280 research outputs found

    Numerical Simulation of the Long-Range Propagation of Gravity Wave Packets at High Latitudes

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    We use a 2-D, nonlinear, time-dependent numerical model to simulate the propagation of wave packets under average high latitude, winter conditions. We investigate the ability of waves to propagate large horizontal distances, depending on their direction of propagation relative to the average modeled ambient winds. Wave sources were specified to represent the following: (1) the most common wave parameters inferred from observations of Nielsen et al. (2009) ((18 km λá”Ș , 7.5 min period), (2) waves consistent with the average phase speed observed (40 m/s) but outlying horizontal wavelength and period values (40 km λá”Ș , 17 min period), and (3) waves which would be subject to strong ducting as suggested by Snively et al. (2013) (25 km λá”Ș , 6.7 min period). We find that wave energy density was sustained over large horizontal distances for waves ducted in the stratosphere. Waves traveling against winds in the upper stratosphere/lower mesosphere are more likely to be effectively ducted in the stratosphere and travel large horizontal distances, while waves which escape in the form of leakage are more likely to be freely propagating above 80 km altitude. Waves propagating principally in the direction of the stratopause winds are subject to weaker stratospheric ducting and thus increased leakage of wave energy density from the stratosphere. However, these waves are more likely to be subject to reflection and ducting at altitudes above 80 km based upon the average winds chosen. The wave periods that persist at late times in both the stratosphere and the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) range from 6.8 to 8 min for cases (1) and (3). Shorter-period waves tend to become trapped in the stratosphere, while longer-period waves can dissipate in the thermosphere with little reflection or trapping. It is suggested that the most common scenario is of partial ducting, where waves are observed in the airglow after they leak out of the stratosphere, especially at large horizontal distances from the source. Stratospheric ducting and associated leakage can contribute to a periodic and horizontally distributed forcing of the MLT

    Modulation of Low-Altitude Ionospheric Upflow by Linear and Nonlinear Atmospheric Gravity Waves

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    This study examines how thermospheric motions due to gravity waves (GWs) drive ion upflow in the F region, modulating the topside ionosphere in a way that can contribute to ion outflow. We present incoherent scatter radar data from Sondrestrom, from 31 May 2003 which showed upflow/downflow motions, having a downward phase progression, in the field‐aligned velocity, indicating forcing by a thermospheric GW. The GW‐upflow coupling dynamics are investigated through the use of a coupled atmosphere‐ionosphere model to examine potential impacts on topside ionospheric upflow. Specifically, a sequence of simulations with varying wave amplitude is conducted to determine responses to a range of transient forcing reminiscent of the incoherent scatter radar data. Nonlinear wave effects, resulting from increases in amplitude of the modeled GW, are shown to critically impact the ionospheric response. GW breaking deposits energy into smaller scale wave modes, drives periods of large field‐aligned ion velocities, while also modulating ion densities. Complementary momentum transfer increases the mean flow and, through ion‐neutral drag, can increase ion densities above 300 km. Ionospheric collision frequency (cooling) and photoionization effects (heating), both dependent on ionospheric density, modify the electron temperature; these changes conduct quickly up geomagnetic field lines driving ion upflow at altitudes well above initial disturbances. This flow alters ion populations available for high‐altitude acceleration processes that may lead to outflow into the magnetosphere. We have included a representative source of transverse wave heating which, when supplemented by our GWs, illustrates strengthened upward fluxes in the topside ionosphere

