97 research outputs found

    Esteetön ja saavutettava Tekniikan museo

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    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää Helsingin Tekniikan museon esteettömyyden ja saavutettavuuden nykytilaa. Tutkimuksella ei ollut virallista toimeksiantajaa, mutta se tehtiin yhteistyössä Tekniikan museon kanssa. Tutkimusongelma oli: ”Mikä on Tekniikan museon esteettömyyden ja saavutettavuuden nykytila?” Tutkimuksesta saatavien tulosten avulla oli tarkoitus löytää kehitysehdotuksia Tekniikan museon esteettömyyden ja saavutettavuuden parantamiseen. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys pitää sisällään tietoa esteettömyyden ja saavutettavuuden käsitteistä sekä vammaisryhmistä. Lisäksi teoriapohja sisältää tietoa museosta käsitteenä sekä museon esteettömyydestä ja saavutettavuudesta eri osa-alueilla. Tutkimus koostui kahdesta kyselystä. Ensimmäinen kysely tehtiin postitse 17 valtakunnalliselle erikoismuseolle, mukaan lukien Tekniikan museo. Toinen kysely suoritettiin koehenkilöille koekäyntien yhteydessä Tekniikan museolla. Museoista kyselyyn vastasi 14. Koekäynneillä saatiin vastaukset 24 henkilöltä, jotka edustivat eri vammaisryhmiä. Koehenkilöt olivat liikun-tavammaisia, kuulovammaisia tai näkövammaisia. Tutkimusten tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että Tekniikan museo on joltain osa-alueilta osittain esteetön ja saavutettava. Tulokset toivat esille myös osa-alueita, joita tulisi parantaa. Kehitysehdotukset museon esteettömyyden ja saavutettavuuden parantamiseen liittyivät erityisesti tiedottamiseen, museoon sisäänpääsyyn ja näyttelyjen suunnitteluun.Accessible Museum of Technology The purpose of this thesis was to find out the state of accessibility of the Museum of Technology in Helsinki. The thesis had no principal, but it was conducted in co-operation with Mu-seum of Technology. The aim of the thesis was to find out how accessible is the Museum of Technology. The aim of the thesis was to give ideas of improving to accessibility in the museum. The theory framework of this thesis includes information of accessibility and different disability groups. Theory also includes information about the concept of museum and accessibility of museum environment on different areas. The study consisted of two surveys. The first one was carried out by mail to 17 national spe-cialized museums, including the Museum of Technology. The second survey was made to persons participating on test visits at the museum. Out of 17 museums fourteen answered the survey. During the test visit 24 persons, representing different groups of disabilities, answered the questionnaire. The test persons were either physically disabled, hearing impaired or visually impaired. On the basis of the study results a conclusion can be made that Museum of Technology is accessible on some areas. The results also brought forward areas that should be improved. Development ideas to improve accessibility were associated specially with public relations, improvement of the museum entrance and the design of exhibitions

    Tekniikan ja teknologian käsitteiden ensimmäiset 120 vuotta : Tekniikan ja teknologian käsitteet, teknologinen determinismi, tekno-optimismi sekä -pessimismi Suomessa vuosina 1880-1999

