390 research outputs found

    Dependence of Gas Phase Abundances in the ISM on Column Density

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    Sightlines through high- and intermediate-velocity clouds allow measurements of ionic gas phase abundances, A, at very low values of HI column density, N(HI). Present observations cover over 4 orders of magnitude in N(HI). Remarkably, for several ions we find that the A vs N(HI) relation is the same at high and low column density and that the abundances have a relatively low dispersion (factors of 2-3) at any particular N(HI). Halo gas tends to have slightly higher values of A than disk gas at the same N(HI), suggesting that part of the dispersion may be attributed to the environment. We note that the dispersion is largest for NaI; using NaI as a predictor of N(HI) can lead to large errors. Important implications of the low dispersions regarding the physical nature of the ISM are: (a) because of clumping, over sufficiently long pathlengths N(HI) is a reasonable measure of the_local_ density of_most_ of the H atoms along the sight line; (b) the destruction of grains does not mainly take place in catastrophic events such as strong shocks, but is a continuous function of the mean density; (c) the cycling of the ions becoming attached to grains and being detached must be rapid, and the two rates must be roughly equal under a wide variety of conditions; (d) in gas that has a low average density the attachment should occur within denser concentrations

    The Perceptions of Father Involvement in Elementary Schools

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    The purpose of this phenomenological study was to understand the perceptions of father involvement in elementary schools. The focus of the study was to allow the researcher to develop a greater understanding of perceptions of father involvement, from both a father and teacher perspective. Data was collected from teachers and fathers through surveys and interviews. Specific content areas of the father survey included communication, activities fathers engaged in, training opportunities provided at the school, parent conferences, when events were offered, availability, and suggestions for school staff. Specific content areas of the teacher survey included communication, activities fathers engaged in, training opportunities provided at the school, use of data, parent conferences, when events were offered, invitations, and teacher wishes. Information gathered through the administration of the father survey was utilized for supporting data for father interviews. The fathers in this study participated in interviews, answering open-ended questions about their perceptions of their level of involvement in the education of their child and the challenges they face that hinder them from being more involved. The in-depth interviews were conducted with 16 fathers of elementary aged schoolchildren. The interviews were utilized to identify themes and strategies fathers suggested teachers could use to engage fathers. Through the analysis of data, the researcher developed an understanding for the motivations, actions, and constraints fathers face when it comes to the education of their children. Findings and recommendations for practice and future research are included

    Detection of deuterium Balmer lines in the Orion Nebula

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    The detection and first identification of the deuterium Balmer emission lines, D-alpha and D-beta, in the core of the Orion Nebula is reported. Observations were conducted at the 3.6m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, using the Echelle spectrograph Gecko. These lines are very narrow and have identical 11 km/s velocity shifts with respect to H-alpha and H-beta. They are probably excited by UV continuum fluorescence from the Lyman (DI) lines and arise from the interface between the HII region and the molecular cloud.Comment: 4 pages, latex, 1 figure, 1 table, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Letter

    Effects of Magnetic Braking and Tidal Friction on Hot Jupiters

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    Tidal friction is thought to be important in determining the long-term spin-orbit evolution of short-period extrasolar planetary systems. Using a simple model of the orbit-averaged effects of tidal friction Eggleton, Kiseleva & Hut (1998), we analyse the effects of the inclusion of stellar magnetic braking on the evolution of such systems. A phase-plane analysis of a simplified system of equations, including only the stellar tide together with a model of the braking torque proposed by Verbunt & Zwaan (1981), is presented. The inclusion of stellar magnetic braking is found to be extremely important in determining the secular evolution of such systems, and its neglect results in a very different orbital history. We then show the results of numerical integrations of the full tidal evolution equations, using the misaligned spin and orbit of the XO-3 system as an example, to study the accuracy of simple timescale estimates of tidal evolution. We find that it is essential to consider coupled evolution of the orbit and the stellar spin in order to model the behaviour accurately. In addition, we find that for typical Hot Jupiters the stellar spin-orbit alignment timescale is of the same order as the inspiral time, which tells us that if a planet is observed to be aligned, then it probably formed coplanar. This reinforces the importance of Rossiter-McLaughlin effect observations in determining the degree of spin-orbit alignment in transiting systems.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in IAU 259 Conference Proceeding

    Atmospheric Escape from Hot Jupiters

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    The extra-solar planet HD209458b has been found to have an extended atmosphere of escaping atomic hydrogen (Vidal-Madjar et al. 2003), suggesting that ``hot Jupiters'' closer to their parent stars could evaporate. Here we estimate the atmospheric escape (so called evaporation rate) from hot Jupiters and their corresponding life time against evaporation. The calculated evaporation rate of HD209458b is in excellent agreement with the HI Lyman-alpha observations. We find that the tidal forces and high temperatures in the upper atmosphere must be taken into account to obtain reliable estimate of the atmospheric escape. Because of the tidal forces, we show that there is a new escape mechanism at intermediate temperatures at which the exobase reaches the Roche lobe. From an energy balance, we can estimate plausible values for the planetary exospheric temperatures, and thus obtain typical life times of planets as a function of their mass and orbital distance.Comment: A&A Letters, in pres

    Deuterium toward the WD0621-376 sight line: Results from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) Mission

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    Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer observations are presented for WD0621-376, a DA white dwarf star in the local interstellar medium (LISM) at a distance of about 78 pc. The data have a signal-to-noise ratio of about 20-40 per 20 km/s resolution element and cover the wavelength range 905-1187 \AA. LISM absorption is detected in the lines of D I, C II, C II*, C III, N I, N II, N III, O I, Ar I, and Fe II. This sight line is partially ionized, with an ionized nitrogen fraction of > 0.23. We determine the ratio D/O=(3.9±1.01.3)×102D/O = (3.9 \pm ^{1.3}_{1.0})\times 10^{-2} (2σ\sigma). Assuming a standard interstellar oxygen abundance, we derive D/H1.3×105{\rm D/H} \approx 1. 3 \times 10^{-5}. Using the value of N(H I) derived from EUVE data gives a similar D/H ratio. The D I/N I ratio is (3.3±0.81.0)×101(3.3 \pm ^{1.0}_{0.8})\times 10^{-1} (2σ\sigma).Comment: accepted for publication in the ApJ

    Exoplanet HD 209458b : Evaporation strengthened

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    Following re-analysis of Hubble Space Telescope observations of primary transits of the extrasolar planet HD209458b at Lyman-alpha, Ben-Jaffel (2007, BJ007) claims that no sign of evaporation is observed. Here we show that, in fact, this new analysis is consistent with the one of Vidal-Madjar et al. (2003, VM003) and supports the detection of evaporation. The apparent disagreement is mainly due to the disparate wavelength ranges that are used to derive the transit absorption depth. VM003 derives a (15+/-4)% absorption depth during transit over the core of the stellar Lyman-alpha line (from -130 km/s to +100 km/s), and this result agrees with the (8.9+/-2.1)% absorption depth reported by BJ007 from a slightly expanded dataset but over a larger wavelength range (+/-200 km/s). These measurements agree also with the (5+/-2)% absorption reported by Vidal-Madjar et al. (2004) over the whole Lyman-alpha line from independent, lower-resolution data. We show that stellar Lyman-alpha variability is unlikely to significantly affect those detections. The HI atoms must necessarily have velocities above the escape velocities and/or be outside the Roche lobe, given the lobe shape and orientation. Absorption by HI in HD209458b's atmosphere has thus been detected with different datasets, and now with independent analyses. All these results strengthen the concept of evaporating hot-Jupiters, as well as the modelization of this phenomenon.Comment: To be published in ApJ