371 research outputs found

    The Virginia Bill Of Rights

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    Regelmatig en zorgvuldig tandenpoetsen met fluoridetandpasta is de basis van preventie

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    Voor de gebitsverzorging door ouder en kind worden in Nederland veelal de adviezen van het Ivoren Kruis gehanteerd. De basis van dit advies is plaqueverwijdering met fluoridetandpasta. Wanneer dit onvoldoende bescherming biedt, is er meestal sprake van onregelmatig en onzorgvuldig gebruik. Voorlichting en instructie over dagelijkse en zorgvuldige mondhygiëne dient een eerste prioriteit te zijn bij de zorgverlener. Als zelfzorg niet of niet meteen op peil kan worden gebracht, kan (tijdelijke) ondersteuning plaatsvinden met professionele preventieve behandelingen. Alleen professionele preventieve behandeling zonder aandacht voor verbetering van zelfzorg is onvoldoende en moet als een kunstfout in de behandelingsstrategie worden gezien

    Anthocyanin production as a potential visual selection marker during plant transformation

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    A mutant allele of the transcription factor gene MYB10 from apple induces anthocyanin production throughout the plant. This gene, including its upstream promoter, gene coding region and terminator sequence, was introduced into apple, strawberry and potato plants to determine whether it could be used as a visible selectable marker for plant transformation as an alternative to chemically selectable markers, such as kanamycin resistance. After transformation, red coloured calli, red shoots and red well-growing plants were scored. Red and green shoots were harvested from apple explants and examined for the presence of the MYB10 gene by PCR analysis. Red shoots of apple explants always contained the MYB10 gene but not all MYB10 containing shoots were red. Strawberry plants transformed with the MYB10 gene showed anthocyanin accumulation in leaves and roots. No visible accumulation of anthocyanin could be observed in potato plants grown in vitro, even the ones carrying the MYB10 gene. However, acid methanol extracts of potato shoots or roots carrying the MYB10 gene contained up to four times higher anthocyanin content than control plants. Therefore anthocyanin production as result of the apple MYB10 gene can be used as a selectable marker for apple, strawberry and potato transformation, replacing kanamycin resistance

    Prevalence of Oral Pain and Barriers to use of Emergency Oral Care Facilities Among Adult Tanzanians.

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    Oral pain has been the major cause of the attendances in the dental clinics in Tanzania. Some patients postpone seeing the dentist for as long as two to five days. This study determines the prevalence of oral pain and barriers to use of emergency oral care in Tanzania. Questionnaire data were collected from 1,759 adult respondents aged 18 years and above. The study area covered six urban and eight rural study clusters, which had been selected using the WHO Pathfinder methodology. Chi-square tests and logistic regression analyses were performed to identify associations.\ud Forty two percent of the respondents had utilized the oral health care facilities sometimes in their lifetime. About 59% of the respondents revealed that they had suffered from oral pain and/or discomfort within the twelve months that preceded the study, but only 26.5% of these had sought treatment from oral health care facilities. The reasons for not seeking emergency care were: lack of money to pay for treatment (27.9%); self medication (17.6%); respondents thinking that pain would disappear with time (15.7%); and lack of money to pay for transport to the dental clinic (15.0%). Older adults were more likely to report that they had experienced oral pain during the last 12 months than the younger adults (OR = 1.57, CI 1.07-1.57, P < 0.001). Respondents from rural areas were more likely report dental clinics far from home (OR = 5.31, CI = 2.09-13.54, P < 0.001); self medication at home (OR = 3.65, CI = 2.25-5.94, P < 0.001); and being treated by traditional healer (OR = 5.31, CI = 2.25-12.49, P < 0.001) as reasons for not seeking emergency care from the oral health care facilities than their counterparts from urban areas. Oral pain and discomfort were prevalent among adult Tanzanians. Only a quarter of those who experienced oral pain or discomfort sought emergency oral care from oral health care facilities. Self medication was used as an alternative to using oral care facilities mainly by rural residents. Establishing oral care facilities in rural areas is recommended

    The diverse molecular profiles of lynch syndrome-associated colorectal cancers are (highly) dependent on underlying germline mismatch repair mutations

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    Lynch syndrome (LS) is a hereditary cancer syndrome that accounts for 3% of all new colorectal cancer (CRC) cases. Patients carry a germline pathogenic variant in one of the mismatch repair (MMR) genes (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 or PMS2), which encode proteins involved in a post-replicative proofreading and editing mechanism. The clinical presentation of LS is highly heterogeneous, showing high variability in age at onset and penetrance of cancer, which may be partly attributable to the molecular profiles of carcinomas. This review discusses the frequency of alterations in the WNT/B-CATENIN, RAF/MEK/ERK and PI3K/PTEN/AKT pathways identified in all four LS subgroups and how these changes may relate to the 'three pathway model' of carcinogenesis, in which LS CRCs develop from MMR-proficient adenomas, MMR-deficient adenomas or directly from MMR-deficient crypts. Understanding the specific differences in carcinogenesis for each LS subgroup will aid in the further optimization of guidelines for diagnosis, surveillance and treatment.Molecular tumour pathology - and tumour geneticsMTG2 - Moleculaire genetica van gastrointestinale tumore

    Oral health status of adults in Southern Vietnam - a cross-sectional epidemiological study

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    Contains fulltext : 89929.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Before strategies or protocols for oral health care can be advised at population level, epidemiological information on tooth decay patterns and its effects on oral function are indispensable. The aim of this study was to investigate influences of socio-demographic variables on the prevalence of decayed, missing, filled (DMF) and sound teeth (St) and to determine the relative risk of teeth in different dental regions for D, M, and F, of adults living in urban and rural areas in Southern Vietnam. METHODS: Cross-sectional DMF and St data of 2965 dentate subjects aged 20 to 95 living in urban and rural areas in three provinces were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire and an oral examination. The sample was stratified by age, gender, residence and province. RESULTS: The percentage of subjects having missing teeth was high for all ages while it was low for subjects with decayed and filled teeth. The mean number of missing teeth increased gradually by age from approximately 1 in each jaw at the age of 20 to 8 at the age of 80. The number of decayed teeth was relative low at all ages, being highest in molars at young ages. The mean number of filled teeth was extremely low at all ages in all dental regions. Every additional year of age gives a significantly lower chance for decay, a higher chance for missing, and a lower chance for filled teeth. Molars had a significantly higher risk for decay, missing and filled than premolars and anterior teeth. Females had significantly higher risk for decayed and filled teeth, and less chance for missing teeth than males. Urban subjects presented lower risk for decay, but approximately 4 times greater chance for having fillings than rural subjects. Low socio-economic status (SES) significantly increased the chance for missing anterior and molar teeth; subjects with high SES had more often fillings. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of adults of Southern Vietnam presented a reduced dentition. The combination of low numbers of filled teeth and relative high numbers of decayed and missing teeth indicates that the main treatment for decay is extraction. Molars are more at risk for being decayed or missing than premolars and anterior teeth