22 research outputs found

    Embedding library in study structure

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    In Europe, the Bologna process aims at the harmonisation of the structure of higher education in order to facilitate mobility. In the context of engineering education, the trans-national recognition of engineering degrees, academically and professionally, is a primary goal. In Finland, the two-cycle degree structure to be adopted in the Bologna process will introduce the Bachelor's degree to supplement the Master's degree in university engineering education. At TKK, Helsinki University of Technology, the planning for the new two-cycle degree structure started in 2003 and the first students to study according to the new model were enrolled in autumn 2005. This paper will discuss the recent initiatives of the TKK library in conjunction with the degree structure reform at the university. The paper will highlight the experiences concerning the integration of an information literacy program into the seminar of the Bachelor's thesis. The paper will also describe in more detail the co-operation and collaboration of different actors participating in the realisation of the Bachelor's thesis and seminar. The scalability of the program has been important because some 1500 engineering students annually will be taking the degree. In this respect, pilot courses have been carried out and the scalability has been evaluated. Plans for further development of the program will be included in the presentation

    Vesirakenteiden jääkuormat

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    Engineering students’ information literacy instruction and blended learning course design – a case study

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    Introduction. This study focuses on the benefits derived from a blended learning course design in an engineering students’ information literacy course. The results of this study are also discussed within the context of professional development of the Aalto University Library’s information specialists working with information literacy instruction. Method. This study draws from the experiences of the graduate engineering students participating in the Aalto University Otaniemi Campus Library’s “Tools for master’s thesis”-course. The data of this study were gathered by an online survey. Results. The students connected a variety of different learning tasks with either the promotion of their personal inquiry, with sharing of experiences and practices or with the promotion of their overall learning. The engineering students also identified four positive ways in which the participation in the classroom enhanced the participation in the online environments. Respectively, the students identified four ways in which the participation in the online environments enhanced classroom participation. Conclusion. According to this study it seems possible to generate a single environment enhancing fusion of both classroom and online environment learning tasks in information literacy instruction. The blended learning approach seems to generate new ways of both thinking and realizing engineering students’ information literacy instruction.Peer reviewe

    Improving information retrieval with dialogue mapping and concept mapping tools : training university teachers to use a new method and integrate information searching exercises into their own instruction

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    The Library of Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) has almost 40 years' experience in teaching information retrieval, but has recently revised its training methods. During autumn 2006 the library and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering started an interesting co-operation. New software for making mind maps, concept maps and dialogue maps are being used for structuring information retrieval. This project got a warm reception because it can be adapted throughout the university and will benefit several departments. Teachers can also update their knowledge of information searching and retrieval skills

    Using contemporary practice-based approaches to generate data for guiding the design of information literacy learning environments - a preliminary study of engineering students

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    Abstract Introduction. This preliminary study examines the application of contemporary practice-based approaches to generate data for guiding the design of information literacy learning environments. Method. This preliminary study was conducted by interviewing three engineering students who were participating at the Tools for master’s thesis course arranged by Aalto University Library’s Otaniemi Campus Library. The interview’s structure was two-fold, as it first sketched out the participant’s master’s thesis practices through Schatzki’s site ontology and secondly examined the perceived value of different information literacy learning tasks on the latter. Results. The master’s thesis practices of the interviewees were networked in complex ways with e.g. economic life and the interviewees invested much in them. Two of the interviewees worked with their thesis full-time with surroundings and tools provided by their employer. The interviewees valued the lecture, which comprised of narratives of completed master’s thesis projects and the lecture of scientific writing. From the asynchronous online learning tasks, the interviewees valued the information retrieval task and the concept map exercise. Conclusion. Spatial library spaces could be provided with asynchronous content such as descriptions of the library services through the tasks of the central user groups and e.g. introductory videos to information retrieval techniques. These contents could be spatially located so that they would serve as facile entrance points to the mobile digital library. The practice-based approaches seem to provide a fertile way of examining student learning and insights gained through them may prove to be valuable in designing new information literacy learning environments

    Referentide Suvekool 2005

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    ● Sisekommunikatsioon akadeemilises keskkonnas / Illari Lään ● TKK Library – information literacy in practice / Kirsi Heino, Virpi Palmgren ● Teel traditsioonilisest raamatukogust õpikeskuseks / Kärt Mii

    Concept mapping and dialogue mapping in information seeking practices : a case study

