26 research outputs found

    Transcriptional Regulation of Multi-Drug Tolerance and Antibiotic-Induced Responses by the Histone-Like Protein Lsr2 in M. tuberculosis

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    Multi-drug tolerance is a key phenotypic property that complicates the sterilization of mammals infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Previous studies have established that iniBAC, an operon that confers multi-drug tolerance to M. bovis BCG through an associated pump-like activity, is induced by the antibiotics isoniazid (INH) and ethambutol (EMB). An improved understanding of the functional role of antibiotic-induced genes and the regulation of drug tolerance may be gained by studying the factors that regulate antibiotic-mediated gene expression. An M. smegmatis strain containing a lacZ gene fused to the promoter of M. tuberculosis iniBAC (PiniBAC) was subjected to transposon mutagenesis. Mutants with constitutive expression and increased EMB-mediated induction of PiniBAC::lacZ mapped to the lsr2 gene (MSMEG6065), a small basic protein of unknown function that is highly conserved among mycobacteria. These mutants had a marked change in colony morphology and generated a new polar lipid. Complementation with multi-copy M. tuberculosis lsr2 (Rv3597c) returned PiniBAC expression to baseline, reversed the observed morphological and lipid changes, and repressed PiniBAC induction by EMB to below that of the control M. smegmatis strain. Microarray analysis of an lsr2 knockout confirmed upregulation of M. smegmatis iniA and demonstrated upregulation of genes involved in cell wall and metabolic functions. Fully 121 of 584 genes induced by EMB treatment in wild-type M. smegmatis were upregulated (“hyperinduced”) to even higher levels by EMB in the M. smegmatis lsr2 knockout. The most highly upregulated genes and gene clusters had adenine-thymine (AT)–rich 5-prime untranslated regions. In M. tuberculosis, overexpression of lsr2 repressed INH-mediated induction of all three iniBAC genes, as well as another annotated pump, efpA. The low molecular weight and basic properties of Lsr2 (pI 10.69) suggested that it was a histone-like protein, although it did not exhibit sequence homology with other proteins in this class. Consistent with other histone-like proteins, Lsr2 bound DNA with a preference for circular DNA, forming large oligomers, inhibited DNase I activity, and introduced a modest degree of supercoiling into relaxed plasmids. Lsr2 also inhibited in vitro transcription and topoisomerase I activity. Lsr2 represents a novel class of histone-like proteins that inhibit a wide variety of DNA-interacting enzymes. Lsr2 appears to regulate several important pathways in mycobacteria by preferentially binding to AT-rich sequences, including genes induced by antibiotics and those associated with inducible multi-drug tolerance. An improved understanding of the role of lsr2 may provide important insights into the mechanisms of action of antibiotics and the way that mycobacteria adapt to stresses such as antibiotic treatment

    Effectiveness and safety of reactive focal mass drug administration (rfMDA) using dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine to reduce malaria transmission in the very low-endemic setting of Eswatini: a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial

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    INTRODUCTION: To reduce malaria transmission in very low-endemic settings, screening and treatment near index cases (reactive case detection (RACD)), is widely practised, but the rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) used miss low-density infections. Reactive focal mass drug administration (rfMDA) may be safe and more effective. METHODS: We conducted a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial in Eswatini, a very low-endemic setting. 77 clusters were randomised to rfMDA using dihydroartemisin–piperaquine (DP) or RACD involving RDTs and artemether–lumefantrine. Interventions were delivered by the local programme. An intention-to-treat analysis was used to compare cluster-level cumulative confirmed malaria incidence among clusters with cases. Secondary outcomes included safety and adherence. RESULTS: From September 2015 to August 2017, 222 index cases from 47 clusters triggered 46 RACD events and 64 rfMDA events. RACD and rfMDA were delivered to 1455 and 1776 individuals, respectively. Index case coverage was 69.5% and 62.4% for RACD and rfMDA, respectively. Adherence to DP was 98.7%. No serious adverse events occurred. For rfMDA versus RACD, cumulative incidences (per 1000 person-years) of all malaria were 2.11 (95% CI 1.73 to 2.59) and 1.97 (95% CI 1.57 to 2.47), respectively; and of locally acquired malaria, they were 1.29 (95% CI 1.00 to 1.67) and 0.97 (95% CI 0.71 to 1.34), respectively. Adjusting for imbalance in baseline incidence, incidence rate ratio for rfMDA versus RACD was 0.93 (95% CI 0.54 to 1.62) for all malaria and 0.84 (95% CI 0.42 to 1.66) for locally acquired malaria. Similar results were obtained in a per-protocol analysis that excluded clusters with <80% index case coverage. CONCLUSION: In a very low-endemic, real-world setting, rfMDA using DP was safe, but did not lower incidence compared with RACD, potentially due to insufficient coverage and/or power. To assess impact of interventions in very low-endemic settings, improved coverage, complementary interventions and adaptive ring trial designs may be needed. Trial registration number: NCT02315690

    VEuPathDB: the eukaryotic pathogen, vector and host bioinformatics resource center in 2023.

