21 research outputs found

    Mineralogical, geochemical, pedophysical and micromorphological properties of paleosol developed on the top of loess-paleosol sequence in Savudrija, Istria : master’s thesis

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti mineraloške, geokemijske, pedofizikalne i mikromorfološke značajke tla u vršnom dijelu pedosedimentnog kompleksa Savudrija. Terenskim istraživanjima uzeto je šest uzoraka tla, po jedan iz svakog od šest najviših horizonata, koja su podvrgnuta detaljnom opisu morfoloških svojstava. Laboratorijskim istraživanjima na uzorcima je napravljena detaljna kemijska analiza, fizikalno-kemijska analiza tla, uključujući CEC i saturaciju bazama, granulometrija, analiza željeza i mangana topivih u ditionitu i oksalatu, analiza mineralnog sastava, primjenom rendgenske difrakcije na prahu, određivanje starosti metodom optički (OSL) te infracrveno (IRSL) stimulirane luminiscencije te analiza mikromorfoloških preparata. Najvažniji zaključci ovog rada su: (1) Analizirani vršni dio pedosedimentnog kompleksa predstavljala su dva superponirana lesna supstrata unutar kojih su razvijena (paleo)tla. (2) Korištenjem geokemijskih omjera Sm/Nd te La/Ce, utvrđeno je isto podrijetlo lesnog supstrata u uzorcima. (3) Analizom rendgenske difrakcije na prahu utvrđeno je da svi uzorci sadrže kvarc (u znatnim udjelima), plagioklas, alkalijski feldspat, tinjčaste minerale (illit i muskovit), kaolinit, klorit, 14 Å minerale (vermikulite i/ili smektite), pretežno nepravilno interstratificirane miješanoslojne minerale, goethit te amorfnu komponentu. (4) Primjenom metoda optički i infracrveno stimulirane luminiscencije utvrđena je starost CB horizonta mlađeg lesnog supstrata te 2C horizonta starijeg lesnog supstrata. (5) Mikromorfološkom analizom utvrđen je znatan udio rizokonkrecija, željezovito-manganskih konkrecija te prevlaka glina, što ukazuje na intenzivnu iluvijaciju u horizontima vršnog dijela pedosedimentnog kompleksa Savudrija.Abstract: The aim of this Thesis was to investigate mineralogical, geochemical, pedophysical and micromorphological properties of soil in the uppermost part of the Savudrija pedosediment complex. Field investigation included taking six samples, one from each of the six investigated uppermost soil horizons and submitting them to a detailed morphological description. Laboratory work consisted of a detailed chemical analysis, physical and chemical analysis of the paleosols, including measurements of CEC and base saturation, particle size analysis, analysis of iron and manganese oxides and hydroxides soluble in dithionite-citrate bicarbonate and oxalate, mineral composition analysis, using the XRD method, optical and infrared stimulated luminescence and a micromorphological analysis of thin sections. The most important conclusions of this Thesis are as follows: (1) Analyzed uppermost part of the pedosediment complex was represented by two superimposed loess parent materials within which (paleo)soils have developed. (2) With the usage of geochemical ratios of Sm/Nd and La/Ce it is determined that the loess parent material investigated in this Thesis has the same provenance. (3) According to the results of analysis using the X-ray diffraction method, it is determined that all soil samples contain a significant share of quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar, illitic material, kaolinite, chlorite, 14 Å minerals (vermiculite and/or smectite), mostly irregular mixed layer clay minerals, goethite, and amorphous component. (4) Usage of optically and infrared stimulated luminescence determined the age of analyzed soil horizon CB and soil horizon 2C. (5) Micromorphological studies have shown a significant share of rhizoconcretions, ferrous-manganese concretions and clay coatings, which indicates a significant illuviation in horizons of the uppermost part of the Savudrija pedosediment complex

    Mineralogical, geochemical, pedophysical and micromorphological properties of paleosol developed on the top of loess-paleosol sequence in Savudrija, Istria : master’s thesis

