651 research outputs found

    Remote Detection of Life in Extreme Exoplanetary Environments

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    The search for a second genesis of life outside Earth is now well and truly underway with the first rocky exoplanets detected in the central star’s liquid water habitable zone. Recent results based on population studies show that small planets are abound in our galaxy. With the next generation of space- and ground-based telescopes on the horizon, it is critical to determine the best candidate exoplanets to follow up on for potential habitability and life. This PhD thesis shows how colors of extreme Earth-like planets can be used as a first characterization when prioritizing exoplanets for spectroscopic follow up. We build a strong interdisciplinary link between geomicrobiology and observational astronomy, by exploring the color signatures of extremophiles as well as the various extreme niches that those organisms inhabit on Earth. In addition, we provide the first database of surface signatures of terrestrial life for a broad range of pigmented microorganisms, including ones isolated from Earth’s most extreme environments. Our spectral library provides a broader and more realistic guide for the search for surface features of extraterrestrial life. The work presented in this thesis provides a first step toward characterizing a second Earth, in preparation for the next generation of space- and ground-based instruments, which will increase the chances of detecting life

    Sphynx: ReLU-Efficient Network Design for Private Inference

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    The emergence of deep learning has been accompanied by privacy concerns surrounding users' data and service providers' models. We focus on private inference (PI), where the goal is to perform inference on a user's data sample using a service provider's model. Existing PI methods for deep networks enable cryptographically secure inference with little drop in functionality; however, they incur severe latency costs, primarily caused by non-linear network operations (such as ReLUs). This paper presents Sphynx, a ReLU-efficient network design method based on micro-search strategies for convolutional cell design. Sphynx achieves Pareto dominance over all existing private inference methods on CIFAR-100. We also design large-scale networks that support cryptographically private inference on Tiny-ImageNet and ImageNet

    Giant high occipital encephalocele

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    Encephaloceles are rare embryological mesenchymal developmental anomalies resulting from inappropriate ossification in skull through with herniation of intracranial contents of the sac. Encephaloceles are classified based on location of the osseous defect and contents of sac. Convexity encephalocele with osseous defect in occipital bone is called occipital encephalocele. Giant occipital encephaloceles can be sometimes larger than the size of baby skull itself and they pose a great surgical challenge. Occipital encephaloceles (OE) are further classified as high OE when defect is only in occipital bone above the foramen magnum, low OE when involving occipital bone and foramen magnum and occipito-cervical when there involvement of occipital bone, foramen magnum and posterior upper neural arches. Chiari III malformation can be associated with high or low occipital encephaloceles. Pre-operatively, it is essential to know the size of the sac, contents of the sac, relation to the adjacent structures, presence or absence of venous sinuses/vascular structures and osseous defect size. Sometimes it becomes imperative to perform both CT and MRI for the necessary information. Volume rendered CT images can depict the relation of osseous defect to foramen magnum and provide information about upper neural arches which is necessary in classifying these lesions

    Exoplanet Biosignatures: Understanding Oxygen as a Biosignature in the Context of Its Environment

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    Here we review how environmental context can be used to interpret whether O2 is a biosignature in extrasolar planetary observations. This paper builds on the overview of current biosignature research discussed in Schwieterman et al. (2017), and provides an in-depth, interdisciplinary example of biosignature identification and observation that serves as a basis for the development of the general framework for biosignature assessment described in Catling et al., (2017). O2 is a potentially strong biosignature that was originally thought to be an unambiguous indicator for life at high-abundance. We describe the coevolution of life with the early Earth's environment, and how the interplay of sources and sinks in the planetary environment may have resulted in suppression of O2 release into the atmosphere for several billion years, a false negative for biologically generated O2. False positives may also be possible, with recent research showing potential mechanisms in exoplanet environments that may generate relatively high abundances of atmospheric O2 without a biosphere being present. These studies suggest that planetary characteristics that may enhance false negatives should be considered when selecting targets for biosignature searches. Similarly our ability to interpret O2 observed in an exoplanetary atmosphere is also crucially dependent on environmental context to rule out false positive mechanisms. We describe future photometric, spectroscopic and time-dependent observations of O2 and the planetary environment that could increase our confidence that any observed O2 is a biosignature, and help discriminate it from potential false positives. By observing and understanding O2 in its planetary context we can increase our confidence in the remote detection of life, and provide a model for biosignature development for other proposed biosignatures.Comment: 55 pages. The paper is the second in a series of 5 review manuscripts of the NExSS Exoplanet Biosignatures Workshop. Community commenting is solicited at https://nexss.info/groups/ebww

    Life Beyond the Solar System: Remotely Detectable Biosignatures

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    For the first time in human history, we will soon be able to apply to the scientific method to the question "Are We Alone?" The rapid advance of exoplanet discovery, planetary systems science, and telescope technology will soon allow scientists to search for life beyond our Solar System through direct observation of extrasolar planets. This endeavor will occur alongside searches for habitable environments and signs of life within our Solar System. While these searches are thematically related and will inform each other, they will require separate observational techniques. The search for life on exoplanets holds potential through the great diversity of worlds to be explored beyond our Solar System. However, there are also unique challenges related to the relatively limited data this search will obtain on any individual world

    Exoplanet biosignatures : a review of remotely detectable signs of life

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    In the coming years and decades, advanced space- and ground-based observatories will allow an unprecedented opportunity to probe the atmospheres and surfaces of potentially habitable exoplanets for signatures of life. Life on Earth, through its gaseous products and reflectance and scattering properties, has left its fingerprint on the spectrum of our planet. Aided by the universality of the laws of physics and chemistry, we turn to Earth's biosphere, both in the present and through geologic time, for analog signatures that will aid in the search for life elsewhere. Considering the insights gained from modern and ancient Earth, and the broader array of hypothetical exoplanet possibilities, we have compiled a comprehensive overview of our current understanding of potential exoplanet biosignatures, including gaseous, surface, and temporal biosignatures. We additionally survey biogenic spectral features that are well known in the specialist literature but have not yet been robustly vetted in the context of exoplanet biosignatures. We briefly review advances in assessing biosignature plausibility, including novel methods for determining chemical disequilibrium from remotely obtainable data and assessment tools for determining the minimum biomass required to maintain short-lived biogenic gases as atmospheric signatures. We focus particularly on advances made since the seminal review by Des Marais et al. The purpose of this work is not to propose new biosignature strategies, a goal left to companion articles in this series, but to review the current literature, draw meaningful connections between seemingly disparate areas, and clear the way for a path forward.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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