12 research outputs found

    The use of cosmic-ray muons in the energy calibration of the Beta-decay Paul Trap silicon-detector array

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    This article presents an approach to calibrate the energy response of double-sided silicon strip detectors (DSSDs) for low-energy nuclear-science experiments by utilizing cosmic-ray muons. For the 1-mm-thick detectors used with the Beta-decay Paul Trap, the minimum-ionizing peak from these muons provides a stable and time-independent in situ calibration point at around 300 keV, which supplements the calibration data obtained above 3 MeV from α sources. The muon-data calibration is achieved by comparing experimental spectra with detailed Monte Carlo simulations performed using GEANT4 and CRY codes. This additional information constrains the calibration at lower energies, resulting in improvements in quality and accuracy

    Recent advances in β-decay spectroscopy at CARIBU

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    β-decay spectroscopy of nuclei far from stability can provide powerful insight into a broad variety of topics in nuclear science, ranging from exotic nuclear structure phenomena, stellar nucleosynthesis processes, and applied topics such as quantifying "decay heat" discrepancies for advanced nuclear fuel cycles. Neutronrich nuclei approaching the drip-line are difficult to access experimentally, leaving many key examples largely under studied. The CARIBU radioactive beam facility at Argonne National Laboratory exploits spontaneous fission of 252Cf in production of such beams. The X-Array and SATURN decay station have been commissioned to perform detailed decay spectroscopy of low-energy CARIBU beams. An extended science campaign was started during 2015; with projects investigating nuclear shape changes, collective octupole vibrations, β-delayed neutron emission, and decay-scheme properties which could explain the reactor antineutrino puzzle. In this article we review the current status of the setup, update on the first results and recent hardware upgrades, and look forward to future possibilities

    Mu2e Technical Design Report

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    The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for charged lepton flavor violation via the coherent conversion process mu- N --> e- N with a sensitivity approximately four orders of magnitude better than the current world's best limits for this process. The experiment's sensitivity offers discovery potential over a wide array of new physics models and probes mass scales well beyond the reach of the LHC. We describe herein the preliminary design of the proposed Mu2e experiment. This document was created in partial fulfillment of the requirements necessary to obtain DOE CD-2 approval.Comment: compressed file, 888 pages, 621 figures, 126 tables; full resolution available at http://mu2e.fnal.gov; corrected typo in background summary, Table 3.

    Precision β − ν correlation measurements with the Beta-decay Paul Trap

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    The Beta-decay Paul Trap (BPT) at Argonne National Laboratory has proven to be an extremely effective tool for high-precision tests of the Standard Model via measurements of the β − ν correlation in mass-8 isotopes. Using four double-sided silicon strip detectors (DSSDs) backed by plastic scintillators and surrounding the ions confined by the BPT, the kinematics of the decays of the mirror nuclei lithium-8 and boron-8 are overdetermined when all charged decay products are measured. The most stringent low-energy limit on an intrinsic tensor current in the weak interaction was set using the BPT in 2015 (Sternberg, M.G., et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 182501 2015) utilizing trapped lithium-8. Since then, similar data for boron-8 and higher statistics data for lithium-8 have been collected and are currently being analyzed. With the elimination of radio-frequency (RF) pickup from the DSSDs and a detailed investigation of experimental systematic errors, the uncertainty is now dominated by the contribution from recoil-order terms in the decay rate. Our eventual goal is to limit tensor currents in the weak interaction with relative precision at or below 0.1%

    Recent advances in beta-decay spectroscopy at CARIBU

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    beta-decay spectroscopy of nuclei far from stability can provide powerful insight into a broad variety of topics in nuclear science, ranging from exotic nuclear structure phenomena, stellar nucleosynthesis processes, and applied topics such as quantifying "decay heat" discrepancies for advanced nuclear fuel cycles. Neutronrich nuclei approaching the drip-line are difficult to access experimentally, leaving many key examples largely under studied. The CARIBU radioactive beam facility at Argonne National Laboratory exploits spontaneous fission of Cf-252 in production of such beams. The X-Array and SATURN decay station have been commissioned to perform detailed decay spectroscopy of low-energy CARIBU beams. An extended science campaign was started during 2015; with projects investigating nuclear shape changes, collective octupole vibrations, beta-delayed neutron emission, and decay-scheme properties which could explain the reactor antineutrino puzzle. In this article we review the current status of the setup, update on the first results and recent hardware upgrades, and look forward to future possibilities

    Recent advances in β-decay spectroscopy at CARIBU

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    β-decay spectroscopy of nuclei far from stability can provide powerful insight into a broad variety of topics in nuclear science, ranging from exotic nuclear structure phenomena, stellar nucleosynthesis processes, and applied topics such as quantifying “decay heat” discrepancies for advanced nuclear fuel cycles. Neutronrich nuclei approaching the drip-line are difficult to access experimentally, leaving many key examples largely under studied. The CARIBU radioactive beam facility at Argonne National Laboratory exploits spontaneous fission of 252Cf in production of such beams. The X-Array and SATURN decay station have been commissioned to perform detailed decay spectroscopy of low-energy CARIBU beams. An extended science campaign was started during 2015; with projects investigating nuclear shape changes, collective octupole vibrations, β-delayed neutron emission, and decay-scheme properties which could explain the reactor antineutrino puzzle. In this article we review the current status of the setup, update on the first results and recent hardware upgrades, and look forward to future possibilities

    Improved Limit on Tensor Currents in the Weak Interaction from 8^8Li β\beta Decay

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    The electroweak interaction in the Standard Model (SM) is described by a pure vector-axial-vector structure, though any Lorentz-invariant component could contribute. In this work, we present the most precise measurement of tensor currents in the low-energy regime by examining the β\beta-νˉ\bar{\nu} correlation of trapped 8^{8}Li ions with the Beta-decay Paul Trap. We find aβν=0.3325±0.0013stat±0.0019systa_{\beta\nu} = -0.3325 \pm 0.0013_{stat} \pm 0.0019_{syst} at 1σ1\sigma for the case of coupling to right-handed neutrinos (CT=CT)(C_T=-C_T'), which is consistent with the SM prediction.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl