759 research outputs found
Novel functions of aberrant cyclin D1/CDK4 activity in mantle cell lymphoma and consequences for proteasome inhibitor treatment
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive B cell-non-Hodgkin lymphoma with generally poor outcome and only transient responses to conventional chemotherapy. Cells of MCL patients are characterized by an aberrant high cyclin D1-driven cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) activity. Recently, the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) inhibitor bortezomib has been approved for the treatment of relapsed/refractory MCL and has shown promising results in first-line treatment of MCL patients. However, little is known about how the aberrant cyclin D1-driven CDK4 activity does affect the treatment efficacy of UPS inhibitors in MCL. The present work aimed to identify novel functions for cyclin D1/CDK4 activity in MCL that regulate the efficacy of proteasome inhibitor treatment.
In this study, the efficacy of proteasome inhibitor treatment was found to depend on the aberrant cyclin D1/CDK4 activity in MCL. Inhibition of cyclin D1/CDK4 activity with the CDK4 inhibitor palbociclib antagonized bortezomib induced cell death in MCL cells. Moreover, the antioxidant defense protein sestrin 3 was identified to be strongly regulated by cyclin D1-driven CDK4 activity. Although, bortezomib efficacy was demonstrated to be regulated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) or antioxidants, changes in sestrin 3 expression levels are not responsible for cell death regulation after UPS blockage in MCL. Furthermore, even though targeting cyclin D1/CDK4 activity with palbociclib induces cell cycle arrest, changes in cell cycle distribution after cyclin D1/CDK4 inhibition also do not mediate the antagonizing effect on bortezomib induced cell death. Astonishingly, it could be demonstrated that cyclin D1/CDK4 inhibition antagonizes the bortezomib induced cell death through a reduction of NOXA protein accumulation. It could also be shown that this mechanism is not exclusive for the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib but also applies to other agents that depend on NOXA protein accumulation for efficient cell death induction in MCL cells.
Importantly, results of the present study revealed that this regulation of NOXA protein levels by cyclin D1/CDK4 activity is not associated with a reduction of NOXA transcript levels but is mediated by the regulation of NOXA protein stability. This identified novel function of cyclin D1/CDK4 to regulate NOXA protein half-life in the presence of UPS blockage is mediated by the autophagic degradation machinery. This study identified, the regulation of autophagic activity as a novel cell cycle independent function of cyclin D1/CDK4 activity in MCL. In this context, it was demonstrated that inhibition of cyclin D1/CDK4 activity by palbociclib treatment induces autophagic activity in MCL. Cyclin D1/CDK4 and autophagic activity, however, are not linked by the common autophagy regulating pathways, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) or ROS.
In addition, genetic or pharmacological inhibition of autophagic activity reverses the palbociclib mediated antagonism on bortezomib induced cell death and NOXA protein accumulation. Remarkably, this study demonstrates that the NOXA protein can be targeted for proteasomal as well as autophagosomal degradation. Targeting NOXA protein for degradation through selective autophagy might be mediated through a LC3-interacting region (LIR) motif that was identified in the amino acid sequence of the NOXA protein. Interestingly, combination of bortezomib with known autophagy inhibitors potentiates cell death induction as well as NOXA protein accumulation compared to bortezomib treatment alone. Furthermore, screening for a highly efficient combinatorial blockade of the UPS and the ALP revealed that the fatty acid synthase (FASN) inhibitor orlistat can be repositioned for autophagy inhibition. Consequently, the combinatorial treatment with bortezomib and orlistat leads to a very efficient NOXA protein induction and caspase dependent cell death in MCL cells. This cell death is again dependent on the aberrant high cyclin D1/CDK4 activity. The expression levels of certain other apoptotic proteins, however, are not affected by the combinatorial treatment.
