14 research outputs found

    Spectral edge frequency during general anaesthesia: A narrative literature review

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    Previous studies have attempted to determine the depth of anaesthesia with different anaesthetic agents using electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements with variable success. Measuring depth of anaesthesia is confounded by the complexity of the EEG and the fact that different agents create different pattens. A narrative review was undertaken to examine the available research evidence on the effect and reliability of spectral edge frequency (SEF) for assessing the depth of anaesthesia in adult patients under general anaesthesia. A systematic search of the PubMed¼, Scopus¼, CINAHL and Cochrane databases identified six randomized controlled trials and five observational studies. The findings of these studies suggest that SEF varies according to the anaesthetic drugs used. Remifentanil and age are two factors that can affect SEF, while other opioids and benzodiazepine (administered separately) seem to have no effect. No patients experienced intraoperative awareness. However, this does not indicate that SEF can provide full protection against it and the number of articles in which intraoperative awareness was studied was too small to afford any certainty. None of the studies demonstrated a reliable SEF interval associated with adequate general anaesthesia. SEF must be adapted to the anaesthetic drug used, the patient’s age and state while under general anaesthesia

    Phenotype prediction accuracy – A Swedish perspective

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    Methods for SNP-based phenotype prediction have recently been developed, but prediction accuracy data for several populations and regions are missing. We analysed the accuracy of hair and eye colour predictions for 111 individuals residing in Sweden, using the ForenSeq system and the MiSeq FGx instrument (Verogen). Observed colours were compared to predicted colours, using the colour with the highest probability value for each prediction. Overall, 80% of eye colour predictions were correct, but the system failed to predict intermediate/green eye colour in our cohort. For hair colour, 58% of predictions were correct, and the majority of incorrect predictions were related to brown hair. To assess if prediction accuracy could be improved by the exclusion of predictions with low probabilities, we applied a threshold of ≄0.7. The threshold improved eye colour prediction, from 80% to 85% correct predictions, whereas hair colour prediction accuracy was virtually unaffected (58% versus 57% correct predictions). In summary, the phenotype prediction accuracy was acceptable in our cohort and the use of a threshold was only useful for eye colour predictions

    In-house validation of MPS-based methods in a forensic laboratory

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    Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) methods are increasingly applied in forensic casework. However, adequate validation guidelines are lacking. In this work, we describe our in-house validation of the ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit (Verogen) for analysis of ancestry- and phenotype-informative SNPs. We also discuss in-house validation of MPS assays in general terms. When validating the SNP assay, we focused on the reliability of SNP genotype calls and the compatibility with commonly analysed sample types. Other issues, for example analytical thresholds and accuracy of the data prediction model were considered to be covered by the developmental validation of the kit. Our study included determination of (1) concordance, (2) limit of detection, (3) matrix effects, (4) repeatability, and (5) contamination risk. In conclusion, the MPS-based SNP assay showed overall adequate performance for single-source samples, with correct genotype calls. We welcome a broad discussion on how to perform in-house validation of MPS-based methods, as this is vital to ensure timely implementation of reliable assays in forensic laboratories

    Evaluation of the VISAGE basic tool for appearance and ancestry inference using ForenSeqÂź chemistry on the MiSeq FGxÂź system

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    The possibility of providing investigative leads when conventional DNA identification methods fail to solve a case can be of extreme relevance to law enforcement. Therefore, the forensic genetics community has focused research towards the broadened use of DNA, particularly for prediction of appearance traits, bio-geographical ancestry and age. The VISible Attributes through GEnomics (VISAGE) Consortium expanded the use of DNA phenotyping by developing new molecular and statistical tools for appearance, age and ancestry prediction. The VISAGE basic tool for appearance (EVC) and ancestry (BGA) prediction was initially developed using Ampliseq chemistry, but here is being evaluated using ForenSeq chemistry. The VISAGE basic tool offers a total of 41 EVC and 115 BGA SNPs and thus provides more predictions, i.e., skin color, than achieved with the ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep kit that is based on 24 EVC and 56 BGA SNPs. Five VISAGE laboratories participated in collaborative experiments to provide foreground for developmental validation of the assay. Assessment of assay performance and quality metrics, reproducibility, sensitivity, inhibitor tolerance and species specificity are described. Furthermore, the assay was tested using challenging samples such as mock casework samples and artificially degraded DNA. Two different analysis strategies were applied for this study and output on genotype calls and read depth was compared. Overall, inter-laboratory, inter-method and concordance with publicly available data were analysed and compared. Finally, the results showed a reliable and robust tool, which can be easily applied for laboratories already using a MiSeq FGx with ForenSeq reagents