24,253 research outputs found

    Histone crosstalk directed by H2B ubiquitination is required for chromatin boundary integrity

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    Genomic maps of chromatin modifications have provided evidence for the partitioning of genomes into domains of distinct chromatin states, which assist coordinated gene regulation. The maintenance of chromatin domain integrity can require the setting of boundaries. The HS4 insulator element marks the 3′ boundary of a heterochromatin region located upstream of the chicken β-globin gene cluster. Here we show that HS4 recruits the E3 ligase RNF20/BRE1A to mediate H2B mono-ubiquitination (H2Bub1) at this insulator. Knockdown experiments show that RNF20 is required for H2Bub1 and processive H3K4 methylation. Depletion of RNF20 results in a collapse of the active histone modification signature at the HS4 chromatin boundary, where H2Bub1, H3K4 methylation, and hyperacetylation of H3, H4, and H2A.Z are rapidly lost. A remarkably similar set of events occurs at the HSA/HSB regulatory elements of the FOLR1 gene, which mark the 5′ boundary of the same heterochromatin region. We find that persistent H2Bub1 at the HSA/HSB and HS4 elements is required for chromatin boundary integrity. The loss of boundary function leads to the sequential spreading of H3K9me2, H3K9me3, and H4K20me3 over the entire 50 kb FOLR1 and β-globin region and silencing of FOLR1 expression. These findings show that the HSA/HSB and HS4 boundary elements direct a cascade of active histone modifications that defend the FOLR1 and β-globin gene loci from the pervasive encroachment of an adjacent heterochromatin domain. We propose that many gene loci employ H2Bub1-dependent boundaries to prevent heterochromatin spreading

    Thermionic reactor power system: Effects of radiation on integration with Manned Space Station

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    The application of a thermionic reactor power system to the modular space station is described. The nominal net power is 40 kWe, with the power system designed to be applicable over the power range from 25 to 60 kWe. The power system is designed to be launched by the space shuttle. Radiation protection is provided by LiH neutron shielding and W gamma shielding in a shaped 4 pion configuration, i.e., the reactor is shielded on all sides but not to equal extent. Isodose contours are presented for the region around the modular space station. Levels and spectral distribution of radiation are given for later evaluation of effects on space station experiments. Parametric data on the effects of separation distance on power system mass are presented

    A mass action model of a fibroblast growth factor signaling pathway and its simplification

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    We consider a kinetic law of mass action model for Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) signaling, focusing on the induction of the RAS-MAP kinase pathway via GRB2 binding. Our biologically simple model suffers a combinatorial explosion in the number of differential equations required to simulate the system. In addition to numerically solving the full model, we show that it can be accurately simplified. This requires combining matched asymptotics, the quasi-steady state hypothesis, and the fact subsets of the equations decouple asymptotically. Both the full and simplified models reproduce the qualitative dynamics observed experimentally and in previous stochastic models. The simplified model also elucidates both the qualitative features of GRB2 binding and the complex relationship between SHP2 levels, the rate SHP2 induces dephosphorylation and levels of bound GRB2. In addition to providing insight into the important and redundant features of FGF signaling, such work further highlights the usefulness of numerous simplification techniques in the study of mass action models of signal transduction, as also illustrated recently by Borisov and co-workers (Borisov et al. in Biophys. J. 89, 951–66, 2005, Biosystems 83, 152–66, 2006; Kiyatkin et al. in J. Biol. Chem. 281, 19925–9938, 2006). These developments will facilitate the construction of tractable models of FGF signaling, incorporating further biological realism, such as spatial effects or realistic binding stoichiometries, despite a more severe combinatorial explosion associated with the latter

    The capacity to maintain ion and water homeostasis underlies interspecific variation in Drosophila cold tolerance

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    Many insects, including Drosophila, succumb to the physiological effects of chilling at temperatures well above those causing freezing. Low temperature causes a loss of extracellular ion and water homeostasis in such insects, and chill injuries accumulate. Using an integrative and comparative approach, we examined the role of ion and water balance in insect chilling susceptibility/ tolerance. The Malpighian tubules (MT), of chill susceptible Drosophila species lost [Na+] and [K+] selectivity at low temperatures, which contributed to a loss of Na+ and water balance and a deleterious increase in extracellular [K+]. By contrast, the tubules of chill tolerant Drosophila species maintained their MT ion selectivity, maintained stable extracellular ion concentrations, and thereby avoided injury. The most tolerant species were able to modulate ion balance while in a cold-induced coma and this ongoing physiological acclimation process allowed some individuals of the tolerant species to recover from chill coma during low temperature exposure. Accordingly, differences in the ability to maintain homeostatic control of water and ion balance at low temperature may explain large parts of the wide intra- and interspecific variation in insect chilling tolerance