21 research outputs found

    Vallás mint társadalom? = Religion as society?

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    A kutatásban azt a kérdést fogalmaztuk meg, hogy megragadható-e a vallásosság társadalmi funkciói közül a társadalmi integráció és az értékrendi iránymutatás különválása. Megállapítottuk, hogy a 2000-es évek nem hoztak változást abból a szempontból, hogy nem tört meg az egyháziasan vallásos csoport elitté válási folyamata, a fiatalabbak közt a lakossági átlagnál jóval több a magas státuszú; most is kimutatható egy generációs törés;. az egyháziasan vallásos réteg nem egynemű, társadalmi helyzetében egyértelműen, s feltehetőleg vallásosságában is különböző csoportokat foglal magában. Az alamizsnaadást vizsgálva rámutattunk, hogy létezik olyan kérdés, ahol szembeállítható vallási meggyőződés és a vallási közösség mint társadalmi környezet hatása: falun és a Budapestnél kisebb városokban eltérő a vallásos elköteleződés hatása: míg falun jobban közelítenek a többségi viselkedéshez, addig városban sokkal inkább eltérnek tőle a vallásosok. Láthatóvá vált az is, hogy a vallásosság különböző típusai nem ugyanolyan módon fejtik ki hatásukat. Egy vallási közösség tagjaival végzett interjús vizsgálatban megállapítottuk, hogy nem található szoros összefüggés társadalmi hely és vallási közösség között, a ?középosztályiság? nem dominálja a vallásosságot az adott közösségben. Ugyanakkor egyféle értelmiségi dominancia megfigyelhető volt, s a tagságot összeköti a sok szempontból közös múlt, a közös értékrend, az átlagosnál nagyobb család, az ebből (is) fakadó szerényebb életvitel. | Our aim in this research was to grasp the separation of two functions of religiosity: social integration and cultural identity. We observed that during the 2000s, the process of the churchly religious group?s becoming an elite stratum has continued. The social status of young religious people is, on average, much higher than the national average. There is also a firm generation gap, older religious individuals being of lower status than their younger counterparts. The churchly religious group is not a homogeneous one; it contains subgroups with different social position and probably also different religiosity. Regarding charity, we found there is an area where the social and cultural components of religion can be separated. In villages, religious people are much closer to the majority view than in small towns. Also, we showed that different types of religiosity exert their impact in different ways. We conducted interviews with members of a religious group and found no close relation between social position and religious community. The so-called ?middle-class orientation? does not dominate the religiousness in that community. At same time, we could observe to some extent intelligentsia-based functioning, and it could be seen that there are factors binding the members: they are more or less common past, common value-system, higher than average child number and moderate lifestyle

    A kutatási módszerek szociológiája = Sociology of research methods

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    A kutatás 3 kérdésre irányult: a másodelemzés térhódítása csökkenti-e a kutatások elméleti megalapozottságát? Milyen időbeli változások és országok közötti különbségek mutathatók ki a különféle kutatási stratégiák és adatelemzési módszerek alkalmazásában? Milyen összefüggés van a szociológiai műhelyek kutatási stílusa és publikációs kultúrája között? Az első két kérdésre a Szociológiai Szemlében (SzSz), az American Sociological Review-ban (ASR) és az American Journal of Sociology-ban (AJS) 1960 és 2003 között megjelent 1331 cikk, a harmadikra pedig 54 amerikai szociológiai tanszék vizsgálata révén igyekeztem válaszolni. Eredmények: A másodelemzés nem feltétlen vezet az elméleti szempontok elsikkadásához, sőt segítheti is egy elméletellenőrzésre törekvő kutatási gyakorlat terjedését. Az ASR-hoz és AJS-hez képest a SzSz-ben kisebb az empirikus, az elméletellenőrző és a másodelemzésen alapuló cikkek aránya; több viszont az extenzív elsődleges adatgyűjtésen alapuló publikáció. A kutatás elméletellenőrző jellege az ASR-ban feszes, erősen kvantitatív, módszertanilag homogén stílussal párosul, az AJS-ben a cikkek hosszabbak és módszertanilag sokszínűbbek. A SzSz az ASR és az AJS között, picit talán az előbbihez közelebb helyezkedik el, amiben viszont mindkettőtől élesen különbözik, az az elméletellenőrző kutatások alacsony aránya. A különböző kutatási stílusokhoz különböző publikációs kultúrák kapcsolódnak: a kvantitatív stílushoz a cikk, a kvalitatívhoz pedig a könyv. | The research focused on three issues: Does the spread of secondary analysis lead to a lack of theoretical basis in social research? What kind of differences are there between Hungarian and American sociology journals in terms of the research strategies and statistical methods authors use in their papers? Does the research styles characteristic of sociology departments affect their publication cultures? To answer these questions, I analyzed more than one thousand papers published in the American Sociological Review (ASR), the American Journal of Sociology (AJS) and the Szociológiai Szemle between 1960 and 2003 and collected data on 54 U.S. sociology departments. Main results: Secondary analysis does not necessarily lead to atheoretical research; it can even strengthen the theoretical basis of empirical studies. Compared to ASR and AJS, Szociológiai Szemle publishes a smaller number of empirical papers; papers are more descriptive and exploratory in nature; authors are less likely to use secondary analysis and are more likely to rely on extensive primary data collection. Papers in ASR are more homogeneous in terms of methodology and conform more to the ?normal science? style typical of the physical sciences than do papers in AJS. Research style affects publication culture: members of quantitative departments tend to publish articles, while those of qualitative departments tend to publish books

