8,436 research outputs found

    Universal persistence exponents in an extremally driven system

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    The local persistence R(t), defined as the proportion of the system still in its initial state at time t, is measured for the Bak--Sneppen model. For 1 and 2 dimensions, it is found that the decay of R(t) depends on one of two classes of initial configuration. For a subcritical initial state, R(t)\sim t^{-\theta}, where the persistence exponent \theta can be expressed in terms of a known universal exponent. Hence \theta is universal. Conversely, starting from a supercritical state, R(t) decays by the anomalous form 1-R(t)\sim t^{\tau_{\rm ALL}} until a finite time t_{0}, where \tau_{\rm ALL} is also a known exponent. Finally, for the high dimensional model R(t) decays exponentially with a non--universal decay constant.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Sequential deformation of plains along Tessera boundaries on Venus: Evidence from Alpha Regio

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    Tesserae are regions of elevated terrain characterized by two or more sets of ridges and grooves that intersect orthogonally. Tesserae comprise 15-20 percent of the surface of Venus, but the nature of their formation and evolution is not well understood; processes proposed to account for their characteristics are many and varied. Two types of tessera boundaries have been described: type 1 are generally embayed by plains; and type 2 boundaries are characterized by being linear at the 100-km scale and often associated with steep scarps or tectonic features. Margins such as the western edge of Alpha have been described as type 2. Some of the tessera have boundaries that display deformation of both the edge of the tessera and the adjoining plains. This study focuses on the western edge of Alpha Regio in an effort to characterize on occurrence of this type of boundary and assess the implications of the style in general. Using Magellan SAR imagery, lineament lengths, orientations, and spacing were measured for ten 50 x 60 km areas spanning 500 km of the western boundary. Structural characteristics and orientations were compared to stratigraphic units in order to assess the sequence and style of deformation

    The Anisotropic Bak-Sneppen model

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    The Bak-Sneppen model is shown to fall into a different universality class with the introduction of a preferred direction, mirroring the situation in spin systems. This is first demonstrated by numerical simulations and subsequently confirmed by analysis of the multitrait version of the model, which admits exact solutions in the extremes of zero and maximal anisotropy. For intermediate anisotropies, we show that the spatiotemporal evolution of the avalanche has a power law `tail' which passes through the system for any non-zero anisotropy but remains fixed for the isotropic case, thus explaining the crossover in behaviour. Finally, we identify the maximally anisotropic model which is more tractable and yet more generally applicable than the isotropic system

    Oxidized basalts on the surface of Venus: Compositional implications of measured spectral properties

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    Venera Lander reflectance data are compared with high temperature spectra of the same basaltic materials. The dark, flat unoxidized basalts are still inconsistent with the Venera data in the near-infrared. Basaltic material with a ferric component, however, would satisfy both the increase in reflectance beyond 0.7 microns as well as the dark, relatively colorless character in the visible. Therefore, it is concluded that besaltic surfaces of Venus represented by these measurements either contain minerals with uncommon characteristics, or, more likely, are relatively oxidized

    Spherically Symmetric, Self-Similar Spacetimes

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    Self-similar spacetimes are of importance to cosmology and to gravitational collapse problems. We show that self-similarity or the existence of a homothetic Killing vector field for spherically symmetric spacetimes implies the separability of the spacetime metric in terms of the co-moving coordinates and that the metric is, uniquely, the one recently reported in [cqg1]. The spacetime, in general, has non-vanishing energy-flux and shear. The spacetime admits matter with any equation of state.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Modern Approaches to Exact Diagonalization and Selected Configuration Interaction with the Adaptive Sampling CI Method.

