448 research outputs found

    Reflection Types and Students’ Viewing of Feedback in a First-Year Engineering Course Using Standards-Based Grading

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    Background: Feedback is one of the most powerful and essential tools for learning and assessment, particularly when it provides the information necessary to close an existing gap between actual and reference levels of performance. The literature on feedback has primarily focused on addressing strategies for providing effective feedback rather than aspects of students’ readiness to engage with feedback. Purpose/Hypothesis: This study investigated whether reflection, as a routine pedagogical intervention grounded in self-regulated learning theory, promotes the frequency with which students view feedback. Design/Method: A quasi-experimental design was employed to examine the relationship between the use of four different reflection types, as well as no reflection, and students’ feedback viewing behaviors in a first-year engineering course that used standards-based grading. Clickstream data were gathered through the learning management system to count the number of times students viewed feedback. The number of feedback views was compared by reflection type using descriptive statistics and a generalized linear model; weekly feedback viewing patterns were examined using time-descriptive graphs and the time-series cluster analysis. Results: Findings suggest reflection has the potential to increase the frequency of feedback views. Reflection not only had a positive and significant effect on the number of times students viewed feedback but also resulted in less variability between course sections and instructors when structured reflections made explicit references to feedback. Conclusions: Students need feedback to learn effectively, but many do not view feedback without formal prompting. The authors recommend instructors consistently administer reflections that include explicit pointers to feedback throughout the semester

    Recycling of paper, cardboard and its PFAS in Norway

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    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been used in paper products since the 1960s. PFAS emissions during the life cycle of these products have been substantial sources of these substances to the environment. Here, a total of 37 PFAS were analysed in 13 paper products sampled in 2021, for which some were made of virgin paper and others recycled paper, including food contact materials (FCM), packaging, and a notebook. In addition, different fractions of the recycling process of corrugated paper and board were sampled at a Norwegian cardboard recycling plant and analysed for the same PFAS, to get an overview of PFAS in the recycling stream of these materials in Norway. PFAS were found in recycled paper and board, indicating PFAS can be a non-intentionally added substance (NIAS) in recycled paper products. Sum of targeted PFAS detected in paper products (including products made of virgin and recycled materials) ranged between 0.4 and 971 µg kg−1, dominated by SAmPAP diester and 6:2 FTS (0–62% and 0–98%, respectively). The sum of targeted PFAS in returned corrugated paper and board in Norway is at least 32 kg per year (6 mg per capita per year). Recycling is important to ensure sustainability. As part of the broad PFAS restriction in Europe, PFAS are to be restricted in paper and board materials. Thus, lower levels of PFAS entering the recycling stream are expected in the future. Monitoring is necessary to assess reductions of PFAS in the paper waste stream due to PFAS regulations in Europe.Recycling of paper, cardboard and its PFAS in NorwaypublishedVersio

    Distribution, emplacement and formation processes of the archaeological record in Punta Medanosa, northern coast of Santa Cruz

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    Se presentan los resultados del análisis geoarqueológico y espacial de concheros y de estructuras de entierro de tipo chenque en la localidad Punta Medanosa, costa norte de Santa Cruz. A partir del estudio de los materiales que componen los concheros se interpretó que en esta clase de sitios se desarrollaron múltiples actividades vinculadas a las bases residenciales; mientras que los chenques cumplieron una función mortuoria. Se evaluó la existencia de asociación o correspondencia entre la ubicación de los tipos de registros respecto de las unidades geomorfológicas donde se emplazan. A partir de los resultados se observó que en Punta Medanosa los concheros se encuentran emplazados principalmente en dunas, y que los chenques se asocian especialmente a afloramientos rocosos. Finalmente, se interpreta que determinadas unidades del paisaje (playas bajas con dunas litorales y afloramientos rocosos) fueron seleccionadas para la realización de actividades culturales específicas (tareas cotidianas desarrolladas en los concheros e inhumación de personas en chenques).Results of geoarchaeological and spatial analysis of shell middens and chenque burial structures in the locality of Punta Medanosa, northern coast of Santa Cruz, are presented. From the material study of the shell middens it was interpreted that multiple activities related to the residential bases were developed; while chenques met a mortuary function. The existence of association or correspondence between the location of the types of records regarding the geomorphological units where they are located was evaluated. Results indicate that in Punta Medanosa, shell middens are located mainly in landforms like dunes, and burial structures in chenque are especially associated with rocky outcrops. Finally, it is interpreted that certain landscape units were selected for carrying out specific cultural activities (daily activities developed in shell middens and burial of people in chenques).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Planimetric survey and lichenometric analysis in Campo de Chenques site, northern coast of Santa Cruz (Argentinian Patagonia)

