95 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Hukum Atas Kerjasama Interpol Dalam Memberantas Transnational Organized Crimes Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2009

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Asas Hukum Transnational Organized Crimes dan Bentuk-bentuk Kejahatan Transnasional dan bagaimana mekanisme dan langkahpenegakan hukum yang dapat dilakukan oleh Kepolisian RI dalam mengantisipasi peningkatantransnational organized crime. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka disimpulkan: 1. Bentuk-bentuk kejahatan yang tergolong dalam Transnational Organized Crime, antara lain: Terrorism(terorisme), Illicit Drug Trafficking(perdagangan obat terlarang), Trafficking in person(perdagangan manusia), Money Laundering(pencucian uang), Arm Smuggling(penggelapan senjata api), Sea Piracy(pembajakan laut), Cyber Crime(kejahatan dunia maya) dan International Economic Crime& currency counterfeiting(Pemalsuan uang). 2. Langkah-langkah yang ditempuh oleh Kepolisian RI dalam rangka penegakkan hukum dalam mengantisipasi peningkatan transnational crime adalah dengan melakukan kerjasama dengan lembaga kepolisian dari negara lain dalam bentuk kerjasama INTERPOL. Adanya kerjasama antara negara ini akan memperkuat sistem penegakkan hukum dari ancaman kegiatan transnational crimes

    'Subjektiver sozialer Status'. Stellenwert für die Untersuchung und Verringerung von gesundheitlicher Ungleichheit.

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    BackgroundSocial status is just about always assessed by ‘objective’ measures such as educational level, income or occupational status. In recent years, some studies have also included the assessment of ‘subjective social status’ (SSS). This new variable could be important for health promotion and prevention. In Germany, though, this discussion has hardly been recognized yet.MethodsBased on different databases, we conducted a systematic review of empirical studies which include an assessment of SSS. As far as we know, a similar review has not been published in German yet. We looked for associations with morbidity, mortality and health risks such as smoking or obesity. We finish with recommendations for further research and practice.ResultsWe were able to find 53 empirical studies. Most of them are from the USA; no study has been published from Germany, Austria or Switzerland. Most studies (46 of 53) were published in the last 5 years, clearly indicating that this discussion is still rather new. ‘Subjective social status’ is mostly assessed by the MacArthur Scale, i.e. a ladder where the respondents can mark their position between ‘low’ (low social status) and ‘high’ (high social status). The results of the studies often show increased health risks for people with low SSS, even if ‘objective’ measures such as educational level or income are controlled for statistically.Conclusion“Subjective social status” should also be included in German studies, in addition to ‘objective’ measures such as educational level or income. If people are to be reached in programmes for health promotion or prevention, it is important to know what social position they believe they have; and this subjective perception does not just depend on ‘objective’ measures such as educational level or income. We would recommend that ‘subjective social status’ be assessed with a German version of the MacArthur Scale. The picture of a ladder is apparently able to capture the meaning of ‘social status’ very well and it is very easy to understand

    Esofagitis Refluks Pada Anak

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    Esofagitis refluks adalah proses inflamasi pada esofagus akibat refluks gastroesofagus. Toksisitas isi refluks, frekuensi, durasi episode refluks, dan resistensi esofagus terhadap isi refluks merupakan faktor yang berperan terhadap kejadian esofagitis. Gejala klinis esofagitis refluks tidak spesifik. Pada bayi sering terlihat muntah disertai gejala klinis iritabel, tidur tidak nyaman, menolak makan, dan gagal tumbuh, sedangkan pada anak yang lebih besar didapatkan keluhan heartburn dan nyeri epigastrium. Esofagitis tersebar secara ‘patchy’ dan tidak merata sehingga ketelitian pemeriksaan sangat diperlukan. Secara makroskopis mukosa esofagus dapat terlihat hiperemis, erosi, atau ulkus, sedangkan pada patologi anatomi terlihat gambaran hiperplasia membran basal dengan papila yang memanjang. Antagonis reseptor H2 dan inhibitor pompa proton (IPP) telah digunakan secara luas untuk terapi esofagitis. Efek jangka pendek, jangka panjang, dan pencegahan relaps obat-obat tersebut memperlihatkan hasil yang memuaskan, walaupun beberapa data menunjukkan keunggulan IPP dibanding antagonis reseptor H2

    Einfluss des subjektiven Sozialstatus auf gesundheitliche Risiken und Gesundheitszustand - Ergebnisse der KORA-F4-Studie.