In conclusion, the present study revealed the regulation of autophagic activity as a novel function of cyclin D1/CDK4 activity in MCL. These findings are of utmost importance for the treatment of MCL patients, as combination of proteasome inhibitors with autophagy inhibitors could greatly improve therapy outcomes or overcome bortezomib resistances. In addition to known autophagy inhibitors, treatment options could include conventional drugs that are repurposed for targeting the autophagic degradation machinery. On the other hand, care must be taken when combining proteasome inhibitors with other chemotherapeutics that might impair cyclin D1/CDK4 activity or induce autophagy.Das Mantelzell-Lymphom (MCL) ist ein aggressives B-Zell-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom mit sehr schlechter klinischer Prognose und nur zeitweiligem Ansprechen auf konventionelle Chemotherapie. Zellen von MCL-Patienten zeichnen sich durch eine anormal hohe Cyclin D1-vermittelte Cyclin-abhĂ€ngige Kinase 4 (CDK4) AktivitĂ€t aus. KĂŒrzlich wurde der Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System (UPS)-Inhibitor Bortezomib fĂŒr die Behandlung des rezidivierten bzw. refraktĂ€ren MCl zugelassen und zeigte vielversprechende Ergebnisse unter anderem in der PrimĂ€rtherapie von MCL-Patienten. Es ist jedoch wenig darĂŒber bekannt, wie die anormale Cyclin D1/CDK4-AktivitĂ€t beim MCL die Wirksamkeit der Behandlung von UPS-Inhibitoren beeinflusst. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es daher neue Funktionen fĂŒr die Cyclin D1/CDK4 AktivitĂ€t im MCL zu identifizieren, die die Wirksamkeit der Behandlung von Proteasominhibitoren beeinflussen.
In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Wirksamkeit der Proteasominhibitoren von der anormalen Cyclin D1/CDK4-AktivitĂ€t in MCL-Zellen abhĂ€ngig ist. AuĂerdem wurde nachgewiesen, dass das Antioxidans-Protein Sestrin 3 durch die Cyclin D1-vermittelte CDK4-AktivitĂ€t reguliert wird. Es konnte dabei gezeigt werden, dass die Wirksamkeit von Bortezomib durch reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) oder Antioxidantien reguliert wird. Dennoch sind VerĂ€nderungen der Sestrin 3 Expressionslevel nicht fĂŒr die Regulation des Zelltods nach UPS-Blockade im MCL verantwortlich. Obwohl die Hemmung der Cyclin D1/CDK4-AktivitĂ€t durch Palbociclib einen Zellzyklusarrest induziert, vermitteln diese VerĂ€nderungen im Zellzyklus nicht die antagonisierende Wirkung von Palbociclib auf den Bortezomib induzierten Zelltod. Erstaunlicherweise konnte gezeigt werden, dass Palbociclib den Bortezomib induzierten Zelltod durch eine reduzierte NOXA-Proteinakkumulation antagonisiert. Es konnte auĂerdem nachgewiesen werden, dass dieser Mechanismus nicht nur auf den Proteasominhibitor Bortezomib beschrĂ€nkt ist, sondern auch fĂŒr andere Wirkstoffe gilt, die fĂŒr eine effiziente Zelltodinduktion im MCL auf die Akkumulation des NOXA-Proteins angewiesen sind.
Wichtig ist hierbei, dass die Cyclin D1/CDK4 vermittelte Regulierung der NOXA-Proteinexpression, nicht durch eine Reduzierung des NOXA-Transkripts, sondern durch eine Regulierung der NOXA-ProteinstabilitÀt vermittelt wird. Diese Funktion von Cyclin D1/CDK4, die Halbwertszeit des NOXA-Proteins in Anwesenheit einer UPS-Blockade zu regulieren, wird hierbei durch die autophagosomalen Abbauwege vermittelt. Die Regulation der autophagosomalen AktivitÀt wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit, als eine neue zellzyklusunabhÀngige Funktion der Cyclin D1/CDK4 AktivitÀt im MCL identifiziert.
In diesem Zusammenhang wurde gezeigt, dass die Hemmung der Cyclin D1/CDK4 AktivitĂ€t durch die Behandlung mit Palbociclib, die autophagosomale AktivitĂ€t im MCL erhöht. Cyclin D1/CDK4 und autophagosomale AktivitĂ€t stehen jedoch nicht durch die Signalwege miteinander in Verbindung, die ĂŒblicherweise Autophagie regulieren, wie die AMP aktivierte Proteinkinase (AMPK)- oder ROS Signalwege.