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    Se presentan los resultados de dos vías metodológicas desarrolladas en el sitio Campo de Chenques, las que resultan novedosas para la arqueología de cazadores recolectores que habitaron la Patagonia. El sitio se ubica en la costa atlántica de la provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina, y presenta una concentración de estructuras de entierro humanas de tipo chenque. Se realizó el levantamiento planimétrico de las estructuras de rocas que conforman el sitio a partir del uso de un GPS diferencial. Además, se desarrollaron estudios liquenométricos con el fin de obtener cronologías de las estructuras. Para ello se midieron líquenes del género Rhizocarpon subgénero Rhizocarpon que crecen sobre las rocas. A partir de estos estudios se realizó un plano georreferenciado del sitio, se determinó el número y morfología de las estructuras y se obtuvo por liquenometría una edad mínima para la construcción de las mismas de 770 años, aproximadamente, la que es concordante con las edades radiocarbónicas obtenidas para el sitio. De este modo, Campo de Chenques es el contexto arqueológico más antiguo de Patagonia en el que se han aplicado análisis liquenométricos hasta el momento. Los resultados se discuten en relación con la dinámica de ocupación del área por las poblaciones cazadoras recolectoras durante el Holoceno tardío.This paper presents the results obtained from the planimetric survey and lichenometric analyses conducted for the first time in the hunter-gatherer archaeology of Patagonia. Campo de Chenques site is a concentration of chenque-type human burial structures located on the Atlantic coast of the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina. A planimetric survey of the structures that make up the site was performed using a differential GPS. In addition, lichenometric studies were undertaken in order to obtain minimum estimated ages for the structures. To this end, lichen genus Rhizocarpon (subgenus Rhizocarpon) that grow on the rocks were measured. Based on these studies, a georeferenced map of the site was made, the number and morphology of the structures were determined, and a minimum age of approximately 770 years for the chenque construction was obtained by lichenometry, which is consistent with radiocarbon ages obtained for the site. Thus, Campo de Chenques becomes the oldest archaeological context of Patagonia in which a lichenometric technique was applied for the first time. The results are discussed in relation to the dynamics of occupation of the area by hunter-gatherer populations during the late Holocene.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Planimetric survey and lichenometric analysis in Campo de Chenques site, northern coast of Santa Cruz (Argentinian Patagonia)

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    Se presentan los resultados de dos vías metodológicas desarrolladas en el sitio Campo de Chenques, las que resultan novedosas para la arqueología de cazadores recolectores que habitaron la Patagonia. El sitio se ubica en la costa atlántica de la provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina, y presenta una concentración de estructuras de entierro humanas de tipo chenque. Se realizó el levantamiento planimétrico de las estructuras de rocas que conforman el sitio a partir del uso de un GPS diferencial. Además, se desarrollaron estudios liquenométricos con el fin de obtener cronologías de las estructuras. Para ello se midieron líquenes del género Rhizocarpon subgénero Rhizocarpon que crecen sobre las rocas. A partir de estos estudios se realizó un plano georreferenciado del sitio, se determinó el número y morfología de las estructuras y se obtuvo por liquenometría una edad mínima para la construcción de las mismas de 770 años, aproximadamente, la que es concordante con las edades radiocarbónicas obtenidas para el sitio. De este modo, Campo de Chenques es el contexto arqueológico más antiguo de Patagonia en el que se han aplicado análisis liquenométricos hasta el momento. Los resultados se discuten en relación con la dinámica de ocupación del área por las poblaciones cazadoras recolectoras durante el Holoceno tardío.This paper presents the results obtained from the planimetric survey and lichenometric analyses conducted for the first time in the hunter-gatherer archaeology of Patagonia. Campo de Chenques site is a concentration of chenque-type human burial structures located on the Atlantic coast of the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina. A planimetric survey of the structures that make up the site was performed using a differential GPS. In addition, lichenometric studies were undertaken in order to obtain minimum estimated ages for the structures. To this end, lichen genus Rhizocarpon (subgenus Rhizocarpon) that grow on the rocks were measured. Based on these studies, a georeferenced map of the site was made, the number and morphology of the structures were determined, and a minimum age of approximately 770 years for the chenque construction was obtained by lichenometry, which is consistent with radiocarbon ages obtained for the site. Thus, Campo de Chenques becomes the oldest archaeological context of Patagonia in which a lichenometric technique was applied for the first time. The results are discussed in relation to the dynamics of occupation of the area by hunter-gatherer populations during the late Holocene.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Características que inciden en las infecciones de transmisión sexual en mujeres adolescentes que asisten al Centro Salud Pierre Gros Jean, municipio de la Dalia, durante el III trimestre del año 2017

