2,898 research outputs found

    The linear rms-flux relation in an Ultraluminous X-ray Source

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    We report the first detection of a linear correlation between rms variability amplitude and flux in the Ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 5408 X-1. The rms-flux relation has previously been observed in several Galactic black hole X-ray binaries (BHBs), several Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and at least one neutron star X-ray binary. This result supports the hypothesis that a linear rms-flux relation is common to all luminous black hole accretion and perhaps even a fundamental property of accretion flows about compact objects. We also show for the first time the cross-spectral properties of the variability of this ULX, comparing variations below and above 1 keV. The coherence and time delays are poorly constrained but consistent with high coherence between the two bands, over most of the observable frequency range, and a significant time delay (with hard leading soft variations). The magnitude and frequency dependence of the lags are broadly consistent with those commonly observed in BHBs, but the direction of the lag is reversed. These results indicate that ULX variability studies, using long X-ray observations, hold great promise for constraining the processes driving ULXs behaviour, and the position of ULXs in the scheme of black hole accretion from BHBs to AGN.Comment: 4 Pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication by MNRAS

    Inclination-dependent spectral and timing properties in transient black hole X-ray binaries

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    We use a simple one-dimensional parameterisation of timing properties to show that hard and hard-intermediate state transient black hole X-ray binaries with the same power-spectral shape have systematically harder X-ray power-law emission in higher-inclination systems. We also show that the power-spectral shape and amplitude of the broadband noise (with low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations, QPOs, removed) is independent of inclination, confirming that it is well-correlated with the intrinsic structure of the emitting regions and that the "type C" QPO, which is inclination-dependent, has a different origin to the noise, probably geometric. Our findings suggest that the power-law emission originates in a corona which is flattened in the plane of the disc, and not in a jet-like structure which would lead to softer spectra at higher inclinations. However, there is tentative evidence that the inclination-dependence of spectral shape breaks down deeper into the hard state. This suggests either a change in the coronal geometry and possible evidence for contribution from jet emission, or alternatively an even more optically thin flow in these states.Comment: 6 Pages, 4 Figures, accepted as a Letter by MNRA

    Power-Colours: Simple X-ray Binary Variability Comparison

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    We demonstrate a new method of variability classification using observations of black hole X-ray binaries. Using `power colours' -- ratios of integrated power in different Fourier frequency bands -- we can clearly differentiate different canonical black hole states as the objects evolve during outburst. We analyse (~ 2400) Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations of 12 transient low mass black hole X-ray binaries and find that the path taken around the power colour-colour diagram as the sources evolve is highly consistent from object to object. We discuss how the consistency observed in the power colour-colour diagram between different objects allows for easy state classification based on only a few observations, and show how the power-spectral shapes can be simply classified using a single parameter, the power-spectral `hue'. To illustrate the benefits of our simple model-independent approach, we show that the persistent high mass X-ray binary Cyg X-1 shows very similar power-spectral evolution to the transient black hole sources, with the main difference being caused by a combination of a lack of quasi-periodic oscillations and an excess of low-frequency power-law noise in the Cyg X-1 power spectra during the transitional state. We also compare the transient objects to the neutron star atoll source Aquila X-1, demonstrating that it traces a different path in the power colour-colour plot. Thus, power-colours could be an effective method to classify newly discovered X-ray binaries.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Short Recurring Bursts of the magnetars SGR 1806-20 and SGR 1900+14 Observed With RXTE

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    Quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in the giant flares of magnetars are of particular interest due to their potential to open up a window into the neutron star interior via neutron star asteroseismology. However, only three giant flares have been observed. We therefore make use of the much larger data set of shorter, less energetic recurrent bursts. Here, we report on a search for QPOs in a large data set of bursts from the two most burst-active magnetars, SGR 1806-20 and SGR 1900+14, observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). We find a single detection in an averaged periodogram comprising 30 bursts from SGR 1806-20, with a frequency of 57 Hz and a width of 5 Hz, remarkably similar to a giant flare QPO observed from SGR 1900+14. This QPO fits naturally within the framework of global magneto-elastic torsional oscillations employed to explain the giant flare QPOs. Additionally, we uncover a limit on the applicability of Fourier analysis for light curves with low background count rates and strong variability on short timescales. In this regime, standard Fourier methodology and more sophisticated Fourier analyses fail in equal parts by yielding an unacceptably large number of false positive detections. This problem is not straightforward to solve in the Fourier domain. Instead, we show how simulations of light curves can offer a viable solution for QPO searches in these light curves.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ; 12 pages, 7 figures; code + instructions at https://github.com/dhuppenkothen/MagnetarQPOSearchPaper ; associated data products at http://figshare.com/articles/SGR_1900_14_RXTE_Data/1184101 (SGR 1900+14) and http://figshare.com/articles/SGR_1806_20_Bursts_RXTE_data_set/1184427 (SGR 1806-20

    Communication of toxic health information : arsenic in Milltown Montana

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    African Private Security Companies and the Alien Tort Claims Act: Could Multinational Oil and Mining Companies be Liable?

