189 research outputs found

    Мирон Кордуба і Микола Андрусяк: до історії взаємин

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    У статті проаналізовано взаємини українських істориків М. Кордуби та М. Андрусяка, зокрема висвітлено їхні особисті та творчі контакти. Також подано погляди учених на проблеми розвитку української науки, діяльність НТШ та національне книговидання тощо. Охарактеризовано взаємне листування вчених. У додатку до статті вміщено епістолярій М. Кордуби та М. Андрусяка.В статье проанализированы взаимоотношения украинских историков М. Кордубы и Н. Андрусяка, представлены их взгляды на развитие украинской науки, национальное книгоиздание, деятельность Научного общества имени Шевченко во Львове. Охарактеризовано переписку ученых. В приложении к статье помещены письма М. Кордубы и Н. Андрусяка.The article analyzes relationships of the Ukrainian historians M.Korduba and M.Andrusyak, in particular it highlights their personal and professional contacts. Also, the views of scientists on the problems of the Ukrainian science development, activities of Shevchenko Scientific Society and the national book publishing, etc. are given. The correspondence of two scientists is characterized. Correspondence of M. Korduba and M. Andrusiak is given in the appendix to the article

    Catalan Abstracts

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    OBJECTIVE: This retrospective study addresses the cost-effectiveness of add-on therapy with lamotrigine in clinical practice. METHODS: Two years' observational data of 165 patients were used. Seizure frequency, adverse effects and direct medical costs were recorded for the year before and the year after the start of lamotrigine add-on therapy. Therapy effectiveness was measured by: (1) reduction in seizure frequency and (2) retention time. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio expressed the direct medical cost per patient treated effectively with lamotrigine. RESULTS: The cost of medication was 492 (95% CI: 399-583) higher after the start of lamotrigine therapy. The extra cost of lamotrigine therapy (622) was partly offset by a reduction of the cost of co-medication (-130; 95% CI: -210 to -50). Overall, the total medical cost was 453 higher in the first year of lamotrigine therapy than in the year before the start of lamotrigine. Lamotrigine was effective in 47% of all the patients, making the resultant incremental cost-effectiveness ratio 954 per year. DISCUSSION: Add-on therapy of lamotrigine for patients with uncontrolled epilepsy offers improved health outcomes. Lamotrigine therapy is associated with increased cost (453) and an annual incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of 954. These data, together with utility data published in the literature, support the notion that lamotrigine should be considered as an add-on therapy in for patients with refractory epilepsy

    Neuromodulatie en neuroprotectie : medicamenteuze therapie in de neurologie

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    Target drug programs and medication use evaluation

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    Contains fulltext : 83194.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Rede uitgesproken bij het afscheid als hoogleraar Klinische farmacie aan het UMC St Radboud / de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen20 p