12 research outputs found

    "The Door You Can Walk Through to Society": Social Inclusion and Belonging in Vocational Programmes for Immigrants

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    This article presents a qualitative, empirical study of two educational programmes for immigrants that integrate language instruction and vocational training. In the context of migration, social inclusion is often conceptualised as access to social capital. Proficiency in the national language is considered key for employment and fast integration into working life has become a primary goal in Swedish migration policies. This article examines the two programmes from the perspective of inclusion into an (imagined) future professional community of practice (CoP), focusing specifically on the participants’ possibilities to invest in a professional linguistic repertoire. The article is dedicated to empirical analyses and positive factors, recognising the need for research. Data consists of interviews with students and teachers, observations, and video recordings of course activities. Organisational aspects of the courses, such as the teachers’ backgrounds and the courses’ proximity to future CoPs, as well as relational aspects of the learning environments, are considered essential for the participants’ inclusion in a future professional CoP. Analyses of the programmes’ content demonstrate that participants are assumed to lack context‐specific, vocational knowledge, including professionally related vocabulary. The article contributes to knowledge on how inclusion can be managed in practice in educational settings for adult immigrants and promotes an understanding of how vocationally adapted courses can assist immigrants in becoming members of a future professional CoP

    International universities – local language choices : On spoken Swedish in English-medium course environments

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    The thesis deals with the use of spoken Swedish on six English-medium university courses in Sweden. The courses are taken by both Swedish and foreign students, with English as the common language of instruction. The aim of the study is to describe and understand the oral use of Swedish, by students in particular, in the type of linguistic environment that arises when English is the medium of instruction. Language use is studied from three angles: the use of spoken Swedish, the functions of Swedish in interaction, and participants’ attitudes to Swedish and English and to the choice of one language or the other. The analysis is based on observations and recordings of naturally occurring talk on courses in the subject areas business studies, engineering and computer science, and on interviews with students and teaching staff. Close analysis of the Swedish spoken is combined with ethnographic knowledge of the broader social context of the courses, and in both theory and method the thesis combines the research fields of sociolinguistics and ethnography. The study shows that Swedish is spoken on all the courses observed. It is used primarily outside whole-group teaching, in interactions not involving foreign students. The language occurs both in talk relating to the course subject and in private conversations. Thus, English-medium education does not by definition mean that English is the only language employed; Swedish, too, has a more or less prominent place. In the thesis, attitudes and patterns of language choice are attributed to the national, rather than international, character of the courses, and to the fact that most of the students and lecturers have experience of and routines from Swedish-medium education. The old routines are carried over into the nominally English-medium courses, giving Swedish a special position and local prestige in these environments.Avhandlingen handlar om hur svenska anvĂ€nds i den muntliga interaktionen i sex engelsksprĂ„kiga universitetskurser i Sverige. Kurserna följs av bĂ„de svenska och utlĂ€ndska studenter och engelska Ă€r det gemensamma sprĂ„ket i undervisningen. Undersökningen utgĂ„r frĂ„n studenternas sprĂ„kbruk och syftet Ă€r att beskriva och förstĂ„ sĂ€rskilt studenters muntliga anvĂ€ndande av svenska i den typ av sprĂ„kmiljö som uppstĂ„r dĂ„ engelska Ă€r undervisningssprĂ„k. SprĂ„kbruket undersöks frĂ„n tre infallsvinklar: den talade svenskans anvĂ€ndning, svenskans funktioner i interaktionen samt deltagarnas attityder till dels svenska och engelska, dels valet av sprĂ„k. Analysen utgĂ„r frĂ„n observationer och inspelningar av naturligt förekommande samtal i undervisning inom Ă€mnesomrĂ„dena företagsekonomi, teknik och datavetenskap samt frĂ„n intervjuer med studenter och lĂ€rare. NĂ€ranalyser av den talade svenskan kombineras med etnografisk kunskap om kursernas bredare sociala sammanhang, och i teori och metod kombineras forskningsfĂ€lten sociolingvistik och etnografi. Resultatet visar att svenska förekommer i alla undersökta kurser. Svenska anvĂ€nds frĂ€mst utanför helklassundervisningen i samtal dĂ€r utlĂ€ndska studenter inte deltar. SprĂ„ket talas bĂ„de i samtal som rör studieĂ€mnet och i privata samtal. Att kurserna Ă€r nominellt engelsksprĂ„kiga betyder alltsĂ„ inte att engelska Ă€r det enda sprĂ„k som anvĂ€nds i samband med undervisningen, ocksĂ„ svenskan har en mer eller mindre framtrĂ€dande plats. I avhandlingen förklaras attityder och sprĂ„kvalsmönster med att kurserna till sin karaktĂ€r Ă€r nationella – i motsats till internationella – och att majoriteten studenter och lĂ€rare har erfarenhet och rutiner frĂ„n svensksprĂ„kiga utbildningar. De gamla rutinerna förs över till de nominellt engelska kurserna och ger svenskan en sĂ€rstĂ€llning och lokal prestige i miljöerna