    Thermospheric Dissipation of Upward Propagating Gravity Wave Packets

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    We use a nonlinear, fully compressible, two-dimensional numerical model to study the effects of dissipation on gravity wave packet spectra in the thermosphere. Numerical simulations are performed to excite gravity wave packets using either a time-dependent vertical body forcing at the bottom boundary or a specified initial wave perturbation. Three simulation case studies are performed to excite (1) a steady state monochromatic wave, (2) a spectrally broad wave packet, and (3) a quasi-monochromatic wave packet. In addition, we analyze (4) an initial condition simulation with an isothermal background. We find that, in cases where the wave is not continually forced, the dominant vertical wavelength decreases in time, predominantly due to a combination of refraction from the thermosphere and dissipation of the packets’ high frequency components as they quickly reach high altitude. In the continually forced steady state case, the dominant vertical wavelength remains constant once initial transients have passed. The vertical wavelength in all simulations increases with altitude above the dissipation altitude (the point at which dissipation effects are greater than the wave amplitude growth caused by decreasing background density) at any fixed time. However, a shift to smaller vertical wavelength values in time is clearly exhibited as high-frequency, long vertical wavelength components reach high altitudes and dissipate first, to be replaced by slower waves of shorter vertical wavelength. Results suggest that the dispersion of a packet significantly determines its spectral evolution in the dissipative thermosphere

    The Dynamics of Nonlinear Atmospheric Acoustic-Gravity Waves Generated by Tsunamis Over Realistic Bathymetry

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    The investigation of atmospheric tsunamigenic acoustic and gravity wave (TAGW) dynamics, from the ocean surface to the thermosphere, is performed through the numerical computations of the 3D compressible nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations. Tsunami propagation is first simulated using a nonlinear shallow water model, which incorporates instantaneous or temporal evolutions of initial tsunami distributions (ITD). Ocean surface dynamics are then imposed as a boundary condition to excite TAGWs into the atmosphere from the ground level. We perform a case study of a large tsunami associated with the 2011 M9.1 Tohuku-Oki earthquake and parametric studies with simplified and demonstrative bathymetry and ITD. Our results demonstrate that TAGW propagation, controlled by the atmospheric state, can evolve nonlinearly and lead to wave self-acceleration effects and instabilities, followed by the excitation of secondary acoustic and gravity waves (SAGWs), spanning a broad frequency range. The variations of the ocean depth result in a change of tsunami characteristics and subsequent tilt of the TAGW packet, as the wave\u27s intrinsic frequency spectrum is varied. In addition, focusing of tsunamis and their interactions with seamounts and islands may result in localized enhancements of TAGWs, which further indicates the crucial role of bathymetry variations. Along with SAGWs, leading long-period phases of the TAGW packet propagate ahead of the tsunami wavefront and thus can be observed prior to the tsunami arrival. Our modeling results suggest that TAGWs from large tsunamis can drive detectable and quantifiable perturbations in the upper atmosphere under a wide range of scenarios and uncover new challenges and opportunities for their observations

    Table: Spatial Extents of the Numerical Domains

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    The spatial extents of the numerical domains

    Numerical and statistical evidence for long-range ducted gravity wave propagation over Halley, Antarctica

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    Abundant short‒period, small‒scale gravity waves have been identified in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over Halley, Antarctica, via ground‒based airglow image data. Although many are observed as freely propagating at the heights of the airglow layers, new results under modeled conditions reveal that a significant fraction of these waves may be subject to reflections at altitudes above and below. The waves may at times be trapped within broad thermal ducts, spanning from the tropopause or stratopause to the base of the thermosphere (∌140 km), which may facilitate long‒range propagation (∌1000s of km) under favorable wind conditions

    Evidence for Horizontal Blocking and Reflection of a Small-Scale Gravity Wave in the Mesosphere

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    The variations of the horizontal phase velocity of an internal gravity wave, generated by wave “blocking” or “reflection” due to an inhomogeneous wind field, have been predicted theoretically and numerically investigated but had yet to be captured experimentally. In this paper, through a collaborative observation campaign using a sodium (Na) Temperature/Wind lidar and a collocated Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper (AMTM) at Utah State University (USU), we report the first potential evidence of such a unique gravity wave process. The study shows that a small-scale wave, captured by the AMTM, with initial observed horizontal phase velocity of 37 ± 5 m/s toward the northwest direction, experienced a large and increasing headwind as it was propagating in the AMTM field of view. This resulted in significant deceleration along its initial traveling direction, and it became quasi-stationary before it was “reflected” to the opposite direction at later time. The USU Na lidar measured the horizontal wind and temperature during the event, when the wave was found traveling within a temperature inversion layer and experiencing an increasing headwind relative to the wave. The wind agrees well with the expected value for wave blocking suggested by the wave tracing theory, implying the existence of a large horizontal wind gradient that night near the OH layer altitudes. The study indicates the critical role of horizontal winds and their horizontal gradients in determining propagation in vertical and horizontal directions

