34 research outputs found

    Viscosity of Silicate Melts.

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    Viscosity of silicate melts is of fundamental importance in understanding volcanic and magmatic processes in Earth. In this dissertation, experiments were conducted to obtain high-pressure viscosity data in high viscosity range, and empirical models were constructed to predict viscosity of all natural silicate melts. A new empirical viscosity equation for natural anhydrous and hydrous silicate melts was developed, accounting for the dependence on temperature and melt composition (including water content). This equation with 37 fitted parameters can fit the entire high- and low-temperature viscosity database (1451 data points) of all “natural” silicate melts with 0.61 log units in terms of 2 deviation. This general model can be applied to calculate viscosity for modeling magma chamber processes and volcanic eruptions. It can also be used to estimate glass transition temperature and cooling rate of natural silicate melts. Because the pressure dependence of hydrous melt viscosity at low temperature is not known, new research was carried out to investigate the pressure effect on hydrous melt viscosity. First, the speciation of dissolved H2O in rhyolitic melts with 0.8 – 4 wt% water under pressure 0.94 – 2.83 GPa was determined. In addition to their importance in understanding hydrous melt structure, the data are critical for viscosity inference using a newly developed hydrous reaction viscometer. The new viscometry has been extended to hydrous rhyolitic melts with 0.8 - 4.0 wt% water for the first time in the high viscosity range and high pressure, up to 2.8 GPa. Besides this new method, a parallel plate viscometer in an internally-heated pressure vessel was used to measure the viscosity of rhyolitic melts containing 0.13 and 0.8 wt% water at 0.2 and 0.4 GPa. Combined with literature data, a model was developed to accommodate the effect of pressure, temperature and water content on the viscosity of rhyolitic melt. The results show the dependence of viscosity on pressure is complicated but relatively weak.Ph.D.GeologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/58422/1/huih_1.pd

    Northwest Africa 5298: A Basaltic Shergottite

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    NWA 5298 is a single 445 g meteorite found near Bir Gandouz, Morocco in March 2008 [1]. This rock has a brown exterior weathered surface instead of a fusion crust and the interior is composed of green mineral grains with interstitial dark patches containing small vesicles and shock melts [1]. This meteorite is classified as a basaltic shergottite [2]. A petrologic study of this Martian meteorite is being carried out with electron microprobe analysis and soon trace element analyses by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Oxygen fugacity is calculated from Fe-Ti oxides pairs in the sample. The data from this study constrains the petrogenesis of basaltic shergottites

    Evidence for a "Wet" Early Moon

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    The Moon was thought to have lost its volatiles during impact(s) of a Mars-size planetesimal with the proto Earth [1] and during degassing of an early planet-wide magma ocean [2]. This view of an anhydrous Moon, however, has been challenged by recent discoveries of water on its surface [3-5] and in lunar volcanics [6-10] and regoliths [11]. Indigenous water is suggested to be heterogeneously distributed in the lunar interior and some parts of lunar mantle may contain as much water as Earth's upper mantle [6,10]. This water is thought to have been brought in part through solar wind implantation [3-5,8,11] and meteorite/cometary impacts [3,4,8,12] after the formation of the primary crust. Here we measured water in primary products of the Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) thereby by-passing the processes of later addition of water to the Moon through impact events or during mantle overturn as suggested by previous studies (e.g., [8,12]). So far, ferroan anorthosite (FAN) is the only available lithology that is believed to be a primary product of the LMO [2]. It is generally accepted that plagioclase, after crystallization, floated in the LMO and formed FAN as the original crust [2]. Therefore, any indigenous water preserved in FAN was partitioned from the LMO. These data can be used to estimate the water content of the magma ocean at the time of plagioclase crystallization, as well as that of the mare magma source regions

    Calcium Isotope Evolution During Differentiation of Vesta and Calcium Isotopic Heterogeneities in the Inner Solar System

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    We employed MC-ICP-MS to measure the mass-dependent Ca isotope compositions of Vesta-related meteorites. Eucrites and diogenites show distinct Ca isotope compositions, which is caused by crystallization of isotopically heavy orthopyroxene. The Ca isotope data support a model where the two lithologies are linked, where the diogenites, mainly composed of orthopyroxene crystallized from an eucritic melt. As normal eucrites are the main Ca reservoir on Vesta, their δ44/40Ca values (per mil 44Ca/40Ca ratios relative to NIST 915a) best represents that of bulk silicate Vesta (0.83 ± 0.04‰). This value is different from those of bulk Earth (0.94 ± 0.05‰) and Mars (1.04 ± 0.07‰), suggesting that there exists notable Ca isotope heterogeneity between inner solar system bodies. The δ44/40Ca difference between chondrules and these planets does not support the pebble accretion model as the main mechanism for planetary growth

    Derivation of Apollo 14 High-Al Basalts at Discrete Times: Rb-Sr Isotopic Constraints

