6 research outputs found

    Morphing hybrid honeycomb (MOHYCOMB) with in situ

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    Electrostatic adhesion can be used as a means of reversible attachment. Through application of high voltage (~2kV) across closely spaced parallel plate electrodes, significant shear stresses (11 kPa) can be generated. The highest levels of electrostatic holding force can be achieved through close contact of connection surfaces; this is facilitated by flexible electrodes which can conform to reduce air gaps. Cellular structures are comprised of thin walled elements, making them ideal host structures for electrostatic adhesive elements. The reversible adhesion provides control of the internal connectivity of the cellular structure, and determines the effective cell geometry. This would offer variable stiffness and control of the effective Poisson’s ratio of the global cellular array. Using copper-polyimide thin film laminates and PVDF thin film dielectrics, double lap shear electrostatic adhesive elements have been introduced to a cellular geometry. By activating different groups of reversible adhesive interfaces, the cellular array can assume four different cell configurations. A maximum stiffness modulation of 450 % between the “All off” and “All on” cell morphologies has been demonstrated. This structure is also capable of in-situ effective Poisson’s ratio variations, with the ability to switch between values of -0.45 and 0.54. Such a structure offers the potential for tuneable vibration absorption (due to its variable stiffness properties), or as a smart honeycomb with controllable curvature and is termed MOHYCOMB (MOrphing HYbrid honeyCOMB)

    Influence of antigen density and TLR ligands on preclinical efficacy of a VLP-based vaccine against peanut allergy.

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    BACKGROUND Virus-like particle (VLP) Peanut is a novel immunotherapeutic vaccine candidate for the treatment of peanut allergy. The active pharmaceutical ingredient represents cucumber mosaic VLPs (CuMVTT -VLPs) that are genetically fused with one of the major peanut allergens, Ara h 2 (CuMVTT -Ara h 2). We previously demonstrated the immunogenicity and the protective capacity of VLP Peanut-based immunization in a murine model for peanut allergy. Moreover, a Phase I clinical trial has been initiated using VLP Peanut material manufactured following a GMP-compliant manufacturing process. Key product characterization studies were undertaken here to understand the role and contribution of critical quality attributes that translate as predictive markers of immunogenicity and protective efficacy for clinical vaccine development. METHOD The role of prokaryotic RNA encapsulated within VLP Peanut on vaccine immunogenicity was assessed by producing a VLP Peanut batch with a reduced RNA content (VLP Peanut low RNA). Immunogenicity and peanut allergen challenge studies were conducted with VLP Peanut low RNA, as well as with VLP Peanut in WT and TLR 7 KO mice. Furthermore, mass spectrometry and SDS-PAGE based methods were used to determine Ara h 2 antigen density on the surface of VLP Peanut particles. This methodology was subsequently applied to investigate the relationship between Ara h 2 antigen density and immunogenicity of VLP Peanut. RESULTS A TLR 7 dependent formation of Ara h 2 specific high-avidity IgG antibodies, as well as a TLR 7 dependent change in the dominant IgG subclass, was observed following VLP Peanut vaccination, while total allergen-specific IgG remained relatively unaffected. Consistently, a missing TLR 7 signal caused only a weak decrease in allergen tolerability after vaccination. In contrast, a reduced RNA content for VLP Peanut resulted in diminished total Ara h 2 specific IgG responses, followed by a significant impairment in peanut allergen tolerability. The discrepant effect on allergen tolerance caused by an absent TLR 7 signal versus a reduced RNA content is explained by the observation that VLP Peanut-derived RNA not only stimulates TLR 7 but also TLR 3. Additionally, a strong correlation was observed between the number of Ara h 2 antigens displayed on the surface of VLP Peanut particles and the vaccine's immunogenicity and protective capacity. CONCLUSIONS Our findings demonstrate that prokaryotic RNA encapsulated within VLP Peanut, including antigen density of Ara h 2 on viral particles, are key contributors to the immunogenicity and protective capacity of the vaccine. Thus, antigenicity and RNA content are two critical quality attributes that need to be determined at the stage of manufacturing, providing robust information regarding the immunogenicity and protective capacity of VLP Peanut in the mouse which has translational relevance to the human setting

    The GOGREEN and GCLASS surveys : first data release

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    We present the first public data release of the GOGREEN (Gemini Observations of Galaxies in Rich Early Environments) and GCLASS (Gemini CLuster Astrophysics Spectroscopic Survey) surveys of galaxies in dense environments, spanning a redshift range 0.8 <z <1.5. The surveys consist of deep, multiwavelength photometry and extensive Gemini GMOS spectroscopy of galaxies in 26 overdense systems ranging in halo mass from small groups to the most massive clusters. The objective of both projects was primarily to understand how the evolution of galaxies is affected by their environment, and to determine the physical processes that lead to the quenching of star formation. There was an emphasis on obtaining unbiased spectroscopy over a wide stellar mass range (M greater than or similar to 2 x 10(10) M-circle dot), throughout and beyond the cluster virialized regions. The final spectroscopic sample includes 2771 unique objects, of which 2257 have reliable spectroscopic redshifts. Of these, 1704 have redshifts in the range 0.8 <z <1.5, and nearly 800 are confirmed cluster members. Imaging spans the full optical and near-infrared wavelength range, at depths comparable to the UltraVISTA survey, and includes Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Camera 3 F160W (GOGREEN) and F140W (GCLASS). This data release includes fully reduced images and spectra, with catalogues of advanced data products including redshifts, line strengths, star formation rates, stellar masses, and rest-frame colours. Here, we present an overview of the data, including an analysis of the spectroscopic completeness and redshift quality.Peer reviewe

    Genomic reconstruction of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in England

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    AbstractThe evolution of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus leads to new variants that warrant timely epidemiological characterization. Here we use the dense genomic surveillance data generated by the COVID-19 Genomics UK Consortium to reconstruct the dynamics of 71 different lineages in each of 315 English local authorities between September 2020 and June 2021. This analysis reveals a series of subepidemics that peaked in early autumn 2020, followed by a jump in transmissibility of the B.1.1.7/Alpha lineage. The Alpha variant grew when other lineages declined during the second national lockdown and regionally tiered restrictions between November and December 2020. A third more stringent national lockdown suppressed the Alpha variant and eliminated nearly all other lineages in early 2021. Yet a series of variants (most of which contained the spike E484K mutation) defied these trends and persisted at moderately increasing proportions. However, by accounting for sustained introductions, we found that the transmissibility of these variants is unlikely to have exceeded the transmissibility of the Alpha variant. Finally, B.1.617.2/Delta was repeatedly introduced in England and grew rapidly in early summer 2021, constituting approximately 98% of sampled SARS-CoV-2 genomes on 26 June 2021.</jats:p