2,916 research outputs found

    Furnace-tube contamination

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    Contamination in furnaces for fabricating wafers, and cleaning procedure

    The impact of historical land use change from 1850 to 2000 on particulate matter and ozone

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    Anthropogenic land use change (LUC) since pre-industrial (1850) has altered the vegetation distribution and density around the world. We use a global model (GEOS-Chem) to assess the attendant changes in surface air quality and the direct radiative forcing (DRF). We focus our analysis on secondary particulate matter and tropospheric ozone formation. The general trend of expansion of managed ecosystems (croplands and pasturelands) at the expense of natural ecosystems has led to an 11 % decline in global mean biogenic volatile organic compound emissions. Concomitant growth in agricultural activity has more than doubled ammonia emissions and increased emissions of nitrogen oxides from soils by more than 50 %. Conversion to croplands has also led to a widespread increase in ozone dry deposition velocity. Together these changes in biosphere-atmosphere exchange have led to a 14 % global mean increase in biogenic secondary organic aerosol (BSOA) surface concentrations, a doubling of surface aerosol nitrate concentrations, and local changes in surface ozone of up to 8.5 ppb. We assess a global mean LUC-DRF of +0.017 Wm−2, −0.071 Wm−2, and −0.01 Wm−2 for BSOA, nitrate, and tropospheric ozone, respectively. We conclude that the DRF and the perturbations in surface air quality associated with LUC are substantial and should be considered alongside changes in anthropogenic emissions and climate feedbacks in chemistry-climate studies.https://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/14997/2016/acp-16-14997-2016.pdfhttps://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/14997/2016/acp-16-14997-2016.pdfPublished versio

    Aerosol loading in the Southeastern United States: reconciling surface and satellite observations

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    We investigate the seasonality in aerosols over the Southeastern United States using observations from several satellite instruments (MODIS, MISR, CALIOP) and surface network sites (IMPROVE, SEARCH, AERONET). We find that the strong summertime enhancement in satellite-observed aerosol optical depth (AOD) (factor 2–3 enhancement over wintertime AOD) is not present in surface mass concentrations (25–55% summertime enhancement). Goldstein et al. (2009) previously attributed this seasonality in AOD to biogenic organic aerosol; however, surface observations show that organic aerosol only accounts for ∼35% of fine particulate matter (smaller than 2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter, PM[subscript 2.5]) and exhibits similar seasonality to total surface PM[subscript 2.5]. The GEOS-Chem model generally reproduces these surface aerosol measurements, but underrepresents the AOD seasonality observed by satellites. We show that seasonal differences in water uptake cannot sufficiently explain the magnitude of AOD increase. As CALIOP profiles indicate the presence of additional aerosol in the lower troposphere (below 700 hPa), which cannot be explained by vertical mixing, we conclude that the discrepancy is due to a missing source of aerosols above the surface layer in summer.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (ATM-0929282

    Exploring the uncertainty associated with satellite-based estimates of premature mortality due to exposure to fine particulate matter

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    he negative impacts of fine particulate matter (PM[subscript 2.5]) exposure on human health are a primary motivator for air quality research. However, estimates of the air pollution health burden vary considerably and strongly depend on the data sets and methodology. Satellite observations of aerosol optical depth (AOD) have been widely used to overcome limited coverage from surface monitoring and to assess the global population exposure to PM[subscript 2.5] and the associated premature mortality. Here we quantify the uncertainty in determining the burden of disease using this approach, discuss different methods and data sets, and explain sources of discrepancies among values in the literature. For this purpose we primarily use the MODIS satellite observations in concert with the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model. We contrast results in the United States and China for the years 2004–2011. Using the Burnett et al. (2014) integrated exposure response function, we estimate that in the United States, exposure to PM[subscript 2.5] accounts for approximately 2 % of total deaths compared to 14 % in China (using satellite-based exposure), which falls within the range of previous estimates. The difference in estimated mortality burden based solely on a global model vs. that derived from satellite is approximately 14 % for the US and 2 % for China on a nationwide basis, although regionally the differences can be much greater. This difference is overshadowed by the uncertainty in the methodology for deriving PM[subscript 2.5] burden from satellite observations, which we quantify to be on the order of 20 % due to uncertainties in the AOD-to-surface-PM[subscript 2.5] relationship, 10 % due to the satellite observational uncertainty, and 30 % or greater uncertainty associated with the application of concentration response functions to estimated exposure

    Global modeling of secondary organic aerosol formation from aromatic hydrocarbons: high- vs low-yield pathways

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    Formation of SOA from the aromatic species toluene, xylene, and, for the first time, benzene, is added to a global chemical transport model. A simple mechanism is presented that accounts for competition between low and high-yield pathways of SOA formation, wherein secondary gas-phase products react further with either nitrogen oxide (NO) or hydroperoxy radical (HO2) to yield semi- or non-volatile products, respectively. Aromatic species yield more SOA when they react with OH in regions where the [NO]/[HO2] ratios are lower. The SOA yield thus depends upon the distribution of aromatic emissions, with biomass burning emissions being in areas with lower [NO]/[HO2] ratios, and the reactivity of the aromatic with respect to OH, as a lower initial reactivity allows transport away from industrial source regions, where [NO]/[HO2] ratios are higher, to more remote regions, where this ratio is lower and, hence, the ultimate yield of SOA is higher. As a result, benzene is estimated to be the most important aromatic species with regards to formation of SOA, with a total production nearly equal that of toluene and xylene combined. In total, while only 39% percent of the aromatic species react via the low-NOx pathway, 72% of the aromatic SOA is formed via this mechanism. Predicted SOA concentrations from aromatics in the Eastern United States and Eastern Europe are actually largest during the summer, when the [NO]/[HO2] ratio is lower. Global production of SOA from aromatic sources is estimated at 3.5 Tg/yr, resulting in a global burden of 0.08 Tg, twice as large as previous estimates. The contribution of these largely anthropogenic sources to global SOA is still small relative to biogenic sources, which are estimated to comprise 90% of the global SOA burden, about half of which comes from isoprene. Compared to recent observations, it would appear there are additional pathways beyond those accounted for here for production of anthropogenic SOA. However, owing to differences in spatial distributions of sources and seasons of peak production, there are still regions in which aromatic SOA produced via the mechanisms identified here are predicted to contribute substantially to, and even dominate, the local SOA concentrations, such as outflow regions from North America and South East Asia during the wintertime, though total SOA concentrations there are small (~0.1 μg/m^³)