    Levosimendan: a cardiovascular drug to prevent liver ischemia-reperfusion injury?

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    INTRODUCTION: Temporary occlusion of the hepatoduodenal ligament leads to an ischemic-reperfusion (IR) injury in the liver. Levosimendan is a new positive inotropic drug, which induces preconditioning-like adaptive mechanisms due to opening of mitochondrial KATP channels. The aim of this study was to examine possible protective effects of levosimendan in a rat model of hepatic IR injury. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Levosimendan was administered to male Wistar rats 1 hour (early pretreatment) or 24 hours (late pretreatment) before induction of 60-minute segmental liver ischemia. Microcirculation of the liver was monitored by laser Doppler flowmeter. After 24 hours of reperfusion, liver and blood samples were taken for histology, immuno- and enzyme-histochemistry (TUNEL; PARP; NADH-TR) as well as for laboratory tests. Furthermore, liver antioxidant status was assessed and HSP72 expression was measured. RESULTS: In both groups pretreated with levosimendan, significantly better hepatic microcirculation was observed compared to respective IR control groups. Similarly, histological damage was also reduced after levosimendan administration. This observation was supported by significantly lower activities of serum ALT (pearly = 0.02; plate = 0.005), AST (pearly = 0.02; plate = 0.004) and less DNA damage by TUNEL test (pearly = 0.05; plate = 0.034) and PAR positivity (pearly = 0.02; plate = 0.04). Levosimendan pretreatment resulted in significant improvement of liver redox homeostasis. Further, significantly better mitochondrial function was detected in animals receiving late pretreatment. Finally, HSP72 expression was increased by IR injury, but it was not affected by levosimendan pretreatment. CONCLUSION: Levosimendan pretreatment can be hepatoprotective and it could be useful before extensive liver resection

    Posztkondicionálás kisérletes vizsgálata vékonybél ischaemiás-reperfusiós modelljében

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    INTRODUCTION: The ischemic-reperfusion injury of the intestine, which occurs as a consequence of circulatory redistribution or occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery, is associated with high mortality rates. Postconditioning may reduce ischemic-reperfusion damage in such cases. Effects of this new surgical method were investigated in rats. METHODS: Male Wistar rats underwent 60 minutes of superior mesenteric artery occlusion in four groups: sham-operated, control and two postconditioned groups with different algorithms. Postconditioning was performed immediately at the beginning of reperfusion, by repetitive cycles of reperfusion and reocclusion. 3 cycles of 1 minute and 6 cycles of 10 seconds were applied according to groups. Intestinal microcirculation was followed by laser Doppler flowmetry. Blood and tissue samples were taken after 60 minutes of reperfusion. Histological analayses of the small intestine, measurement of serum necroenzyme levels and IL-6, mesenterial venous blood gas analyses were preformed and antioxidant state of the mucosa was investigated. RESULTS: The microcirculation during the reperfusion showed significant improvement in both postconditioned groups. Histological damage, necroenzyme and IL-6 levels were significantly reduced, while antioxidant state was improved in the postconditioned groups. CONCLUSION: Postconditioning was capable of increasing the guts chance to survive ischemic-reperfusion injury caused by superior mesenteric artery occlusion

    Microcirculatory data of the liver.

