135 research outputs found
Local constellations of actors in the all-day education. A case study from Lower Saxony
In diesem Beitrag wird auf Basis einer explorativen Fallanalyse ein kommunaler Gestaltungsprozess zur Entwicklung der Ganztagsbildung untersucht. Ausgehend vom Educational Governance-Ansatz wird am Beispiel des Projektes Kooperative Ganztagsbildung der Stadt Oldenburg nachgezeichnet, welche Akteure neben der Kommunalverwaltung bei wesentlichen Entscheidungsfindungen zur Umsetzung der kooperativen Ganztagsbildung regelmäßig involviert sind. Darüber hinaus werden die spezifischen Zugriffsrechte bzw. Verhandlungspositionen der beteiligten Akteure interpretativ analysiert. Im Ergebnis wird vor allem eine dominante Rolle der Stadtverwaltung deutlich, die durch eine geschickte Nutzung von Handlungsspielräumen ein politisch abgestimmtes Konzept der Ganztagsbildung auch gegen eine zunächst ablehnende Position der Landespolitik umsetzen kann. (DIPF/Orig.)Using an exploratory case study this paper analyzes the development process of a concept of all-day schooling. Based on the educational governance perspective the concept Cooperative All-Day Schooling in the city of Oldenburg is investigated in order to determine which actors besides the municipal administration are regularly involved in central decision making processes for the development of all-day schooling. Furthermore, specific access rights as well as negotiation positions of the actors involved in the project are interpreted. The results indicate a dominant role of the municipality, which is able to use its scope of action in order to implement a politically coordinated concept of all-day schooling against an initially negative attitude of the Federal Land ministry. (DIPF/Orig.
Nuclear imaging and semi-invasive electrocardiography in CRT
Cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) is a promising treatment option in patients with chronic heart failure. In this article the roles of semi-invasive esophageal left-heart electrocardiography and functional cardiac nuclear imaging in the field of CRT are highlighted, as the combination of both could be a favourable diagnostic approach in special cardiac situations. Also original esophageal left heart electrogram data of exemplary CRT patients is presented
A Product Formula for the Normalized Volume of Free Sums of Lattice Polytopes
The free sum is a basic geometric operation among convex polytopes. This note
focuses on the relationship between the normalized volume of the free sum and
that of the summands. In particular, we show that the normalized volume of the
free sum of full dimensional polytopes is precisely the product of the
normalized volumes of the summands.Comment: Published in the proceedings of 2017 Southern Regional Algebra
Termination of atrial flutter by directed transesophageal atrial pacing during transesophageal echocardiography: Terminierung von Vorhofflattern mit gerichteter transösophagealer Vorhofstimulation bei transösophagealer Echokardiographie
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate termination of atrial flutter (AFL) by directed rapid transesophageal atrial pacing (TAP) with and without simultaneous transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) performed using a novel TEE tube electrode. Materials and methods, and Results: A total of 16 AFL patients (age 63"12 years; 13 males) with mean AFL cycle length of 224"24 ms (ns12) and mean ventricular cycle length of 448"47 ms (ns12) were analyzed using either an esophageal TO electrode (ns10) or a novel TEE tube electrode consisting of a tube with four hemispherical electrodes that is pulled over the echo probe (ns6). AFL could be terminated by directed rapid TAP using an esophageal TO electrode, leading to induction of atrial fibrillation (AF) (ns6), induction of AF and spontaneous conversion to sinus rhythm (SR) (ns3), and with conversion to SR (ns1). AFL could also be terminated by directed rapid TAP using the TEE tube electrode, with induction of AF (ns3) or induction of AF and pontaneous conversion to SR (ns3). Conclusion: AFL can be terminated by directed rapid TAP with hemispherical electrodes with and without simultaneous TEE. TAP with the directed TEE tube electrode is a safe, simple, and useful method for terminating AFL
Management-induced changes in soil organic carbon on global croplands
