45 research outputs found

    Phenotypic features of interleukin-6 gene polymorphism in the context of formation of addictive pathology

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    Search for biomarkers of addictive disorders including molecular-genetic and immunoregulatory characteristics is of relevance. 114 persons with mental and behavioural disorders caused by use of psychoactive substances and 97 conditionally healthy persons have been examined. The assessment of interleukin-6 gene polymorphism rs1800797 has been carried out with use of real-time PCR detection system. Level of extracellular mitogen-induced production of interleukin-6 has been measured on the Luminex 200 multiplex analyzer (USA). Intracellular contents of interleukin-6 have been estimated in mononuclears of stimulated LPS culture of whole blood on the FACS Calibur flow cytofluorimeter (BD, USA). Narcological patients are characterized by higher mitogen-induced production of interleukin-6. Persons with GG genotype of interleukin-6 gene polymorphism rs1800797 have demonstrated significant increase of production of interleukin-6. The GG genotype of interleukin-6 gene polymorphism rs1800797 makes the maximal contribution to formation of mental and behavioural disorders caused by use of psychoactive substances and can be a marker of addictive pathology

    Surface Microstructure Modification in Square Extruded Al-Nb Powder Composites by Shot Peening

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    75%Al-25%Nb powder composites, fabricated by square shape cold extrusion, were subject to shot peening treatment with full coverage. Shot peening results in a high number of intense local deformations, with a surface roughness in our case of about l6gm. Due to the high local deformation down to nano-scale surface grain refinement and strain accumulation was generated. Previous texture characterization was performed by neutron diffraction and laboratory X-rays (Cu K? radiation). The first method took advantage of the high penetration power and averaging capabilities and the second method was further used taking advantage of the low penetration to characterize surface microstructure modification. Peak broadening, before and after shot peening, was analyzed by MAUD software and domain sizes and microstrains were calculated for both phases. Simultaneous EBSD and EDS scans, on 30 nm step sizes, were performed on a FESEM Quanta 200 + TSL-EDAX, showing the highly heterogeneous microstructure developed because of shot peening. Protrusions, due to particle impacts, are clearly seen on EBSD maps. Results mainly revealed that, for Al phase, domain sizes decrease, while microstrains and dislocation densities consistently increase after the materials have been subjected to SP. For Nb phase the visible effect of SP is an increment of microstrains, and related dislocation densities, but keeping the domain sizes almost constant.Fil: Brokmeier, Heinz Günter. Technische Universität Clausthal. Institut für Werkstoffkunde und Werkstofftechnik; Alemania. Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht; AlemaniaFil: Avalos, Martina Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario (i); ArgentinaFil: Bolmaro, Raul Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario (i); ArgentinaFil: Maawad, Emad. Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht; Alemani

    Abstract title: times new roman, 10 Pt, bold

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    phase analysis and approximation methods. The methods of scenario analysis presents forecast of development of lowrise construction, as well as the estimated availability levels of low-rise housing and population given its forecast for the development

    Obtaining of oxidizers using physical fields

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    Негативные последствия использования химических технологий для очистки природных и сточных вод послужили толчком для развития более чистых технологий. Все чаще используются чистые окислители (озон, пероксид водорода) в сочетании с физическими методами. Наиболее широко применяется обработка воды ультрафиолетовым излучением. Есть много публикаций об образовании окислителей при обработке загрязненной воды ультразвуком и гидродинамической кавитацией. В данной статье исследовалось образование окислителей при воздействии физических полей (магнитное поле постоянных магнитов, электромагнитное поле ультрафиолетового излучения, акустическое поле ультразвуковых излучателей) на дистиллированную воду. Эксперименты проводились на стенде, где возможно осуществлять раздельное и совместное влияние различных комбинаций физического воздействия. Проведенные эксперименты показали, что в дистиллированной воде под действием различных электромагнитных полей и постоянного магнитного поля наблюдается генерация окислителей. Но их концентрация мала (0,03-0.07 мг/л в пересчете на перекись водорода) и для интенсификации воздействия физических полей необходимо вносить дополнительные реагенты (перекись, озон и др.). Определено, что действие магнитного поля наблюдается при индукциях магнитного поля: 80, 100, 240 и 540 мТл, и скорости потока воды через зазор магнитного аппарата 1,1 м/с, 3,3 м/с и 4,4 м/с. Максимальная концентрация окислителей наблюдалась: при гидродинамическом режиме (все реакторы отключены, работает только насос), при включенном эжекторе и индукции 540 мТл; при совмещенном УЗ+2УФ режиме при такой же индукции, но без эжектора. Количественно содержание окислителей в совмещенном режиме на 11,5 % выше, чем в гидродинамическом режиме, а энергозатраты при этом выше на 28 %. Выраженный синергетический эффект при совместном действии магнитного поля, ультразвука и ультрафиолетового излучения не получен. Устойчивый результат увеличения генерации окислителей в дистиллированной воде получен при воздействии магнитного поля в сочетании с эжектором

    Texture and lattice strain evolution during tensile loading of Mg–Zn alloys measured by synchrotron diffraction