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    There are huge possibilities for using concept and dialogue mapping tools in information retrieval. With the help of the software the subjects can be analysed and divided into smaller conceptual parts. Then the actual task is easier to carry out. In the past two years the Helsinki University of Technology TKK library and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering have co-operated with an interesting project. New software for making mind maps, concept maps and dialogue maps are being used for structuring information retrieval. These methods have been studied together, taught on separate courses and presentations about the methods have been given. This project has got a warm reception because the idea can be adapted throughout the university and therefore several departments may benefit. The paper will discuss the experiences of the project and highlight the possibilities incorporating the concept and dialogue mapping techniques in information literacy activities. Visualization of information seeking increases creativity. Illustrations can also capture complex entities, as demonstrated in Figure 1.reviewe

    Yksityisen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon lainsäädännön työryhmän loppuraportti

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    Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö asetti 8.9.2014 työryhmän, jonka tehtävänä oli selvittää, arvioida ja tehdä esitys yksityisten sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen lupamenettelyjä ja valvontaa koskeviksi säännöksiksi sekä selventää muilta osin nykyistä sääntelyä. Työryhmän tuli arvioida, yhdistetäänkö nykyiset, yksityisiä sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluja koskevat erilliset lait samaan lakiin. Työryhmän ehdotus tuli laatia hallituksen esityksen muotoon. Työryhmä ehdottaa lainsäädäntöä uudistettavaksi säätämällä laki yksityisistä sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluista. Lailla kumottaisiin voimassa oleva yksityisistä sosiaalipalveluista annettu laki ja yksityisestä terveydenhuollosta annettu laki. Laissa säädettäisiin oikeudesta tuottaa yksityisesti sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluja. Nykyisistä lupa- ja ilmoitusmenettelyistä luovuttaisiin ja säädettäisiin kaikkia palvelun tuottajia koskevasta rekisteröintimenettelystä niiden oikeudellisesta muodosta riippumatta. Rekisteröintimenettely jakaantuisi pääsääntöisesti toteutettavaan kevyeen menettelyyn sekä riskiperusteisen arvioinnin perusteella toteutettavaan raskaaseen menettelyyn. Siten toiminnan ennakkotarkastus toteutettaisiin vain tarvittaessa. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan lupa- ja valvontaviraston ja aluehallintoviraston toimivallanjako rekisteröinti- ja valvontatehtävissä vastaisi pääosin nykyistä sääntelyä. Kuntien nykyiset lupa- ja valvontamenettelyyn liittyvät tehtävät poistettaisiin. Yksityisten palvelun tuottajien rekisteristä toteutettaisiin ajantasainen julkinen tietopalvelu. Lain tarkoituksena olisi varmistaa yksityisiä sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluja käyttävän asiakkaan tai potilaan asiakas- ja potilasturvallisuus, varmistaa laadultaan hyvät yksityiset sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut sekä edistää palvelun tuottajan ja viranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä. Palvelun tuottajan omaa vastuuta palvelujen laadusta, turvallisuudesta ja asianmukaisuudesta vahvistettaisiin

    Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor- and chemotherapy-induced large-vessel vasculitis : six patient cases and a systematic literature review

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    Objective. Patients receiving chemotherapy are prone to neutropoenic infections, presenting with non-specific symptoms such as a high fever and elevated inflammatory parameters. Large-vessel vasculitis (LVV) may have a similar clinical presentation and should be included in differential diagnostics. A few published case reports and adverse event reports suggest a causal association between LVV and the use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and chemotherapy. Our objective was to evaluate the relationship between LVV, G-CSF and chemotherapy. Methods. Between 2016 and 2018, we identified six patients in Finland with probable drug-induced LVV associated with G-CSF and chemotherapy. All six patients had breast cancer. A systematic literature review was performed according to PRISMA guidelines using comprehensive search terms for cancer, chemotherapy, G-CSF and LVV. Results. The literature search identified 18 similar published case reports, of which most were published after 2014. In all patients combined (n = 24), the time delay from the last drug administration to the LVV symptoms was on average 5 days with G-CSF (range = 1-8 days) and 9 days with chemotherapy (range = 1-21 days). Common symptoms were fever (88%), neck pain (50%) and chest pain (42%). Based on imaging, 17/24 (71%) had vascular inflammation in the thoracic aorta and supra-aortic vessels, but 5/24 (21%) reportedly had inflammation limited to the carotid area. Conclusion. This review suggests that LVV may be a possible serious adverse event associated with G-CSF and chemotherapy. Successful management of drug-induced LVV requires early identification, through diagnostic imaging, and discontinuation of the drug.Peer reviewe