15 research outputs found

    Neural reflex regulation of arterial pressure in pathophysiological conditions : interplay among the baroreflex, the cardiopulmonary reflexes and the chemoreflex

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    The maintenance of arterial pressure at levels adequate to perfuse the tissues is a basic requirement for the constancy of the internal environment and survival. The objective of the present review was to provide information about the basic reflex mechanisms that are responsible for the moment-to-moment regulation of the cardiovascular system. We demonstrate that this control is largely provided by the action of arterial and non-arterial reflexes that detect and correct changes in arterial pressure (baroreflex), blood volume or chemical composition (mechano- and chemosensitive cardiopulmonary reflexes), and changes in blood-gas composition (chemoreceptor reflex). The importance of the integration of these cardiovascular reflexes is well understood and it is clear that processing mainly occurs in the nucleus tractus solitarii, although the mechanism is poorly understood. There are several indications that the interactions of baroreflex, chemoreflex and Bezold-Jarisch reflex inputs, and the central nervous system control the activity of autonomic preganglionic neurons through parallel afferent and efferent pathways to achieve cardiovascular homeostasis. It is surprising that so little appears in the literature about the integration of these neural reflexes in cardiovascular function. Thus, our purpose was to review the interplay between peripheral neural reflex mechanisms of arterial blood pressure and blood volume regulation in physiological and pathophysiological states. Special emphasis is placed on the experimental model of arterial hypertension induced by N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) in which the interplay of these three reflexes is demonstrable

    Diverse effects of renal denervation on ventricular hypertrophy and blood pressure in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats

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    Cardiac hypertrophy that accompanies hypertension seems to be a phenomenon of multifactorial origin whose development does not seem to depend on an increased pressure load alone, but also on local growth factors and cardioadrenergic activity. The aim of the present study was to determine if sympathetic renal denervation and its effects on arterial pressure level can prevent cardiac hypertrophy and if it can also delay the onset and attenuate the severity of deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertension. DOCA-salt treatment was initiated in rats seven days after uninephrectomy and contralateral renal denervation or sham renal denervation. DOCA (15 mg/kg, sc) or vehicle (soybean oil, 0.25 ml per animal) was administered twice a week for two weeks. Rats treated with DOCA or vehicle (control) were provided drinking water containing 1% NaCl and 0.03% KCl. At the end of the treatment period, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate measurements were made in conscious animals. Under ether anesthesia, the heart was removed and the right and left ventricles (including the septum) were separated and weighed. DOCA-salt treatment produced a significant increase in left ventricular weight/body weight (LVW/BW) ratio (2.44 ± 0.09 mg/g) and right ventricular weight/body weight (RVW/BW) ratio (0.53 ± 0.01 mg/g) compared to control (1.92 ± 0.04 and 0.48 ± 0.01 mg/g, respectively) rats. MAP was significantly higher (39%) in DOCA-salt rats. Renal denervation prevented (P>0.05) the development of hypertension in DOCA-salt rats but did not prevent the increase in LVW/BW (2.27 ± 0.03 mg/g) and RVW/BW (0.52 ± 0.01 mg/g). We have shown that the increase in arterial pressure level is not responsible for cardiac hypertrophy, which may be more related to other events associated with DOCA-salt hypertension, such as an increase in cardiac sympathetic activity

    High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Model Does Not Promote Endothelial Dysfunction via Increasing Leptin/Akt/eNOS Signaling

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    Experimental studies show that the unsaturated high-fat diet-induced obesity promotes vascular alterations characterized by improving the endothelial L-arginine/Nitric Oxide (NO) pathway. Leptin seems to be involved in this process, promoting vasodilation via increasing NO bioavailability. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that unsaturated high-fat diet-induced obesity does not generate endothelial dysfunction via increasing the vascular leptin/Akt/eNOS signaling. Thirty-day-old male Wistar rats were randomized into two groups: control (C) and obese (Ob). Group C was fed a standard diet, while group Ob was fed an unsaturated high-fat diet for 27 weeks. Adiposity, hormonal and biochemical parameters, and systolic blood pressure were observed. Concentration response curves were performed for leptin or acetylcholine in the presence or absence of Akt and NOS inhibitor. Our results showed that an unsaturated high-fat diet promoted a greater feed efficiency (FE), elevation of body weight and body fat (BF), and an adiposity index, characterizing a model of obesity. However, comorbidities frequently associated with experimental obesity were not visualized, such as glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia and hypertension. The evaluation of the endothelium-dependent relaxation with acetylcholine showed no differences between the C and Ob rats. After NOS inhibition, the response was completely abolished in the Ob group, but not in the C group. Furthermore, Akt inhibition completely blunted vascular relaxation in the C group, but not in the Ob group, which was more sensitive to leptin-induced vascular relaxation. L-NAME incubation abolished the relaxation in both groups at the same level. Although Akt inhibitor pre-incubation reduced the leptin response, group C was more sensitive to its effect. In conclusion, the high-unsaturated fat diet-induced obesity improved the vascular reactivity to leptin and does not generate endothelial dysfunction, possibly by the increase in the vascular sensitivity to leptin and increasing NO bioavailability. Moreover, our results suggest that the increase in NO production occurs through the increase in NOS activation by leptin and is partially mediated by the Akt pathway