Soil organic carbon (SOC), one of the largest terrestrial carbon (C) stocks on Earth, has been depleted by anthropogenic land cover change and agricultural management. However, the latter has so far not been well represented in global C stock assessments. While SOC models often simulate detailed biochemical processes that lead to the accumulation and decay of SOC, the management decisions driving these biophysical processes are still little investigated at the global scale. Here we develop a spatially explicit data set for agricultural management on cropland, considering crop production levels, residue returning rates, manure application, and the adoption of irrigation and tillage practices. We combine it with a reduced-complexity model based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) tier 2 method to create a half-degree resolution data set of SOC stocks and SOC stock changes for the first 30 cm of mineral soils. We estimate that, due to arable farming, soils have lost around 34.6 GtC relative to a counterfactual hypothetical natural state in 1975. Within the period 1975–2010, this SOC debt continued to expand by 5 GtC (0.14 GtC yr−1) to around 39.6 GtC. However, accounting for historical management led to 2.1 GtC fewer (0.06 GtC yr−1) emissions than under the assumption of constant management. We also find that management decisions have influenced the historical SOC trajectory most strongly by residue returning, indicating that SOC enhancement by biomass retention may be a promising negative emissions technique. The reduced-complexity SOC model may allow us to simulate management-induced SOC enhancement – also within computationally demanding integrated (land use) assessment modeling.</p
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Management-induced changes in soil organic carbon on global croplands
Soil organic carbon (SOC), one of the largest terrestrial carbon (C) stocks on Earth, has been depleted by anthropogenic land cover change and agricultural management. However, the latter has so far not been well represented in global C stock assessments. While SOC models often simulate detailed biochemical processes that lead to the accumulation and decay of SOC, the management decisions driving these biophysical processes are still little investigated at the global scale. Here we develop a spatially explicit data set for agricultural management on cropland, considering crop production levels, residue returning rates, manure application, and the adoption of irrigation and tillage practices. We combine it with a reduced-complexity model based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) tier 2 method to create a half-degree resolution data set of SOC stocks and SOC stock changes for the first 30 cm of mineral soils. We estimate that, due to arable farming, soils have lost around 34.6 GtC relative to a counterfactual hypothetical natural state in 1975. Within the period 1975-2010, this SOC debt continued to expand by 5 GtC (0.14 GtCyr-1) to around 39.6 GtC. However, accounting for historical management led to 2.1 GtC fewer (0.06 GtCyr-1) emissions than under the assumption of constant management. We also find that management decisions have influenced the historical SOC trajectory most strongly by residue returning, indicating that SOC enhancement by biomass retention may be a promising negative emissions technique. The reduced-complexity SOC model may allow us to simulate management-induced SOC enhancement - also within computationally demanding integrated (land use) assessment modeling
Management-induced changes in soil organic carbon on global croplands
Funding Information: The work of Kristine Karstens has been funded by the DFG Priority Program “Climate Engineering: Risks, Challenges, Opportunities?” (SPP 1689), specifically the CEMICS2 project (grant no. ED78/3-2), and by the CDRSynTra project (grant no. 01LS2101G) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The research leading to these results has received funding for Benjamin Leon Bodirsky from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research And Innovation Programme (grant nos. 776479 (COACCH) and 821010 (CASCADES)). Benjamin Leon Bodirsky acknowledges support by the project ABCDR (grant no. 01LS2105A) funded by the BMBF. The work of Susanne Rolinski, Jens Heinke, and Isabelle Weindl has also been supported by CLIMASTEPPE (grant no. 01DJ8012), EXIMO (grant no. 01LP1903D), and FOCUS (grant no. 031B0787B), all funded by the BMBF. The input of Pete Smith, Matthias Kuhnert, and Marta Dondini contributes to the Soils-R-GGREAT project (grant no. NE/P019455/1) and CIRCASA (EU H2020; grant no. 774378). Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 Kristine Karstens et al.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
