143 research outputs found

    Restoration of spermatogenesis after transplantation of c-Kit positive testicular cells in the fowl

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    Transplantation of male germ line cells into sterilized recipients has been used in mammals for conventional breeding as well as for transgenesis. We have previously adapted this approach for the domestic chicken and we present now an improvement of the germ cell transplantation technique by using an enriched subpopulation of c-Kit-positive spermatogonia as donor cells. Dispersed c-Kit positive testicular cells from 16 to 17 week-old pubertal donors were transplanted by injection directly into the testes of recipient males sterilized by repeated gamma irradiation. We describe the repopulation of the recipient’s testes with c-Kit positive donor testicular cells, which resulted in the production of functional heterologous spermatozoa. Using manual semen collection, the first sperm production in the recipient males was observed about nine weeks after the transplantation. The full reproduction cycle was accomplished by artificial insemination of hens and hatching of chickens

    Restoration of spermatogenesis after transplantation of c-Kit positive testicular cells in the fowl

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    Transplantation of male germ line cells into sterilized recipients has been used in mammals for conventional breeding as well as for transgenesis. We have previously adapted this approach for the domestic chicken and we present now an improvement of the germ cell transplantation technique by using an enriched subpopulation of c-Kit-positive spermatogonia as donor cells. Dispersed c-Kit positive testicular cells from 16 to 17 week-old pubertal donors were transplanted by injection directly into the testes of recipient males sterilized by repeated gamma irradiation. We describe the repopulation of the recipient’s testes with c-Kit positive donor testicular cells, which resulted in the production of functional heterologous spermatozoa. Using manual semen collection, the first sperm production in the recipient males was observed about nine weeks after the transplantation. The full reproduction cycle was accomplished by artificial insemination of hens and hatching of chickens

    DNA hypomethylation and aberrant expression of the human endogenous retrovirus ERVWE1/syncytin-1 in seminomas

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    Additional file 3: Figure S1. Expression analysis of ERVWE1 and ERVFRDE1 loci normalized to the TBP gene. Expression from the ERVWE1 (A, B) and ERVFRDE1 (C, D) loci was analyzed by qRT-PCR in the panel of tumor samples. Both the full-length RNA (A, C) and spliced mRNA (B, D) forms were quantified. All the data were normalized to the expression of TBP. Each sample is represented by a dot and was measured as a technical triplicate. In each column, median with interquartile range is depicted. Significance was assigned as follows: **** for P-values <0.0001, *** for P-values <0.001, ** for P-values <0.01, * for P-values <0.05

    Transcriptional provirus silencing as a crosstalk of de novo DNA methylation and epigenomic features at the integration site

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    The autonomous transcription of integrated retroviruses strongly depends on genetic and epigenetic effects of the chromatin at the site of integration. These effects are mostly suppressive and proviral activity can be finally silenced by mechanisms, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications. To address the role of the integration site at the whole-genome-scale, we performed clonal analysis of provirus silencing with an avian leucosis/sarcoma virus-based reporter vector and correlated the transcriptional silencing with the epigenomic landscape of respective integrations. We demonstrate efficient provirus silencing in human HCT116 cell line, which is strongly but not absolutely dependent on the de novo DNA methyltransferase activity, particularly of Dnmt3b. Proviruses integrated close to the transcription start sites of active genes into the regions enriched in H3K4 trimethylation display long-term stability of expression and are resistant to the transcriptional silencing after over-expression of Dnmt3a or Dnmt3b. In contrast, proviruses in the intergenic regions tend to spontaneous transcriptional silencing even in Dnmt3a−/− Dnmt3b−/− cells. The silencing of proviruses within genes is accompanied with DNA methylation of long terminal repeats, whereas silencing in intergenic regions is DNA methylation-independent. These findings indicate that the epigenomic features of integration sites are crucial for their permissivity to the proviral expression

    Characterization of Chicken Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, a Long Missed Cytokine in Birds

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    Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is a pleiotropic cytokine playing critical roles in host defense and acute and chronic inflammation. It has been described in fish, amphibians, and mammals but was considered to be absent in the avian genomes. Here, we report on the identification and functional characterization of the avian ortholog. The chicken TNF-alpha (chTNF-alpha) is encoded by a highly GC-rich gene, whose product shares with its mammalian counterpart 45% homology in the extracellular part displaying the characteristic TNF homology domain. Orthologs of chTNF-alpha were identified in the genomes of 12 additional avian species including Palaeognathae and Neognathae, and the synteny of the closely adjacent loci with mammalian TNF-alpha orthologs was demonstrated in the crow (Corvus cornix) genome. In addition to chTNF-alpha, we obtained full sequences for homologs of TNF-alpha receptors 1 and 2 (TNFR1, TNFR2). chTNF-a mRNA is strongly induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation of monocyte derived, splenic and bone marrow macrophages, and significantly upregulated in splenic tissue in response to i.v. LPS treatment. Activation of T-lymphocytes by TCR crosslinking induces chTNF-alpha expression in CD4(+) but not in CD8(+) cells. To gain insights into its biological activity, we generated recombinant chTNF-alpha in eukaryotic and prokaryotic expression systems. Both, the full-length cytokine and the extracellular domain rapidly induced an NF kappa B-luciferase reporter in stably transfected CEC-32 reporter cells. Collectively, these data provide strong evidence for the existence of a fully functional TNF-alpha/TNF-alpha receptor system in birds thus filling a gap in our understanding of the evolution of cytokine systems