Des Weiteren hob die genetische oder pharmakologische Hemmung der autophagosomalen AktivitĂ€t, den durch Palbociclib vermittelten Antagonismus auf den Bortezomib induzierten Zelltod und die NOXA-Proteinakkumulation auf. Erstaunlicherweise zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit, dass das NOXA-Protein sowohl proteasomal als auch autophagosomal abgebaut werden kann. Die Markierung des NOXA-Proteins fĂŒr den Abbau durch selektive Autophagie, könnte durch ein LC3-interagierende Region (LIR)-Motiv vermittelt werden, das in der AminosĂ€uresequenz des NOXA-Proteins identifiziert werden konnte. Interessanterweise potenziert die Kombination von Bortezomib mit bekannten Autophagie-Inhibitoren die Zelltod- sowie NOXA-Induktion, im Vergleich zu der Bortezomib Behandlung allein. Zudem ergab ein Substanzscreening zur Identifikation einer hocheffizienten dualen Blockade des proteasomalen und autophagosomalen Abbaus, dass der FettsĂ€ure-Synthase-Inhibitor Orlistat fĂŒr die Autophagie-Inhibition umfunktioniert werden kann. Infolgedessen fĂŒhrte die Kombinationsbehandlung mit Bortezomib und Orlistat zu einer sehr effizienten NOXA-Proteininduktion und einem Caspase-abhĂ€ngigen Zelltod in MCL-Zellen. Dieser Zelltod ist ebenso abhĂ€ngig von der anormal hohen Cyclin-D1/CDK4-AktivitĂ€t. Die Expressionsraten bestimmter anderer apoptotischer Proteine werden jedoch durch die Kombinationsbehandlung nicht beeinflusst.
Zusammenfassend konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Regulation der autophagosomalen AktivitĂ€t als neue Funktion der Cyclin D1/CDK4-AktivitĂ€t im MCL identifiziert werden. Diese Ergebnisse sind fĂŒr die Behandlung von MCL-Patienten von groĂem Interesse, da die Kombination von Proteasominhibitoren mit Autophagie-Inhibitoren die Therapie deutlich verbessern, sowie Bortezomib-Resistenzen ĂŒberwinden könnte. AuĂerdem besteht die Möglichkeit, dass diese Behandlungsoptionen, zusĂ€tzlich zu den bekannten Autophagie-Inhibitoren, auch konventionelle Medikamente beinhalten die hierbei als Regulatoren der autophagosomalen Abbaumechanismen eine neue Verwendung finden. Wiederum besteht das Risiko von antagonistischen Effekten bei der Kombination von Proteasominhibitoren mit Chemotherapeutika, da diese die AktivitĂ€t von Cyclin D1/CDK4 beeintrĂ€chtigen oder Autophagie induzieren könnten
A Global Plate Model Including Lithospheric Deformation Along Major Rifts and Orogens Since the Triassic
Global deepâtime plate motion models have traditionally followed a classical rigid plate approach, even though plate deformation is known to be significant. Here we present a global MesozoicâCenozoic deforming plate motion model that captures the progressive extension of all continental margins since the initiation of rifting within Pangea at ~240 Ma. The model also includes major failed continental rifts and compressional deformation along collision zones. The outlines and timing of regional deformation episodes are reconstructed from a wealth of published regional tectonic models and associated geological and geophysical data. We reconstruct absolute plate motions in a mantle reference frame with a joint global inversion using hot spot tracks for the last 80 million years and minimizing global trench migration velocities and net lithospheric rotation. In our optimized model, net rotation is consistently below 0.2°/Myr, and trench migration scatter is substantially reduced. Distributed plate deformation reaches a Mesozoic peak of 30 Ă 106 km2 in the Late Jurassic (~160â155 Ma), driven by a vast network of rift systems. After a midâCretaceous drop in deformation, it reaches a high of 48 x 106 km2 in the Late Eocene (~35 Ma), driven by the progressive growth of plate collisions and the formation of new rift systems. About a third of the continental crustal area has been deformed since 240 Ma, partitioned roughly into 65% extension and 35% compression. This community plate model provides a framework for building detailed regional deforming plate networks and form a constraint for models of basin evolution and the plateâmantle system
UniversitÀres Alumni-Management in Online Social Networks