On positivity of Ehrhart polynomials
Ehrhart discovered that the function that counts the number of lattice points
in dilations of an integral polytope is a polynomial. We call the coefficients
of this polynomial Ehrhart coefficients, and say a polytope is Ehrhart positive
if all Ehrhart coefficients are positive (which is not true for all integral
polytopes). The main purpose of this article is to survey interesting families
of polytopes that are known to be Ehrhart positive and discuss the reasons from
which their Ehrhart positivity follows. We also include examples of polytopes
that have negative Ehrhart coefficients and polytopes that are conjectured to
be Ehrhart positive, as well as pose a few relevant questions.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figures. To appear in in Recent Trends in Algebraic
Combinatorics, a volume of the Association for Women in Mathematics Series,
Springer International Publishin
In-source high-resolution spectroscopy of holmium radioisotopes - On-line tailored perpendicular laser interaction at ISOLDE's Laser Ion Source and Trap LIST
The combination of resonant laser ionization and electromagnetic mass separation has become an extremely powerful and versatile tool for the study of atomic and nuclear physics properties of exotic species over the last decades. It exploits step-wise resonant excitation and subsequent ionization by laser light precisely tuned to unique, fingerprint-like resonances in the electronic shell as a technique, which is both highly efficient and inherently element-selective. It is applied at the majority of large scale radioactive ion beam facilities world-wide, directly coupled to the production of radioactive species which are presented to laser ionization in a hot atomic vapor cavity. This ion source type is an excellent environment for direct laser spectroscopic investigations on the atomic structure. Fundamental ground state properties of the nucleus can be derived from minute effects arising from interactions with the electronic shell. Most commonly, such hyperfine structure investigations are prevented by the limited spectral resolution due to Doppler broadening in the hot atomic vapor.
This thesis comprises the development, characterization and first-time application of a laser ion source specialized for high resolution laser spectroscopy. It is based on the Perpendicularly Illuminated Laser Ion Source and Trap (PI-LIST), which was recently developed in the LARISSA group, and uses a perpendicular geometry between incident laser light and the atomic beam effusing from a hot cavity to overcome Doppler limitations. As this previous setup relies on lateral laser in-coupling through windows at the source vacuum vessel, the upgrade presented here is tailored for installation at radioactive ion beam facilities such as CERN-ISOLDE, where access to the highly radioactive front end area is impossible.
With this novel tool, high resolution hyperfine structure studies on long-lived, radioactive holmium isotopes were performed at the RISIKO mass separator at Mainz University. The extremely dense spectra arising from the coupling of both high nuclear spin and total angular momenta of the atomic states demanded high spectral resolution far beyond the capabilities of a standard hot cavity laser ion source. With outstanding experimental line widths as low as 100 MHz FWHM, the first-time extraction of nuclear structure parameters of 166mHo was possible. Its nuclear spin was confirmed as I = 7. Additionally, the results on the magnetic dipole moment, the spectroscopic quadrupole moment and the first determination of the change in mean square charge radii towards the neutron-rich side of the holmium isotopic chain resolve inconsistencies in literature data and confirm the pronounced prolate deformation in this mid-shell region of the nuclear chart.