    Global policies and local norms : sociolinguistic awareness and language choice at an international university

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    As part of the internationalization of higher education, more and more European university courses are being taught in English. Exchanges between universities have grown, and students from different parts of the world now often study together. What does this international environment look like in linguistic terms? Do students and teaching staff speak only the course language English, or are other languages also used, and if so, in what situations and contexts? These questions are discussed on the basis of an ethnographic study of an English-medium university course in Sweden. Extended examples of interaction show that participants adapt their use of languages to place-bound needs and conditions, giving rise to local norms. The national language Swedish holds a special position, as the first language of the majority and the lecturer. The course language English is dominant as a de facto lingua franca, but local social and linguistic needs and conditions leave room for other languages as well. Overall, course participants orient to three competing principles of language use: (a) English as a lingua franca, (b) the speaker's orientation to her or his own language and (c) the special position of Swedish, as the first language of the majority and the lecturer

    International universities – local language choices : On spoken Swedish in English-medium course environments

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    The thesis deals with the use of spoken Swedish on six English-medium university courses in Sweden. The courses are taken by both Swedish and foreign students, with English as the common language of instruction. The aim of the study is to describe and understand the oral use of Swedish, by students in particular, in the type of linguistic environment that arises when English is the medium of instruction. Language use is studied from three angles: the use of spoken Swedish, the functions of Swedish in interaction, and participants’ attitudes to Swedish and English and to the choice of one language or the other. The analysis is based on observations and recordings of naturally occurring talk on courses in the subject areas business studies, engineering and computer science, and on interviews with students and teaching staff. Close analysis of the Swedish spoken is combined with ethnographic knowledge of the broader social context of the courses, and in both theory and method the thesis combines the research fields of sociolinguistics and ethnography. The study shows that Swedish is spoken on all the courses observed. It is used primarily outside whole-group teaching, in interactions not involving foreign students. The language occurs both in talk relating to the course subject and in private conversations. Thus, English-medium education does not by definition mean that English is the only language employed; Swedish, too, has a more or less prominent place. In the thesis, attitudes and patterns of language choice are attributed to the national, rather than international, character of the courses, and to the fact that most of the students and lecturers have experience of and routines from Swedish-medium education. The old routines are carried over into the nominally English-medium courses, giving Swedish a special position and local prestige in these environments.Avhandlingen handlar om hur svenska anvĂ€nds i den muntliga interaktionen i sex engelsksprĂ„kiga universitetskurser i Sverige. Kurserna följs av bĂ„de svenska och utlĂ€ndska studenter och engelska Ă€r det gemensamma sprĂ„ket i undervisningen. Undersökningen utgĂ„r frĂ„n studenternas sprĂ„kbruk och syftet Ă€r att beskriva och förstĂ„ sĂ€rskilt studenters muntliga anvĂ€ndande av svenska i den typ av sprĂ„kmiljö som uppstĂ„r dĂ„ engelska Ă€r undervisningssprĂ„k. SprĂ„kbruket undersöks frĂ„n tre infallsvinklar: den talade svenskans anvĂ€ndning, svenskans funktioner i interaktionen samt deltagarnas attityder till dels svenska och engelska, dels valet av sprĂ„k. Analysen utgĂ„r frĂ„n observationer och inspelningar av naturligt förekommande samtal i undervisning inom Ă€mnesomrĂ„dena företagsekonomi, teknik och datavetenskap samt frĂ„n intervjuer med studenter och lĂ€rare. NĂ€ranalyser av den talade svenskan kombineras med etnografisk kunskap om kursernas bredare sociala sammanhang, och i teori och metod kombineras forskningsfĂ€lten sociolingvistik och etnografi. Resultatet visar att svenska förekommer i alla undersökta kurser. Svenska anvĂ€nds frĂ€mst utanför helklassundervisningen i samtal dĂ€r utlĂ€ndska studenter inte deltar. SprĂ„ket talas bĂ„de i samtal som rör studieĂ€mnet och i privata samtal. Att kurserna Ă€r nominellt engelsksprĂ„kiga betyder alltsĂ„ inte att engelska Ă€r det enda sprĂ„k som anvĂ€nds i samband med undervisningen, ocksĂ„ svenskan har en mer eller mindre framtrĂ€dande plats. I avhandlingen förklaras attityder och sprĂ„kvalsmönster med att kurserna till sin karaktĂ€r Ă€r nationella – i motsats till internationella – och att majoriteten studenter och lĂ€rare har erfarenhet och rutiner frĂ„n svensksprĂ„kiga utbildningar. De gamla rutinerna förs över till de nominellt engelska kurserna och ger svenskan en sĂ€rstĂ€llning och lokal prestige i miljöerna

