282 research outputs found

    Correlation of serum parathyroid hormone with pulmonary artery pressure in non-diabetic regular hemodialysis patients

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    Abstract Introduction: Pulmonary artery hypertension in end-stage renal disease is associated by significantly increased morbidity and mortality. Serum parathormone may increase among patients on hemodialysis and influence various organs. Objectives: This study sought to find the association of serum parathormone level and pulmonary artery pressure in a group of non-diabetic patients on regular hemodialysis. Materials and Methods: This prospective investigation was conducted in the hemodialysis section of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences in 2013. Doppler echocardiography were used to assess pulmonary artery pressure. Pulmonary arterial hypertension is defined as systolic PAP≥35 mm Hg at rest. Serum parathormone was measured by ECL method. Results: Sixty-five, non-diabetic hemodialysis patients were studied. Mean (±SD) of age of the patients was 56.35±20.41 years. Mean (±SD) of iPTH was 251.55±97.27 pg/ml. In this study, a significant positive association of serum iPTH with pulmonary artery pressure in patients was seen (r=0.27, p=0.029). Conclusion: In the present study, we detected a significant positive association of serum parathyroid hormone with pulmonary artery pressure of hemodialysis patients however, our observations, warranting further investigations to evaluate the clinical aspect of the association of serum PTH with pulmonary artery pressure. Keywords: End-stage renal disease, Hemodialysis, Pulmonary hypertension, Parathormone Please cite this paper as: Heidari M, Mardani S, Baradaran A. Correlation of serum parathyroid hormone with pulmonary artery pressure in non-diabetic regular hemodialysis patients. J Parathyr Dis 2014; 2(2): 78-80. Copyright © 2014 The Author(s); Published by Nickan Research Institute. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Renin-angiotensin system blockage for reduction of plasma adiponectin level in maintenance hemodialysis patients: A randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction. Plasma adiponectin level is markedly increased among patients on hemodialysis. This investigation aimed to evaluate the relationship between renin-angiotensin system blockade and serum adiponectin concentration in nondiabetic patients on hemodialysis. Materials and Methods. This randomized double-blind controlled trial was conducted on a group of nondiabetic patients on regular hemodialysis. The first group received losartan, 12.5 mg twice per day for the 1st week, 25 mg twice per day during the 2nd week, and 75 mg/d from the 3rd week to the end of the 16th week. Patients of the control group received placebo. Blood samples from all of the patients were collected at the beginning and at the end of the study to measure serum adiponectin. Results. Seventy-three hemodialysis patients were divided randomly into the losartan group (40 patients) and the control group (33 patients). The mean adiponectin level in all of the patients was 10.6 ± 3.9 μg/mL. A significant decrease of serum adiponectin level was observed after 4 months of treatment with losartan (8.86 ± 3.43 μg/mL for losartan group versus 10.71 ± 3.94 μg/mL for the control group; P = .04). None of the patients had a serum potassium value greater than 5 mg/dL or hypotension during the intervention. There was no significant difference in serum potassium levels between the two groups. Conclusions. The decrease in serum adiponectin level in nondiabetic patients on regular hemodialysis by losartan might offer a potential protective approach in these patients. Mechanisms responsible for this reduction remain to be investigated. © 2016, Iranian Society of Nephrology. All rights reserved

    The Relationship between Mothers' Parenting Stress and Spiritual Well-Being and the Behavioral Disorders of Children with Specific Learning Disorders: Mediated by the Quality of Married Life

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    AbstractIntroduction: Raising children with specific learning disorders (SLDs) is a stressful experience, and one type of stress experienced by the mothers of these children is parenting stress. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between mothers' parenting stress and spiritual well-being and the behavioral disorders of children with SLDs through the mediating role of quality of married life.Methods: The statistical population of this descriptive-correlational study consisted of all the mothers of children with specific learning disorders (SLDs) in Shiraz (Iran) in 2022. A sample of 218 boys with SLDs and their mothers was conveniently selected. The Parenting Stress Index, the Spiritual Well-Being Scale, the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale, and the Child Behavior Checklist were used for data collection. The proposed model was evaluated using structural equation modeling (SEM) in SPSS and AMOS.Results: All the direct paths, except for the path of parenting stress to children's behavioral disorders, were significant (P<0.001). The indirect paths from parenting stress to children's behavioral disorders, mediated by the quality of married life, and the path from spiritual well-being to children's behavioral disorders, mediated by the quality of married life, were also significant (P<0.001).Conclusions: Based on the results, the adjusted final model had an optimal fit and constitutes a major step towards identifying the factors affecting the behavioral disorders of children with SLDs