The PI-LIST with internal reflection proved to be completely competitive to the previous mode with external lateral laser incoupling in all operational parameters. On dedicated characterization experiments, ultimate line widths of as low as 60 MHz were achieved, and an overall efficiency of the setup of up to the 10^(-4) regime was confirmed. The PI-LIST is thus proven to be ready for installation at on-line facilities.Die Kombination von resonanter Laserionisation mit elektromagnetischer Massenseparation hat sich über die letzten Jahrzehnte zu einem leistungsfähigen und vielseitigen Werkzeug zum Studium der Atom- und Kernphysik exotischer Spezies entwickelt. Die Methode nutzt schrittweise, resonante Anregung mit abschließender Ionisation durch präzise abgestimmte Laserstrahlung über die spezifischen optischen Übergänge der Atomhülle und stellt damit eine sowohl hocheffiziente als auch inhärent elementselektive Technik dar. Sie wird weltweit an Isotopenfabriken verschiedener Großforschungseinrichtungen eingesetzt, wo direkte Kopplung an die Erzeugung radioaktiver Spezies besteht, die als Atomdampf in einer heißen Kavität zur Ionisation zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Diese Geometrie ist gleichermaßen eine exzellente Umgebung für laserspektroskopische Untersuchungen der Atomstruktur. Fundamentale Grundzustandseigenschaften des Kerns können über ihre Wechselwirkung mit der Elektronenhülle abgeleitet werden. Gewöhnlich verhindert die durch die Dopplerverbreiterung in der heißen Kavität begrenzte spektrale Auflösung jedoch solche Untersuchungen.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beinhaltet die Entwicklung, vollständige Charakterisierung sowie erstmalige Anwendung einer Laserionenquelle, die auf hochauflösende Laserspektroskopie spezialisiert ist. Sie basiert auf der ebenfalls in der LARISSA-Arbeitsgruppe entwickelten Perpendicular Illuminated Laser Ion Source and Trap (PI-LIST) und verwendet transversal zum aus der heißen Kavität austretenden Atomstrahl eingestrahltes Laserlicht, um die Doppler-Limitierung zu überwinden. Während dieser vormalige Aufbau auf seitlicher Lasereinkopplung durch Fenster an der Quellenvakuumkammer beruht, ist das hier vorgestellte Upgrade maßgeschneidert für eine Installation an Einrichtungen zur Erzeugung radioaktiver Ionenstrahlen, an denen Zugriff auf den hochradioaktiven Quellenbereich unmöglich ist.
Mit diesem neuen Aufbau wurden hochauflösende Hyperfeinstrukturuntersuchungen an langlebigen radioaktiven Holmiumisotopen am RISIKO-Massenseparator der Universtität Mainz durchgeführt. Die extrem dichten Spektren, die in der Kopplung von sowohl hohem Kernspin als auch hohem Gesamtdrehimpuls der zugänglichen atomaren Zustände begründet sind, erfordern spektrale Auflösung weit jenseits der Doppler-verbreiteten Situation in einer Standardionenquelle mit heißer Kavität. Durch herausragende experimentelle Linienbreiten bis unterhalb von 100 MHz gelang die erstmalige Bestimmung von Kernstrukturparametern von 166mHo. Der Kernspin wurde mit = 7 bestätigt. Weiterhin lösen die Ergebnisse für das magnetische Dipolmoment, das spektroskopische Quadrupolmoment sowie die erstmalige Bestimmung der Änderung des mittleren quadratischen Ladungsradius auf der neutronenreichen Seite der Holmium-Isotopenkette Unstimmigkeiten in den verfügbaren Literaturdaten und bestätigen die stark prolate Kerndeformation in diesem Bereich der Nuklidkarte.
Die PI-LIST mit interner Laserreflektion hat sich bezüglich aller operativer Parameter als vollständig ebenbürtig zu dem vormals verwendeten Modus mit externer seitlicher Lasereinstrahlung gezeigt. In dedizierten Experimenten wurden spektrale Linienbreiten von bis zu 60 MHz erreicht, und eine Gesamteffizienz des Aufbaus bis in den Bereich von 10^(-4) wurde bestätigt. Damit steht die PI-LIST einer Installation an on-line-Einrichtungen zur Verfügung.