    Betydelsen av svenska, engelska och andra sprÄk för hantverkare som reser till Sverige för att arbeta : En nexusanalys av sprÄk och arbete pÄ den flersprÄkiga byggarbetsplatsen

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    In this article we investigate the linguistic working life of manual workers who commute from Estonia for installation work at a large construction site in Sweden. Language use is analysed from the perspective of nexus analysis (Scollon &amp; Scollon 2004), including the installers’ historical body, interaction order and discourses in place.The findings show that the workers have extensive experience of construction work in several countries and that they carry out their work without knowledge of Swedish. They are part of a professional Estonian team but work mainly alone and get all necessary instructions from their team leader in Estonian. The team leader coordinates their work but also functions as a language broker in the interactional order, using English as a lingua franca. Installation work is considered “language marginal”, and the dominating discourse in place assigns a higher value to the workers’ craftmanship, flexibility and efficiency than their competence in a specific language. The fact that work is carried out in a country where Swedish is the main language does not have any practical significance, neither for access to work nor for carrying out the work. Based on these findings, we conclude that the wide-spread metaphor “Swedish language as key to the labour market” relies upon a simplified understanding of language and labour market.https://doi.org/10.33063/diva-492983</p

    Arbetsmigration och flersprÄkig interaktion pÄ byggarbetsplatser

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    Labour mobility within the EU is particularly extensive in the construction sector, with sociolinguistic consequences for those working abroad and for the place of reception. In this article we analyze chains of directives at construction sites in Sweden, where Ukrainian, Polish and Swedish craftsmen work. The data consist of ethnographic observations and video-recorded conversations from two multilingual workplaces of different sizes. Conversation analysis is used for the analysis of particular instances of chains, and our observations allow for the discussion of the main characteristics of an institutional order for language choice based on interactional patterns that recur across time and space. The results demonstrate how chains contribute to an organization in which not everyone needs to talk to everyone else and where multilingual team leaders function as language brokers between project managers and workers. Interestingly, the institutional order of language choice is similar at the two workplaces, notwithstanding differences in size, temporality and spatiality.Arbetskraftspendlingen inom EU Àr sÀrskilt stor inom byggsektorn med sprÄkliga effekter bÄde för den som söker arbete utomlands och för platsen för mottagandet. I den hÀr artikeln analyseras kedjor av arbetsdirektiv pÄ tvÄ byggarbetsplatser i Sverige dÀr det arbetar svenska, polska respektive ukrainska hantverkare. Vi visar hur kedjorna bidrar till en organisation dÀr alla inte behöver tala med alla och beskriver hur lagbasar för utlÀndska team av arbetare fÄr en nyckelroll genom dels sin flersprÄkighet, dels kedjeformatet. Materialet bestÄr av etnografiska observationer och videoinspelade samtal frÄn tvÄ flersprÄkiga arbetsplatser av olika storlek, vilket möjliggör jÀmförelser av hur arbetet organiseras. I artikeln analyseras först enskilda kedjor med hjÀlp av samtalsanalys, sedan den övergripande institutionella ordning för sprÄkval som framtrÀder nÀr mönstret Äterkommer över tid och rum. Intressant nog Àr den institutionella ordningen för sprÄkval lika för byggarbetsplatserna, trots olikheter i storlek, temporalitet och spatialitet.

