12 research outputs found

    Role of the Water–Metal Ion Bridge in Quinolone Interactions with Escherichia coli Gyrase

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    Fluoroquinolones are an important class of antibacterials, and rising levels of resistance threaten their clinical efficacy. Gaining a more full understanding of their mechanism of action against their target enzymes—the bacterial type II topoisomerases gyrase and topoisomerase IV—may allow us to rationally design quinolone-based drugs that overcome resistance. As a step toward this goal, we investigated whether the water–metal ion bridge that has been found to mediate the major point of interaction between Escherichia coli topoisomerase IV and Bacillus anthracis topoisomerase IV and gyrase, as well as Mycobacterium tuberculosis gyrase, exists in E. coli gyrase. This is the first investigation of the water–metal ion bridge and its function in a Gram-negative gyrase. Evidence suggests that the water–metal ion bridge does exist in quinolone interactions with this enzyme and, unlike the Gram-positive B. anthracis gyrase, does use both conserved residues (serine and acidic) as bridge anchors. Furthermore, this interaction appears to play a positioning role. These findings raise the possibility that the water–metal ion bridge is a universal point of interaction between quinolones and type II topoisomerases and that it functions primarily as a binding contact in Gram-positive species and primarily as a positioning interaction in Gram-negative species. Future studies will explore this possibility

    Comparison of In Vitro Activities of Fluoroquinolone-Like 2,4- and 1,3-Diones â–¿

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    Bacterial resistance presents a difficult issue for fluoroquinolone treatment of bacterial infections. In previous work, we reported that 8-methoxy-quinazoline-2,4-diones are active against quinolone-resistant mutants of Escherichia coli. Here, we demonstrate the activity of a representative 8-methoxy-quinazoline-2,4-dione against quinolone-resistant gyrases. Furthermore, 8-methoxy-quinazoline-2,4-dione and other diones are shown to inhibit Staphylococcus aureus gyrase and topoisomerase IV with similar degrees of efficacy, suggesting that the diones might act as dual-targeting agents against S. aureus

    Evaluation of the use of a novel bioabsorbable polymer drug-eluting microsphere for transarterial embolization of hepatocellular neoplasia in dogs.

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    In dogs with non-resectable hepatic neoplasia, treatment options are limited. The objectives of this study were to describe the use of a novel drug-eluting embolic microsphere containing paclitaxel for use during transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), to compare results of liver-specific owner questionnaires and tumor volume pre- and post-TACE, and to measure systemic paclitaxel concentration post-TACE. Client-owned dogs with non-resectable hepatic neoplasia were prospectively enrolled. All owners completed questionnaires validated for the assessment of subjective outcomes in dogs with cancer before the TACE procedure and approximately 4 weeks after the TACE procedure. A CT scan was performed before TACE and 1 month after TACE; results were compared. Blood samples were obtained at specified time points post-TACE to determine systemic paclitaxel concentrations. Seven dogs (median weight: 8.9 kg; range, 4.3-31 kg) were enrolled. TACE was successfully performed in all dogs, and no intra-procedural complications were encountered. Questionnaire scores improved significantly post-TACE. Among the 6 dogs for which full data were available, median pre-TACE tumor volume was 390 cc (range 152-1,484; interquartile range 231-1,139) and median post-TACE tumor volume was 203 cc (range 98-889; interquartile range 151-369), which was significantly (P = .028) lower. All 6 dogs had a reduction in volume at the post-TACE measurement. Mean percent change in tumor volume was -45.6% (95%CI -58.6 to -32.6%). The mean plasma paclitaxel concentration in canine blood peaked at 4 days post-TACE procedure and was 25.7 ng/mL (range = 3.09-110 ng/mL) Median survival time was 629 days (95%CI 18 to upper limit not reached). The use of a novel paclitaxel-eluting microsphere in this cohort of dogs successfully decreased tumor volume significantly after TACE and improved clinical signs. Future investigation into the use of TACE and other similar therapies is warranted due to the promising outcomes noted in this cohort

    Overcoming Target-Mediated Quinolone Resistance in Topoisomerase IV by Introducing Metal-Ion-Independent Drug–Enzyme Interactions

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    Quinolones, which target gyrase and topoisomerase IV, are the most widely prescribed antibacterials worldwide. Unfortunately, their use is threatened by the increasing prevalence of target-mediated drug resistance. Greater than 90% of mutations that confer quinolone resistance act by disrupting enzyme–drug interactions coordinated by a critical water–metal ion bridge. Quinazolinediones are quinolone-like drugs but lack the skeletal features necessary to support the bridge interaction. These compounds are of clinical interest, however, because they retain activity against the most common quinolone resistance mutations. We utilized a chemical biology approach to determine how quinazolinediones overcome quinolone resistance in <i>Bacillus anthracis</i> topoisomerase IV. Quinazolinediones that retain activity against quinolone-resistant topoisomerase IV do so primarily by establishing novel interactions through the C7 substituent, rather than the drug skeleton. Because some quinolones are highly active against human topoisomerase IIα, we also determined how clinically relevant quinolones discriminate between the bacterial and human enzymes. Clinically relevant quinolones display poor activity against topoisomerase IIα because the human enzyme cannot support drug interactions mediated by the water–metal ion bridge. However, the inclusion of substituents that allow quinazolinediones to overcome topoisomerase IV-mediated quinolone resistance can cause cross-reactivity against topoisomerase IIα. Therefore, a major challenge in designing drugs that overcome quinolone resistance lies in the ability to identify substituents that mediate strong interactions with the bacterial, but not the human, enzymes. On the basis of our understanding of quinolone–enzyme interactions, we have identified three compounds that display high activity against quinolone-resistant <i>B. anthracis</i> topoisomerase IV but low activity against human topoisomerase IIα

    Activity of Quinolone CP-115,955 Against Bacterial and Human Type II Topoisomerases Is Mediated by Different Interactions

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    CP-115,955 is a quinolone with a 4-hydroxyphenyl at C7 that displays high activity against both bacterial and human type II topoisomerases. To determine the basis for quinolone cross-reactivity between bacterial and human enzymes, the activity of CP-115,955 and a series of related quinolones and quinazolinediones against <i>Bacillus anthracis</i> topoisomerase IV and human topoisomerase IIα was analyzed. Results indicate that the activity of CP-115,955 against the bacterial and human enzymes is mediated by different interactions. On the basis of the decreased activity of quinazolinediones against wild-type and resistant mutant topoisomerase IV and the low activity of quinolones against resistant mutant enzymes, it appears that the primary interaction of CP-115,955 with the bacterial system is mediated through the C3/C4 keto acid and the water–metal ion bridge. In contrast, the drug interacts with the human enzyme primarily through the C7 4-hydroxyphenyl ring and has no requirement for a substituent at C8 in order to attain high activity. Despite the fact that the human type II enzyme is unable to utilize the water–metal ion bridge, quinolones in the CP-115,955 series display higher activity against topoisomerase IIα <i>in vitro</i> and in cultured human cells than the corresponding quinazolinediones. Thus, quinolones may be a viable platform for the development of novel drugs with anticancer potential