2,622 research outputs found

    The relationship between physical activity, motor competence and health-related fitness in 14-year-old adolescents

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    Physical activity, physical fitness, and motor competence are important health-related constructs. However, the relationship between them, particularly among children and adolescents, is still unclear. In this study, motor competence (measured by the McCarron Assessment of Neuromuscular Development), pedometer-determined physical activity and physical fitness (aerobic fitness, muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility and body composition) were examined in a cohort of 1585 adolescents (771 girls, 814 boys) of mean age 14.1 yrs. Significant gender differences were observed for all measures except motor competence. Apart from hip and shoulder flexibility, males outperformed females. For both males and females, motor competence was associated with all fitness measures, physical activity was associated only with aerobic fitness and aerobic fitness was associated with physical activity, motor competence, BMI and chest pass. Among males, aerobic fitness was also associated with all other fitness tests. The correlations were, in general, moderate to weak. The results challenge the current focus on physical activity rather than physical fitness as the preferred intervention

    Payout Policy in the 21st Century

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    We survey 384 CFOs and Treasurers, and conduct in-depth interviews with an additional two dozen, to determine the key factors that drive dividend and share repurchase policies. We find that managers are very reluctant to cut dividends, that dividends are smoothed through time, and that dividend increases are tied to long-run sustainable earnings but much less so than in the past. Rather than increasing dividends, many firms now use repurchases as an alternative. Paying out with repurchases is viewed by managers as being more flexible than using dividends, permitting a better opportunity to optimize investment. Managers like to repurchase shares when they feel their stock is undervalued and in an effort to affect EPS. Dividend increases and the level of share repurchases are generally paid out of residual cash flow, after investment and liquidity needs are met. Financial executives believe that retail investors have a strong preference for dividends, in spite of the tax disadvantage relative to repurchases. In contrast, executives believe that institutional investors as a class have no strong preference between dividends and repurchases. In general, management views provide at most moderate support for agency, signaling, and clientele hypotheses of payout policy. Tax considerations play only a secondary role. By highlighting where the theory and practice of corporate payout policy are consistent and where they are not, we attempt to shed new light on important unresolved issues related to payout policy in the 21st century.

    Concept Development of College Students Exposed to Systematic, Organized Learning Experiences in Family Relationships

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    Bureaucrats, development and decentralisation in India: The bureau-shaping model applied to Panchayati Raj in Karnataka, 1987-91.

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    The thesis has three objectives: to assess the experience of decentralisation in Karnataka to answer questions about the relationship between decentralisation and development; to test the validity of Dunleavy's bureau-shaping model; and to make recommendations about how development planning and administration can be made more effective. The thesis analyses the responses of state government bureaucrats to decentralised rural development planning and administration in Karnataka, South India, from 1987 to '91 within the parameters of Dunleavy's bureau-shaping model's outline of bureaucrats' preferred work conditions. The thesis presents the benefits and short-comings of decentralisation identified by (A)control agency officers and (B)delivery agency officers from different departments and ranks at both state and district levels. The thesis hypothesises that if the distinction drawn between agency types and ranks of officer under the bureau-shaping model holds, delivery agency officers' attitudes to decentralisation should be (1)unrelated to changes in their agencies' programme budgets; (2)closely correlated with rank, with senior (state-level) officers greatly in favour and lower (district-level) officers averse; and (3)similar to those of control agency officers of similar rank. The thesis findings disprove all three hypothesis threads. The analysis concludes with modifications to the bureau-shaping model required to make it fully descriptive of decentralisation in India, and an evaluation of the extent to which a decentralised system of rural development planning and administration can be made more effective. The thesis concludes development needs to bring together two elements: (1)the organised expertise of the bureaucracy and (2)the consent, support and participation of the people. Both democracy and bureaucracy are essential to development. The Karnataka experiment with decentralisation from 1987 to '91 was of a particular type, teaching important lessons

    Home sampling for sexually transmitted infections and HIV in men who have sex with men: a prospective observational study

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    To determine uptake of home sampling kit (HSK) for STI/HIV compared to clinic-based testing, whether the availability of HSK would increase STI testing rates amongst HIV infected MSM, and those attending a community-based HIV testing clinic compared to historical control. Prospective observational study in three facilities providing STI/HIV testing services in Brighton, UK was conducted. Adult MSM attending/contacting a GUM clinic requesting an STI screen (group 1), HIV infected MSM attending routine outpatient clinic (group 2), and MSM attending a community-based rapid HIV testing service (group 3) were eligible. Participants were required to have no symptomatology consistent with STI and known to be immune to hepatitis A and B (group 1). Eligible men were offered a HSK to obtain self-collected specimens as an alternative to routine testing. HSK uptake compared to conventional clinic based STI/HIV testing in group 1, increase in STI testing rates due to availability of HSK compared to historical controls in group 2 and 3, and HSK return rates in all settings were calculated. Among the 128 eligible men in group 1, HSK acceptance was higher (62.5% (95%CI: 53.5–70.9)) compared to GUM clinic-based testing (37.5% (95% CI: 29.1–46.5)), (p = 0.0004). Two thirds of eligible MSM offered an HSK in all three groups accepted it, but HSK return rates varied (highest in group 1, 77.5%, lowest in group 3, 16%). HSK for HIV testing was acceptable to 81%of men in group 1. Compared to historical controls, availability of HSK increased the proportion of MSM testing for STIs in group 2 but not in group 3. HSK for STI/ HIV offers an alternative to conventional clinic-based testing for MSM seeking STI screening. It significantly increases STI testing uptake in HIV infected MSM. HSK could be considered as an adjunct to clinic-based services to further improve STI/HIV testing in MSM