Online Social Networks (OSN) bieten eine ausgezeichnete Möglichkeit fĂŒr Hochschulen, ihre ehemaligen Studierenden zu vernetzen. Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, den State of the Art der Nutzung von OSN fĂŒr die Alumni Arbeit zu beschreiben. Hierzu haben wir mit einer dreistufigen Suchstrategie fĂŒr insgesamt 109 deutsche UniversitĂ€ten deren PrĂ€senzen fĂŒr Alumni Gemeinschaften identifiziert, ausgewertet und miteinander verglichen. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen groĂe Unterschiede. Nur wenige UniversitĂ€ten verzichten auf die Nutzung eines OSN fĂŒr die Alumni Arbeit, in der Regel nutzen sie mehrere. Die auf geschĂ€ftliche Ziele ausgerichteten Netze Xing und LinkedIn werden bevorzugt. Anhand der Indikatoren Reichweite, AktivitĂ€t und Resonanz haben wir Ranglisten erstellt, die zeigen, welche UniversitĂ€ten sich in der Spitzengruppe befinden und welche noch Nachholbedarf haben
Topographic asymmetry of the South Atlantic from global models of mantle flow and lithospheric stretching
The relief of the South Atlantic is characterized by elevated passive continental margins along southern Africa and eastern Brazil, and by the bathymetric asymmetry of the southern oceanic basin where the western flank is much deeper than the eastern flank. We investigate the origin of these topographic features in the present and over time since the Jurassic with a model of global mantle flow and lithospheric deformation. The model progressively assimilates plate kinematics, plate boundaries and lithospheric age derived from global tectonic reconstructions with deforming plates, and predicts the evolution of mantle temperature, continental crustal thickness, long-wavelength dynamic topography, and isostatic topography. Mantle viscosity and the kinematics of the opening of the South Atlantic are adjustable parameters in thirteen model cases. Model predictions are compared to observables both for the present-day and in the past. Present-day predictions are compared to topography, mantle tomography, and an estimate of residual topography. Predictions for the past are compared to tectonic subsidence from backstripped borehole data along the South American passive margin, and to dynamic uplift as constrained by thermochronology in southern Africa. Comparison between model predictions and observations suggests that the first-order features of the topography of the South Atlantic are due to long-wavelength dynamic topography, rather than to asthenospheric processes. The uplift of southern Africa is best reproduced with a lower mantle that is at least 40 times more viscous than the upper mantle
Pharmacokinetically-guided dosing to improve the efficacy of brigatinib in non-small cell lung cancer patients
Brigatinib was recently approved for the treatment of anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive non-small cell lung cancer and is dosed according to a one-dose-fits-all paradigm. We aimed to identify a pharmacokinetically-guided precision dosing strategy to improve treatment response with brigatinib through simulations using a previously published pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model. Dosing strategies explored were the approved 180âmg QD; the highest tolerable dose tested in clinical trials: 240âmg QD; and two precision dosing strategies targeting the median trough concentrations following 180âmg QD, and 240âmg QD. We investigated the impact of alternative dosing regimens on progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS) and the probability of developing a grade â„2 rash or grade â„2 amylase increase. Median PFS and OS increased by 1.6 and 7.8Â months, respectively between the currently approved dosing strategy and precision dosing to the median trough concentration of the 240âmg dosing strategy, with only a minor increase in the probability of developing toxicity
Dewar Benzenoids Discovered in Carbon Nanobelts
© 2020 American Chemical Society. The synthesis of cyclacene nanobelts remains an elusive goal dating back over 60 years. These molecules represent the last unsynthesized building block of carbon nanotubes and may be useful both as seed molecules for the preparation of structurally well-defined carbon nanotubes and for understanding the behavior and formation of zigzag nanotubes more broadly. Here we report the discovery that isomers containing two Dewar benzenoid rings are the preferred form for several sizes of cyclacene. The predicted lower polyradical character and higher singlet-triplet stability that these isomers possess compared with their pure benzenoid counterparts suggest that they may be more stable synthetic targets than the structures that have previously been identified. Our findings should facilitate the exploration of new routes to cyclacene synthesis through Dewar benzene chemistry
Global patterns in Earth's dynamic topography since the Jurassic: the role of subducted slabs