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    <p>S: sham-operated; C<sub>E</sub>: “early” control; IR<sub>E</sub>: “early” ischemia-reperfusion; L<sub>E</sub>: “early” levosimendan pretreated; C<sub>L</sub>: “late” control; IR<sub>L</sub>: “late” ischemia-reperfusion; L<sub>L</sub>: “late” levosimendan pretreated.</p>*<p>p<0.05 versus the respective IR group.</p

    Serum level of ALT and AST.

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    <p>Ischemic-reperfusion injury of the liver led to an increase in serum activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST).A: Serum levels of ALT significantly decreased in the levosimendan pretreated groups (L<sub>E</sub>, L<sub>L</sub>) compared to the corresponding IR groups (IR<sub>L</sub>, IR<sub>E</sub>) B: Raised AST activity in the “late” IR group (IR<sub>L</sub>) were significantly higher than in the “early” IR group (IR<sub>E</sub>). “Late” levosimendan pretreatment significantly reduced the serum activity of AST. Data are shown as means+SEM, * p<0.05 versus “late” IR group; ¤ <0.05 versus “early” IR group; $ p<0.05 versus “late” control group; & p<0.05 versus “early” control group; # p<0.05 versus “early” IR group. n = 5 in sham-operated (S) and control groups (C<sub>E,</sub> C<sub>L</sub>); n = 10 in IR (IR<sub>L</sub>, IR<sub>E</sub>) and levosimendan pretreated groups (L<sub>E</sub>, L<sub>L</sub>).</p

    Examination of Preferences for COVID-19 Vaccines in Hungary Based on Their Properties—Examining the Impact of Pandemic Awareness with a Hybrid Choice Approach

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a huge challenge to the world in recent years. The development of vaccines that are as effective as possible and accessible to society offers a promising alternative for addressing the problems caused by this situation as soon as possible and to restore the pre-epidemic system. The present study investigated the preferences of residents in Hungary’s second-largest city (Debrecen) for the COVID-19 vaccine. To achieve this aim, a discrete choice experiment was conducted with 1011 participants, and the vaccine characteristics included in the design of the experiment were determined by qualitative methods and a pilot survey: (1) country of origin; (2) efficiency; (3) side effect; and (4) duration of protection. During the data collection at three vaccination sites, respondents were asked to choose between three vaccine alternatives and one “no choice” option in eight decision situations. Discrete choice model estimations were performed using a random parameter logit (RPL) specification with the final model extended to include a latent variable measuring pandemic awareness. The results showed that the vaccine with a Chinese country of origin is the least preferred among the respondents, while the Hungarian and the European vaccines are the most preferred. Furthermore, the increase in the vaccine efficiency level increased the respondents’ sense of utility for the vaccine; the short-term side effect was preferred to the long-term one; and the increase in the duration of protection provided by the vaccine increased the respondents’ sense of utility for the vaccine. Based on the parameter estimated for the latent variable, it can be concluded that as the level of pandemic awareness (which is more positive among people with chronic diseases and less important among health workers) increases, the choice of a vaccine option becomes more preferred among respondents compared to the “no choice“. The results of our investigation could contribute towards increasing compliance in the case of the vaccination-rejecting population, not only for COVID-19, but for any kind of vaccination procedure

    Hepatic microcirculation after “early” levosimendan pretreatment.

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    <p>The blood flow of sham-operated (S) and “early” control group (C<sub>E</sub>) did not change significantly. There was a decline of the flux in groups subjected to IR (IR<sub>E</sub>; L<sub>E</sub>). Levosimendan pretreatment (L<sub>E</sub>) significantly improved liver microcirculation compared to the IR<sub>E</sub> group during reperfusion. Values are expressed as means. * p<0.05 versus IR<sub>E</sub> group. n = 5 in sham-operated (S) and control groups (C<sub>E</sub>); n = 10 in IR (IR<sub>E</sub>) and levosimendan pretreated groups (L<sub>E</sub>).</p