1,147 research outputs found

    Scaling Up Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato for Nutrition and Incomes

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    Small Scale Fish Farming for Food Security and Income Generation. Progress Report; September 1999 - February 2000

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    This short progress report is the third progress report prepared for the NAROIMAAIF Fish Farming Project. It has been prepared in advance of the third Steering Committee Meeting scheduled for March 28/11 2000. at which it will be used as the main reporting document. The report describes progress during the period, (September 1999 - February 2000 and is organised in a similar manner to the Jun-Aug 99 report. It follows the format of the Logical Framework with the first 4 sections focusing on the four Project logical framework outputs. The Logical Framework has been slightly revised as a result of the Inception Review in September 1999 and can be found in Appendix 1. The wording of the four Project Outputs has been revised and these are now as follows: 1) Improved institutional capacity and linkages for poverty focused aquaculture development established at district and national level involving public sector, NCO's and local organisations. 2) The identification of improved aquaculture technologies and indigenous species fish strains appropriate for use by the rural poor within the existing fanning system. 3) Improved delivery of poverty focused extension services addressing the needs offanners with ponds at district and sub county levels. 4) An improved in Jonnation base on small-scale aquaculture for planning and monitoring. This report also includes the following sections. 5) Reports Produced. 6) Project Expenditure Sept 1999 - Feb 2000 7) Proposed work-plan for the period Mar - Aug 2000. 8) Annexes 1) The revised Logical Framework 2) A summary of Recommendations from the Project Inception Mission

    Making Headway: Developing Principals’ Leadership Skills through Innovative Postgraduate Programs

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    Effective school leadership preparation has been regarded as desirable if not mandatory in Australia and globally for decades. Schools and school systems, higher education institutions and education jurisdictions have attempted with varying degrees of success to encourage teachers aspiring to become principals to prepare well for the complex role ahead. Research involving postgraduate education students identified that peer support, collaboration and collegial professional learning contributed towards self-development, strengthening the required Personal qualities, social and interpersonal skills of contemporary school leaders

    Urban Scale - Approach, early lessons, and an invitation

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    PAISAGENS ANTIGAS - PERSPECTIVAS CONTEMPORÂNEAS Foi com esta tematica que a Associação de Geomorfólogos Australiana e Neozelandesa (ANZIAG) vinculada à Associação Internacional de Geomorfologia (IAG) organizou a sétima edição da Conferencia Internacional de Geomorfologia, durante os dias 6 e 11 de julho de 2009. Pela primeira vez o evento foi realizado no hemisfério sul

    Auctioning Bulk Mobile Messages

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    The search for enablers of continued growth of SMS traffic, as well as the take-off of the more diversified MMS message contents, open up for enterprises the potential of bulk use of mobile messaging , instead of essentially one-by-one use. In parallel, such enterprises or value added services needing mobile messaging in bulk - for spot use or for use over a prescribed period of time - want to minimize total acquisition costs, from a set of technically approved providers of messaging capacity. This leads naturally to the evaluation of auctioning for bulk SMS or MMS messaging capacity, with the intrinsic advantages therein such as reduction in acquisition costs, allocation efficiency, and optimality. The paper shows, with extensive results as evidence from simulations carried out in the Rotterdam School of Management e-Auction room, how multi-attribute reverse auctions perform for the enterprise-buyer, as well as for the messaging capacity-sellers. We compare 1- and 5-round auctions, to show the learning effect and the benefits thereof to the various parties. The sensitivity will be reported to changes in the enterprise's and the capacity providers utilities and priorities between message attributes (such as price, size, security, and delivery delay). At the organizational level, the paper also considers alternate organizational deployment schemes and properties for an off-line or spot bulk messaging capacity market, subject to technical and regulatory constraints

    Anthropogenic geomorphology and its insertion in Brazilian research

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    A dinâmica de ocupação e uso da terra contribui para a organização de morfologias que adquirem caráter antropogênico. Assim, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre os estudos do Homem enquanto agente geomorfológico, bem como apresentar dois estudos de casos que retratam as transformações ocorridas em tempo histórico: um deles em regiões agropastoris e outro em área vinculada a atividades de mineração. Estudos atrelados à antropogeomorfologia podem contribuir para o planejamento ambiental dos sistemas físico-ambientais, promovendo o mínimo impacto desencadeado pelo processo de ocupação sobre as formas do relevo e rede de drenagem, a fim de evitar situações de risco para as diferentes atividades antrópicas desenvolvidas.Sem bols


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    Ambientes lagunares costeiros apresentam significativa fragilidade ambiental devido aos recentes processos de formação geológico-geomorfológicos e às diferentes formas de exploração dos recursos naturais. Ainda são escassos os estudos para avaliar as características destes ambientes e as transformações decorrentes do processo de ocupação. A caracterização geomorfológica e a análise das alterações na morfohidrografia são fundamentais para o planejamento da ocupação destes ambientes, pois as formas do relevo são o palco da ação do homem na natureza. A presente pesquisa buscou identificar e analisar as características e as alterações geomorfológicas da Planície Lagunar sob influência do Canal São Gonçalo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram elaborados mapas geomorfológicos dos cenários de 1953 (morfologia pouco alterada – próxima à original) e 2010 (onde é possível verificar o conjunto de morfologias antropogênicas). Os resultados obtidos evidenciam significativas alterações na morfohidrografia, decorrentes da expansão urbana e de práticas agrícolas vinculadas às lavouras de arroz irrigado