48 research outputs found

    New insights into the interstellar medium of the dwarf galaxy IC 10 : connection between magnetic fields, the radio--infrared correlation and star formation

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society following peer review. Available at doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stx1567.We present the highest sensitivity and angular resolution study at 0.32 GHz of the dwarf irregular galaxy IC\,10, observed using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, probing 45\sim45 pc spatial scales. We find the galaxy-averaged radio continuum spectrum to be relatively flat, with a spectral index α=0.34±0.01\alpha = -0.34\pm0.01 (SνναS_\nu \propto \nu^\alpha), mainly due to a high contribution from free--free emission. At 0.32 GHz, some of the H{\sc ii} regions show evidence of free--free absorption as they become optically thick below 0.41\sim0.41 GHz with corresponding free electron densities of 1122 cm3\sim11-22~\rm cm^{-3}. After removing the free--free emission, we studied the radio--infrared relations on 55, 110 and 165 pc spatial scales. We find that on all scales the non-thermal emission at 0.32 and 6.2 GHz correlates better with far-infrared (FIR) emission at 70μ70\,\mum than mid-infrared emission at 24μ24\,\mum. The dispersion of the radio--FIR relation arises due to variations in both magnetic field and dust temperature, and decreases systematically with increasing spatial scale. The effect of cosmic ray transport is negligible as cosmic ray electrons were only injected 5\lesssim5 Myr ago. The average magnetic field strength (BB) of 12 μ12~\muG in the disc is comparable to that of large star-forming galaxies. The local magnetic field is strongly correlated with local star formation rate (SFR\mathrm{SFR}) as BSFR0.35±0.03B \propto \mathrm{SFR}^{0.35\pm0.03}, indicating a star-burst driven fluctuation dynamo to be efficient (10\sim10 per cent) in amplifying the field in IC\,10. The high spatial resolution observations presented here suggest that the high efficiency of magnetic field amplification and strong coupling with SFR likely sets up the radio--FIR correlation in cosmologically young galaxies.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Azimuthal Anisotropy of Magnetic Fields in the Circumgalactic Medium Driven by Galactic Feedback Processes

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    We use the TNG50 cosmological magnetohydrodynamical simulation of the IllustrisTNG project to show that magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) have significant angular structure. This azimuthal anisotropy at fixed distance is driven by galactic feedback processes that launch strong outflows into the halo, preferentially along the minor axes of galaxies. These feedback-driven outflows entrain strong magnetic fields from the interstellar medium, dragging fields originally amplified by small-scale dynamos into the CGM. At the virial radius, z=0z=0 galaxies with M1010M_\star \sim 10^{10}\,\rm{M_\odot} show the strongest anisotropy (0.35\sim 0.35 dex). This signal weakens with decreasing impact parameter, and is also present but weaker for lower mass as well as higher mass galaxies. Creating mock Faraday rotation measure (RM) sightlines through the simulated volume, we find that the angular RM trend is qualitatively consistent with recent observational measurements. We show that rich structure is present in the circumgalactic magnetic fields of galaxies. However, TNG50 predicts small RM amplitudes in the CGM that make detection difficult as a result of other contributions along the line of sight.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom

    Cosmic-ray electron transport in the galaxy M 51

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    Context. Indirect observations of the cosmic-ray electron (CRE) distribution via synchrotron emission is crucial for deepening the understanding of the CRE transport in the interstellar medium, and in investigating the role of galactic outflows. Aims. In this paper, we quantify the contribution of diffusion- and advection-dominated transport of CREs in the galaxy M51 considering relevant energy loss processes. Methods. We used recent measurement from M 51 that allow for the derivation of the diffusion coefficient, the star formation rate, and the magnetic field strength. With this input, we solved the 3D transport equation numerically including the spatial dependence as provided by the measurements, using the open-source transport framework CRPropa (v3.1). We included 3D transport (diffusion and advection), and the relevant loss processes. Results. We find that the data can be described well with the parameters from recent measurements. For the best fit, it is required that the wind velocity, following from the observed star formation rate, must be decreased by a factor of 5. We find a model in which the inner galaxy is dominated by advective escape and the outer galaxy is composed by both diffusion and advection. Conclusions. Three-dimensional modelling of cosmic-ray transport in the face-on galaxy M51 allows for conclusions about the strength of the outflow of such galaxies by quantifying the need for a wind in the description of the cosmic-ray signatures. This opens up the possibility of investigating galactic winds in face-on galaxies in general.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Radio constraints on dark matter annihilation in Canes Venatici I with LOFAR