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti mineraloške, geokemijske, pedofizikalne i mikromorfološke značajke tla u vršnom dijelu pedosedimentnog kompleksa Savudrija. Terenskim istraživanjima uzeto je šest uzoraka tla, po jedan iz svakog od šest najviših horizonata, koja su podvrgnuta detaljnom opisu morfoloških svojstava. Laboratorijskim istraživanjima na uzorcima je napravljena detaljna kemijska analiza, fizikalno-kemijska analiza tla, uključujući CEC i saturaciju bazama, granulometrija, analiza željeza i mangana topivih u ditionitu i oksalatu, analiza mineralnog sastava, primjenom rendgenske difrakcije na prahu, određivanje starosti metodom optički (OSL) te infracrveno (IRSL) stimulirane luminiscencije te analiza mikromorfoloških preparata. Najvažniji zaključci ovog rada su: (1) Analizirani vršni dio pedosedimentnog kompleksa predstavljala su dva superponirana lesna supstrata unutar kojih su razvijena (paleo)tla. (2) Korištenjem geokemijskih omjera Sm/Nd te La/Ce, utvrđeno je isto podrijetlo lesnog supstrata u uzorcima. (3) Analizom rendgenske difrakcije na prahu utvrđeno je da svi uzorci sadrže kvarc (u znatnim udjelima), plagioklas, alkalijski feldspat, tinjčaste minerale (illit i muskovit), kaolinit, klorit, 14 Å minerale (vermikulite i/ili smektite), pretežno nepravilno interstratificirane miješanoslojne minerale, goethit te amorfnu komponentu. (4) Primjenom metoda optički i infracrveno stimulirane luminiscencije utvrđena je starost CB horizonta mlađeg lesnog supstrata te 2C horizonta starijeg lesnog supstrata. (5) Mikromorfološkom analizom utvrđen je znatan udio rizokonkrecija, željezovito-manganskih konkrecija te prevlaka glina, što ukazuje na intenzivnu iluvijaciju u horizontima vršnog dijela pedosedimentnog kompleksa Savudrija.Abstract: The aim of this Thesis was to investigate mineralogical, geochemical, pedophysical and micromorphological properties of soil in the uppermost part of the Savudrija pedosediment complex. Field investigation included taking six samples, one from each of the six investigated uppermost soil horizons and submitting them to a detailed morphological description. Laboratory work consisted of a detailed chemical analysis, physical and chemical analysis of the paleosols, including measurements of CEC and base saturation, particle size analysis, analysis of iron and manganese oxides and hydroxides soluble in dithionite-citrate bicarbonate and oxalate, mineral composition analysis, using the XRD method, optical and infrared stimulated luminescence and a micromorphological analysis of thin sections. The most important conclusions of this Thesis are as follows: (1) Analyzed uppermost part of the pedosediment complex was represented by two superimposed loess parent materials within which (paleo)soils have developed. (2) With the usage of geochemical ratios of Sm/Nd and La/Ce it is determined that the loess parent material investigated in this Thesis has the same provenance. (3) According to the results of analysis using the X-ray diffraction method, it is determined that all soil samples contain a significant share of quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar, illitic material, kaolinite, chlorite, 14 Å minerals (vermiculite and/or smectite), mostly irregular mixed layer clay minerals, goethite, and amorphous component. (4) Usage of optically and infrared stimulated luminescence determined the age of analyzed soil horizon CB and soil horizon 2C. (5) Micromorphological studies have shown a significant share of rhizoconcretions, ferrous-manganese concretions and clay coatings, which indicates a significant illuviation in horizons of the uppermost part of the Savudrija pedosediment complex

    Landslide inventory and characteristics, based on LiDAR scanning and optimised field investigations in the Kutina area, Croatia

