882 research outputs found

    Modeling the Nucleus Laminaris of the Barn Owl: Achieving 20 ps Resolution on a 85-MHz-Clocked Digital Device

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    The nucleus laminaris of the barn owl auditory system is quite impressive, since its underlying time estimation is much better than the processing speed of the involved neurons. Since precise localization is also very important in many technical applications, this paper explores to what extent the main principles of the nucleus laminaris can be implemented in digital hardware. The first prototypical implementation yields a time resolution of about 20 ps, even though the chosen standard, low-cost device is clocked at only 85 MHz, which leads to an internal duty cycle of approximately 12 ns. In addition, this paper also explores the utility of an advanced sampling scheme, known as unfolding-in-time. It turns out that with this sampling method, the prototype can easily process input signals of up to 300 MHz, which is almost four times higher than the sampling rate

    Modellierung beweglicher SteuerflÀchen mit dem DLR TAU-Code

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    Ausgangssituation: FĂŒr eine Reihe von Anwendungen ist die Modellierung von beweglichen SteuerflĂ€chen eine unbedingte Voraussetzung. Genannt seien hier die Trimmung eines Flugzeuges, die Vorhersage von aerodynamischen Lasten infolge von SteuerflĂ€chenbewegungen, die Wirksamkeit von SteuerflĂ€chen sowie die Simulation eines manövrierenden Flugzeuges. FĂŒr letztgenanntes Szenario mĂŒssen alle PrimĂ€rsteuerflĂ€chen modelliert werden. Dazu gehören Querruder, Seitenruder, Höhenruder, horizontaler Stabilisator und Spoiler. Insbesondere die Modellierung beweglicher Spoiler stellt fĂŒr hochgenaue CFD Verfahren eine besondere Schwierigkeit dar. Ziel: Um mit dem TAU-Code [1] alle PrimĂ€rsteuerflĂ€chen modellieren zu können, sollen entsprechende Strategien entwickelt und umgesetzt werden. Die Techniken sollen an einer Reihe von Beispielen bis hin zur multidisziplinĂ€ren Simulation eines manövrierenden Flugzeuges demonstriert werden. Lösungsweg: Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden unterschiedliche Strategien vorgestellt, zum einen fĂŒr SteuerflĂ€chen wie Querruder, Höhenruder und Seitenruder, zum anderen fĂŒr Spoiler. FĂŒr die erstgenannten hat sich gezeigt, dass sich die Bewegung der SteuerflĂ€chen sehr gut mittels Netzdeformation realisieren lĂ€sst. Bild 1 zeigt ein Beispiel fĂŒr ein generisches Verkehrsflugzeug, bei dem diese SteuerflĂ€chen alle mittels Netzdeformation bewegt werden. In diesem konkreten Beispiel werden die spannweitigen Spalte nicht aufgelöst. Die Verschiebungen werden in der NĂ€he der Außenkanten der SteuerflĂ€chen vom ausgeschlagenen Zustand auf den Wert Null ĂŒbergeblendet. Dies ist fĂŒr kleinere AusschlĂ€ge unproblematisch. Allerdings wĂ€chst der Fehler mit dem Ausschlag der SteuerflĂ€che. Daher ist eine weiter Strategie entwickelt worden, die diese Spalten berĂŒcksichtigen kann. In ein regulĂ€res FlĂŒgelgitter ohne SteuerflĂ€chen werden fĂŒr die SteuerflĂ€chen zusĂ€tzliche Gitterblöcke ĂŒber die Chimera-Technik eingebracht, in denen der Spalt modelliert wird. Es werden jeweils ein Gitter fĂŒr die SteuerflĂ€che selber, sowie zwei weitere Gitterblöcke rechts und links von der SteuerflĂ€che generiert. Die Bewegung der SteuerflĂ€che geschieht mittels Netzdeformation, jedoch ohne „Blending“. FĂŒr diese Gitterblöcke werden strukturierte Gitterblöcke verwendet, da sich hier die Punkteverteilung insbesondere im Spalt besser steuern lĂ€sst. Bild 2 verdeutlicht die verwendet Strategie. Weiterhin wird auch ein Ergebnis einer Simulation fĂŒr eine ausgeschlagene SteuerflĂ€che gezeigt. Sehr schön zu sehen sind insbesondere die an den Außenkanten der SteuerflĂ€che entstehenden Wirbel. FĂŒr die Modellierung von Spoilern wird ebenfalls, wie fĂŒr z.B. Querruder, die Chimera-Technik angewendet. In das Gitter fĂŒr einen FlĂŒgel mit Aussparung an der Position des Spoilers wird ein zusĂ€tzlicher Gitter-block eingebracht. Die Bewegung des Spoilers wird hier allerdings ĂŒber Rotation des Gitterblockes eingebracht. Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung dafĂŒr ist ein leistungsfĂ€higer Algorithmus zum Lochschneiden [2]. Bild 3 zeigt eine erste Spoiler-Anwendung im 3D, bei der in einen NACA-FlĂŒgel insgesamt 3 Spoiler eingebracht worden sind, was ĂŒblicherweise auch als „Spoiler-Piano“ bezeichnet wird. Weiteres Vorgehen: Im Beitrag werden die unterschiedlichen Strategien vorgestellt. Anhand von Beispielen werden die jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteilen verdeutlicht. Weiterhin soll die Strategie mit Blending mit der Strategie mit Auflösung der spannweitigen Spalten verglichen und bewertet werden. Als Anwendung ist unter anderem der Manöverflug eines Flugzeuges geplant (Aerodynamik gekoppelt zur Flugmechanik). Literatur: [1] Schwamborn, T. Gerhold, R. Heinrich: The DLR TAU-Code: Recent Applications in Research and Industry. In proceedings of “European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics“ ECCOMAS CDF 2006, Delft The Netherland, 2006 [2] Spiering, Frank: „Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zum vollautomatischen Lochschneiden in TAU“, 19. DGLR-Fachsymposium der STAB, 04.-05. Nov. 2014, MĂŒnchen, 201