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    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ymmärtää miten tekniikan ja teknologian käsitteet ovat muuttuneet sen 120 vuoden aikana, jolloin ne ovat suomenkielisessä sanoma- ja aikakauslehdistössä esiintyneet. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitetään miten kolme teknologiakäsitystä, teknologinen determinismi, tekno-optimismi ja teknopessimismi, ovat kyseisenä aikana ilmenneet osana tutkittavien käsitteiden sisältöä. Tutkimus osallistuu teknologianhistorian ja käsitehistorian tieteenalojen keskusteluun. Tutkimusaineisto on muodostettu Kansalliskirjaston sanoma- ja aikakauslehtikokoelman ns. Kielipankki-version, eli digitaalisessa muodossa olevan tekstidatan pohjalta. Kielipankin korpus sisältää noin kolmensadan suomenkielisen lehden kielitieteellisellä meta-datalla rikastetun tekstiaineiston vuosilta 1820-2000. Tämän tutkimuksen aineiston muodostaa Kielipankki-korpuksesta poimitut sanoma- ja aikakauslehtien tekstikappaleet, joissa esiintyvät sanat "tekniikka" tai "teknologia". Aineiston ajallinen alkupiste on 1880-luku ja päätepiste 1990-luku. Aineiston koko on noin viisi miljoonaa sanetta. Menetelmällisesti tutkimus kuuluu digitaalisiin ihmistieteisiin. Siinä käytetään etäluennan ja lähiluennan yhdistelmää. Etäluenta tapahtuu historiallisia sanojen esiintymismääriä, eli sanafrekvenssejä visualisoimalla. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa käytetään Python-ohjelmointiin pohjautuvaa luonnollisen kielen käsittelyä. Luonnollisen kielen käsittelyllä jäljitetään kielellistä piirrettä, joka ilmaisee tekniikan tai teknologian toimijuutta. Tutkimuskirjallisuuden mukaan toimijuus ilmenee, kun tekniikalle tai teknologialle annetaan subjektin paikka lauseessa. Tätä piirrettä jäljittämällä tutkimusaineisto suodatetaan esikategorisoiduksi tekstiksi lähilukua varten. Tavoitteena on löytää suuresta datamäärästä olennainen lähilukua, eli laadullista analyysiä varten. Lähiluku tapahtuu laadullisella sisällönanalyysillä. Tutkimus osoittaa tekniikan ja teknologian käsitteiden muuttuneen selvästi ajan kuluessa. 1800-luvun lopussa tekniikka oli taidetta, taitoa ja vähäisemmässä määrin koneita sekä laitteita. Teknologian käsite sisälsi tuolloin ainoastaan tiettyjä oppialoja. Tekniikan käsite alkoi yhteiskunnallistua 1900-luvun ensimmäisinä vuosikymmeninä. Taiteen rooli tekniikan käsitteen sisällössä väheni nopeasti. Tekniikka alkoi täyttämään käsitteellistä tyhjiltä, mikä syntyi suurten tekno-sosiaalisten järjestelmien myötä. Oli syntynyt uusi yhteiskunnallinen ilmiö, mutta sille ei vielä ollut riittävän kattavaa ja abstraktia käsitettä. Tekniikka myös vedettiin osaksi ajan yhteiskunnallisia kamppailuja muun muassa työväenlehdistössä. Teknologian käsite pysyi muuttumattomana aina 1940-luvulle asti, jolloin se alkoi hitaasti laajentua vain oppialoja tarkoittavasta käsitteestä kohti sitä merkityskokonaisuutta, johon sana "teknologia" 2000-luvulla viittaa. Tekniikan ja teknologian käsitteet alkoivat lähentyä 1900-luvun puolivälissä. Teknologiaa alettiin käyttämään samassa merkityksessä kuin tekniikkaa tai sen suorana synonyyminä. Karkeasti noin 1970-luvulla tekniikan ja teknologian käsitteiden abstraktiotaso ja kattavuus vastasivat toisiaan, lukuunottamatta tekniikan taitoihin viittaavaa sisältöä. Tämän jälkeen teknologia on vakiinnuttanut paikkansa abstraktia, tekno-sosiaalista kokonaisuutta kuvaavana käsitteenä ja tekniikalle on jäänyt konkreettisempi rooli. Teknologiakäsitykset ovat muuttuneet käsitteiden rinnalla. 1800-luvun lopun Suomessa teknologinen determinismi oli vähäistä ja teknopessimismiä ei juuri esiintynyt. Edistykseen liittyvää tekno-optimismia oli havaittavissa. Tekniikan käsitteen yhteiskunnallistuminen toi mukanaan deterministiset ja normatiiviset tulkinnat. Tutkimuksessa ei tunnisteta mitään selvää ajanjaksoa, jolloin teknologiakäsitykset olisivat olleet ainoastaan pessimistisellä tai optimistisella laidalla. Molemmat esiintyvät rinnakkain eri teemoilla. Pessimismi kytkeytyi tapahtumiin, kuten suuriin onnettomuuksiin ja sotiin. 1970-luvulta eteenpäin postmoderni pessimismi näkyi teknologian kyseenalaistamisena hyvin analyyttisesti. Tekno-optimismi oli arkisempaa. Teknologiakäsityksissä se näkyi ilmaisuina, joissa teknologian tuomat arjen helpotukset tunnustettiin, mutta sen syvempiä analyysejä ei joitain 1960-luvun tieteellisiä teknoutopioita lukuunottamatta näkynyt