    Adaptive control design for a synchronous generator

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    The operating point of a power system changes to an unknown point with an unknown change in the mechanical input power. In this paper, a nonlinear adaptive controller is designed for excitation system of the generator based on the backstepping control technique, in order to achieve transient stability enhancement, in the presence of uncertainties in mechanical power. The designed controller guarantees the convergence of system states to new desired values corresponding to unknown mechanical power. A power system consisting of a synchronous generator connected to an infinite bus through a double circuit transmission line is used in control design and the simulation studies. Computer simulation verifies the effectiveness and the validity of the proposed control, considering faulted system with a clearance and change in network topology. © 2014, Editura Academiei Romane. All rights reserved

    Viscous Heating Effects on Heat Transfer Characteristics of an Explosive Fluid in a Converging Pipe

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    Viscous dissipation is the production of heat due to the slip of fluid layers and can raise the temperature of the fluid that is affected by high shear stresses. This raise of temperature in fluids with explosive properties can cause the explosion during the processing. The present paper investigates the temperature distribution of an explosive fluid beside the wall of a converging tube. This study has been done by using the computational fluid dynamics and OpenFOAM software. The studied cases contain the fluid with two viscosities (50 and 500 kg/m Ã— s) and two inlet conditions (constant and developed velocity profile). The results of this study show that at the end of a converging pipe, duo to the viscous dissipation effects, the temperature rise for high viscosity fluid is more intensive and this is a dangerous fact for high viscosity explosive fluids discharging. Also, it has been considered that the constant inlet velocity is safer in comparison with the developed profile, as the slope of temperature rise is less

    Schwann Cell-Mediated Preservation of Vision in Retinal Degenerative Diseases via the Reduction of Oxidative Stress: A Possible Mechanism

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    After central nervous system (CNS) injuries, the regeneration process does not work out well except for remyelination process. This remyelination capacity in CNS can be mentioned as a worthy example of stem/precursor cell-mediated renewal process. Remyelination in CNS is mediated by Schwann cells which act mainly as remyelinating agents in peripheral nervous system (PNS) but several studies have shown their potential role in CNS too. Schwann cells have the capacity of supporting and saving retinal cells by secreting growth factors like:  Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), and Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in subretinal space. Retinal degenerative diseases are one of the most important debilitating concerns in modern countries which has encountered the problem of ageing population. One of the best examples of retinal degenerative disease which is a leading cause of permanent visual loss in Western world is age related macular degeneration (AMD). In United States it is believed that nearly 1.75 million, older than 40 years have end stages of this debilitating disease, and it is estimated that this number will progress to approximately 3 million people by year 2020. One of the most common pathways which is involved in initiation and development of retinal disease is called Oxidative stress. Schwann cells are capable of secreting high amounts of antioxidant enzymes which protect PNS in front of oxidative stress which is result of glucose fluctuation in diabetic patients. The antioxidant role of Schwann cells in PNS may be the possible mechanism which can make Schwann cells potent reconstructing agents in CNS and especially in retinal injuries and retinal degenerative disease

    Evaluation of Pluripotency Gene Expression in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Cultured on the Human Feeder Layer