    Meshing Strategy for Movable Control Surfaces:Towards High-Fidelity Flight Maneuver Simulations

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    High-fidelity flight maneuver simulations are crucial for the development of realistic digital aircraft models. However, such simulations are still hampered by difficulties in modeling the relative body motion between control and lifting surfaces when using realistic configurations. The presence of spanwise gaps between lifting and control surfaces impedes the application of concepts such as mesh deformation, and hampers the usage of mesh deformation combined with the overset method since the mesh generation process is particularly cumbersome. To reduce the user effort to create overset meshes, we have developed a methodology to automatically create overlapping regions for matching block interfaces. Hence, the usage of the overset method combined with mesh deformation for modeling moving control surfaces is facilitated, and a significant advance towards the computation of high-fidelity flight maneuvers is achieved

    Structural Analysis of the Protein Phosphatase 1 Docking Motif: Molecular Description of Binding Specificities Identifies Interacting Proteins

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    SummaryThe interplay between kinases and phosphatases represents a fundamental regulatory mechanism in biological systems. Being less numerous than kinases, phosphatases increase their diversity by the acquisition of a variety of binding partners, thereby forming a large number of holoenzymes. Proteins interacting with protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) often bind via a so-called docking motif to regulate its enzymatic activity, substrate specificity, and subcellular localization. Here, we systematically determined structural elements that mediate the binding specificity of PP1 interacting proteins, and propose a refined consensus sequence for high-affinity PP1 ligands. Applying this pattern to database searches, we predicted and experimentally confirmed several previously unknown PP1 interactors. Thus, the suggested PP1 docking motif enables a highly specific prediction of PP1 binding partners, thereby facilitating the genome-wide identification of PP1 interactors

    Architectural Attack Propagation Analysis for Identifying Confidentiality Issues

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    Exchanging data between different systems enables us to build new smart services and digitise various areas of our daily life. This digitalisation leads to more efficient usage of resources, and an increased monetary value. However, the connection of different systems also increases the number of potential vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities on their own might be harmless, but attackers could build attack paths based on the combination of different vulnerabilities. Additionally, attackers might exploit existing access control policies to further propagate through the system. For analysing this dependency between vulnerabilities and access control policies, we extended an architecture description language (ADL) to model access control policies and specify vulnerabilities. We developed an attack propagation analysis operating on the extended ADL, which can help to determine confidentiality violations in a system. We evaluated our approach by analysing the accuracy and the effort compared to a manual analysis using different scenarios in three case studies. The results indicate that our analysis is capable of identifying attack paths and reducing the effort compared to manual detection

    Architecture-Based Attack Path Analysis for Identifying Potential Security Incidents

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    Manually estimating an attack path to a targeted software element can be complex since a software system consists of multiple vulnerable elements, such as components, hardware resources, or network elements. In addition, the elements are protected by access control. Software architecture describes the structural elements of the system, which may form elements of the attack path. However, estimating attack paths is complex since different attack paths can lead to a targeted element. Additionally, not all attack paths might be relevant since attack paths can have different properties based on the attacker\u27s capabilities and knowledge. We developed an approach that enables architects to identify relevant attack paths based on the software architecture. We created a metamodel for filtering options and added support for describing attack paths in an architectural description language. Based on this metamodel, we developed an analysis that automatically estimates attack paths using the software architecture. This can help architects to identify relevant attack paths to a targeted component and increase the system\u27s overall security. We evaluated our approach on five different scenarios. Our evaluation goals are to investigate our analysis\u27s accuracy and scalability. The results suggest a high accuracy and good runtime behavior for smaller architectures

    Reproduction-Related Sound Production of Grasshoppers Regulated by Internal State and Actual Sensory Environment

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    The interplay of neural and hormonal mechanisms activated by entero- and extero-receptors biases the selection of actions by decision making neuronal circuits. The reproductive behavior of acoustically communicating grasshoppers, which is regulated by short-term neural and longer-term hormonal mechanisms, has frequently been used to study the cellular and physiological processes that select particular actions from the species-specific repertoire of behaviors. Various grasshoppers communicate with species- and situation-specific songs in order to attract and court mating partners, to signal reproductive readiness, or to fend off competitors. Selection and coordination of type, intensity, and timing of sound signals is mediated by the central complex, a highly structured brain neuropil known to integrate multimodal pre-processed sensory information by a large number of chemical messengers. In addition, reproductive activity including sound production critically depends on maturation, previous mating experience, and oviposition cycles. In this regard, juvenile hormone released from the corpora allata has been identified as a decisive hormonal signal necessary to establish reproductive motivation in grasshopper females. Both regulatory systems, the central complex mediating short-term regulation and the corpora allata mediating longer-term regulation of reproduction-related sound production mutually influence each other’s activity in order to generate a coherent state of excitation that promotes or suppresses reproductive behavior in respective appropriate or inappropriate situations. This review summarizes our current knowledge about extrinsic and intrinsic factors that influence grasshopper reproductive motivation, their representation in the nervous system and their integrative processing that mediates the initiation or suppression of reproductive behaviors

    The praxeological square as a method for the intercultural study of religious movements

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    SchÀfer H. The praxeological square as a method for the intercultural study of religious movements. In: Gramley S, Schneider R, eds. Cultures in Process: Encounter and Experience. The Bielefeld English and American Studies. Vol 2. Bielefeld: Aisthesis; 2009: 6-20
