3,766 research outputs found

    The Structure of Barium in the hcp Phase Under High Pressure

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    Recent experimental results on two hcp phases of barium under high pressure show interesting variation of the lattice parameters. They are here interpreted in terms of electronic structure calculation by using the LMTO method and generalized pseudopotential theory (GPT) with a NFE-TBB approach. In phase II the dramatic drop in c/a is an instability analogous to that in the group II metals but with the transfer of s to d electrons playing a crucial role in Ba. Meanwhile in phase V, the instability decrease a lot due to the core repulsion at very high pressure. PACS numbers: 62.50+p, 61.66Bi, 71.15.Ap, 71.15Hx, 71.15LaComment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Total energy differences between SiC polytypes revisited

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    The total energy differences between various SiC polytypes (3C, 6H, 4H, 2H, 15R and 9R) were calculated using the full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method using the Perdew-Wang-(91) generalized gradient approximation to the exchange-correlation functional in the density functional method. Numerical convergence versus k-point sampling and basis set completeness are demonstrated to be better than 1 meV/atom. The parameters of several generalized anisotropic next-nearest-neighbor Ising models are extracted and their significance and consequences for epitaxial growth are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Latex, uses epsfig and revte

    The moral muteness of managers: an Anglo-American phenomenon? German and British managers and their moral reasoning about environmental sustainability in business

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    Several studies in the Anglo-American context have indicated that managers present themselves as morally neutral employees who act only in the best interest of the company by employing objective skills. The reluctance of managers to use moral arguments in business is further accentuated in the now common argument presented as a neutral fact that the company must always prioritise shareholder value. These and other commercial aims are seen as an objective reality in business, whilst questions about sustainability, environmental problems or fair trade are seen as emotional or moral ones; a phenomenon described as ‘moral muteness’. This research explores whether this ‘moral muteness’ is an Anglo-American phenomenon and/or whether managers in other countries - in this case Germany - might express themselves in a different way. The focus is on moral arguments around environmental sustainability and the implications of this study for cross-cultural management. This article is based on a qualitative, comparative cross-cultural study of British and German managers in the Food Retail and Energy Sectors. In line with the studies mentioned above, British managers placed a strong emphasis on their moral neutrality. In contrast, German managers tended to use moral arguments when discussing corporate greening, often giving such arguments more weight than financial arguments. Overall, the study suggests that the ‘moral muteness’ of managers is a British phenomenon and quite distinct from the German approach. The article ends in a short exploration of how this understanding can help managers better manage people, organisations and change across cultures

    Long period polytype boundaries in silicon carbide

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    A significant gap in our understanding of polytypism exists, caused partly by the lack of experimental data on the spatial distribution of polytype coalescence and knowledge of the regions between adjoining polytypes. Few observations, Takei & Francombe (1967) apart, of the relative location of different polytypes have been reported. A phenomenological description of the boundaries, exact position of one-dimensional disorder (1DD) and long period polytypes (LPP’s) has been made possible by synchrotron X-ray diffraction topography (XRDT)

    First experimental evidence for quantum echoes in scattering systems

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    A self-pulsing effect termed quantum echoes has been observed in experiments with an open superconducting and a normal conducting microwave billiard whose geometry provides soft chaos, i.e. a mixed phase space portrait with a large stable island. For such systems a periodic response to an incoming pulse has been predicted. Its period has been associated to the degree of development of a horseshoe describing the topology of the classical dynamics. The experiments confirm this picture and reveal the topological information.Comment: RevTex 4.0, 5 eps-figure

    Various Improvements to Operate the 1.5GeV HDSM at MAMI

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    During the last three years at the 1.5GeV Harmonic Double Sided Microtron HDSM, [1] of MAMI a lot of improvements concerning the longitudinal operation of the accelerator were tested and installed. To monitor the rf power dissipated in the accelerating sections, their cooling water flow and its temperature rise are now continuously logged. Phase calibration measurements of the linacs and the phase intensity monitors p i monitors revealed nonlinearities of the high precision step motor driven waveguide phase shifters. They were recalibrated to deliver precise absolute values. Thereby it is now possible to measure not only the first turn s phase very exactly, but also to determine the linac s rf amplitude within an error of less than 5 using the well known longitudinal dispersion of the bending system. These results are compared to the thermal load measurements. For parity violation experiments the beam energy has to be stabilised to some 10 amp; 8722;6. A dedicated system measuring the time of flight through a bending magnet is now used in routine operation and controls the output energy via the linac phase

    Encircling an Exceptional Point

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    We calculate analytically the geometric phases that the eigenvectors of a parametric dissipative two-state system described by a complex symmetric Hamiltonian pick up when an exceptional point (EP) is encircled. An EP is a parameter setting where the two eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian coalesce. We show that it can be encircled on a path along which the eigenvectors remain approximately real and discuss a microwave cavity experiment, where such an encircling of an EP was realized. Since the wavefunctions remain approximately real, they could be reconstructed from the nodal lines of the recorded spatial intensity distributions of the electric fields inside the resonator. We measured the geometric phases that occur when an EP is encircled four times and thus confirmed that for our system an EP is a branch point of fourth order.Comment: RevTex 4.0, four eps-figures (low resolution

    R-matrix theory of driven electromagnetic cavities

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    Resonances of cylindrical symmetric microwave cavities are analyzed in R-matrix theory which transforms the input channel conditions to the output channels. Single and interfering double resonances are studied and compared with experimental results, obtained with superconducting microwave cavities. Because of the equivalence of the two-dimensional Helmholtz and the stationary Schroedinger equations, the results present insight into the resonance structure of regular and chaotic quantum billiards.Comment: Revtex 4.

    Computational science and re-discovery: open-source implementations of ellipsoidal harmonics for problems in potential theory

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    We present two open-source (BSD) implementations of ellipsoidal harmonic expansions for solving problems of potential theory using separation of variables. Ellipsoidal harmonics are used surprisingly infrequently, considering their substantial value for problems ranging in scale from molecules to the entire solar system. In this article, we suggest two possible reasons for the paucity relative to spherical harmonics. The first is essentially historical---ellipsoidal harmonics developed during the late 19th century and early 20th, when it was found that only the lowest-order harmonics are expressible in closed form. Each higher-order term requires the solution of an eigenvalue problem, and tedious manual computation seems to have discouraged applications and theoretical studies. The second explanation is practical: even with modern computers and accurate eigenvalue algorithms, expansions in ellipsoidal harmonics are significantly more challenging to compute than those in Cartesian or spherical coordinates. The present implementations reduce the "barrier to entry" by providing an easy and free way for the community to begin using ellipsoidal harmonics in actual research. We demonstrate our implementation using the specific and physiologically crucial problem of how charged proteins interact with their environment, and ask: what other analytical tools await re-discovery in an era of inexpensive computation?Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure
