232 research outputs found

    Platelet FcγRIIA-induced serotonin release exacerbates the severity of Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury in mice

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    Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) remains a major cause of transfusion-related fatalities. The mechanism of human antibody-mediated TRALI, especially the involvement of the Fcγ receptors, is not clearly established. Contrary to mice, human platelets are unique in their expression of the FcγRIIA/CD32A receptor, suggesting that our understanding of the pathogenesis of antibody-mediated TRALI is partial, as the current murine models incompletely recapitulate the human immunology. We evaluated the role of FcγRIIA/CD32A in TRALI using a humanized mouse model expressing the FcγRIIA/CD32A receptor. When challenged with a recombinant chimeric human immunoglobulin G1/mouse anti–major histocompatibility complex class I monoclonal antibody, these mice exhibited exacerbated alveolar edema and higher mortality compared with wild-type (WT) mice. Unlike in WT mice, monocytes/macrophages in CD32A(+) mice were accessory for TRALI initiation, indicating the decisive contribution of another cell type. Platelet activation was dramatically increased in CD32A(+) animals, resulting in their increased consumption and massive release of their granule contents. Platelet depletion prevented the exacerbation of TRALI in CD32A(+) mice but did not affect TRALI in WT animals. By blocking platelet serotonin uptake with fluoxetine, we showed that the severity of TRALI in CD32A(+) mice resulted from the serotonin released by the activated platelets. Furthermore, inhibition of 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A serotonin receptor with sarpogrelate, before or after the induction of TRALI, abolished the aggravation of lung edema in CD32A(+) mice. Our findings show that platelet FcγRIIA/CD32A activation exacerbates antibody-mediated TRALI and provide a rationale for designing prophylactic and therapeutic strategies targeting the serotonin pathway to attenuate TRALI in patients

    Doppler imaging of the helium-variable star a Cen

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    The helium-peculiar star a Cen exhibits line profile variations of elements such as iron, nitrogen and oxygen in addition to its well-known extreme helium variability. New high S/N, high-resolution spectra are used to perform a quantitative measurement of the abundances of the star and determine the relation of the concentrations of the heavier elements on the surface of the star to the helium concentration and the magnetic field orientation. Doppler images have been created using programs described in earlier papers by Rice and others. An alternative surface abundance mapping code has been used to model the helium line variations after our Doppler imaging of certain individual helium lines produced mediocre results. We confirm the long-known existence of helium-rich and helium-poor hemispheres on a Cen and we measure a difference of more than two orders of magnitude in helium abundance from one side of the star to the other. Helium is overabundant by a factor of about 5 over much of the helium-rich hemisphere. Of particular note is our discovery that the helium-poor hemisphere has a very high abundance of helium-3, approximately equal to the helium-4 abundance. a Cen is therefore a new member of the small group of helium-3 stars and the first well-established magnetic member of the class. For the three metals investigated here, there are two strong concentrations of abundance near the equator consistent with the positive magnetic maximum and two somewhat weaker concentrations of abundance where the helium concentration is centered and roughly where the negative peak of the magnetic field would be found. Another strong concentration is found near the equator and this is not explainable in terms of any simple symmetry with the helium abundance or the apparent magnetic field main polar locations.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    The ATP-gated P2X1 ion channel contributes to the severity of antibody-mediated Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury in mice