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    Las Infecciones de Transmision Sexual, es una problematica de salud publica a nivel mundial que afectan de manera general a todas las mujeres adolescentes, escencialmente las que se encuentran entre las edades de 10 a 19 años. Esta investigacion se realiza con el proposito de caracterizar la incidencia en las infecciones de transmsion sexual en mujeres adolescentes que asisten a los puestos de salud del departamento de Matagalpa, durante III trimestre del año 2017, en el cual se plantean los siguientes objetivos especificos: Caracterizar socio demograficamente a las mujeres adolescentes en estudio, describir los factores de riesgos, identificar el agente causal que mas incide, y clasificar el nivel de incidencia según la infeccion. Este estudio es de tipo descriptivo, cualicuantitativo, prospectivo de corte longitudinal, con una población de 50 pacientes y una muestra de 7 adolescentes, se conto la autorizacion de la directora del hospital y jefe de puesto de salud. Los factores de riesgos para las ITS, son consumo de alcohol, las adolescentes que usan anticonceptivos inyectables, relaciones sexuales precoses, las que han tenido 2 o mas parejas sexuales, el agente causal que mas incide en las infecciones de transmision sexual es la bacteria, la ITS de mayor incidencia es el virus del papiloma human

    Video presentations, self video recordings and video story telling implementation to improve oral performance of second year of high school english students section “J” at Centro Escolar INSA in the year 2019

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    Students in EFL classrooms showed many deficiencies while acquiring the new language, and to master the four-macro skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) results difficult as they were immersing in the language. In words of Latihfah (2015) “The importance of learning English is not only in speaking, but also how it can be used especially in daily life since it has been a mean of communication used by people around the world

    Proyecto Integrador: Planeación Estratégica Para El Fortalecimiento En La Implementación De Protocolos De Bioseguridad Del Hogar Infantil Los Tunjitos Del Municipio De Guatavita

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    Proponer desde la Gerencia Social, una planeación estratégica para el fortalecimiento organizacional en relación con la implementación de protocolos de bioseguridad por la pandemia covid-19, en el modelo de alternancia y voluntariedad adoptado en la resolución 1721 del 24 de septiembre del 2020 en la institución educativa los Tunjitos del municipio de GuatavitaEl tema para abordar desde el proyecto integrador de la especialización en Gerencia Social, surge inicialmente por la situación de emergencia sanitaria causada por el COVID19, y sus posibles consecuencias en el retorno al Jardín Infantil del municipio de Guatavita, lo que lleva desde la gerencia social, a proponer una planeación estratégica que fortalezca una eficiente implementación de protocolos de bioseguridad para el retorno a clases de manera segura, voluntaria y bajo un modelo de alternancia, implementando acciones que contribuyan al cumplimiento de los protocolos de bioseguridad y de esta manera minimizar los niveles de contagio en el retorno a clase de los niños y niñasThe topic to address from the integrative project of the strategic management, arose initially by the health emergency situation caused by COVID-19 and its possible consequences in the return to Kindergarten in the municipality of Guatavita, which leads from the social management to propose a strategic planning, to guarantee the gradual, voluntary return to classes under an alternation model, implementing actions that contribute to the compliance of biosecurity protocols and thus minimize the levels of contagion in the children's return to clas

    Effect of Mixed Oxide-Based TiO2 on the Physicochemical Properties of Chitosan Films

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    The physicochemical, mechanical, and structural properties of chitosan-based films (CS) alone or CS-films with mixed oxide nanoparticles (TiO2-ZnO-MgO, TZM; CSTZM) at different concentrations (125, 250, and 500 μg mL−1) were investigated. The addition of nano-TZM promoted a color change (from colorless to white) in the film-forming solution, which increased its turbidity and it decreased viscosity. CSTZM were semitransparent (transmittance, T% decreased up to 49%) compared to CS-based films (T% = 95.5). CSTZM (particularly at a concentration of 500 μg mL−1) exhibited an improvement in the moisture content (decreased from 12.6 to 9.67%), water solubility (decreased from 14.94 to 10.22%), degree of swelling (increased from 19.79 to 36.28%), water vapor barrier (decreased from 6.62 x 10−16 to 4.33 x 10−16 g m−1 h−1 Pa−1), thermal stability (the endotherm peak increased from 99.5 to 157.7 °C), and mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation at break increased from 4.15 to 4.98 kPa and 6.96 to 56.18%, respectively, while the modulus of elasticity decreased from 144 kPa to 4.11 kPa), without toxicity effects on Artemia salina (93.33% survival). X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared studies demonstrated an interaction between CS-based films and nano-TZM. Overall, this film exhibited great potential for diverse industrial applications