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    This paper focuses specifically on the possible liability under the ATCA of multinational oil and mining companies operating in Africa. First, it will examine the relationships between the multinational oil and mining companies, private security forces and African governments. In doing so, it will describe the actual activities and operations of the private security forces in conjunction with the oil and mining corhpanies. Second, this paper will outline the elements of liability under the ATCA. This will include a discussion of recent cases in which foreign nationals have sued multinational companies in the United States for alleged human rights abuses committed abroad. Finally, this paper will explore whether the oil and mining companies could be liable for the actions of the private security forces in certain situations under the United States ATCA. It will also outline recommendations for the oil and mining companies on how to conduct their relationships with the private security forces so that their likelihood of liability might be reduced

    Swift X-ray Telescope study of the Black Hole Binary MAXI J1659-152: Variability from a two component accretion flow

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    We present an energy dependent X-ray variability study of the 2010 outburst of the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1659-152 with the Swift X-ray Telescope (XRT). The broad-band noise components and the quasi periodic oscillations (QPO) observed in the power spectra show a strong and varied energy dependence. Combining Swift XRT data with data from the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer, we report, for the first time, an rms spectrum (fractional rms amplitude as a function of energy) of these components in the 0.5-30 keV energy range. We find that the strength of the low-frequency component (< 0.1 Hz) decreases with energy, contrary to the higher frequency components (> 0.1 Hz) whose strengths increase with energy. In the context of the propagating fluctuations model for X-ray variability, we suggest that the low-frequency component originates in the accretion disk (which dominates emission below ~ 2 keV) and the higher frequency components are formed in the hot flow (which dominates emission above ~ 2 keV). As the properties of the QPO suggest that it may have a different driving mechanism, we investigate the Lense-Thirring precession of the hot flow as a candidate model. We also report on the QPO coherence evolution for the first time in the energy band below 2 keV. While there are strong indications that the QPO is less coherent at energies below 2 keV than above 2 keV, the coherence increases with intensity similar to what is observed at energies above 2 keV in other black-hole X-ray binaries.Comment: 12 pages, 6 Figures, 2 Tables, Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    The Ubiquity of the rms-flux relation in Black Hole X-ray Binaries

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    We have investigated the short term linear relation between the rms variability and the flux in 1,961 observations of 9 black hole X-ray binaries. The rms-flux relation for the 1-10 Hz range is ubiquitously observed in any observation with good variability signal to noise (> 3 % 1-10 Hz fractional rms). This concurs with results from a previous study of Cygnus X-1 (Gleissner et. al. 2004), and extends detection of the rms-flux relation to a wider range of states. We find a strong dependence of the flux intercept of the rms-flux relation on source state; as the source transitions from the hard state into the hard intermediate state the intercept becomes strongly positive. We find little evidence for flux dependence of the broad-band noise within the PSD shape, excepting a small subset of observations from one object in an anomalous soft-state. We speculate that the ubiquitous linear rms-flux relation in the broad band noise of this sample, representing a range of different states and objects, indicates that its formation mechanism is an essential property of the luminous accretion flow around black holes.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The psychophysics of absolute threshold and signal duration: A probabilistic approach

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    The absolute threshold for a tone depends on its duration; longer tones have lower thresholds. This effect has traditionally been explained in terms of ?temporal integration? involving the summation of energy or perceptual information over time. An alternative probabilistic explanation of the process is formulated in terms of simple equations that predict not only the time=duration dependence but also the shape of the psychometric function at absolute threshold. It also predicts a tight relationship between these two functions. Measurements made using listeners with either normal or impaired hearing show that the probabilistic equations adequately fit observed threshold-duration functions and psychometric functions. The mathematical formulation implies that absolute threshold can be construed as a two-valued function: (a) gain and (b) sensory threshold, and both parameters can be estimated from threshold-duration data. Sensorineural hearing impairment is sometimes associated with a smaller threshold=duration effect and sometimes with steeper psychometric functions. The equations explain why these two effects are expected to be linked. The probabilistic approach has the potential to discriminate between hearing deficits involving gain reduction and those resulting from a raised sensory threshold