Die Arbeit wird abgerundet durch eine Zusammenstellung verschiedener weiterer Entwicklungen im Bereich der Ionenquellen mit heißer Kavität. Dabei stehen die Optimierung von Effizienz sowie die Ionenstrahlreinheit im Vordergrund
Oesophageal Electrode Probe and Device for Cardiological Treatment and/or Diagnosis (EP3706626A1)
The invention relates to an oesophageal electrode probe (10) for bioimpedance measurement and/or for neurostimulation; a device (100) for transoesophageal cardiological treatment and/or cardiological diagnosis; and a method for the open-loop or closed-loop control of a cardiac catheter ablation device and/or a cardiac, circulatory and/or respiratory support device. The oesophageal electrode probe comprises a bioimpedance measuring device for measuring the bioimpedance of at least one part of the tissue surrounding the oesophageal electrode probe. The bioimpedance device comprises at least one first and one second electrode, wherein the at least one first electrode (12A) is arranged on a side (14) of the oesophageal electrode probe facing towards the heart and the at least one second electrode (12B) is arranged on a side (16) of the oesophageal electrode probe facing away from the heart. The device (100) comprises the oesophageal electrode probe (10) and a control and/or evaluation device (30), which is configured for receiving a first bioimpedance measurement signal from the at least one first electrode (12A) and a second bioimpedance measurement signal from the at least one second electrode (12B), and comparing same, and generating a control signal on the basis of the comparison. The control signal can be a signal for the open-loop or closed-loop control of a cardiac catheter ablation device and/or a cardiac, circulatory and/or respiratory support device.Die Erfindung betrifft eine Osophaguselektrodensonde (10) zur Bioimpedanzmessung und/oder zur Neurostimulation; eine Vorrichtung (100) zur transösophagealen kardiologischen Behandlung und/oder kardiologischen Diagnose; und ein Verfahren zum Steuern oder Regeln einer Herzkatheterablationseinrichtung und/oder einer Herz-, Kreislauf- und/oder Lungenunterstützungseinrichtung. Die Osophaguselektrodensonde umfasst eine Bioimpedanzmesseinrichtung zur Messung der Bioimpedanz von zumindest einem Teil des die Osophaguselektrodensonde umgebenden Gewebes. Die Bioimpedanzmesseinrichtung umfasst mindestens eine erste und eine zweite Elektrode, wobei die mindestens eine erste Elektrode (12A) auf einer dem Herzen zugewandten Seite (14), und die mindestens eine zweite Elektrode (12B) auf einer vom Herzen abgewandten Seite (16) der Osophaguselektrodensonde angeordnet ist. Die Vorrichtung (100) umfasst die Osophaguselektrodensonde (10) und eine Steuer- und/oder Auswerteinrichtung (30), die eingerichtet ist, ein erstes Bioimpedanzmesssigna! von der mindestens einen ersten Elektrode (12A) und ein zweites Bioimpedanzmesssignal von der mindestens einen zweiten Elektrode (12B) zu empfangen und zu vergleichen, und ein Kontrollsignal auf Basis des Vergleichs zu generieren. Das Kontrollsignal kann ein Signal zum Steuern oder Regeln einer Herzkatheterablationseinrichtung und/oder einer Herz-, Kreislauf- und/oder Lungenunterstützungseinrichtung sein.L'invention concerne une sonde (10) à électrode œsophagienne pour la mesure de la bioimpédance et/ou pour la neurostimulation ; un dispositif (10) pour le traitement et/ou le diagnostic cardiologique(s) transœsophagien(s) ; et un procédé pour commander ou réguler un dispositif d'ablation à cathéter cardiaque et/ou un dispositif d'assistance cardiaque, circulatoire et/ou pulmonaire. La sonde à électrode œsophagienne comprend un dispositif de mesure de la bioimpédance pour mesurer la bioimpédance d'au moins une partie du tissu entourant la sonde à électrode l'œsophagienne. Le dispositif de mesure de la bioimpédance comprend au moins une première et une deuxième électrode, ladite au moins une première électrode (12A) étant disposée sur un côté (14) orienté vers le cœur et ladite au moins une deuxième électrode (12B) étant disposée sur le côté (16) opposé au cœur de la sonde à électrode œsophagienne. Le dispositif (100) comprend la sonde (10) à électrode œsophagienne et un dispositif de commande et/ou d'évaluation (30) qui est conçu pour recevoir et pour comparer un premier signal de mesure de la bioimpédance provenant de ladite au moins une première électrode (12A) et un deuxième signal de mesure de la bioimpédance provenant de ladite au moins une deuxième électrode (12B) et pour générer un signal de contrôle sur base de la comparaison. Le signal de contrôle peut être un signal pour commander ou réguler un dispositif d'ablation à cathéter cardiaque et/ou un dispositif d'assistance cardiaque, circulatoire et/ou pulmonaire
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