1,356 research outputs found

    Impact of Flower Harvesting on the Salt Marsh Plant \u3cem\u3eLimonium carolinianum\u3c/em\u3e

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    Because of the potentially detrimental effects of seed production on adult survivorship and growth, moderate flower harvesting may have little negative impact on population growth of long-lived perennial plants such as Limonium carolinianum (Walter) Britton. We examined this by collecting data on survivorship, growth, and fecundity of an unharvested population over a period of 5 years and conducted a controlled experiment to examine the effect of harvesting on adult survivorship and growth over a 3-year period. Data were summarized in the form of a stage structured matrix population model with a stochastic element that incorporated year-to-year variation in transition probabilities. Contrary to our original hypothesis, we found that preventing seed set through removal of flowers did not increase adult survivorship or growth. By determining the harvest level that reduced population growth rate to 1.0, we estimated the maximum sustainable harvest level to be 16%, a value that is approximately half that of reported harvest levels on accessible marshes in the study area. In spite of this, the reported harvest levels are unlikely to drive local populations to extinction in the foreseeable future. Providing the adult population size is \u3e100 and harvest levels are \u3c90%, time to local extinction will exceed 100 years. This is a function of the very high survivorship of adults in this species and the fact that harvesting has no negative impact on adult survivorship or growth. However, because of the long preadult phase in this species (8–9 years) and the fact that fecundity of young adults is low, recovery from overharvesting is extremely slow. Adult population size can be reduced to 25% of its original value in 7 years at high harvest levels, but it will take 34 years on average to recover once harvesting is terminated

    Topological data analysis of contagion maps for examining spreading processes on networks

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    Social and biological contagions are influenced by the spatial embeddedness of networks. Historically, many epidemics spread as a wave across part of the Earth's surface; however, in modern contagions long-range edges -- for example, due to airline transportation or communication media -- allow clusters of a contagion to appear in distant locations. Here we study the spread of contagions on networks through a methodology grounded in topological data analysis and nonlinear dimension reduction. We construct "contagion maps" that use multiple contagions on a network to map the nodes as a point cloud. By analyzing the topology, geometry, and dimensionality of manifold structure in such point clouds, we reveal insights to aid in the modeling, forecast, and control of spreading processes. Our approach highlights contagion maps also as a viable tool for inferring low-dimensional structure in networks.Comment: Main Text and Supplementary Informatio

    Age-related Changes in p56lck Protein Levels and Phenotypic Distribution of T Lymphocytes in Young Rats

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    p56lck is involved in the maturation of T-cells from double negative (DN) into double positive (DP) T-cells. The objective of this experiment was to determine changes in the levels of thymic and splenic T-cell p56lck using Western immunoblotting, along with the proportion and number of T-cell subsets in thymus, spleen and blood using flow cytometry in growing Sprague-Dawley rats. Thymic p56lck levels were negatively correlated with age (r=-0.42, p=0.04) and positively correlated with age in the spleen (r=0.50, p=0.01). Nine-week-old rats had a higher percentage of thymic DN and CD8 cells with fewer DP cells compared to younger rats. There were minor differences in the proportions of T-cell subsets in the spleen and blood. T-cell numbers remained proportional to body weight in the lymphoid organs; however, the lower absolute number of T-cells in the younger rats might indicate that they are less able to respond to antigens

    Computational analysis of stochastic heterogeneity in PCR amplification efficiency revealed by single molecule barcoding

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    The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is one of the most widely used techniques in molecular biology. In combination with High Throughput Sequencing (HTS), PCR is widely used to quantify transcript abundance for RNA-seq, and in the context of analysis of T and B cell receptor repertoires. In this study, we combine DNA barcoding with HTS to quantify PCR output from individual target molecules. We develop computational tools that simulate both the PCR branching process itself, and the subsequent subsampling which typically occurs during HTS sequencing. We explore the influence of different types of heterogeneity on sequencing output, and compare them to experimental results where the efficiency of amplification is measured by barcodes uniquely identifying each molecule of starting template. Our results demonstrate that the PCR process introduces substantial amplification heterogeneity, independent of primer sequence and bulk experimental conditions. This heterogeneity can be attributed both to inherited differences between different template DNA molecules, and the inherent stochasticity of the PCR process. The results demonstrate that PCR heterogeneity arises even when reaction and substrate conditions are kept as constant as possible, and therefore single molecule barcoding is essential in order to derive reproducible quantitative results from any protocol combining PCR with HTS

