79 research outputs found

    Threats to soil quality in Denmark - A review of existing knowledge in the context of the EU Soil Thematic Strategy

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    The EU Commission is preparing a proposal for a Soil Framework Directive with the purpose of protecting the soil resources in Europe. The proposal identifies six major threats to the sustained quality of soils in Europe. This report addresses the threats that are considered most important under the prevailing soil and climatic conditions in Denmark: compaction, soil organic matter decline, and erosion by water and tillage. For each of these threats, the relevance and damage to soil functions as well as the geographic distribution in Denmark are outlined. We suggest a procedure for identifying areas at risk. This exercise involves an explicit identification of: i) the disturbing agent (climate / management) exerting the pressures on soil, and ii) the vulnerability of the soil to those stresses. Risk reduction targets, measures required to reach these targets, and the knowledge gaps and research needs to effectively cope with each threat are discussed. Our evaluation of the threats is based on soil resilience to the imposed stresses. Subsoil compaction is considered a severe threat to Danish soils due to frequent traffic with heavy machinery in modern agriculture and forestry. The soil content of organic matter is critically low for a range of Danish soils, which should be counteracted by appropriate management options. Soil erosion by tillage, and to a lesser degree by water, adversely affects soil quality on much of the farmland because degradation rates are much higher than generation of soil

    Pløjefri dyrkning: effekter på jordens frugtbarhed

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    Interessen for pløjefri dyrkning er steget voldsomt gennem de seneste år. Fokus har primært været på de kortsigtede økonomiske gevinster som følge af mindsket tidsforbrug og lavere maskinomkostninger og i langt mindre grad på de langsigtede gavnlige effekter af pløjefri dyrkning på jordens frugtbarhed. Forskellen er slående i forhold til Nordamerika, hvor den udbredte brug af pløjefri dyrkning i høj grad er båret af et ønske om en langsigtet sikring af jordens frugtbarhed (jfr. betegnelsen ”conservation tillage” anvendt for pløjefri jordbearbejdning. I Nordamerika har man især været optaget af pløjefri dyrkning, som et middel til bekæmpelse af vind- og vanderosion. Pløjefri dyrkning er også et anvendeligt redskab til at begrænse pakningen i dybden og den omfattende jordflytning ved jordbearbejdning – såkaldt jordbearbejdsningserosion. De danske erfaringer med pløjefri dyrkning i 1970 og 80’erne var brogede. Der var problemer med håndtering af planterester og i mange tilfælde fandtes skadelig pakning af overjorden. Nyt effektivt udstyr til snitning og fordeling af halm og avner kan afhjælpe problemerne med planterester, mens problemet med skadelig pakning af overjorden fortsat eksisterer. Til løsning af pakning i overjorden anbefales ikke-vendende jordløsning til den behovsbestemte dybde, der sikrer at jorden ikke opblandes og en skånsom påvirkning af regnorme m.v. Genpakning af jorden er dog et problem, der skal tages højde for ligegyldigt hvilken strategi og hvilket redskab, der vælges til ikke-vendende løsning. Forebyggelse er det bedste middel imod pakning af overjorden, hvilket kan ske ved kontrolleret trafik i spor, der anvendes år efter år. Mindsket afhængighed af ukrudtsmidler og optimeret gødningsudnyttelse bør også være centrale elementer i fremtidige pløjefri dyrkningssystemer

    Management of phosphorus supply to Australian floricultural species

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    Young plants of Sticherus, waxflower (Chamelaucium) and two Caustis cultivars were grown in a soilless potting medium. The plants were fertilised at seven rates of the soluble monocalcium phosphate (MCP) fertiliser and one rate of the slightly soluble rock phosphate (RP). One group of plants was watered by a non-leaching and a second group of plants watered by a leaching method. Both Caustis cultivars (M63, B84) grown in the potting medium under the non-leaching regime did not show deficiency symptoms at no added P, but they showed P toxicity symptoms at MCP-P application rates > 11 g m-3. The critical P concentration in the shoots associated with a 10% decrease in yield from the maximum was 0.26% for Caustis M63 and 0.33% for Caustis B84. The two Caustis cultivars did not develop P toxicity symptoms or show any decline in shoot dry weight when fertilised with RP under both non-leaching and leaching regimes. Leaching reduced but did not eliminate P toxicity in both Caustis cultivars, although shoot dry weight did not differ significantly between the two watering regimes used. Waxflower grew poorly in the potting medium under the non-leaching regime at no added P or when fertilised with RP but did not develop P toxicity symptoms at any rate of P application as MCP, including the highest rate of 352 g m-3. The waxflower plants grew less well under the leaching than when grown under the non-leaching regime. The critical NaHCO3-extractable P level required for production of 90% relative dry weight of shoots of waxflower was about 46 mg kg-1 under the non-leaching and about 69 mg kg-1 medium under the leaching regime. Under the non-leaching regime the critical NaHCO3-extractable P level for toxicity of Caustis B84 was about 13 mg kg-1 while under the leaching regime this was higher at about 22 mg kg-1. Sticherus plants did not respond significantly to P application as either MCP or RP. However, Sticherus plants grew much better when grown under the leaching than when they were grown under the non-leaching regime. Although leaching conferred some advantages in the growth of Sticherus and in the reduction of P toxicity in Caustis, it also caused a considerable loss of P

    Phosphorus accumulation and leaching in clay loam soils of the Broadbalk Experiment

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    Evidence of phosphorus movement from Broadbalk soils by preferential flow

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    Towards developing an index of phosphorus mobility in agricultural soils

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