    Gravity Wave Drag Parameterizations for Earth’s Atmosphere

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    Atmospheric gravity waves (GWs), or buoyancy waves, transport momentum and energy through Earth’s atmosphere. GWs are important at nearly all levels of the atmosphere, though, the momentum they transport is particularly important in general circulation of the middle and upper atmosphere. Primary sources of atmospheric GWs are flow over mountains, moist convection, and imbalances in jet/frontal systems. Secondary GWs can also be generated as a result of dissipation of a primary GWs. Gravity waves typically have horizontal wavelengths of 10’s to 100’s of kilometers, though, they can have scales of 1’s to 1000’s of kilometers as well. Current effective resolutions of climate models, and even numerical weather prediction models, do not resolve significant portions of the momentum- and energy-flux-carrying GW spectrum, and so parameterizations are necessary to represent under- and unresolved GWs in most current models. Here, an overview of GWs generated by orography, convection, jet/front systems, primary wave breaking, and secondary wave generation is provided. The basic theory of GW generation, propagation, and dissipation relevant to parameterization is presented. Conventionally used GW parameterizations are then reviewed. Lastly, we describe uncertainties and parameter tuning in current parameterizations and discuss known processes that are currently missing

    Gravity Wave Ducting Observed in the Mesosphere Over Jicamarca, Peru

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    Short-period gravity waves are ubiquitous in the mesosphere, but the vertical structures of their perturbations are difficult to observe. The Jicamarca 50-MHz very high frequency radar allows observations of winds and turbulent scatter with high temporal and vertical resolution. We present a case of a quasi-monochromatic gravity wave with period 520 (±40) s that is likely ducted below a southward wind jet between 68 and 74 km. Above this layer of evanescence, a northward wind enables it to emerge into a more stable layer, where it is refracted to a short vertical wavelength of 2.2 (±0.2) km; data show evidence of weak nonlinearity, and possible overturning or partial reflection from higher altitudes, above the observable region, in the form of a standing wave structure in vertical velocity at approximately 75 km. Based on the dispersion relation, and with help of a two-dimensional model, we determine that most likely the wave is propagating northward and is being ducted below and tunneling through the regions of evanescence created by the wind flow and typical mesospheric thermal structure. This is the first time that such an event has been identified in the Jicamarca mesospheric echoes, and it is distinct from Kelvin-Helmholtz billows also commonly seen with this sensitive radar—instead apparently revealing tunneling of the gravity wave through ambient winds

    Evidence of dispersion and refraction of a spectrally broad gravity wave packet in the mesopause region observed by the Na lidar and Mesospheric Temperature Mapper above Logan, Utah

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    Gravity wave packets excited by a source of finite duration and size possess a broad frequency and wave number spectrum and thus span a range of temporal and spatial scales. Observing at a single location relatively close to the source, the wave components with higher frequency and larger vertical wavelength dominate at earlier times and at higher altitudes, while the lower frequency components, with shorter vertical wavelength, dominate during the latter part of the propagation. Utilizing observations from the Na lidar at Utah State University and the nearby Mesospheric Temperature Mapper at Bear Lake Observatory (41.9°N, 111.4°W), we investigate a unique case of vertical dispersion for a spectrally broad gravity wave packet in the mesopause region over Logan, Utah (41.7°N, 111.8°W), that occurred on 2 September 2011, to study the waves' evolution as it propagates upward. The lidar-observed temperature perturbation was dominated by close to a 1 h modulation at 100 km during the early hours but gradually evolved into a 1.5 h modulation during the second half of the night. The vertical wavelength also decreased simultaneously, while the vertical group and phase velocities of the packet apparently slowed, as it was approaching a critical level during the second half of the night. A two-dimensional numerical model is used to simulate the observed gravity wave processes, finding that the location of the lidar relative to the source can strongly influence which portion of the spectrum can be observed at a particular location relative to a source.</p