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    To explore the effect of neodymium (Nd) on the deformation mechanisms of Mg–Zn alloys, texture and lattice strain developments of hot-rolled Mg–Zn (Z1) and Mg–Zn–Nd (ZN10) alloys were investigated using in situ synchrotron diffraction and compared with elasto-viscoplastic self-consistent simulation under tensile loading. The Nd-containing ZN10 alloys show much weaker texture after hot rolling than the Nd-free Z1 alloy. To investigate the influence of the initial texture on the texture and lattice strain evolution, the tensile tests were carried out in the rolling and transverse direction. During tension, the {002} texture components develop fast in Z1, which was not seen for ZN10. On the other hand, fiber // loading direction (LD) developed in both alloys, although it was faster in ZN10 than in Z1. Lattice strain investigation showed that // LD-oriented grains experienced plastic deformation first during tension, which can be related to basal slip activity. This was more apparent for ZN10 than for Z1. The simulation results show that the prismatic slip plays a vital role in the plastic deformation of Z1 directly from the beginning. In contrast, ZN10 plastic deformation starts with dominant basal slip but during deformation prismatic slip becomes increasingly important

    Anisotropic and Heterogeneous Development of Microstructures. Combining Laboratory/Synchrotron X-rays and EBSD on a few SPD Metallic Systems

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    The onset of Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) regime is quite instructive on the possible origins of the nano-microstructures developed in metals and alloys. It is known that grain fragmentation and dislocation accumulation, among other defects, proceed at different paces depending fundamentally on grain orientations and active deformation mechanisms. There have been many attempts to characterize nano-microstructure anisotropy, leading all of them to sometimes contradictory conclusions. Moreover, the characterizations rely on different measurements techniques and pos-processing approaches, which can be observing different manifestations of the same phenomena. On the current presentation we show a few experimental and computer pos-processing and simulation approaches, applied to some SPD/alloy systems. Williamson-Hall and Convolutional Multiple Whole Profile (CMWP) techniques will be applied to peak broadening analysis on experimental results stemming from laboratory Cu Ka X-rays, and synchrotron radiation from LNLS (Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron, Campinas, Brazil) and Petra III line (HEMS station, at DESY, Hamburg, Germany). Taking advantage of the EBSD capability of giving information on orientational and topological characteristics of grain boundaries, microstructures, grain sizes, etc., we also performed investigations on dislocation density and Geometrically Necessary Dislocation Boundaries (GNDB) and their correlation with texture components. Orientation dependent nano-microstructures and domain sizes are shown on the scheme of generalized pole figures and discussions provide some hints on nano-microstructure anisotropy.Fil: Bolmaro, Raul Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario (i); ArgentinaFil: de Vincentis, Natalia Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario (i); ArgentinaFil: Benatti, Emanuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario (i); ArgentinaFil: Kliauga, Andrea M.. Universidade Federal Do Sao Carlos. Departamento de Engenharia de Mteriales; BrasilFil: Avalos, Martina Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario (i); ArgentinaFil: Schell, Norbert. Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht; AlemaniaFil: Brokmeier, Heinz Günter. Institut für Werkstoffkunde und Werkstofftechnik; Alemani

    Robotertechnik zur diffraktometrischen Charakterisierung von Restspannungs-, Textur-, Phasenentwicklung an technischen Komponenten

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    Am Materialforschungsdiffraktometer STRESS-SPEC der Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) wurde vor einiger Zeit ein BMBF gefördertes Robotersystem in Betrieb genommen. Damit wurde es erstmals möglich kompakte Proben von technischen Dimensionen bezüglich kristallographischer Textur, Restspannungen und Phasenzusammensetzungen automatisch zu charakterisieren. Der Roboter verfügt über drei Funktionen, die den Messablauf entscheidend vereinfachen und für Neutronenmessungen sehr wichtig teure Messzeit einsparen. Texturmessungen sind häufig Serienuntersuchungen zur Texturentwicklung als Funktion von Umformgrad, Umformtemperatur und Legierungszusammensetzung, so dass der Roboter als automatischer Probenwechsler erhebliche Zeitersparnis bringt. Zweitens fungiert der Roboter nicht nur als Probenwechsler, sondern ersetzt gleichzeitig auch die Eulerwiege zum Abfahren der einzelnen Polfiguren. Die dritte Funktion ist die Scanfunktion des Roboters, um zum Beispiel die Informationen über den Umfang von Rohren oder über Schweißnähten automatisch Messen zu können

    Phase evolution of Al–Mg metal matrix composites during low temperature annealing at 200 °C and 250 °C

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    In the Al-Mg system, intermetallic compounds can be formed by a solid-state reaction between the elemental components. Metal matrix composites obtained by classical powder metallurgy and room temperature extrusion with the two compositions Al60-Mg40 and Al40-Mg60 (wt. %) were studied. The high fraction of Al-Mg grain boundaries in these materials allows investigation of the early stages of phase evolution. The mixtures are close to the ideal composition of either the intermetallic β-Al3_3Mg2_2 phase or the γ-Al12_{12}Mg17_{17} phase. Phase analysis was performed using intense synchrotron radiation with an energy of 87 keV and showed that the γ-Al12_{12}Mg17_{17} phase was the first to form after 2 h annealing at 200 °C. In situ annealing at 200 °C for 12 h and at 250 °C for 6h was compared to ex situ annealing at 200 °C and 250 °C for 2h and 12h. The γ-phase was the first phase to form, independent of the starting composition. It is suggested that the γ-phase grows via an interface reaction controlled mechanism. After the γ-phase has reached its critical thickness the β-phase starts to form. No other phases were observed to form