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    The Eukaryotic Pathogen, Vector and Host Informatics Resource (VEuPathDB, https://veupathdb.org) is a Bioinformatics Resource Center funded by the National Institutes of Health with additional funding from the Wellcome Trust. VEuPathDB supports >600 organisms that comprise invertebrate vectors, eukaryotic pathogens (protists and fungi) and relevant free-living or non-pathogenic species or hosts. Since 2004, VEuPathDB has analyzed omics data from the public domain using contemporary bioinformatic workflows, including orthology predictions via OrthoMCL, and integrated the analysis results with analysis tools, visualizations, and advanced search capabilities. The unique data mining platform coupled with >3000 pre-analyzed data sets facilitates the exploration of pertinent omics data in support of hypothesis driven research. Comparisons are easily made across data sets, data types and organisms. A Galaxy workspace offers the opportunity for the analysis of private large-scale datasets and for porting to VEuPathDB for comparisons with integrated data. The MapVEu tool provides a platform for exploration of spatially resolved data such as vector surveillance and insecticide resistance monitoring. To address the growing body of omics data and advances in laboratory techniques, VEuPathDB has added several new data types, searches and features, improved the Galaxy workspace environment, redesigned the MapVEu interface and updated the infrastructure to accommodate these changes

    Rifampin Resistance, Beijing-W Clade-Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Cluster Group 2 Phylogeny, and the Rv2629 191-C Allele in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strains▿

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    Rifampin resistance is a key prognostic marker for treatment success in tuberculosis patients. Recently, Wang et al. demonstrated that Rv2629 A191C mutations were present in 99.1% of rifampin-resistant and 0% of rifampin-susceptible clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates and that overexpression of the Rv2629 191C allele in Mycobacterium smegmatis produced an eightfold increase in rifampin resistance. These results suggested that Rv2629 could be a cause of rifampin resistance and a valuable target for rifampin resistance detection assays. We developed a molecular-beacon assay to study the association between Rv2629 191 alleles and rifampin resistance in 246 geographically and phylogenetically diverse clinical M. tuberculosis isolates. The 191C allele was present in 30/98 (30.6%) rifampin-resistant isolates and 25/148 (16.9%) rifampin-susceptible isolates and was more common in isolates from Asia. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated complete overlap between the 191C allele and single nucleotide polymorphism cluster group 2 (SCG-2), a phylogenetic lineage that corresponds to the Beijing-W clade of M. tuberculosis. All 55 (100%) 191C isolates were SCG-2, while none of the 191 191A isolates were SCG-2 (P < 0.001). No association was found between the 191C allele and rifampin resistance in an analysis that included the SCG type (P = 1.0). Also, in contrast to the findings of Wang et al., we found that overexpression of either Rv2629 191 allele in M. smegmatis did not produce an increase in rifampin resistance. We conclude that the Rv2629 191C allele is not associated with rifampin resistance and that the allele cannot be used as a molecular target to detect rifampin resistance. The allele appears to be an excellent marker for the Beijing-W clade/SCG-2 phylogenetic group

    Novel serologic biomarkers provide accurate estimates of recent Plasmodium falciparum exposure for individuals and communities.

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    Tools to reliably measure Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) exposure in individuals and communities are needed to guide and evaluate malaria control interventions. Serologic assays can potentially produce precise exposure estimates at low cost; however, current approaches based on responses to a few characterized antigens are not designed to estimate exposure in individuals. Pf-specific antibody responses differ by antigen, suggesting that selection of antigens with defined kinetic profiles will improve estimates of Pf exposure. To identify novel serologic biomarkers of malaria exposure, we evaluated responses to 856 Pf antigens by protein microarray in 186 Ugandan children, for whom detailed Pf exposure data were available. Using data-adaptive statistical methods, we identified combinations of antibody responses that maximized information on an individual's recent exposure. Responses to three novel Pf antigens accurately classified whether an individual had been infected within the last 30, 90, or 365 d (cross-validated area under the curve = 0.86-0.93), whereas responses to six antigens accurately estimated an individual's malaria incidence in the prior year. Cross-validated incidence predictions for individuals in different communities provided accurate stratification of exposure between populations and suggest that precise estimates of community exposure can be obtained from sampling a small subset of that community. In addition, serologic incidence predictions from cross-sectional samples characterized heterogeneity within a community similarly to 1 y of continuous passive surveillance. Development of simple ELISA-based assays derived from the successful selection strategy outlined here offers the potential to generate rich epidemiologic surveillance data that will be widely accessible to malaria control programs

    VEuPathDB/web-monorepo: v1.0.88

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    &lt;h2&gt;What's Changed&lt;/h2&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;Add more reference org filters by @jernestmyers in https://github.com/VEuPathDB/web-monorepo/pull/577&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;Eda study type error by @dmfalke in https://github.com/VEuPathDB/web-monorepo/pull/590&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;Eda categorical collection type by @dmfalke in https://github.com/VEuPathDB/web-monorepo/pull/592&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;Increase row count font size in beta Downloads table by @jernestmyers in https://github.com/VEuPathDB/web-monorepo/pull/593&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;Reposition reference filter by @jernestmyers in https://github.com/VEuPathDB/web-monorepo/pull/591&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;Add min-width to prevent confusing overflow UX by @jernestmyers in https://github.com/VEuPathDB/web-monorepo/pull/599&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Full Changelog&lt;/strong&gt;: https://github.com/VEuPathDB/web-monorepo/compare/v1.0.87...v1.0.88&lt;/p&gt

    VEuPathDB/web-monorepo: v1.0.105

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    &lt;h2&gt;What's Changed&lt;/h2&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;Better handling for &lt;code&gt;undefined&lt;/code&gt; compute configs by @dmfalke in https://github.com/VEuPathDB/web-monorepo/pull/729&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;Rethrow error caught by useStudyMetadata hook by @dmfalke in https://github.com/VEuPathDB/web-monorepo/pull/737&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Full Changelog&lt;/strong&gt;: https://github.com/VEuPathDB/web-monorepo/compare/v1.0.104...v1.0.105&lt;/p&gt