    Planning an Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response System: A Matrix of Skills and Activities

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    The threat of a global influenza pandemic and the adoption of the World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations (2005) highlight the value of well-coordinated, functional disease surveillance systems. The resulting demand for timely information challenges public health leaders to design, develop and implement efficient, flexible and comprehensive systems that integrate staff, resources, and information systems to conduct infectious disease surveillance and response. To understand what resources an integrated disease surveillance and response system would require, we analyzed surveillance requirements for 19 priority infectious diseases targeted for an integrated disease surveillance and response strategy in the WHO African region

    Co-creation and the development of SME designer fashion enterprises

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the co-creation of SME designer fashion brands during internationalisation. Design/methodology/approach - As an exploratory study, this research utilises grounded theory methodology and incorporates the use of 38 semi-structured in-depth interviews with designer fashion enterprises and their support network of sales and PR agencies. Findings - Co-creation was identified as an important element for the successful integration of the entrepreneurial designer fashion enterprise into the global fashion industry network. Within relationship marketing, the concept of co-creation emphasises consumer experience, influence and power in the development of brand value. However current understanding of co-creation inadequately explains the development of the entrepreneurial designer fashion brand, requiring examination of the concept using grounded theory. The findings of this research highlight how these small and medium enterprises react and respond to the interpretation of their brand identity through the co-creation process as they seek to introduce and grow their firms within the global fashion marketplace. Originality/value - This paper identifies the influence of industry stakeholders on the process of fashion brand co-creation. Additionally, by identifying the process by which the entrepreneurial designer fashion enterprise navigates the introduction of their collections to the industry’s network, and responds to interpretations of the firm’s brand identity, this paper recognises the influence of the firm throughout the co-creation process

    Parental experiences of supporting the mental health of their LGBTQA+ child

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    Young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer or questioning, asexual and other diverse genders and sexualities (LGBTQA+) are at greater risk of adverse mental health outcomes and suicide, with additional barriers to accessing safe and affirming physical and mental health services in comparison to the general population. Parents of LGBTQA+ young people who are supportive and accepting can take on additional responsibilities and an active role in supporting young people, and more information is needed to understand how parents support LGBTQA+ young people in times of acute mental health difficulties (including suicide risk) and what parents experience while navigating support systems. It is imperative these experiences are better understood to inform other parents, clinicians and service providers alike. We aimed to develop a nuanced understanding of the experiences of Australian parents of LGBTQA+ young people in providing support during times of acute distress and suicidal crisis. We utilized an exploratory qualitative design using semi-structured one-on-one interviews with 11 parents. We provide clinically useful recommendations, with the aim of aiding enhanced parental support for LGBTQA+ young people, given this population’s unique needs

    Maintaining Credibility and Authority as an Instructor of Color in Diversity-Education Classrooms: A Qualitative Inquiry

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    The movement for multicultural or diversity-centered education has resulted in changes to the academic demography of the United States (Banks, 1991; Butler & Walter, 1991; Goodstein, 1994; Morey & Kitano, 1997). Institutions of higher education have integrated the voices, knowledge, and lived experiences of various underrepresented cultures and excluded groups into their formal academic curriculum. A recent survey by the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AACU) shows that 63% of colleges and universities report that they have in place, or are in the process of developing, a diversity education component in their undergraduate curriculum (AACU, 2003). Of those that have implemented dimensions of diversity into their curriculum, the majority of campuses (68%) require their students to take at least one course from among a list of approved diversity-education courses. The success of many colleges and universities at integrating this level of multicultural or diversity education into the academic curriculum marks a significant higher education milestone. However, an organized and entrenched resistance to this movement has emerged at both individual and organizational levels (Butler & Walter, 1991; Jayne, 1991). The diversity-education classroom, in particular, is a site wherein this conflict takes on particular meaning for instructors of color at all academic ranks including graduate teaching assistants and full professors (Perry, Moore, Acosta, Edwards, & Frey, 2006; Turner, 2002). Much of the existing scholarship on higher education and multicultural classrooms has focused on the impact of backlash and resistance in the general academic workplace (Yang, Barrayo, & Timpsin, 2003; Timpsin, 2003). Our current study is part of a larger investigation into the professional, emotional, and physical labor associated with teaching diversity-education courses in higher education

    Adverse childhood experiences and lifetime suicide ideation: a cross-sectional study in a non-psychiatric hospital setting

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    We have assessed the effect of adverse childhood experiences on the lifetime prevalence of suicide ideation in a cross-sectional study involving 182 patients aged 18 to 44 years, consecutive attenders at an A&E review clinic. All participants were interviewed by a psychologist using standardised questionnaire instruments addressing participants’ demographic characteristics, drug use, depressed mood, eight major categories of adverse childhood experiences (including physical, emotional and sexual abuse) and suicide ideation. The response rate was 73%. In multivariate logistic regression analyses, those with a history of two or more forms of childhood adversity relative to those with none were at increased risk of depressed mood (OR = 5.5, 95% CI = 2.3-13.3) and suicide ideation (OR = 3.5, 95% CI = 1.5-8.3). The findings emphasise the need to set suicide prevention within the broader context of society’s obligation to protect children from physical, emotional and sexual abuse
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