87 research outputs found

    A pilot in the loop analysis of helicopter acceleration/deceleration maneuvers

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    Helicopter flight acceleration/deceleration maneuvers are quantified and put to use in the fields of handling qualities, flight training and evaluation of simulator fidelity. The three specific cases include the normal speed change maneuver, the nap-of-the-Earth dash/quickstop, and the decelerating approach to hover. All of these maneuvers share common generic features in terms of pilot adaptation and mathematical description; yet each differs in terms of the essential feedback loop structure, implications for handling qualities requirements, and simulator fidelity criteria

    A safety margin and flight reference system and display for powered-lift aircraft

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    A study was conducted to explore the feasibility of a safety margin and flight reference system for those powered-lift aircraft which require a backside piloting technique. The main objective was to display multiple safety margin criteria as a single variable which could be tracked both manually and automatically and which could be monitored in order to derive safety margin status. The study involved a pilot-in-the-loop analysis of several system concepts and a simulator experiment to evaluate those concepts showing promise. A system was ultimately configured which yielded reasonable compromises in controllability, status information content, and the ability to regulate safety margins at some expense of the allowable low speed flight path envelope

    A comparison of landing maneuver piloting technique based on measurements made in an airline training simulator and in actual flight

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    An emphasis is placed on developing a mathematical model in order to identify useful metrics, quantify piloting technique, and define simulator fidelity. On the basis of DC-10 flight measurements recorded for 32 pilots, 13 flight-trained and the remainder simulator trained, a revised model of the landing flare is hypothesized which accounts for reduction of sink rate and perference for touchdown point along the runway. The flare maneuver and touchdown point adjustment can be described by a pitch attitude command pilot guidance law consisting of altitude and vertical velocity feedbacks. In flight pilots exhibit a significant vertical velocity feedback which is essential for well controlled sink rate reduction at the desired level of response (bandwidth). In the simulator, however, the vertical velocity feedback appears ineffectual and leads to substantially inferior landing performance

    Study of a safety margin system for powered-lift STOL aircraft

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    A study was conducted to explore the feasibility of a safety margin system for powered-lift aircraft which require a backside piloting technique. The objective of the safety margin system was to present multiple safety margin criteria as a single variable which could be tracked manually or automatically and which could be monitored for the purpose of deriving safety margin status. The study involved a pilot-in-the-loop analysis of several safety margin system concepts and a simulation experiment to evaluate those concepts which showed promise of providing a good solution. A system was ultimately configured which offered reasonable compromises in controllability, status information content, and the ability to regulate the safety margin at some expense of the allowable low speed flight path envelope

    Computed Responses of Several Aircraft to Atmospheric Turbulence and Discrete Wind Shears

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    The computed RMS and peak responses due to atmospheric turbulence and discrete wind shears, respectively, are presented for several aircraft in different flight conditions. The responses are presented with and without the effects of a typical second order washout filter. A complete set of dimensional stability derivatives for each aircraft/flight condition combination evaluated is also presented

    Helicopter Pilot Performance for Discrete-maneuver Flight Tasks

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    This paper describes a current study of several basic helicopter flight maneuvers. The data base consists of in-flight measurements from instrumented helicopters using experienced pilots. The analysis technique is simple enough to apply without automatic data processing, and the results can be used to build quantitative matah models of the flight task and some aspects of the pilot control strategy. In addition to describing the performance measurement technqiue, some results are presented which define the aggressiveness and amplitude of maneuvering for several lateral maneuvers including turns and sidesteps

    An analysis of airline landing flare data based on flight and training simulator measurements

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    Landings by experienced airline pilots transitioning to the DC-10, performed in flight and on a simulator, were analyzed and compared using a pilot-in-the-loop model of the landing maneuver. By solving for the effective feedback gains and pilot compensation which described landing technique, it was possible to discern fundamental differences in pilot behavior between the actual aircraft and the simulator. These differences were then used to infer simulator fidelity in terms of specific deficiencies and to quantify the effectiveness of training on the simulator as compared to training in flight. While training on the simulator, pilots exhibited larger effective lag in commanding the flare. The inability to compensate adequately for this lag was associated with hard or inconsistent landings. To some degree this deficiency was carried into flight, thus resulting in a slightly different and inferior landing technique than exhibited by pilots trained exclusively on the actual aircraft

    The analysis of delays in simulator digital computing systems. Volume 1: Formulation of an analysis approach using a central example simulator model

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    The effects of spurious delays in real time digital computing systems are examined. Various sources of spurious delays are defined and analyzed using an extant simulator system as an example. A specific analysis procedure is set forth and four cases are viewed in terms of their time and frequency domain characteristics. Numerical solutions are obtained for three single rate one- and two-computer examples, and the analysis problem is formulated for a two-rate, two-computer example

    A study of key features of the RAE atmospheric turbulence model

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    A complex atmospheric turbulence model for use in aircraft simulation is analyzed in terms of its temporal, spectral, and statistical characteristics. First, a direct comparison was made between cases of the RAE model and the more conventional Dryden turbulence model. Next the control parameters of the RAE model were systematically varied and the effects noted. The RAE model was found to possess a high degree of flexibility in its characteristics, but the individual control parameters are cross-coupled in terms of their effect on various measures of intensity, bandwidth, and probability distribution

    Technical approaches for measurement of human errors

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    Human error is a significant contributing factor in a very high proportion of civil transport, general aviation, and rotorcraft accidents. The technical details of a variety of proven approaches for the measurement of human errors in the context of the national airspace system are presented. Unobtrusive measurements suitable for cockpit operations and procedures in part of full mission simulation are emphasized. Procedure, system performance, and human operator centered measurements are discussed as they apply to the manual control, communication, supervisory, and monitoring tasks which are relevant to aviation operations