23 research outputs found

    Protein containing lipid bilayers intercalated with size-matched mesoporous silica thin films

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    Proteins are key components in a multitude of biological processes, of which the functions carried out by transmembrane (membrane-spanning) proteins are especially demanding for investigations. This is because this class of protein needs to be incorporated into a lipid bilayer representing its native environment, and in addition, many experimental conditions also require a solid support for stabilization and analytical purposes. The solid support substrate may, however, limit the protein functionality due to protein–material interactions and a lack of physical space. We have in this work tailored the pore size and pore ordering of a mesoporous silica thin film to match the native cell-membrane arrangement of the transmembrane protein human aquaporin 4 (hAQP4). Using neutron reflectivity (NR), we provide evidence of how substrate pores host the bulky water-soluble domain of hAQP4, which is shown to extend 7.2 nm into the pores of the substrate. Complementary surface analytical tools, including quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) and fluorescence microscopy, revealed successful protein-containing supported lipid bilayer (pSLB) formation on mesoporous silica substrates, whereas pSLB formation was hampered on nonporous silica. Additionally, electron microscopy (TEM and SEM), light scattering (DLS and stopped-flow), and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) were employed to provide a comprehensive characterization of this novel hybrid organic–inorganic interface, the tailoring of which is likely to be generally applicable to improve the function and stability of a broad range of membrane proteins containing water-soluble domains

    Protein-Containing Lipid Bilayers Intercalated with Size-Matched Mesoporous Silica Thin Films

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    Proteins are key components in a multitude of biological processes, of which the functions carried out by transmembrane (membrane-spanning) proteins are especially demanding for investigations. This is because this class of protein needs to be incorporated into a lipid bilayer representing its native environment, and in addition, many experimental conditions also require a solid support for stabilization and analytical purposes. The solid support substrate may, however, limit the protein functionality due to protein material interactions and a lack of physical space. We have in this work tailored the pore size and pore ordering of a mesoporous silica thin film to match the native cell-membrane arrangement of the transmembrane protein human aquaporin 4 (hAQP4). Using neutron reflectivity (NR), we provide evidence of how substrate pores host the bulky water-soluble domain of hAQP4, which is shown to extend 7.2 nm into the pores of the substrate. Complementary surface analytical tools, including quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) and fluorescence microscopy, revealed successful protein-containing supported lipid bilayer (pSLB) formation on mesoporous silica substrates, whereas pSLB formation was hampered on nonporous silica. Additionally, electron microscopy (TEM and SEM), light scattering (DLS and stopped-flow), and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) were employed to provide a comprehensive characterization of this novel hybrid organic-inorganic interface, the tailoring of which is likely to be generally applicable to improve the function and stability of a broad range of membrane proteins containing water-soluble domains

    Engineering of a Novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae Wine Strain with a Respiratory Phenotype at High External Glucose Concentrations

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    The recently described respiratory strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae KOY.TM6*P is, to our knowledge, the only reported strain of S. cerevisiae which completely redirects the flux of glucose from ethanol fermentation to respiration, even at high external glucose concentrations (27). In the KOY.TM6*P strain, portions of the genes encoding the predominant hexose transporter proteins, Hxt1 and Hxt7, were fused within the regions encoding transmembrane (TM) domain 6. The resulting chimeric gene, TM6*, encoded a chimera composed of the amino-terminal half of Hxt1 and the carboxy-terminal half of Hxt7. It was subsequently integrated into the genome of an hxt null strain. In this study, we have demonstrated the transferability of this respiratory phenotype to the V5 hxt1-7Δ strain, a derivative of a strain used in enology. We also show by using this mutant that it is not necessary to transform a complete hxt null strain with the TM6* construct to obtain a non-ethanol-producing phenotype. The resulting V5.TM6*P strain, obtained by transformation of the V5 hxt1-7Δ strain with the TM6* chimeric gene, produced only minor amounts of ethanol when cultured on external glucose concentrations as high as 5%. Despite the fact that glucose flux was reduced to 30% in the V5.TM6*P strain compared with that of its parental strain, the V5.TM6*P strain produced biomass at a specific rate as high as 85% that of the V5 wild-type strain. Even more relevant for the potential use of such a strain for the production of heterologous proteins and also of low-alcohol beverages is the observation that the biomass yield increased 50% with the mutant compared to its parental strain

    PNPLA3 has retinyl-palmitate lipase activity in human hepatic stellate cells

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    Retinoids are micronutrients that are stored as retinyl esters in the retina and hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). HSCs are key players in fibrogenesis in chronic liver diseases. The enzyme responsible for hydrolysis and release of retinyl esters from HSCs is unknown and the relationship between retinoid metabolism and liver disease remains unclear. We hypothesize that the patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing 3 (PNPLA3) protein is involved in retinol metabolism in HSCs. We tested our hypothesis both in primary human HSCs and in a human cohort of subjects with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (N 5 146). Here we show that PNPLA3 is highly expressed in human HSCs. Its expression is regulated by retinol availability and insulin, and increased PNPLA3 expression results in reducedlipid droplet content. PNPLA3 promotes extracellular release of retinol from HSCs in response to insulin. We also show that purified wild-type PNPLA3 hydrolyzes retinyl palmitate into retinol and palmitic acid. Conversely, this enzymatic activity is markedly reduced with purified PNPLA3 148M, a common mutation robustly associated with liver fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma development. We also find the PNPLA3 I148M genotype to be an independent (P 5 0.009 in a multivariate analysis) determinant of circulating retinolbinding protein 4, a reliable proxy for retinol levels in humans. This study identifies PNPLA3 as a lipase responsible for retinyl-palmitate hydrolysis in HSCs in humans. Importantly, this indicates a potential novel link between HSCs, retinoid metabolism and PNPLA3 in determining the susceptibility to chronic liver disease. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press