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    OBJECTIVES: In public health research, social status is usually assessed by objective indicators such as educational level and income. Recent studies have shown the importance of including 'subjective social status (SSS)'. The aim of this study is to analyse the influence of SSS on health for the first time in Germany, and to find out if there is an effect over and above the objective indicators of social status. METHODS: The KORA F4 study took place in 2006-2008 in the region of Augsburg, Southern Germany, with a study population of 3 080 men and women aged 32-81 years. SSS was assessed by a single question with 6 possible responses. For the analyses, 3 SSS categories were differentiated: low, middle and high. The following dependent variables were included: self-rated health (SRH), hypertension (uncontrolled), diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hay fever, no participation in medical cancer prevention, obesity (assessed by body mass index and waist-hip-ratio), smoking, physical inactivity. Logistic regression models were used to estimate the influence of SSS (e. g. adjusted for educational level and income). RESULTS: About 25% of the participants group themselves into the lowest SSS-category. Without adjustment for educational level and income, SSS is negatively associated with SRH, hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, no participation in medical cancer prevention, smoking and physical inactivity; as expected the association with hay fever is positive. After adjustment for educational level and income, not all of these associations remain significant. Some of the adjusted odds ratios (OR) for SSS differ considerably when stratified by gender, for example concerning the variable 'physical inactivity': The comparison of 'SSS low' vs. 'SSS high' shows for men OR 2.35 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.57-3.50) and for women OR 3.58 (95% CI 2.34-5.47). CONCLUSION: The results from this study strongly suggest that SSS is an important indicator of social status (to date largely disregarded in public health research). Thus, SSS should be applied in addition to other indicators of social status such as educational level and income. The associations with SSS depend on the health indicator studied. Also, sometimes there are large differences when stratified by gender. Further research is needed to fully understand the determinants of SSS and its impact on health

    Reflux esophagitis in children with feeding problems: A preliminary study

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    Background Untreated gastroesophageal reflux can cause reflux esophagitis, a condition characterized by damage to the esophageal mucous layer due to exposure to caustic gastric contents. Manifestation of esophagitis in young children include feeding problems, irritability, and backarching. Persistent esophagitis may cause growth failure, gastric bleeding, and anemia. Reflux esophagitis should be considered an etiology of feeding problems, especially in children with a history of gastroesophageal reflux during infancy. Objective The purpose of this study is to detennine the prevalence of reflux esophagitis in children with feeding problems. Methods A cros-sectional study was done in November 2007 to April 2008. Children under 5 years of age with feeding problems and a history of regurgitation or vomiting started from age 6 months or more underwent endoscopy and biopsy examinations. Reflux esophagitis was diagnosed based on the Los Angeles classification of endoscopic examination. Results Reflux esophagitis was diagnosed in 18 of 21 children with feeding problems and a history of regurgitation or vomiting. Most subjects were boys aged 12 to36 months. Feeding problems has lasted for more than 6 months, regurgitation or vomiting for more than 12 months, and suffered from mild malnutrition. Vomiting was observed to be a common symptom in children with reflux esophagitis. Conclusion The prevalence of reflux esophagitis in children with feeding problems and a history of regurgitation or vomiting started from age ≥ 6 months is high, therefore it will influence treatment

    Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 improves feeding intolerance in preterm infants

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    Purpose: Feeding tolerance is extremely important in preterm infants. This study aimed to evaluate whether preterm infants receiving Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 would develop fewer symptoms of feeding intolerance. Secondary outcomes were duration of parenteral nutrition, time to reach full feeding, length of hospital stay, sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), diarrhea, and mortality. Methods: This double-blind randomized controlled trial of L. reuteri DSM 17938 versus placebo included 94 neonates with a gestational age of 28-34 weeks and birth weight of 1,000-1,800 g. Results: Feeding intolerance (vomiting and/or distension) was less common in the probiotic group than in the placebo group (8.5% vs. 25.5%; relative risk, 0.33; 95% confidence interval, 0.12-0.96; p=0.03). No significant intergroup differences were found in proven sepsis, time to reach full feeding, length of hospital stay, or diarrhea. The prevalence of NEC (stages 2 and 3) was 6.4% in the placebo group vs. 0% in the probiotic group (relative risk, 1.07; 95% confidence interval, 0.99-1.15; p=0.24). Mortality rates were 2.1% in the probiotic group and 8.5% in the placebo group, p=0.36). Conclusion: The administration of L. reuteri DSM 17938 to preterm infants was safe and significantly reduced feeding intolerance. No significant differences were found in any other secondary outcomes
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