17,248 research outputs found

    The density of rational points on non-singular hypersurfaces, II

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    For any integers d,n≥2d,n \geq 2, let X⊂PnX \subset \mathbb{P}^{n} be a non-singular hypersurface of degree dd that is defined over Q\mathbb{Q}. The main result in this paper is a proof that the number NX(B)N_X(B) of Q\mathbb{Q}-rational points on XX which have height at most BB satisfies NX(B)=Od,ε,n(Bn−1+ε), N_X(B)=O_{d,\varepsilon,n}(B^{n-1+\varepsilon}), for any ε>0\varepsilon>0. The implied constant in this estimate depends at most upon d,εd, \varepsilon and nn

    Plane curves in boxes and equal sums of two powers

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    Given an absolutely irreducible ternary form FF, the purpose of this paper is to produce better upper bounds for the number of integer solutions to the equation F=0, that are restricted to lie in very lopsided boxes. As an application of the main result, a new paucity estimate is obtained for equal sums of two like powers.Comment: 15 pages; to appear in Math. Zei

    Quadratic polynomials represented by norm forms

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    The Hasse principle and weak approximation is established for equations of the shape P(t)=N(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4), where P is an irreducible quadratic polynomial in one variable and N is a norm form associated to a quartic extension of the rationals containing the roots of P. The proof uses analytic methods.Comment: 55 page

    Integral points on cubic hypersurfaces

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    Let g be a cubic polynomial with integer coefficients and n>9 variables, and assume that the congruence g=0 modulo p^k is soluble for all prime powers p^k. We show that the equation g=0 has infinitely many integer solutions when the cubic part of g defines a projective hypersurface with singular locus of dimension <n-10. The proof is based on the Hardy-Littlewood circle method.Comment: 18 page

    Simultaneous equal sums of three powers

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    Counting rational points on quadric surfaces

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    We give an upper bound for the number of rational points of height at most BB, lying on a surface defined by a quadratic form QQ. The bound shows an explicit dependence on QQ. It is optimal with respect to BB, and is also optimal for typical forms QQ.Comment: 29 page

    NIMBUS-7 SBUV (Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet) observations of solar UV spectral irradiance variations caused by solar rotation and active-region evolution for the period November 7, 1978 - November 1, 1980

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    Observations of temporal variations of the solar UV spectral irradiance over several days to a few weeks in the 160-400 nm wavelength range are presented. Larger 28-day variations and a second episode of 13-day variations occurred during the second year of measurements. The thirteen day periodicity is not a harmonic of the 28-day periodicity. The 13-day periodicity dominates certain episodes of solar activity while others are dominated by 28-day periods accompanied by a week 14-day harmonic. Techniques for removing noise and long-term trends are described. Time series analysis results are presented for the Si II lines near 182 nm, the Al I continuum in the 190 nm to 205 nm range, the Mg I continuum in the 210 nm to 250 nm range, the MgII H & K lines at 280 nm, the Mg I line at 285 nm, and the Ca II K & H lines at 393 and 397 nm
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