6,589 research outputs found

    Analysis of DSN software anomalies

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    A categorized data base of software errors which were discovered during the various stages of development and operational use of the Deep Space Network DSN/Mark 3 System was developed. A study team identified several existing error classification schemes (taxonomies), prepared a detailed annotated bibliography of the error taxonomy literature, and produced a new classification scheme which was tuned to the DSN anomaly reporting system and encapsulated the work of others. Based upon the DSN/RCI error taxonomy, error data on approximately 1000 reported DSN/Mark 3 anomalies were analyzed, interpreted and classified. Next, error data are summarized and histograms were produced highlighting key tendencies

    Influence of flow confinement on the drag force on a static cylinder

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    The influence of confinement on the drag force FF on a static cylinder in a viscous flow inside a rectangular slit of aperture h0h_0 has been investigated from experimental measurements and numerical simulations. At low enough Reynolds numbers, FF varies linearly with the mean velocity and the viscosity, allowing for the precise determination of drag coefficients λ\lambda_{||} and λ\lambda_{\bot} corresponding respectively to a mean flow parallel and perpendicular to the cylinder length LL. In the parallel configuration, the variation of λ\lambda_{||} with the normalized diameter β=d/h0\beta = d/h_0 of the cylinder is close to that for a 2D flow invariant in the direction of the cylinder axis and does not diverge when β=1\beta = 1. The variation of λ\lambda_{||} with the distance from the midplane of the model reflects the parabolic Poiseuille profile between the plates for β1\beta \ll 1 while it remains almost constant for β1\beta \sim 1. In the perpendicular configuration, the value of λ\lambda_{\bot} is close to that corresponding to a 2D system only if β1\beta \ll 1 and/or if the clearance between the ends of the cylinder and the side walls is very small: in that latter case, λ\lambda_{\bot} diverges as β1\beta \to 1 due to the blockage of the flow. In other cases, the side flow between the ends of the cylinder and the side walls plays an important part to reduce λ\lambda_{\bot}: a full 3D description of the flow is needed to account for these effects

    Mass and Spin of Poincare Gauge Theory

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    We discuss two expressions for the conserved quantities (energy momentum and angular momentum) of the Poincar\'e Gauge Theory. We show, that the variations of the Hamiltonians, of which the expressions are the respective boundary terms, are well defined, if we choose an appropriate phase space for asymptotic flat gravitating systems. Furthermore, we compare the expressions with others, known from the literature.Comment: 16 pages, plain-tex; to be published in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Neutron-Proton Correlations in an Exactly Solvable Model

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    We examine isovector and isoscalar neutron-proton correlations in an exactly solvable model based on the algebra SO(8). We look particularly closely at Gamow-Teller strength and double beta decay, both to isolate the effects of the two kinds of pairing and to test two approximation schemes: the renormalized neutron-proton QRPA (RQRPA) and generalized BCS theory. When isoscalar pairing correlations become strong enough a phase transition occurs and the dependence of the Gamow-Teller beta+ strength on isospin changes in a dramatic and unfamiliar way, actually increasing as neutrons are added to an N=Z core. Renormalization eliminates the well-known instabilities that plague the QRPA as the phase transition is approached, but only by unnaturally suppressing the isoscalar correlations. Generalized BCS theory, on the other hand, reproduces the Gamow-Teller strength more accurately in the isoscalar phase than in the usual isovector phase, even though its predictions for energies are equally good everywhere. It also mixes T=0 and T=1 pairing, but only on the isoscalar side of the phase transition.Comment: 13 pages + 11 postscript figures, in RevTe

    Coherent state triplets and their inner products

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    It is shown that if H is a Hilbert space for a representation of a group G, then there are triplets of spaces F_H, H, F^H, in which F^H is a space of coherent state or vector coherent state wave functions and F_H is its dual relative to a conveniently defined measure. It is shown also that there is a sequence of maps F_H -> H -> F^H which facilitates the construction of the corresponding inner products. After completion if necessary, the F_H, H, and F^H, become isomorphic Hilbert spaces. It is shown that the inner product for H is often easier to evaluate in F_H than F^H. Thus, we obtain integral expressions for the inner products of coherent state and vector coherent state representations. These expressions are equivalent to the algebraic expressions of K-matrix theory, but they are frequently more efficient to apply. The construction is illustrated by many examples.Comment: 33 pages, RevTex (Latex2.09) This paper is withdrawn because it contained errors that are being correcte

    Miniature quadrupole mass spectrometer array

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    The present invention provides a minature quadrupole mass spectrometer array for the separation of ions, comprising a first pair of parallel, planar, nonmagnetic conducting rods each having an axis of symmetry, a second pair of planar, nonmagnetic conducting rods each having an axis of symmetry parallel to said first pair of rods and disposed such that a line perpendicular to each of said first axes of symmetry and a line perpendicular to each of said second axes of symmetry bisect each other and form a generally 90 degree angle. A nonconductive top positioning plate is positioned generally perpendicular to the first and second pairs of rods and has an aperture for ion entrance along an axis equidistant from each axis of symmetry of each of the parallel rods, a nonconductive bottom positioning plate is generally parallel to the top positioning plate and has an aperture for ion exit centered on an axis equidistant from each axis of symmetry of each of the parallel rods, means for maintaining a direct current voltage between the first and second pairs of rods, and means for applying a radio frequency voltage to the first and second pairs of rods

    Airglow observations of dynamical (wind shear-induced) instabilities over Adelaide, Australia, associated with atmospheric gravity waves

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    While several observations have been made in recent years of instability features in airglow images of atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs), such measurements are still rare. To date, these features are characterized by appearing to be aligned perpendicular to the AGW wave fronts. Multi-instrument observations confirm the theoretical prediction that such features are caused by convective instabilities where the AGW-induced temperature variation causes the total lapse rate to exceed the adiabatic lapse rate. In February 2000, airglow observations were obtained at Buckland Park, Australia, which showed instability features with a different characteristic. These images showed small-scale (less than 10 km horizontal wavelength) features aligned parallel to the larger scale AGW wave fronts. These features were only seen in OH images, not in O2A images, indicating that they originate below 90 km altitude. Simultaneous MF radar wind data reveal the presence of a mean wind shear which, during the period of the small-scale features, was aligned nearly in the direction of AGW propagation. In addition, the larger scale AGW approached a critical level near 90 km altitude. While the wind shear itself is not large enough to cause an instability, an analysis of the data suggests that the small-scale features are the result of a dynamic (wind shear-induced) instability in the 87–90 km altitude region. The instability was due to a combination of the background wind shear and the large shear induced by the passage of the larger scale AGW as it approached the critical level.J. H. Hecht, R. L. Walterscheid and R. A. Vincen