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    The biological responses that control the development of Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI), a serious post-transfusion respiratory syndrome, still need to be clarified. Since extracellular nucleotides and their P2 receptors participate in inflammatory processes as well as in cellular responses to stress, we investigated the role of the ATP-gated P2X1 cation channel in antibody-mediated TRALI. The effects of NF449, a selective P2X1 receptor (P2RX1) antagonist, were analyzed in a mouse two-hit model of TRALI. Mice were primed with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and 24 h later challenged by administrating an anti-MHC I antibody. The selective P2RX1 antagonist NF449 was administrated before the administration of LPS and/or the anti-MHC I antibody. When given before antibody administration, NF449 improved survival while maximal protection was achieved when NF449 was also administrated before the sensitization step. Under this later condition, protein contents in bronchoalveolar lavages were dramatically reduced. Cell depletion experiments indicated that monocytes/macrophages, but not neutrophils, contribute to this effect. In addition, the reduced lung periarteriolar interstitial edemas in NF449-treated mice suggested that P2RX1 from arteriolar smooth muscle cells could represent a target of NF449. Accordingly, inhibition of TRPC6, another cation channel expressed by smooth muscle cells, also reduced TRALI-associated pulmonary interstitial and alveolar edemas. These data strongly suggest that cation channels like P2RX1 or TRPC6 participate to TRALI pathological responses

    Wave vector dependence of the dynamics in supercooled metallic liquids

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    We present a detailed investigation of the wave vector dependence of collective atomic motion in Au49Cu26.9Si16.3Ag5.5Pd2.3 and Pd42.5Cu27Ni9.5P21 supercooled liquids close to the glass transition temperature. Using x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy in a precedent uncovered spatial range of only few interatomic distances, we show that the microscopic structural relaxation process follows in phase the structure with a marked slowing down at the main average inter-particle distance. This behavior is accompanied by dramatic changes in the shape of the intermediate scattering functions which suggest the presence of large dynamical heterogeneities at length-scales corresponding to few particle diameters. A ballistic-like mechanism of particle motion seems to govern the structural relaxation of the two systems in the highly viscous phase, likely associated to hopping of caged particles in agreement with theoretical studies

    Cooperation between NMDA-Type Glutamate and P2 Receptors for Neuroprotection during Stroke: Combining Astrocyte and Neuronal Protection

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    Excitotoxicity is the principle mechanism of acute injury during stroke. It is defined as the unregulated accumulation of excitatory neurotransmitters such as glutamate within the extracellular space, leading to over-activation of receptors, ionic disruption, cell swelling, cytotoxic Ca2+ elevation and a feed-forward loop where membrane depolarisation evokes further neurotransmitter release. Glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity is well documented in neurons and oligodendrocytes but drugs targeting glutamate excitotoxicity have failed clinically which may be due to their inability to protect astrocytes. Astrocytes make up ~50% of the brain volume and express high levels of P2 adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-receptors which have excitotoxic potential, suggesting that glutamate and ATP may mediate parallel excitotoxic cascades in neurons and astrocytes, respectively. Mono-cultures of astrocytes expressed an array of P2X and P2Y receptors can produce large rises in [Ca2+]i; mono-cultured neurons showed lower levels of functional P2 receptors. Using high-density 1:1 neuron:astrocyte co-cultures, ischemia (modelled as oxygen-glucose deprivation: OGD) evoked a rise in extracellular ATP, while P2 blockers were highly protective of both cell types. GluR blockers were only protective of neurons. Neither astrocyte nor neuronal mono-cultures showed significant ATP release during OGD, showing that cell type interactions are required for ischemic release. P2 blockers were also protective in normal-density co-cultures, while low doses of combined P2/GluR blockers where highly protective. These results highlight the potential of combined P2/GluR block for protection of neurons and glia.</jats:p

    P2Y<sub>12</sub>-dependent activation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells promotes emergency hematopoiesis after myocardial infarction