    Hur fÄr man en högskolepedagogisk satsning att leva vidare? NÄgra reflektioner kring Àmnesintegrering av akademiskt skrivande pÄ Polisutbildningen

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    Den hÀr texten handlar om ett högskolepedagogiskt samarbete som syftat till att skapa en Àmnesintegrerad introduktion i akademiskt skrivande för polisstudenter vid Södertörns högskola. I texten beskrivs hur samarbetet har sett ut och vad som har fÄtt introduktionen att leva kvar i programmet. Vi diskuterar utmaningar som uppstÄtt och avslutar med nÄgra rÄd till den som vill genomföra liknande satsningar och samarbeten

    Individualization in vocational training for immigrants : Developing professionalism and language through feedback

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    This chapter addresses vocationally adjusted language courses in Swedish for adult immigrants. We focus on individualisation, which is stipulated in the curriculum and other syllabus documents, and argue that individually adapted feedback could be considered a tool (out of several potential tools) for “doing” individualisation in a pedagogical practice. We discuss different understandings of individualisation in policy documents and research literature, and define individualisation as an educational practice in teaching, carried through in dialogue. In an empirical study, we apply the definition by analysing feedback sequences in video recordings from two vocational courses (designed for outdoor maintenance workers and medical doctors, respectively) using the linguistic method of interaction analysis. We demonstrate (1) how individualisation in terms of feedback is managed in interaction involving teacher and students, and (2) the vocational and linguistic skills that materialise as important for the individual students in these feedback sequences. Our results demonstrate that feedback is a functional educational tool for individualisation, providing learning opportunities for both language acquisition and professional knowledge. However, this requires authentic assignments that are designed to promote opportunities for more developed dialogues. Another conclusion is that a professional experienced teacher who can provide feedback on both professional skills and language use is particularly important.

    Myndigheterna har ordet : om kommunikation i skrift

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    Vad vet vi om dagens myndighetstexter? Är de svĂ„ra eller lĂ€tta att lĂ€sa och förstĂ„? Vad tycker lĂ€sarna? Och hur gĂ„r skrivarbetet till pĂ„ myndigheter? I Myndigheterna har ordet presenteras undersökningar av texter och skrivande. Vem skriver, vem ansvarar för innehĂ„llet och hur anvĂ€nds textmallar? Med hjĂ€lp av exempel frĂ„n nĂ„gra stora myndigheter fĂ„r vi en inblick i förutsĂ€ttningarna för skrivande och i hur arbetet gĂ„r till. Olika textgenrer analyseras och vi fĂ„r veta hur mottagarna uppfattar dessa texter. Boken ger en bild av myndigheters skriftliga kommunikation av i dag jĂ€mfört med för tio Ă„r sedan. Exempelvis fĂ„r vi veta att mĂ„nga texter Ă€r multimodala (innehĂ„ller, bilder, kartor osv.), att texterna har blivit lĂ€ngre medan meningslĂ€ngden minskat och att du-tilltal Ă€r helt etablerat. Dessutom diskuteras dagens och morgondagens klarsprĂ„ksarbete vid myndigheter. Boken vĂ€nder sig frĂ€mst till skribenter pĂ„ myndigheter, i kommuner och andra offentliga organ men ocksĂ„ till sprĂ„kforskare och andra som ur ett vetenskapligt perspektiv Ă€r intresserade av myndigheters kommunikation