38 research outputs found
Settlement Continuity in the Villages of Stevns, South-Eastern Zealand: an Archaeological Investigation
Settlement Continuity in the Villages of Stevns, South-Eastern Zealand - an Archaeological Investigation
Manfred Rech: Studien zu Depofunden der Trichterbecher- und Einzelgrabkultur des Nordens (by P.O. Nielsen).Ingegerd Sarlvik: Paths Towards a Stratified Society (by Lotte Hedeager).Hans Neumann: Olgerdiget- et bidrag til Danmarks tidligste historie (by Mogens Ørsnes)
H. Goransson: Neolithic Man and the Forest Environment around Alvastra Pile Dwelling (by Sv.Th. Andersen) L. Blomqvist: Megalitgravarna i Sverige (by F. Kaul) A. Saville (et al.): Hazleton North (by D. Liversage) T. Dabrowska: Wczesne Jazy kultury przeworskiej (by Jes Martens)M. Beskow Sjoberg (ed.): Olandsjernilldersgravfiilt (by Lotte Hedeager) Danmarks længste udgravning (by Torsten Capelle