content in the same container

    Evaluation of antifungal susceptibility in clinical isolates of the Candida glabrata complex

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How are “farmers” adapting in Southern Portugal? Assessing land management typologies in a transition theory perspective.

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    European rural landscapes face today several changes due to market liberalization, price instability, energetic crisis, food quality and security, etc. Rural landscapes in the Mediterranean peripheric region of Alentejo (Southern Portugal) mainly managed under extensive farming systems are especially vulnerable to this global scenario, as farms traditionally base their income on production functions, unable to be competitive in this world market with the commodities they provide. These landscapes face severe threats of simplification and abandonment. But because of their extensive character and specific features, these landscapes maintain environmental and cultural values progressively demanded by society for non-commodity functions like leisure, nature conservation and identity. An increasing group of land managers (including full-time and part-time farmers, hobby farmers, business man or simply new residents) is emerging in these attractive areas giving expression to what some authors call the multifunctional transition bounded between a more productivist and more post-productivist management; or both, as they can overlap in time, space and structure. So, how are land managers adapting to society’s demand and global changes? How can land management in these peripheric landscapes better adapt to the new requirements and survive in a globalized environment? What are the local requirements for these new management strategies and forms to survive ?In this communication we intend to assess the different land management types identified in a protected area where the new functions related to the provision of public goods have already some expression, motivating land managers to adapt in different ways. The typology is anchored on the transition theory perspective and aims at identifying the possible innovative approaches for lands management in Mediterranean extensive landscapes. Propose

    The landscape on an asset in Southern European fragile agriculture systems contrasts and contradiction in land managers attitudes and practices

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    Transition theories suggest that there is a spatial, temporal and structural co-existence of several processes of transition from productivism to post-productivism going on in rural areas in multiple combinations resulting in a more complex, contested, variable mix of production, consumption and protection goals. This is particularly true for South European landscapes dominated by extensive agro-silvo-pastoral systems. The fragile agricultural sector is in some cases just entering the productivist phase, let alone moving towards post-productivism both in terms of discourse and management practices. At the same time, these are landscapes increasingly valued by society, and this demand should encourage new strategies for farm survival and new ways of managing the land. But such new strategies require a paradigm shift, not only in policy goals and formulation, but also in farmers’ attitude towards their role and their management goals. In this paper, the question addressed is how the land managers within this system, facing multiple transition options, are choosing different management paradigms, in the complex range between productivism and post-productivism. Based on a farm survey in southern Portugal, a typology of land managers is produced, aiming to grasp the combination between their management practices in the farm and their expressed attitudes towards farm management and the role of their farm in the landscape. Results reveal some inconsistencies between land managers’ intentions and their landscape outcomes, in an opposite sense to what has been earlier identified in Northwestern Europe. Even if they manage a multifunctional system, their self-concept is dominantly productivist and not affected by the public expectations of multifunctionality. This tension may reflect contradictions in the policy framework and, at the same time, raises challenges which the existing policy mechanisms do not consider

    Contribuição para a caracterização dos diferentes "terroirs" na sub-região de Borba DOC Alentejo

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    A sub-região de Borba abrange diferentes solos e origens geológicas que influenciam as características qualitativas dos vinhos ali produzidos. Com base nos dados recolhidos na Adega Cooperativa de Borba (ACB) durante as vindimas de 2003 a 2012, e analisando-se alguns dos principais parâmetros qualitativos das uvas por um lado e dos solos e plantas por outro, faz-se uma discussão da potencial influência do factor solo nas características dos vinhos produzidos, de forma a contribuir para uma melhor compreensão e conhecimento dos terroirs da sub-região

    Contribuição para a caracterização dos diferentes "terroirs" na sub-região de Borba DOC Alentejo

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    A sub-região de Borba abrange diferentes solos e origens geológicas que influenciam as características qualitativas dos vinhos ali produzidos. Com base nos dados recolhidos na Adega Cooperativa de Borba (ACB) durante as vindimas de 2003 a 2012, e analisando-se alguns dos principais parâmetros qualitativos das uvas por um lado e dos solos e plantas por outro, faz-se uma discussão da potencial influência do factor solo nas características dos vinhos produzidos, de forma a contribuir para uma melhor compreensão e conhecimento dos terroirs da sub-região