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ©: 2020 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.Dwarf galaxies are dark matter-dominated and therefore promising targets for the search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which are well-known candidates for dark matter. Annihilation of WIMPs produce ultra-relativistic cosmic-ray electrons and positrons that emit synchrotron radiation in the presence of magnetic fields. For typical magnetic field strengths (few μ\mu G) and O\mathcal O(GeV-TeV) WIMP masses (and thus typical electron energies of the same order) this emission peaks at hundreds of MHz. Here, we use the non-detection of 150-MHz radio continuum emission from the dwarf spheroidal galaxy `Canes Venatici I' with the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) to derive constraints on the annihilation cross section of WIMPs into primary electron-positron and other fundamental particle-antiparticle pairs. In this first-of-its-kind LOFAR study, we obtain new constraints on annihilating WIMP dark matter (DM). Using conservative estimates for the magnetic field strengths and diffusion coefficients, we obtain limits that are comparable with those by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) using gamma-ray observations. Assuming s-wave annihilation and WIMPs making up 100% of the DM density, our limits exclude several thermal WIMP realisations in the [2,20][2,20]-GeV mass range. A more ambitious multi-wavelength and multi-target LOFAR study could improve these limits by a few orders of magnitude.Peer reviewe

    The magnetic field structure in NGC 253 in presence of a galactic wind

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    We present radio continuum polarimetry observations of the nearby edge-on galaxy NGC 253 which possesses a very bright radio halo. Using the vertical synchrotron emission profiles and the lifetimes of cosmic-ray electrons, we determined the cosmic-ray bulk speed as (300+/-30) km/s, indicating the presence of a galactic wind in this galaxy. The large-scale magnetic field was decomposed into a toroidal axisymmetric component in the disk and a poloidal component in the halo. The poloidal component shows a prominent X-shaped magnetic field structure centered on the nucleus, similar to the magnetic field observed in other edge-on galaxies. Faraday rotation measures indicate that the poloidal field has an odd parity (antisymmetric). NGC 253 offers the possibility to compare the magnetic field structure with models of galactic dynamos and/or galactic wind flows.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, in the proceedings of the IAU Symposium 259: "Cosmic magnetic fields: from planets, to stars and galaxies", Teneriffe, November 2008, in pres

    The non-thermal superbubble in IC 10 : the generation of cosmic ray electrons caught in the act

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    Superbubbles are crucial for stellar feedback, with supposedly high (of the order of 10 per cent) thermalization rates. We combined multiband radio continuum observations from the Very Large Array (VLA) with Effelsberg data to study the non-thermal superbubble (NSB) in IC 10, a starburst dwarf irregular galaxy in the Local Group. Thermal emission was subtracted using a combination of Balmer Hα and VLA 32 GHz continuum maps. The bubble’s nonthermal spectrum between 1.5 and 8.8 GHz displays curvature and can be well fitted with a standard model of an ageing cosmic ray electron population. With a derived equipartition magnetic field strength of 44 ±8 μG, and measuring the radiation energy density from Spitzer MIPS maps as 5±1×10−11 erg cm−3, we determine, based on the spectral curvature, a spectral age of the bubble of 1.0 ± 0.3 Myr. Analysis of the LITTLE THINGS HI data cube shows an expanding HI hole with 100 pc diameter and a dynamical age of 3.8 ± 0.3 Myr, centred to within 16 pc on IC 10 X-1, a massive stellar mass black hole (M > 23 M⊙). The results are consistent with the expected evolution for a superbubble with a few massive stars, where a very energetic event like a Type Ic supernova/hypernova has taken place about 1 Myr ago. We discuss alternatives to this interpretationPeer reviewe

    Magnetic Field Tomography in Nearby Galaxies with the Square Kilometre Array

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    Magnetic fields play an important role in shaping the structure and evolution of the interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies, but the details of this relationship remain unclear. With SKA1, the 3D structure of galactic magnetic fields and its connection to star formation will be revealed. A highly sensitive probe of the internal structure of the magnetoionized ISM is the partial depolarization of synchrotron radiation from inside the volume. Different configurations of magnetic field and ionized gas within the resolution element of the telescope lead to frequency-dependent changes in the observed degree of polarization. The results of spectro-polarimetric observations are tied to physical structure in the ISM through comparison with detailed modeling, supplemented with the use of new analysis techniques that are being actively developed and studied within the community such as Rotation Measure Synthesis. The SKA will enable this field to come into its own and begin the study of the detailed structure of the magnetized ISM in a sample of nearby galaxies, thanks to its extraordinary wideband capabilities coupled with the combination of excellent surface brightness sensitivity and angular resolution.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; to appear as part of 'Cosmic Magnetism' in Proceedings 'Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA (AASKA14)', PoS(AASKA14)10