151 research outputs found

    Computational Analysis of a Spiral Thermoelectric Nanoantenna for Solar Energy Harvesting Applications

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    Thermo-electrical nanoantennas have been proposed as an alternative option for conversion solar energy harvesting applications. In this work, the response of a spiral broadband antenna has been obtained from numerical and theoretical simulations perspectives. The results show that this device exhibits a responsivity of 20mV/W under 117W/cm2, for a single-frequency radiation. We discuss strategies for enhanced efficiency

    Energy-efficient domain wall motion governed by the interplay of helicity-dependent optical effect and spin-orbit torque

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    Spin-orbit torque provides a powerful means of manipulating domain walls along magnetic wires. However, the current density required for domain wall motion is still too high to realize low power devices. Here we experimentally demonstrate helicity-dependent domain wall motion by combining synchronized femtosecond laser pulses and short current pulses in Co/Ni/Co ultra-thin film wires with perpendicular magnetization. Domain wall can remain pinned under one laser circular helicity while depinned by the opposite circular helicity. Thanks to the all-optical helicity-dependent effect, the threshold current density due to spin-orbit torque can be reduced by more than 50%. Based on this joint effect combining spin-orbit torque and helicity-dependent laser pulses, an optoelectronic logic-in-memory device has been experimentally demonstrated. This work enables a new class of low power spintronic-photonic devices beyond the conventional approach of all-optical switching or all-current switching for data storage.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Symmetry broken spin reorientation transition in epitaxial MgO/Fe/MgO layers with competing anisotropies

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    The observation of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) at MgO/Fe interfaces boosted the development of spintronic devices based on ultrathin ferromagnetic layers. Yet, magnetization reversal in the standard magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) with competing PMA and in-plane anisotropies remains unclear. Here we report on the field induced nonvolatile broken symmetry magnetization reorientation transition from the in-plane to the perpendicular (out of plane) state at temperatures below 50 K. The samples were 10 nm thick Fe in MgO/Fe(100)/MgO as stacking components of V/MgO/Fe/MgO/Fe/Co double barrier MTJs with an area of 20 × 20 μm2. Micromagnetic simulations with PMA and different second order anisotropies at the opposite Fe/MgO interfaces qualitatively reproduce the observed broken symmetry spin reorientation transition. Our findings open the possibilities to develop multistate epitaxial spintronics based on competing magnetic anisotropies.This work has been supported in part by Spanish MINECO (MAT2015-66000-P, EUIN2017-87474), SPINORBIT (MDM-2014-0377) and Comunidad de Madrid (NANOFRONTMAG-CM S2013/MIT-2850). C.T. acknowledges “EMERSPIN” grant ID PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0143, No. UEFISCDI:22/12.07.201

    Seebeck Nanoantennas for Infrared Detection and Energy Harvesting Applications

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    In this letter we introduce a new type of infrared sensor, based on thermocouple nanoantennas, which enables the energy detection and gathering in the mid-infrared region. The proposed detector combines the Seebeck effect, as a transduction mechanism, with the functionalities of the optical antennas for optical sensing. By using finite-element numerical simulations we evaluate the performance and optical-to-electrical conversion efficiency of the proposed device, unveiling its potential for optical sensing and energy harvesting applications.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Invited paper at EUCAP 201

    Light-induced magnetization reversal of high-anisotropy TbCo alloy films

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    Magnetization reversal using circularly polarized light provides a new way to control magnetization without any external magnetic field and has the potential to revolutionize magnetic data storage. However, in order to reach ultra-high density data storage, high anisotropy media providing thermal stability are needed. Here, we evidence all-optical magnetization switching for different TbxCo1-x ferrimagnetic alloy composition and demonstrate all-optical switching for films with anisotropy fields reaching 6 T corresponding to anisotropy constants of 3x106 ergs/cm3. Optical magnetization switching is observed only for alloys which compensation temperature can be reached through sample heating

    Domain-wall motion induced by spin transfer torque delivered by helicity-dependent femtosecond laser

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    In magnetic wires with perpendicular anisotropy, moving domain with only current or only circularly polarized light requires a high power. Here, we propose to reduce it by using both short current pulses and femtosecond laser pulses simultaneously. The wires were made out of perpendicularly magnetized film of Pt/Co/Ni/Co/Pt. The displacement of the domain wall is found to be dependent on the laser helicity. Based on a quantitative analysis of the current-induced domain wall motion, the spin orbit torque contribution can be neglected when compared to the spin transfer torque contribution. The effective field of the spin transfer torque is extracted from the pulsed field domain wall measurements. Finally, our result can be described using the Fatuzzo-Labrune model and considering the effective field due to the polarized laser beam, the effective field due to spin transfer torque, and the Gaussian temperature distribution of the laser spot.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Fragmentation of magnetism in artificial kagome dipolar spin ice

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    Geometrical frustration in magnetic materials often gives rise to exotic, low-temperature states of matter, like the ones observed in spin ices. Here we report the imaging of the magnetic states of a thermally-active artificial magnetic ice that reveal the fingerprints of a spin fragmentation process. This fragmentation corresponds to a splitting of the magnetic degree of freedom into two channels and is evidenced in both real and reciprocal space. Furthermore, the internal organization of both channels is interpreted within the framework of a hybrid spin-charge model that directly emerges from the parent spin model of the kagome dipolar spin ice. Our experimental and theoretical results provide insights into the physics of frustrated magnets and deepen our understanding of emergent fields through the use of tailor-made magnetism.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Published version available on the Nat. Comm. web site: http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2016/160513/ncomms11446/full/ncomms11446.htm

    Influence of interlayer exchange coupling on ultrafast laser-induced magnetization reversal in ferromagnetic spin valves

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    In this study, we explore the influence of interlayer exchange coupling on magnetization reversal triggered by femtosecond laser pulses in ferromagnetic spin valves. Our experiments, focused on femtosecond laser-induced magnetization reversal, methodically vary the thickness of the copper (Cu) spacer layer. We identify a critical Cu thickness threshold at 2.32 nm. Above this threshold, a stable reversed magnetic domain is consistently generated upon exposure to a single laser pulse. Conversely, with a Cu spacer thinner than 2.32 nm, the observed magnetization reversal from parallel (P) to anti-parallel (AP) states occurs only under continuous laser irradiation. Once the laser is stopped, the magnetic configuration relaxes back to its initial P state, influenced by ferromagnetic exchange coupling. This research enhances our understanding of the mechanisms that drive optically induced ultrafast magnetization reversal in ferromagnetic spin valves.Comment: After resubmission. Supplemetary Materials adde
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