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    Pristine Apollo 14 (A-14) high-Al basalts represent the oldest volcanic deposits returned from the Moon [1,2] and are relatively enriched in Al2O3 (>11 wt%) compared to other mare basalts (7-11 wt%). Literature Rb-Sr isotopic data suggest there are at least three different eruption episodes for the A-14 high-Al basalts spanning the age range approx.4.3 Ga to approx.3.95 Ga [1,3]. Therefore, the high-Al basalts may record lunar mantle evolution between the formation of lunar crust (approx.4.4 Ga) and the main basin-filling mare volcanism (<3.85 Ga) [4]. The high-Al basalts were originally classified into five compositional groups [5,6], and then regrouped into three with a possible fourth comprising 14072 based on the whole-rock incompatible trace element (ITE) ratios and Rb-Sr radiometric ages [7]. However, Rb-Sr ages of these basalts from different laboratories may not be consistent with each other because of the use of different 87Rb decay constants [8] and different isochron derivation methods over the last four decades. This study involved a literature search for Rb-Sr isotopic data previously reported for the high-Al basalts. With the re-calculated Rb-Sr radiometric ages, eruption episodes of A-14 high-Al basalts were determined, and their petrogenesis was investigated in light of the "new" Rb-Sr isotopic data and published trace element abundances of these basalts

    Enriched Shergottite NWA 5298 As An Evolved Parent Melt: Trace Element Inventory

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    Martian meteorite Northwest Africa 5298 is a basaltic shergottite that was found near Bir Gandouz (Morocco). Its martian origin was confirmed by oxygen isotopes [1], as well as Mn/Fe ratios in the pyroxenes and K/anorthite ratios in the plagioclases [2]. Here we present a petrographic and geochemical study of NWA 5298. Comparison of mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of this meteorite with other Martian rocks shows that NWA 5298 is not likely paired with any other known shergottites, but it has similarities to another basaltic shergottite Dhofar 378

    New Martian Meteorite Is One of the Most Oxidized Found to Date

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    As of 2013, about 60 meteorites from the planet Mars have been found and are being studied. Each time a new Martian meteorite is found, a wealth of new information comes forward about the red planet. The most abundant type of Martian meteorite is a shergottite; its lithologies are broadly similar to those of Earth basalts and gabbros; i.e., crustal igneous rocks. The entire suite of shergottites is characterized by a range of trace element, isotopic ratio, and oxygen fugacity values that mainly reflect compositional variations of the Martian mantle from which these magmas came. A newly found shergottite, NWA 5298, was the focus of a study performed by scientists within the Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES) Directorate at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in 2012. This sample was found in Morocco in 2008. Major element analyses were performed in the electron microprobe (EMP) laboratory of ARES at JSC, while the trace elements were measured at the University of Houston by laser inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). A detailed analysis of this stone revealed that this meteorite is a crystallized magma that comes from the enriched end of the shergottite spectrum; i.e., trace element enriched and oxidized. Its oxidation comes in part from its mantle source and from oxidation during the magma ascent. It represents a pristine magma that did not mix with any other magma or see crystal accumulation or crustal contamination on its way up to the Martian surface. NWA 5298 is therefore a direct, albeit evolved, melt from the Martian mantle and, for its lithology (basaltic shergottite), it represents the oxidized end of the shergottite suite. It is thus a unique sample that has provided an end-member composition for Martian magmas

    Sims Analysis of Water Abundance and Hydrogen Isotope in Lunar Highland Plagioclase

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    The detection of indigenous water in mare basaltic glass beads has challenged the view established since the Apollo era of a "dry" Moon. Since this discovery, measurements of water in lunar apatite, olivine-hosted melt inclusions, agglutinates, and nominally anhydrous minerals have confirmed that lunar igneous materials contain water, implying that some parts of lunar mantle may have as much water as Earth's upper mantle. The interpretation of hydrogen (H) isotopes in lunar samples, however, is controversial. The large variation of H isotope ratios in lunar apatite (delta Deuterium = -202 to +1010 per mille) has been taken as evidence that water in the lunar interior comes from the lunar mantle, solar wind protons, and/or comets. The very low deuterium/H ratios in lunar agglutinates indicate that solar wind protons have contributed to their hydrogen content. Conversely, H isotopes in lunar volcanic glass beads and olivine-hosted melt inclusions being similar to those of common terrestrial igneous rocks, suggest a common origin for water in both Earth and Moon. Lunar water could be inherited from carbonaceous chondrites, consistent with the model of late accretion of chondrite-type materials to the Moon as proposed by. One complication about the sources of lunar water, is that geologic processes (e.g., late accretion and magmatic degassing) may have modified the H isotope signatures of lunar materials. Recent FTIR analyses have shown that plagioclases in lunar ferroan anorthosite contain approximately 6 ppm H2O. So far, ferroan anorthosite is the only available lithology that is believed to be a primary product of the lunar magma ocean (LMO). A possible consequence is that the LMO could have contained up to approximately 320 ppm H2O. Here we examine the possible sources of water in the LMO through measurements of water abundances and H isotopes in plagioclase of two ferroan anorthosites and one troctolite from lunar highlands