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    Emergency hematopoiesis is the driving force of the inflammatory response to myocardial infarction (MI). Increased proliferation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (LSK) after MI enhances cell production in the bone marrow (BM) and replenishes leukocyte supply for local cell recruitment to the infarct. Decoding the regulation of the inflammatory cascade after MI may provide new avenues to improve post-MI remodeling. In this study, we describe the influence of adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-dependent P2Y12-mediated signaling on emergency hematopoiesis and cardiac remodeling after MI. Permanent coronary ligation was performed to induce MI in a murine model. BM activation, inflammatory cell composition and cardiac function were assessed using global and platelet-specific gene knockout and pharmacological inhibition models for P2Y12. Complementary in vitro studies allowed for investigation of ADP-dependent effects on LSK cells. We found that ADP acts as a danger signal for the hematopoietic BM and fosters emergency hematopoiesis by promoting Akt phosphorylation and cell cycle progression. We were able to detect P2Y12 in LSK, implicating a direct effect of ADP on LSK via P2Y12 signaling. P2Y12 knockout and P2Y12 inhibitor treatment with prasugrel reduced emergency hematopoiesis and the excessive inflammatory response to MI, translating to lower numbers of downstream progeny and inflammatory cells in the blood and infarct. Ultimately, P2Y12 inhibition preserved cardiac function and reduced chronic adverse cardiac remodeling after MI. P2Y12-dependent signaling is involved in emergency hematopoiesis after MI and fuels post-ischemic inflammation, proposing a novel, non-canonical value for P2Y12 antagonists beyond inhibition of platelet-mediated atherothrombosis

    Impact of PI3K (Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Alpha) Inhibition on Hemostasis and Thrombosis

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    Objective— PI3Kα (phosphoinositide 3-kinase alpha) is a therapeutic target in oncology, but its role in platelets and thrombosis remains ill characterized. In this study, we have analyzed the role of PI3Kα in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo in 2 models of arterial thrombosis. Approach and Results— Using mice selectively deficient in p110α in the megakaryocyte lineage and isoform-selective inhibitors, we confirm that PI3Kα is not mandatory but participates to thrombus growth over a collagen matrix at arterial shear rate. Our data uncover a role for PI3Kα in low-level activation of the GP (glycoprotein) VI-collagen receptor by contributing to ADP secretion and in turn full activation of PI3Kβ and Akt/PKB (protein kinase B). This effect was no longer observed at high level of GP VI agonist concentration. Our study also reveals that over a vWF (von Willebrand factor) matrix, PI3Kα regulates platelet stationary adhesion contacts under arterial flow through its involvement in the outside-in signaling of vWF-engaged αIIbβ3 integrin. In vivo, absence or inhibition of PI3Kα resulted in a modest but significant decrease in thrombus size after superficial injuries of mouse mesenteric arteries and an increased time to arterial occlusion after carotid lesion, without modification in the tail bleeding time. Considering the more discrete and nonredundant role of PI3Kα compared with PI3Kβ, selective PI3Kα inhibitors are unlikely to increase the bleeding risk at least in the absence of combination with antiplatelet drugs or thrombopenia. Conclusions— This study provides mechanistic insight into the role of PI3Kα in platelet activation and arterial thrombosis

    The P2Y1 receptor is involved in the maintenance of glucose homeostasis and in insulin secretion in mice

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    Pancreatic β cells express several P2 receptors including P2Y1 and the modulation of insulin secretion by extracellular nucleotides has suggested that these receptors may contribute to the regulation of glucose homeostasis. To determine whether the P2Y1 receptor is involved in this process, we performed studies in P2Y1 mice. In baseline conditions, P2Y1-mice exhibited a 15% increase in glycemia and a 40% increase in insulinemia, associated with a 10% increase in body weight, pointing to a role of the P2Y1 receptor in the control of glucose metabolism. Dynamic experiments further showed that P2Y1-mice exhibited a tendency to glucose intolerance. These features were associated with a decrease in the plasma levels of free fatty acid and triglycerides. When fed a lipids and sucrose enriched diet for 15 weeks, the two genotypes no longer displayed any significant differences. To determine whether the P2Y1 receptor was directly involved in the control of insulin secretion, experiments were carried out in isolated Langerhans islets. In the presence of high concentrations of glucose, insulin secretion was significantly greater in islets from P2Y1-mice. Altogether, these results show that the P2Y1 receptor plays a physiological role in the maintenance of glucose homeostasis at least in part by regulating insulin secretion