    The global nonmethane reactive organic carbon budget: A modeling perspective

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    The cycling of reactive organic carbon (ROC) is central to tropospheric chemistry. We characterize the global tropospheric ROC budget as simulated with the GEOS-Chem model. We expand the standard simulation by including new emissions and gas-phase chemistry, an expansion of dry and wet removal, and a mass tracking of all ROC species to achieve carbon closure. The resulting global annual mean ROC burden is 16 Tg C, with sources from methane oxidation and direct emissions contributing 415 and 935 Tg C yr⁻¹. ROC is lost from the atmosphere via physical deposition (460 Tg C yr⁻¹), and oxidation to CO/CO2 (875 Tg C yr⁻¹). Ketones, alkanes, alkenes, and aromatic hydrocarbons dominate the ROC burden, whereas aldehydes and isoprene dominate the ROC global mean surface OH reactivity. Simulated OH reactivities are between 0.8–1 s⁻¹, 3–14 s⁻¹, and 12–34 s⁻¹ over selected regions in the remote ocean, continental midlatitudes, and the tropics, respectively, and are consistent with observational constraints.United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NA14OAR4310132

    Investigation of Turbulence in Wind Tunnels by a Study of the Flow About Cylinders

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    With the assistance and cooperation of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics the Bureau of Standards has been engaged for the past year in an investigation of turbulence in wind tunnels, especially in so far as turbulence affects the results of measurements in different wind tunnels. Two methods of making such studies are described in this report together with the results of the use in the 54-inch wind tunnel of the Bureau of Standards. The first method consists in measuring the drag of circular cylinders; the second in measuring the static pressure at some fixed point. Both methods show that the flow is not entirely free from irregularities

    On the use of low-cost computer peripherals for the assessment of motor dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease – Quantification of bradykinesia using target tracking tasks

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    The potential of computer games peripherals to measure the motor dysfunction in Parkinson’s diseases is assessed. Of particular interest is the quantification of bradykinesia. Previous studies used modified or custom haptic interfaces, here an unmodified force feedback joystick and steering wheel are used with a laptop. During testing an on screen cursor moves in response to movements of the peripheral, the user has to track a continuously moving target (pursuit tracking), or move to a predetermined target (step tracking). All tasks use movement in the horizontal axis, allowing use of joystick or steering wheel. Two pursuit tracking tasks are evaluated, pseudo random movement, and a swept frequency task. Two step tracking tasks are evaluated, movement between two or between two of five fixed targets. Thirteen patients and five controls took part on a weekly basis. Patients were assessed for bradykinesia at each session using standard clinical measures. A range of quantitative measures was developed to allow comparison between and within patients and controls using ANOVA. Both peripherals are capable of discriminating between controls and patients, and between patients with different levels of bradykinesia. Recommendations for test procedures and peripherals are given

    What controls the recent changes in African mineral dust aerosol across the Atlantic?

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    Dust from Africa strongly perturbs the radiative balance over the Atlantic, with emissions that are highly variable from year to year. We show that the aerosol optical depth (AOD) of dust over the mid-Atlantic observed by the AVHRR satellite has decreased by approximately 10% per decade from 1982 to 2008. This downward trend persists through both winter and summer close to source and is also observed in dust surface concentration measurements downwind in Barbados during summer. The GEOS-Chem model, driven with MERRA re-analysis meteorology and using a new dust source activation scheme, reproduces the observed trend and is used to quantify the factors contributing to this trend and the observed variability from 1982 to 2008. We find that changes in dustiness over the east mid-Atlantic are almost entirely mediated by a reduction in surface winds over dust source regions in Africa and are not directly linked with changes in land use or vegetation cover. The global mean all-sky direct radiative effect (DRE) of African dust is −0.18 Wm−2 at top of atmosphere, accounting for 46% of the global dust total, with a regional DRE of −7.4 ± 1.5 Wm−2 at the surface of the mid-Atlantic, varying by over 6.0 Wm−2 from year to year, with a trend of +1.3 Wm−2 per decade. These large interannual changes and the downward trend highlight the importance of climate feedbacks on natural aerosol abundance. Our analysis of the CMIP5 models suggests that the decreases in the indirect anthropogenic aerosol forcing over the North Atlantic in recent decades may be responsible for the observed climate response in African dust, indicating a potential amplification of anthropogenic aerosol radiative impacts in the Atlantic via natural mineral dust aerosol.Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Charles E. Reed Faculty Initiative Fund)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (AGS-1238109)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (AGS- 0962256)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NASA NNX12AP45G