    Tuning the stability of alkoxyisopropyl protection groups

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    Five different 2-alkoxypropan-2-yl groups are introduced as acid-labile protecting groups for the 5'- and 3'-hydroxy groups of a 2'-deoxynucleoside. All studied protecting groups were readily introduced with good to excellent yields using the appropriate enol ether as a reagent and 0.5 to 1 mol % p-toluenesulfonic acid as a catalyst. The protected compounds could be purified by silica gel column chromatography without degradation. The compatibility of these protecting groups in parallel use with benzoyl and silyl groups was verified. The stabilities of the different alkoxy acetal protecting groups were compared by following the kinetics of their hydrolysis at 25.0 degrees C in buffered solutions through an HPLC method. In the pH range 4.94 to 6.82 the hydrolysis reactions are of first order in the hydronium ion. The rate of hydrolysis correlates with the electron-donating or electron-withdrawing ability of the corresponding alkoxy group. The studied 2-alkoxypropan-2-yl groups and the relative rate constants for their cleavage from the 5'-hydroxy group of 2'-deoxythymidine were: cyclohexyloxy (k(rel) = 7.7), isopropoxy (7.4), methoxy (1), benzyloxy (0.6) and 2,2,2-trifluoroethyloxy (0.04). The attachment of the same groups to the 3'-hydroxy group are from 1.3 to 1.9-fold more stable. The most reactive of these acetone-based acetal groups are faster removed than a dimethoxytrityl group, and they are easier to cleave completely in solution. The structural variation allows steering of the stability and lipophilicity of the compounds in some range.Peer reviewe

    Solving the discrepancy between the direct and relative-rate determinations of unimolecular reaction kinetics of dimethyl- substituted Criegee intermediate (CH3)2COO using a new photolytic precursor

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    We have performed direct kinetic measurements of thermal unimolecular reaction of (CH3)2COO in the temperature 243– 340 K and pressure 5–350 Torr ranges using time-resolved UV-absorption spectroscopy. We have utilized a new photolytic precursor, 2-bromo-2-iodopropane ((CH3)2CIBr), which photolysis at 213 nm in presence of O2 produces acetone oxide, (CH3)2COO. The results show that the thermal unimolecular reaction is more important main loss process of (CH3)2COO in the atmosphere than direct kinetic studies hitherto suggest. The current experiments show that the unimolecular reaction rate of (CH3)2COO at 296 K and atmospheric pressure is 899 ± 42 s-1. Probably more importantly, current measurements bring the direct and relative rate measurements of thermal unimolecular reaction kinetics of (CH3)2COO in quantitative agreement.Peer reviewe

    First direct kinetic measurement of i -C4H5 (CH2CHCCH2) + O-2 reaction : Toward quantitative understanding of aromatic ring formation chemistry