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    Recent advances in selected configuration interaction methods have made them competitive with the most accurate techniques available and, hence, creating an increasingly powerful tool for solving quantum Hamiltonians. In this work, we build on recent advances from the adaptive sampling configuration interaction (ASCI) algorithm. We show that a useful paradigm for generating efficient selected CI/exact diagonalization algorithms is driven by fast sorting algorithms, much in the same way iterative diagonalization is based on the paradigm of matrix vector multiplication. We present several new algorithms for all parts of performing a selected CI, which includes new ASCI search, dynamic bit masking, fast orbital rotations, fast diagonal matrix elements, and residue arrays. The ASCI search algorithm can be used in several different modes, which includes an integral driven search and a coefficient driven search. The algorithms presented here are fast and scalable, and we find that because they are built on fast sorting algorithms they are more efficient than all other approaches we considered. After introducing these techniques, we present ASCI results applied to a large range of systems and basis sets to demonstrate the types of simulations that can be practically treated at the full-CI level with modern methods and hardware, presenting double- and triple-ζ benchmark data for the G1 data set. The largest of these calculations is Si2H6 which is a simulation of 34 electrons in 152 orbitals. We also present some preliminary results for fast deterministic perturbation theory simulations that use hash functions to maintain high efficiency for treating large basis sets

    Friendly Fire in a Simulated Firearms Task

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    Factors such as poor visibility, lack of situation awareness and bad communication have been shown to contribute to friendly fire incidents. However, to the authors’ knowledge, an individual’s ability to inhibit their motor response of shooting when a non-target is presented has not been investigated. This phenomenon has been modeled empirically using the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART; Robertson, Manly, Andrade, Baddeley, & Yiend, 1997) computer task. The SART is generally a high Go/low No-Go detection task whereby participants respond to numerous neutral stimuli and withhold to rare targets. In the current investigation, we further investigate the SART using a simulated small arms scenario to test whether lack of motor response inhibition can be modeled in a more ecologically valid environment. Additionally, we were interested in how error rates were impacted in low Go/high No-Go versions of the task. Thirteen university students completed a computer and simulated small arms scenario in a SART and low Go condition. Both the computer and small arms scenario revealed similar speed-accuracy trade-offs indicating participants’ inability to halt their pre-potent responses to targets even in a more ecologically valid environment. The SART may be used in future studies to model friendly fire scenarios

    The formation and evolution of Alpha and Tellus tesserae on Venus

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    Although tesserae comprise at approximately 10 percent of the surface of Venus, the nature of their formation and evolution is not well understood. One important clue to elucidate this problem is tessera boundaries which are of two types: type 1 are generally embayed by plains; type 2 boundaries are characterized by being linear at the hundred kilometer scale and often associated with steep scarps or tectonic features. Previous study of a distinctive type 2 boundary at Alpha Regio was pursued in order to characterize and assess the implications for this style in general. A model of gravitational relaxation of the tessera block was presented to explain the specific style of type 2 feature seen at western Alpha; however, this model cannot account for the full range of interior structures of Alpha, namely widespread compressional features overprinted by extensional features and volcanism. In order to explain the features of Alpha, we have considered a three-stage model involving (1) mantle downwelling and compression of the lithosphere, (2) delamination of the thickened tessera root, and (3) gravitational relaxation and extension of the tessera plateau. We compare this to the characteristics of Tellus Regio in order to test its broader application

    A mean field description of jamming in non-cohesive frictionless particulate systems

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    A theory for kinetic arrest in isotropic systems of repulsive, radially-interacting particles is presented that predicts exponents for the scaling of various macroscopic quantities near the rigidity transition that are in agreement with simulations, including the non-trivial shear exponent. Both statics and dynamics are treated in a simplified, one-particle level description, and coupled via the assumption that kinetic arrest occurs on the boundary between mechanically stable and unstable regions of the static parameter diagram. This suggests the arrested states observed in simulations are at (or near) an elastic buckling transition. Some additional numerical evidence to confirm the scaling of microscopic quantities is also provided.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figs; additional clarification of different elastic moduli exponents, plus typo fix. To appear in PR

    Orientale and South Pole-Aitken basins on the Moon: Preliminary Galileo imaging results

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    During the Earth-Moon flyby the Galileo Solid State Imaging System obtained new information on the landscape and physical geology of the Moon. Multicolor Galileo images of the Moon reveal variations in color properties of the lunar surface. Using returned lunar samples as a key, the color differences can be interpreted in terms of variations in the mineral makeup of the lunar rocks and soil. The combined results of Apollo landings and multicolor images from Galileo allow extrapolation of surface composition to areas distant from the landing sites, including the far side invisible from Earth
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