We evaluate the spatial and temporal evolution of Earth's long-wavelength surface dynamic topography since the Jurassic using a series of high-resolution global mantle convection models. These models are Earth-like in terms of convective vigour, thermal structure, surface heat-flux and the geographic distribution of heterogeneity. The models generate a degree-2-dominated spectrum of dynamic topography with negative amplitudes above subducted slabs (i.e. circum-Pacific regions and southern Eurasia) and positive amplitudes elsewhere (i.e. Africa, north-western Eurasia and the central Pacific). Model predictions are compared with published observations and subsidence patterns from well data, both globally and for the Australian and southern African regions. We find that our models reproduce the long-wavelength component of these observations, although observed smaller-scale variations are not reproduced. We subsequently define geodynamic rules for how different surface tectonic settings are affected by mantle processes: (i) locations in the vicinity of a subduction zone show large negative dynamic topography amplitudes; (ii) regions far away from convergent margins feature long-term positive dynamic topography; and (iii) rapid variations in dynamic support occur along the margins of overriding plates (e.g. the western US) and at points located on a plate that rapidly approaches a subduction zone (e.g. India and the Arabia Peninsula). Our models provide a predictive quantitative framework linking mantle convection with plate tectonics and sedimentary basin evolution, thus improving our understanding of how subduction and mantle convection affect the spatio-temporal evolution of basin architecture.This research was supported by resources
provided by the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre with funding
from the Australian Government and the Government of Western
Australia and with the assistance of resources from the National
Computational Infrastructure (NCI), which is supported by the
Australian Government. Sascha Brune was funded by the Marie
Curie International Outgoing Fellowship 326115 and the Helmholtz
Young Investigators Group CRYSTALS. Christian Heine was
supported by ARC Linkage Project LP0989312 with Shell
E & P and TOTAL. D. Rhodri Davies is funded by an ARC
Future Fellowship (FT140101262) and Simon Williams and
R. Dietmar MĂŒller are supported by ARC grants DP130101946 and IH13020001
Epidemiology and Characteristics of Gastric Carcinoma in Childhood : An Analysis of Data from Population-Based and Clinical Cancer Registries
(1) Background: Gastric carcinoma is an exceptionally rare tumor in childhood. Little is
known about the etiology, epidemiology, and clinical features of pediatric gastric carcinomas. This
analysis aimed to fill this gap by increasing knowledge about the occurrence of gastric carcinoma in
childhood. (2) Material and methods: Data from gastric carcinoma cases diagnosed between 2000
and 2017/2018 were retrieved from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER)
and the German Center for Cancer Registry Data. Data from patients <20 years of age were analyzed
for patient- and tumor-related characteristics. In addition, clinical data from patients with gastric
carcinoma registered in the German Registry for Rare Pediatric Tumors (STEP) were analyzed for
diagnostics, therapy, and outcome. (3) Results: Ninety-one cases of gastric carcinoma, mainly in
adolescents, were identified in the epidemiologic cancer registries. Among patients with recorded
staging data, advanced tumor stages were common (66.7%). Within the follow-up period covered,
63.7% of patients with clinical follow-up data died. Eight pediatric patients with gastric carcinoma
were enrolled in the STEP registry, among whom two were patients with hereditary CDH1 mutations
and another was a patient with PeutzâJeghers syndrome. Three patients were found to have distinctly
decreased immunoglobulin concentrations. All four patients in whom complete resection was
achieved remained in remission. Three of the other four patients died despite multimodal therapy. (4) Conclusions: A combination of Helicobacter pylori infection and tumor predisposition and/or
immunodeficiency appears to promote the development of gastric carcinoma in childhood. While
patients with localized disease stages have a good chance of achieving durable remission through
complete resection, patients with stage IV carcinomas face a dismal prognosis, highlighting the need
to develop new strategies such as mutation-guided treatments
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