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    The kinetics of the i -C 4 H 5 (buta-1,3-dien-2-yl) radical reaction with molecular oxygen has been measured over a wide temperature range (275-852 K) at low pressures (0.8-3 Torr) in direct, time-resolved experiments. The measurements were performed using a laminar flow reactor coupled to photoionization mass spectrometer (PIMS), and laser photolysis of either chloroprene (2-chlorobuta-1,3-diene) or isoprene was used to produce the resonantly stabilized i -C 4 H 5 radical. Under the experimental conditions, the measured bimolecular rate coefficient of i -C 4 H 5 + O 2 reaction is independent of bath gas density and exhibits weak, negative temperature dependency, and can be described by the expression k 3 = (1.45 +/- 0.05) & times; 10 & minus;12 & times; ( T /298 K) & minus;(0.13 +/- 0.05) cm 3 s & minus;1 . The measured bimolecular rate coefficient is surprisingly fast for a resonantly stabilized radical. Under combustion conditions, the reactions of i -C 4 H 5 radical with ethylene and acetylene are believed to play an important role in forming the first aromatic ring. However, the current measurements show that i C 4 H 5 + O 2 reaction is significantly faster under combustion conditions than previous estimations suggest and, consequently, inhibits the soot forming propensity of i -C 4 H 5 radicals. The bimolecular rate coefficient estimates used for the i -C 4 H 5 + O 2 reaction in recent combustion simulations show significant variation and are up to two orders of magnitude slower than the current, measured value. All estimates, in contrast to our measurements, predict a positive temperature dependency. The observed products for the i -C 4 H 5 + O 2 reaction were formaldehyde and ketene. This is in agreement with the one theoretical study available for i C 4 H 5 + O 2 reaction, which predicts the main bimolecular product channels to be H 2 CO + C 2 H 3 + CO and H 2 CCO + CH 2 CHO. (c) 2020 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    An experimental and computational study of the reaction between pent-3-en-2-yl radicals and oxygen molecules : switching from pure stabilisation to pure decomposition with increasing temperature

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    We have used laser-photolysis-photoionization mass spectrometry, quantum chemical calculations, and master equation simulations to investigate the kinetics of the reaction between (E/Z)-pent-3-en-2-yl (CH3-CH - CH - CH-CH3), a resonance-stabilised hydrocarbon radical, and molecular oxygen. The time-resolved experiments were performed over a wide temperature range (240-750 K) at relatively low pressures (0.4-7 Torr) under pseudo-first-order conditions (excess [O-2]). Helium bath gas was used in most experiments, but nitrogen was employed in a few measurements to investigate the effect of a heavier collider on the kinetics of the studied reaction. The experimental traces were directly used to optimise parameters in the master equation model using the recently implemented trace fitting feature in the MESMER program. At low temperatures (T < 300 K), the reaction proceeds by barrierless recombination reactions to form peroxyl adducts, and the radical traces are single-exponential. Between 326 K and 376 K, equilibration between the reactants and the peroxyl adducts is observed, and the radical traces are multi-exponential. Interestingly, at temperatures above 500 K, single-exponential decays were again observed, although the reaction is much slower than at low temperatures. The master equation simulations revealed that at both low and high temperatures, the radical decay rate is governed by a single eigenvalue. At low temperatures, this eigenvalue corresponds to recombination reactions, and at high temperatures to the phenomenological formation of bimolecular products. Between low and high temperatures (the exact temperature thresholds depend on [O-2]), there is a region of avoided crossing in which the rate coefficient "jumps" from one eigencurve to the other. Although chemically significant eigenvalues are not well separated from internal energy relaxation eigenvalues at elevated temperatures (600 K at 0.01 bar, 850 K at 100 bar), we observed that many of the Bartis-Widom rate coefficients produced by the master equation model were valid up to 1500 K. Our simulations predict that the most important reaction channel at high temperatures is the formation of (E/Z)-penta-1,3-diene and hydroperoxyl. The experimentally constrained master equation model was used to simulate the title reaction over a wide range of conditions. To facilitate the use of our results in autoignition and combustion models, modified Arrhenius representations are given for the most important reaction channels.Peer reviewe

    Left ventricular dysfunction with reduced functional cardiac reserve in diabetic and non-diabetic LDL-receptor deficient apolipoprotein B100-only mice