    The Impact of Simulated Altitude on Selected Elements of Running Performance

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    Background: Simulating altitude at sea level is increasingly more popular among recreationally-trained athletes across the sports spectrum. The AltO2Lab is a commercially-available, handheld, rebreathing apparatus purported to simulate altitude. Currently, there is an overall dearth of evidence regarding the efficacy of the device. Purpose: The goal of this study was to add evidence supporting or challenging the effectiveness of the device to improve selected running performance-related variables and to investigate the time-course of changes should benefits be evidenced. Methods: The 37-day protocol included familiarization, baseline, and 2 follow-up visits during which time hematological (hematocrit and lactate), physiological (running economy, maximal VO2, and heart rate), and psychological (Borg RPE) variables were monitored at rest, during relative submaximal, and/or maximal treadmill exercise. Altitude training days (18 days; one hour each day) were fitted within the 37-day time-line to occur after the baseline visit but before the respective follow-up visits. Specifically, the altitude training took place in 3, 6-day blocks of device usage with exposure, monitored by oximetry, intensifying across the days and blocks. Twelve days of altitude training were completed before the first follow-up visit while the final 6 days of altitude training were completed between the first and second follow-up visit. In this manner, the follow-ups could serve to evaluate the potential effectiveness of the device and narrow the time course of changes to a specific usage duration. Results: Six, recreationally-trained athletes (Females = 4; Males = 2; Age = 22.0 ± 2.9 yrs.; Baseline VO2max 52.7 ± 6.7) enrolled in the study. One subject was removed due to noncompliance. Overall, simulated altitude at the prescribed, intensifying dosage, failed to change both hematocrit (p = 0.469) and VO2max (p = 0.184) when analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance. Additionally, no differences were found for secondary variables including: running economy, heart rate, lactate or RPE (all p \u3e 0.05). Conclusion: Presently, the AltO2Lab failed to improve selected variables related to running performance. This finding is in contrast to previous investigations with the device but it does align with the knowledge that a stronger stimulus might be necessary to induce HIF-mediated erythropoiesis to the extent that the cascade could alter hematological and subsequently performance ability through enhanced oxygen-carrying capacity. These results are preliminary and a final cohort will complete testing before concluding results will be disseminated

    The Need for Reporting Metabolic Sampling Interval in Publication: An Example Using Maximal VO2 Values and Running Economy

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    Background: Knowledge of metabolic outcomes, such as maximal oxygen consumption (VO2) or running economy, has wide-ranging application. Metabolic outcomes are widely reported in literature yet the metabolic sampling interval (example: breath-by-breath, 30-sec average) utilized for collection is rarely ever stated. Purpose: The purposes of the present investigation were to probe the potential discrepancies created when analyzing running economy and VO2max raw metabolic data with four different metabolic sampling intervals. Methods: Five recreationally-active and endurance-trained subjects were included in the present analysis and four metabolic sampling intervals were analyzed: 30-sec average, 20-sec average, 8-breath, and 4-breath. Subjects engaged in 4-min running economy phases at 55 and 65% of their VO2max before entering into a maximal protocol purposed to elicit VO2max in 8-12 minutes. Utilizing the steady state and maximal VO2 data, metabolic sampling intervals were analyzed for their effect on reported VO2 values. Results: For running economy at 55%, there was no differences found (f = 0.207; df = 1.862; p = 0.799) between sampling frequencies when analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance and corrected with Greenhouse-Geisser for a violation of sphericity. For running economy at 65%, there were also no differences ­found (f = 1.456; df = 3; p = 0.799) between sampling frequencies. For inspection, the relative VO2 values were: 27.2 (±3.1), 27.9 (±4.1), 28.4 (±3.6), and 28.8 (±5.1) for the 30-sec, 20-sec, 8-breath, and 4-breath average, respectively. Maximal VO2 values of 53.0 (±6.6), 55.1 (±7.2), 55.1 (±7.2), and 59.6 (±9.4) for the 30-sec, 20-sec, 8-breath, and 4-breath average, respectively, were found to be significantly different (f = 21.062; df = 1.278; p \u3c 0.001) after adjusting for a violation of sphericity (p \u3c 0.001). Bonferroni analysis indicated differences between the 30-sec average and all other averages and also the 20-sec and 8-breath averages when compared against the 4-breath average. The 4-breath average yielded the highest VO2max value. Coincidentally, the 20-sec and 8-breath averages were identical. Conclusion: In the present investigation of raw metabolic data, sampling interval was found to impact the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) values but not running economy values when investigating a small sample of data with four select sampling intervals. The report of maximal VO2 is rather common in the literature and knowing sample interval is vital for between-study comparison, determination of regression-related activities, or for pre-post comparison of data from the same or different labs

    "Nature's contributions to people" and peoples' moral obligations to nature

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    The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has become influential in biodiversity conservation. Its research is published widely and has been adopted by the United Nations and the Convention for Biological Diversity. This platform includes discussion about how values relate to biodiversity conservation. The IPBES emphasizes "relational values", connecting these with living a "good life," and "nature's contributions to people" (NCP); building upon ecosystem services (ES), which have dominated nature valuation for 15+ years. Although the IPBES acknowledges instrumental and intrinsic natural values, they purport that by adopting relational values, conservation will become more socially- and culturally-inclusive, moving beyond the "unhelpful dichotomy" between instrumental and intrinsic values. We wholeheartedly agree that conservation should become more inclusive - it should, in fact, morally include nonhuman nature. We argue that far from being half of an unhelpful dichotomy, intrinsic natural values are incontrovertible elements of any honest effort to sustain Earth's biodiversity. We find NCP to be mainly anthropocentric, and relational values to be largely instrumental. The "good life" they support is a good life for humans, and not for nonhuman beings or collectives. While passingly acknowledging intrinsic natural values, the current IPBES platform gives little attention to these, and to corresponding ecocentric worldviews. In this paper we demonstrate the important practical implications of operationalizing intrinsic values for conservation, such as ecological justice, i.e., "peoples' obligations to nature". We urge the IPBES platform, in their future values work, to become much more inclusive of intrinsic values and ecocentrism