32 research outputs found


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    Não é sobre preservar, mas sobre respeitar os indígenas: contribuições do pensamento freireano para a educação indígena

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    O artigo tem como objetivo analisar as contribuições de Paulo Freire para a construção das políticas públicas e das ações educacionais relacionadas às questões da educação indígena. A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, se estrutura como uma pesquisa exploratória secundária com um levantamento bibliográfico a partir do pensamento freireano e de autores que exploram a temática, bem como de um levantamento documental pautado na legislação de ensino produzida no macro cenário brasileiro. Dentre as ideias conclusivas situa-se como imprescindível a análise do legado freireano, diante dos contextos de supressão da dignidade humana, do aniquilamento da singularidade e também da diversidade cultural especialmente contra a história e a cultura indígena, pois a suas palavras transcendem ao tempo e instigam a construção de outro projeto de mundo alicerçado no respeito à pessoa e à sua dignidade.  Ainda, nas reflexões suscitadas por Freire, é possível a compressão dos conceitos de cultura, de interculturalidade, de amorosidade e de esperança, elementos significativos ao exercício constante de luta e de resistência

    O viver do portador chagásico crônico: possibilidades de ações do enfermeiro para uma vida saudável.

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    Objetivou-se conhecer como vivem os portadores chagásicos crônicos em dois municípios da região sul do Rio Grande do Sul, traçando possíveis ações do enfermeiro para uma vida mais saudável. O estudo foi de caráter descritivo e exploratório com uma abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados nos domicílios de dez clientes portadores crônicos da Doença de Chagas através de entrevista semiestruturada. Os resultados mostraram que a sintomatologia da doença não se manifestou na fase aguda, sendo que a maioria dos sujeitos faz uso de medicações paliativas para alívio dos sintomas, existindo grandes limitações no desenvolvimento das atividades cotidianas, principalmente nos portadores da forma cardíaca. Reitera-se o valor da equipe de saúde, em especial do enfermeiro, no manejo clínico, pois quando iniciado precocemente, propicia uma melhor qualidade de vida e uma elevação da expectativa de sobrevivência

    Genomic prediction and genetic correlations estimated for milk production and fatty acid traits in Walloon Holstein cattle using random regression models.

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    peer reviewedThe aims of this study were to: (1) estimate genetic correlation for milk production traits (milk, fat and protein yields and fat and protein contents) and fatty acids (FA: C16:0, C18:1 cis-9, LCFA, SFA, and UFA) over days in milk, (2) investigate the performance of genomic predictions using single-step GBLUP (ssGBLUP) based on random regression models (RRM), and (3) identify the optimal scaling and weighting factors to be used in the construction of the H matrix. A total of 302 684 test-day records of 63.875 first lactation Walloon Holstein cows were used. Positive genetic correlations were found between milk yield and fat and protein yield (rg from 0.46 to 0.85) and between fat yield and milk FA (rg from 0.17 to 0.47). On the other hand, negative correlations were estimated between fat and protein contents (rg from -0.22 to -0.59), between milk yield and milk FA (rg from -0.22 to -0.62), and between protein yield and milk FA (rg from -0.11 to -0.19). The selection for high fat content increases milk FA throughout lactation (rg from 0.61 to 0.98). The test-day ssGBLUP approach showed considerably higher prediction reliability than the parent average for all milk production and FA traits, even when no scaling and weighting factors were used in the H matrix. The highest validation reliabilities (r2 from 0.09 to 0.38) and less biased predictions (b1 from 0.76 to 0.92) were obtained using the optimal parameters (i.e., ω = 0.7 and α = 0.6) for the genomic evaluation of milk production traits. For milk FA, the optimal parameters were ω = 0.6 and α = 0.6. However, biased predictions were still observed (b1 from 0.32 to 0.81). The findings suggest that using ssGBLUP based on RRM is feasible for the genomic prediction of daily milk production and FA traits in Walloon Holstein dairy cattle

    Expert-based development of a generic HACCP-based risk management system to prevent critical negative energy balance in dairy herds

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    The objective of this study was to develop a generic risk management system based on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles for the prevention of critical negative energy balance (NEB) in dairy herds using an expert panel approach. In addition, we discuss the advantages and limitations of the system in terms of implementation in the individual dairy herd. For the expert panel, we invited 30 researchers and advisors with expertise in the field of dairy cow feeding and/or health management from eight European regions. They were invited to a Delphi-based set-up that included three inter-correlated questionnaires in which they were asked to suggest risk factors for critical NEB and to score these based on 'effect' and 'probability'. Finally, the experts were asked to suggest critical control points (CCPs) specified by alarm values, monitoring frequency and corrective actions related to the most relevant risk factors in an operational farm setting. A total of 12 experts (40 %) completed all three questionnaires. Of these 12 experts, seven were researchers and five were advisors and in total they represented seven out of the eight European regions addressed in the questionnaire study. When asking for suggestions on risk factors and CCPs, these were formulated as 'open questions', and the experts' suggestions were numerous and overlapping. The suggestions were merged via a process of linguistic editing in order to eliminate doublets. The editing process revealed that the experts provided a total of 34 CCPs for the 11 risk factors they scored as most important. The consensus among experts was relatively high when scoring the most important risk factors, while there were more diverse suggestions of CCPs with specification of alarm values and corrective actions. We therefore concluded that the expert panel approach only partly succeeded in developing a generic HACCP for critical NEB in dairy cows. We recommend that the output of this paper is used to inform key areas for implementation on the individual dairy farm by local farm teams including farmers and their advisors, who together can conduct herd-specific risk factor profiling, organise the ongoing monitoring of herd-specific CCPs, as well as implement corrective actions when CCP alarm values are exceeded