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    BACKGROUND: Lack of suitable mouse models has hindered the studying of diabetic macrovascular complications. We examined the effects of type 2 diabetes on coronary artery disease and cardiac function in hypercholesterolemic low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient apolipoprotein B100-only mice (LDLR(-/-)ApoB(100/100)). METHODS AND RESULTS: 18-month-old LDLR(-/-)ApoB(100/100 )(n = 12), diabetic LDLR(-/-)ApoB(100/100 )mice overexpressing insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) in pancreatic beta cells (IGF-II/LDLR(-/-)ApoB(100/100), n = 14) and age-matched C57Bl/6 mice (n = 15) were studied after three months of high-fat Western diet. Compared to LDLR(-/-)ApoB(100/100 )mice, diabetic IGF-II/LDLR(-/-)ApoB(100/100 )mice demonstrated more calcified atherosclerotic lesions in aorta. However, compensatory vascular enlargement was similar in both diabetic and non-diabetic mice with equal atherosclerosis (cross-sectional lesion area ~60%) and consequently the lumen area was preserved. In coronary arteries, both hypercholesterolemic models showed significant stenosis (~80%) despite positive remodeling. Echocardiography revealed severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction and anteroapical akinesia in both LDLR(-/-)ApoB(100/100 )and IGF-II/LDLR(-/-)ApoB(100/100 )mice. Myocardial scarring was not detected, cardiac reserve after dobutamine challenge was preserved and ultrasructural changes revealed ischemic yet viable myocardium, which together with coronary artery stenosis and slightly impaired myocardial perfusion suggest myocardial hibernation resulting from chronic hypoperfusion. CONCLUSIONS: LDLR(-/-)ApoB(100/100 )mice develop significant coronary atherosclerosis, severe left ventricular dysfunction with preserved but diminished cardiac reserve and signs of chronic myocardial hibernation. However, the cardiac outcome is not worsened by type 2 diabetes, despite more advanced aortic atherosclerosis in diabetic animals

    Coolest Student Papers at Finland Futures Research Centre 2017–2018 : Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskuksen valittuja opiskelijatöitä 2017–2018.

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    This eBook contains the inspired and inspiring picks from the student essays written by students and student groups in the courses organised by Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC). This year’s selection shows that brilliant new students arrive our courses. The topics range from sustainability transitions to corporate foresight, from ethics to methodology, from data business to geoengineering. Independent, constructively critical open deliberation of how futures studies should be carried out is one of the core goals of our education and a key to further development of the courses and the whole field of futures studies

    Effects of operational assessment of the 4:4 and 4:4/6:6 watch systems on sleepiness, fatigue, and stress responses during patrolling on a navy missile patrol boat

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    The operation of naval vessels involves watchkeeping 24 h per day, which is globally carried out by a variety of different watch systems. In this study, the rotating 4:4 and fixed 4:4/6:6 two-section watch systems were compared in terms of sleepiness, fatigue, and stress responses. The data collection took place on a Finnish Defence Forces' (FDF) Navy missile patrol boat with 15 crew members serving as study participants. The data collection periods lasted two separate weeks (7 days, 6 nights) with the different watch systems. The subjective sleepiness of the participants was assessed before and after every watch using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). Stress responses were assessed daily by the recorded levels of salivary alpha-amylase (sAA), cortisol (sCor), immunoglobulin A (sIgA), and dehydroepiandrosterone (sDHEA). The participants' sustained attention, inhibitory control, and working memory were assessed daily by cognitive tests (SART, N-Back). The heart rate variability (HRV) during an orthostatic test was used as an additional daily marker to assess the amount of psychological stress of the participants. In this study, the difference regarding sleepiness and fatigue between the study weeks was most visible in the subjective KSS, which clearly favored the 4:4/6:6 system. The results of sAA and sIgA also suggested that the subjects were psychologically less stressed during the study week with the 4:4/6:6 watch system. Cognitive test results (SART, N-Back) indicated that there were overall no significant differences in the subjects' sustained attention, inhibitory control, or working memory during the study weeks or between the study weeks. The results of the HRV data during the daily orthostatic tests were inconclusive but there was some indication that the subjects were less stressed during the study week with the 4:4/6:6 watch system. In conclusion, the present study indicates that in navy surface operations: working with the fixed 4:4/6:6 watch system causes less sleepiness, fatigue, and psychological stress than working with the rotating 4:4 watch system. The study result is well in line with previous research regarding watch systems