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    Embryonic stem (ES) cells are derived from the pluripotent inner cell mass (ICN) cells of blastocysts with the potential to maintain an undifferentiated state indefinitely. The derivation process involves plating of the blastocysts on mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) and expansion of the outgrowth in to established ES cell line. ES cell are capable of unlimited self-renewal by symmetric division and differentiated cells to all primitive embryonic germ layers. The capacity of ES cells to differentiate in to almost all the cell types of human body highlights their potential to play a promising role in cell replacement therapies for treatment of human diseases. In this study, MEFs have been replaced with human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). C4 mES cell (mouse embryonic stem cell line) colonies are cultured on inactivated hMSCs amplified ≥ 600-folds during the 30 days of continuous culture. The longest continuous expansion of C4 mES cells on hMSC was 30 passages. In this study the gene expression for Oct-4, Nanog, Rex1, Brachyury, LIF, LIFR, TERT, B2M, Stat3, Sox2, Fgf4 in mES cells using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and in which genes expression for Stat3, Sox2, Fgf4 genes was negative whilst the  gene expansion for Oct-4, Nanog, Rex1, Brachyury, LIF, LIFR, TERT, B2M  genes was  positive. There was also a karyotype analysis for ES which showed normal result. The immunocytochemical analysis of Oct4 transcriptional factor for ES cells was made which showed positive result for this factor. These genes may be novel candidates to play critical roles in the regulation of ES Cell pluripotency and self-renewal

    Cellular orientation on micro-patterned biocompatible PHBV film

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     Cellular orientation control is important for tissue regeneration. Design of oriented structures for cells with suitable features can be used in tissue engineering. One of the methods of cellular orientation with the aim of regenerating which damaged tissues is utilizing oriented biocompatible substrates. Different methods can be used to design these structures such as utilizing magnetic fields, electrospinned oriented fibers or methods such as directional solidification. This paper investigates the influence of grooved substrate-mediated physical guidance on the growth and alignment of cells in vitro. A novel technique was developed to fabricate microgrooves on biodegradable polymer substrates made of poly hydroxyl buthyratevalerate. Solvent-castings were used to transfer micro patterns from quartz and silicon substrates onto biodegradable polymer films. The cells were successfully oriented on micro grooved polymeric substrate which can be used for axon guidance and nerve regeneration

    Comparison of the Effectiveness of Emotion-focused Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Health locus of Control of Patients with Coronary Heart Patients

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    Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are the most important cause of mortality in the world. Inaddition to physical problems, they are also influenced by psychological factors and psychologicaltherapies along with biological therapy can help to improve these patients. The purpose of this studywas to compare the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and emotionfocused therapy (EFT) on Health locus of control of coronary heart patients.Method: This was a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design with control group. Thestatistical population of the study included patients with coronary heart disease in the city of Karaj.Patients were 30 to 60 years old who referred to Shahid Rajaee Hospital in Karaj. Samples wereselected using convenient sampling method and were assigned randomly into two experimental andone control group. Data were collected using health locus of control questionnaire. Data wereanalyzed using descriptive statistics and analysis of covariance.Results: outcomes showed that ACT and EFT are effective on adjusting the Health locus of controlin patients with coronary heart disease, and there was a significant difference between theexperimental and control group (F = 7.25, p <0.05).But there was no difference between theefficacy of the two treatments.Conclusion: Psychological therapies such as ACT and EFT increase self-care in cardiac patients byincreasing control and increasing sense of responsibility

    Comparison of the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Emotion-focused Therapy on Negative Emotions of Coronary Heart Disease

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    Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are the most important cause of mortality in the world. In addition to physical problems, they are also influenced by psychological factors and psychological therapies along with biological therapy can help to improve these patients. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy and emotion-focused therapy on negative emotions of coronary heart disease patients.Method: This was a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design with control group. The statistical population of the study included patients with coronary heart disease in the city of Karaj The age range was 30 to 60 yearswho referred to Shahid Rajaee Hospital in Karaj. Samples were selected using available sampling method and then the samples were randomly divided into two experimental and one control group. Data were collected using D-type personality scale and Buss and Perry hostility scale.Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and analysis of covariance using SPSS-25 software.Results: The results of this study showed that patients' negative emotion scale scores decreased, indicating the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy and emotion-focused therapy compared to the control group. Conclusion: Considering that one of the most important psychological factors related to heart disease are negative emotions and these emotions can have an accelerating role in the development and progression of heart disease and Due to the effectiveness of the above treatments, their education can be helpful in addition to medical treatment
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