8 research outputs found

    Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation: Advancing an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda in Education

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    Scientific reasoning and scientific argumentation are highly valued outcomes of K-12 and higher education. In this article, we first review main topics and key findings of three different strands of research, namely research on the development of scientific reasoning, research on scientific argumentation, and research on approaches to support scientific reasoning and argumentation. Building on these findings, we outline current research deficits and address five aspects that exemplify where and how research on scientific reasoning and ar-gumentation needs to be expanded. In particular, we suggest to ground future research in a conceptual frame-work with three epistemic modes (advancing theory building about natural and social phenomena, artefact-centred scientific reasoning, and science-based reasoning in practice) and eight epistemic activities (problem identification, questioning, hypothesis generation, construction and redesign of artefacts, evidence generation, evidence evaluation, drawing conclusions as well as communicating and scrutinizing scientific reasoning and its results). We further propose addressing the domain specificities and domain generalities of scientific reasoning and approaches to its facilitation as well as investigating the role of epistemic emotions in scientific reasoning, the social context of SRA, and the influence of digital technologies on scientific reasoning and argumentation

    Dreidimensionale Observierung atmosphärischer Prozesse in Städten – 3DOSchlussbericht des Verbundvorhabens 3DOThree-dimensional observation and modeling of atmospheric processes in cities – 3DOfinal report for joint project 3DO

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    Ziel des BMBF-Programms 'Stadtklima im Wandel' war die Entwicklung, Validierung und Anwendung eines gebäudeauflösenden Stadtklimamodells für ganze Städte. Das Verbundprojekt 3DO übernahm die dem Modul B zugeordneten Forschungsaufgaben: Aufbereitung vorhandener Daten aus der Langzeitbeobachtung (LTO), Aufbau neuer Messstationen, Gewinnung neuer dreidimensionaler atmosphärischer Daten und die Entwicklung neuer Konzepte z.B. zur Modellevaluation. Untersucht wurden der Aufbau der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht, die Charakteristik der meteorologischen Parameter und deren Einfluss auf das thermische Empfinden des Menschen. Ein einheitlicher [UC]2-Datenstandard sowie Analysewerkzeuge wurden entwickelt und in ein Datenmanagementsystem und eine Wissensplattform für den modulübergreifenden Austausch integriert.Aim of the BMBF-Programme 'Urban Climate under Change' was development, validation and application of a building-resolving urban climate model for entire cities. The joint project 3DO took over the research tasks assigned to module B: Preparation of existing data from long-term observation (LTO), deployment of new measuring stations, acquisition of new three-dimensional atmospheric data and new concepts, e.g. for model evaluation. The structure of the atmospheric boundary layer, characteristics of meteorological parameters and their influence on the thermal sensation of humans were investigated. A uniform [UC]2 data standard as well as analysis tools were developed and integrated into a data management system and a knowledge base for cross-module exchange

    Dreidimensionale Observierung atmosphärischer Prozesse in Städten – 3DOSchlussbericht des Verbundvorhabens 3DOThree-dimensional observation and modeling of atmospheric processes in cities – 3DOfinal report for joint project 3DO

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    Ziel des BMBF-Programms 'Stadtklima im Wandel' war die Entwicklung, Validierung und Anwendung eines gebäudeauflösenden Stadtklimamodells für ganze Städte. Das Verbundprojekt 3DO übernahm die dem Modul B zugeordneten Forschungsaufgaben: Aufbereitung vorhandener Daten aus der Langzeitbeobachtung (LTO), Aufbau neuer Messstationen, Gewinnung neuer dreidimensionaler atmosphärischer Daten und die Entwicklung neuer Konzepte z.B. zur Modellevaluation. Untersucht wurden der Aufbau der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht, die Charakteristik der meteorologischen Parameter und deren Einfluss auf das thermische Empfinden des Menschen. Ein einheitlicher [UC]2-Datenstandard sowie Analysewerkzeuge wurden entwickelt und in ein Datenmanagementsystem und eine Wissensplattform für den modulübergreifenden Austausch integriert.Aim of the BMBF-Programme 'Urban Climate under Change' was development, validation and application of a building-resolving urban climate model for entire cities. The joint project 3DO took over the research tasks assigned to module B: Preparation of existing data from long-term observation (LTO), deployment of new measuring stations, acquisition of new three-dimensional atmospheric data and new concepts, e.g. for model evaluation. The structure of the atmospheric boundary layer, characteristics of meteorological parameters and their influence on the thermal sensation of humans were investigated. A uniform [UC]2 data standard as well as analysis tools were developed and integrated into a data management system and a knowledge base for cross-module exchange