    Topologically Associated Domains Delineate Susceptibility to Somatic Hypermutation

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    Somatic hypermutation (SHM) introduces point mutations into immunoglobulin (Ig) genes but also causes mutations in other parts of the genome. We have used lentiviral SHM reporter vectors to identify regions of the genome that are susceptible ("hot") and resistant ("cold") to SHM, revealing that SHM susceptibility and resistance are often properties of entire topologically associated domains (TADs). Comparison of hot and cold TADs reveals that while levels of transcription are equivalent, hot TADs are enriched for the cohesin loader NIPBL, super-enhancers, markers of paused/stalled RNA polymerase 2, and multiple important B cell transcription factors. We demonstrate that at least some hot TADs contain enhancers that possess SHM targeting activity and that insertion of a strong Ig SHM-targeting element into a cold TAD renders it hot. Our findings lead to a model for SHM susceptibility involving the cooperative action of cis-acting SHM targeting elements and the dynamic and architectural properties of TADs

    Trypanosoma cruzi in the chicken model : Chagas-like heart disease in the absence of parasitism

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    Background: The administration of anti-trypanosome nitroderivatives curtails Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Chagas disease patients, but does not prevent destructive lesions in the heart. This observation suggests that an effective treatment for the disease requires understanding its pathogenesis. Methodology/Principal Findings: To understand the origin of clinical manifestations of the heart disease we used a chicken model system in which infection can be initiated in the egg, but parasite persistence is precluded. T. cruzi inoculation into the air chamber of embryonated chicken eggs generated chicks that retained only the parasite mitochondrial kinetoplast DNA minicircle in their genome after eight days of gestation. Crossbreeding showed that minicircles were transferred vertically via the germ line to chicken progeny. Minicircle integration in coding regions was shown by targeted-primer thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR, and detected by direct genomic analysis. The kDNA-mutated chickens died with arrhythmias, shortness of breath, cyanosis and heart failure. These chickens with cardiomyopathy had rupture of the dystrophin and other genes that regulate cell growth and differentiation. Tissue pathology revealed inflammatory dilated cardiomegaly whereby immune system mononuclear cells lyse parasite-free target heart fibers. The heart cell destruction implicated a thymus-dependent, autoimmune; self-tissue rejection carried out by CD45+, CD8cd+, and CD8a lymphocytes. Conclusions/Significance: These results suggest that genetic alterations resulting from kDNA integration in the host genome lead to autoimmune-mediated destruction of heart tissue in the absence of T. cruzi parasites

    Cell line-dependent variability in HIV activation employing DNMT inhibitors

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    Long-lived reservoirs of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) latently infected cells present the main barrier to a cure for HIV infection. Much interest has focused on identifying strategies to activate HIV, which would be used together with antiretrovirals to attack reservoirs. Several HIV activating agents, including Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFα) and other agents that activate via NF-kB are not fully effective in all latent infection models due to epigenetic restrictions, such as DNA methylation and the state of histone acetylation. DNA methyltransferases (DNMT) inhibitors like 5-aza-2'deoxycytidine (Aza-CdR) and histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors like Trichostatin A (TSA) have been proposed as agents to enhance reactivation and have shown activity in model systems. However, it is not clear how the activities of DNMT and HDAC inhibitors range across different latently infected cell lines, potential models for the many different latently infected cells within an HIV patient. We determined HIV activation following treatment with TNFα, TSA and Aza-CdR across a range of well known latently infected cell lines. We assessed the activity of these compounds in four different Jurkat T cell-derived J-Lat cell lines (6.3, 8.4, 9.2 and 10.6), which have a latent HIV provirus in which GFP replaces Nef coding sequence, and ACH-2 and J1.1 (T cell-derived), and U1 (promonocyte-derived) cell lines with full-length provirus. We found that Aza-CdR plus TNFα activated HIV at least twice as well as TNFα alone for almost all J-Lat cells, as previously described, but not for J-Lat 10.6, in which TNFα plus Aza-CdR moderately decreased activation compared to TNFα alone. Surprisingly, a much greater reduction of TNFα-stimulated activation with Aza-CdR was detected for ACH-2, J1.1 and U1 cells. Reaching the highest reduction in U1 cells with a 75% reduction. Interestingly, Aza-CdR not only decreased TNFα induction of HIV expression in certain cell lines, but also decreased activation by TSA. Since DNMT inhibitors reduce the activity of provirus activators in some HIV latently infected cell lines the use of epigenetic modifying agents may need to be carefully optimized if they are to find clinical utility in therapies aimed at attacking latent HIV reservoirs