9 research outputs found

    Internet-based interventions for parents with children 0–5 years: A scoping review

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.Aim: This study aims to review the existing literature on Internet-based health interventions directed to support parents of children aged 0–5 years. Methods: We systematically searched electronic databases between January 2000 and 2018. The search consisted of terms describing eHealth, intervention and families and/or children. Results: Internet-based parent support interventions were most often directed at rehabilitation and selective prevention, and we identified more studies on mental health (57%) than somatic health (41%). Developmental disorders were the most frequently studied mental health condition (n = 33), while interventions for obesity (15%) were the most studied somatic health condition. Forty-four percent of mental health studies were RCTs and 65% of interventions were theory driven. Interventions most often used a behavioural approach, included guidance and delivered content via text-based information. Conclusion: Several significant gaps were identified such as the need for more research outside of English-speaking countries, more systematic reviews and effect studies. This review also elucidates the need for researchers to improve reporting on the theoretical approaches employed in interventions, and to focus on determining the importance of guidance. Finally, program developers should consider using more audio-visual technology to avoid reinforcing social inequalities in access to healthcare.publishedVersio

    Kulturell tilhørighet og seksuelle erfaringer blant urbane tenåringsjenter

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    Denne studien har til hensikt å undersøke om kulturell tilhørighet kan påvirke seksuelle erfaringer blant urbane tenåringsjenter, ved å sammenligne en rekke forhold ved norske jenters og 1. og 2. generasjonsinnvandrerjenters seksuelle initiering, og ved å analysere eventuelle faktorer som kan predikere norske jenters og 1. og 2. generasjonsinnvandrerjenters seksuelle initiering. Det teoretiske rammeverket for studien er Simon og Gagnons skriptteori (1986; 1987) og akkulturasjonsteorier (Berry, 1997). Arbeidet er et selvstendig forskningsprosjekt, og baserer seg på et allerede innsamlet datamateriale fra undersøkelsen ”Ung i storby” som ble utført ved det Samfunnsmedisinske institutt i Oslo over en periode på 6 måneder fra september 2000 til februar 2001. Utvalget bestod av i alt 1536 jenter i aldersgruppen 16-19 år fra Oslo og Bergen. For å undersøke problemstillingene ble det brukt multivariat ANOVA, multippel logistiske regresjonsanalyser og multippel lineær regresjonsanalyse. Resultatene viste at det var mindre sannsynlig å ha hatt seksuell kontakt (berøring og stimulering av hud og kjønnsorganer samt samleie) jo kortere tenåringsjentene hadde vært eksponert for norsk kultur. Kjennskap til norsk seksualkultur predikerte imidlertid ikke hvorvidt jentene hadde hatt samleie eller ikke hatt samleie/ikke seksuell kontakt i det hele tatt, samt heller ikke alder for første samleie. Prosentuelt var det likevel totalt sett færre jenter som hadde samleiedebutert blant innvandrerjenter. Uavhengig av kulturtilhørighet og alder, var det seksuelt selvbilde og kompetanse i seksuell kommunikasjon, som først og fremst forklarte både å ha hatt seksuell kontakt og samleiedebut

    Fear of childbirth and elective caesarean section: a population-based study

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    Background This population-based cohort study aimed to investigate the demographic and psychosocial characteristics associated with fear of childbirth and the relative importance of such fear as a predictor of elective caesarean section. Methods A sample of 1789 women from the Akershus Birth Cohort in Norway provided data collected by three self-administered questionnaires at 17 and 32 weeks of pregnancy and 8 weeks postpartum. Information about the participants’ childbirths was obtained from the hospital records. Results Eight percent of the women reported fear of delivery, defined as a score of ≥85 on the Wijma Delivery Expectancy Questionnaire. Using multivariable logistic regression models, a previous negative overall birth experience exerted the strongest impact on fear of childbirth, followed by impaired mental health and poor social support. Fear of childbirth was strongly associated with a preference for elective caesarean section (aOR 4.6, 95 % CI 2.9–7.3) whereas the association of fear with performance of caesarean delivery was weaker (aOR 2.4, 95 % CI 1.2–4.9). The vast majority (87 %) of women with fear of childbirth did not, however, receive a caesarean section. By contrast, a previous negative overall birth experience was highly predictive of elective caesarean section (aOR 8.1, 95 % CI 3.9–16.7) and few women without such experiences did request caesarean section. Conclusions Results suggest that women with fear of childbirth may have identifiable vulnerability characteristics, such as poor mental health and poor social support. Results also emphasize the need to focus on the subjective experience of the birth to prevent fear of childbirth and elective caesarean sections on maternal request. Regarding the relationship with social support, causality has to be interpreted cautiously, as social support was measured at 8 weeks postpartum only

    Identifying and developing strategies for implementation of a guided internet- and mobile-based infant sleep intervention in well-baby and community mental health clinics using group concept mapping

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    Abstract Background This study aimed to identify strategies for the implementation of a guided internet- and mobile-based intervention (IMI) for infant sleep problems (“Sleep Well, Little Sweetheart”) in well-baby and community mental health clinics. Study design We used group concept mapping, a two-phased mixed methods approach, conducted as a two-day workshop in each clinic. We recruited 20 participants from four clinics and collected sorting and rating data for implementation strategies based on the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change taxonomy and brainstorming sessions. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, multidimensional scaling, and hierarchical cluster analysis to create cluster maps, laddergrams, and Go-Zone graphs. Participants were presented with the results and discussed and interpreted the findings at each of the clinics in spring 2022. Results Participants identified 10 clusters of strategies, of which Training, Embedding and Coherence, User Involvement and Participation, and Clinician Support and Implementation Counseling were rated as most important and feasible. Economy and Funding and Interactive and Interdisciplinary Collaboration were rated significantly lower on importance and feasibility compared to many of the clusters (all ps < 0.05). There was a correlation between the importance and feasibility ratings (r =.62, p =.004). Conclusions The use of group concept mapping made it possible to efficiently examine well-baby and community clinics’ perspectives on complex issues, and to acquire specific knowledge to allow for the planning and prioritization of strategies for implementation. These results suggest areas of priority for the implementation of IMIs related to infant sleep problems. Trial registration The study was pre-registered at Open Science Framework ( www.osf.io/emct8 )

    Internet-based interventions for parents with children 0–5 years: A scoping review

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    Aim: The current study aims to review the existing literature on internet-based health interventions directed to support parents of children aged 0 to 5 years. Methods: We systematically searched electronic databases between January 2000 and 2018. The search consisted of terms describing eHealth, intervention, and families and/or children. Results: Internet-based parent support interventions were most often directed at rehabilitation and selective prevention, and we identified more studies on mental health (57%) than somatic health (41%). Developmental disorders were the most frequently studied mental health condition (n = 33), while interventions for obesity (15%) were the most studied somatic health condition. Forty-four percent of mental health studies were RCTs and 65% of interventions were theory-driven. Interventions most often used a behavioral approach, included guidance, and delivered content via text-based information. Conclusion: Several significant gaps were identified such as the need for more research outside of English-speaking countries, more systematic reviews, and effect studies. This review also elucidates the need for researchers to improve reporting on the theoretical approaches employed in interventions, and to focus on determining the importance of guidance. Finally, program developers should consider using more audio-visual technology to avoid reinforcing social inequalities in access to healthcare.Internet-based interventions for parents with children 0–5 years: A scoping reviewpublishedVersio