    Exercise training improves vascular reactivity in ovariectomized rats subjected to myocardial infarction.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of exercise training (ET) on the aortic vascular reactivity of ovariectomized and infarcted rats. The animals were divided into 5 groups: Control, Ovariectomized + SHAM sedentary (OVX+SHAMSED), OVX+SHAM and ET (OVX+SHAMET), OVX + Myocardial Infarction sedentary (OVX+MISED), and OVX + MI and ET (OVX+MIET). ET protocol (60 minutes/day, 5x/week) in a motorized treadmill began 15 days after MI and lasted 8 weeks. The endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent vascular reactivity were evaluated as well as the role of the reactive oxygen species (ROS). Superoxide and nitric oxide (NO) production were analyzed in situ using DHE and DAF-2 fluorescence, respectively. The expression of gp91phox and of the antioxidant enzymes were evaluated by western blotting in the thoracic aorta samples. MI promoted a significant increase in the contractile response and impaired endothelium-mediated relaxation. However, ET prevented the impairment in the vascular reactivity in MI animals. In addition, the protein expression of gp91phox and superoxide production increased and the NO production decreased in the OVX+MISED group but not in the OVX+MIET group. Therefore, ET improves vascular reactivity in MI ovariectomized rats by preventing the increase in the expression of gp91phox and the decrease in the antioxidant enzymes, resulting in a normal ROS and NO production. Thus, ET can be an effective therapeutic strategy for improving the MI-induced vascular alterations in estrogen deficiency condition

    Virtual Reconstruction and Three-Dimensional Printing of Blood Cells as a Tool in Cell Biology Education

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    <div><p>The cell biology discipline constitutes a highly dynamic field whose concepts take a long time to be incorporated into the educational system, especially in developing countries. Amongst the main obstacles to the introduction of new cell biology concepts to students is their general lack of identification with most teaching methods. The introduction of elaborated figures, movies and animations to textbooks has given a tremendous contribution to the learning process and the search for novel teaching methods has been a central goal in cell biology education. Some specialized tools, however, are usually only available in advanced research centers or in institutions that are traditionally involved with the development of novel teaching/learning processes, and are far from becoming reality in the majority of life sciences schools. When combined with the known declining interest in science among young people, a critical scenario may result. This is especially important in the field of electron microscopy and associated techniques, methods that have greatly contributed to the current knowledge on the structure and function of different cell biology models but are rarely made accessible to most students. In this work, we propose a strategy to increase the engagement of students into the world of cell and structural biology by combining 3D electron microscopy techniques and 3D prototyping technology (3D printing) to generate 3D physical models that accurately and realistically reproduce a close-to-the native structure of the cell and serve as a tool for students and teachers outside the main centers. We introduce three strategies for 3D imaging, modeling and prototyping of cells and propose the establishment of a virtual platform where different digital models can be deposited by EM groups and subsequently downloaded and printed in different schools, universities, research centers and museums, thereby modernizing teaching of cell biology and increasing the accessibility to modern approaches in basic science.</p></div

    3D representation of the neutrophil used on 3D printing.

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    <p>(A) Transmission electron microscopy of a thin section of a neutrophil. (B) Segmentation of different internal structures, (C) model showing the main structures segmented form the previous images and (D) virtual model resulted from image vectorization (artificial increase in the z scale). Primary granules (orange), secondary granules (white), nucleus (green), rough endoplasmic reticulum (blue), endoplasmic reticulum (red), mitochondria (purple). (E) Printed prototype of the neutrophil 34,000 times larger than the virtual model.</p