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    This paper presents the preliminary results of analyses of landsliding processes derived from detailed LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) scans supported by field prospection on the south-western slopes of Mt. Moslavačka gora, in the wider Kutina area. This area is known for frequent landslides, but dedicated regional landslide research has not been previously undertaken. High resolution LiDAR scanning and orthophoto imaging enabled the production of a reliable landslide inventory, but also enabled research on landslide properties and the morphology of the area. Field mapping and prospection, sampling and borehole coring assisted in the collection of information about the material characteristics and specific features of typical landslides. In the research area, which covers more than 71 km2, more than 1200 very small landslides were detected. The majority of landslides were discovered in just several geological units indicating their high susceptibility: Pleistocene silts and sands with clayey interlayers, followed by M2 silty sands and gravels, and M7 sands. Nearly half of the landslides are estimated to be of recent and younger age, while other landslides may be considered as being historical implying a “long tradition” of landslide events in the research area. Preliminary terrain surface roughness analysis also supported the conclusion that the inventory contains landslides of several historical generations which are still detectable. In addition to slides (1123), this research also discovered numerous earthflow processes (143), which are more frequent in the predominantly sandy units. The landslides in this area are largely located on the banks of the gullies and are directly related to the action of water. Regarding that situation and the engineering properties of the encountered geological units, four types of bank instabilities can be differentiated: slides on top of rock masses; slides in firm soil mixtures; landslides in sands; landslides in predominantly coherent soil complexes

    Preliminary analysis of a LiDAR-based landslide inventory in the area of Samobor, Croatia

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    The paper presents an analysis of the LiDAR-based landslide inventory for the area near Samobor, in northwestern Croatia with two main objectives: i) to define the geological units (obtained from Basic Geological Map of Croatia) most susceptible to landslides, and ii) to analyse the limitations of the Basic Geological Map and its applicability in landslide susceptibility map design. Within the study area of 63.8 km2, 874 landslide polygons were manually outlined, covering an area of 2.15 km2. The landslide outline confidence level, landslide index and the relief energy map were used to analyse the landslide susceptibility of a particular geological unit. By that, units in the same state of stress, i.e., in the same relief energy group were compared. This preliminary analysis has shown that the geological units Pl,Q, M3 1,2, and 1M3 1 are the most susceptible to landslides and that older geological units, Pc and K1,2, are also prone to landslides. Still, landslides within those older units can be considered as old and inactive. As for the limitations of the Basic Geological Map of Croatia, three things emerged, namely scale, the geological unit defining approach, and the neglect of regolith. Despite the limitations presented, the usability of the Basic Geological Map of Croatia in the development of small-scale landslide susceptibility maps is emphasized. However, instructions that should attribute engineering geological features to the geological units outlined in the Basic Geological Map should be prepared in the near future

    Mineralogical, geochemical, pedophysical and micromorphological properties of paleosol developed on the top of loess-paleosol sequence in Savudrija, Istria : master’s thesis

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti mineraloške, geokemijske, pedofizikalne i mikromorfološke značajke tla u vršnom dijelu pedosedimentnog kompleksa Savudrija. Terenskim istraživanjima uzeto je šest uzoraka tla, po jedan iz svakog od šest najviših horizonata, koja su podvrgnuta detaljnom opisu morfoloških svojstava. Laboratorijskim istraživanjima na uzorcima je napravljena detaljna kemijska analiza, fizikalno-kemijska analiza tla, uključujući CEC i saturaciju bazama, granulometrija, analiza željeza i mangana topivih u ditionitu i oksalatu, analiza mineralnog sastava, primjenom rendgenske difrakcije na prahu, određivanje starosti metodom optički (OSL) te infracrveno (IRSL) stimulirane luminiscencije te analiza mikromorfoloških preparata. Najvažniji zaključci ovog rada su: (1) Analizirani vršni dio pedosedimentnog kompleksa predstavljala su dva superponirana lesna supstrata unutar kojih su razvijena (paleo)tla. (2) Korištenjem geokemijskih omjera Sm/Nd te La/Ce, utvrđeno je isto podrijetlo lesnog supstrata u uzorcima. (3) Analizom rendgenske difrakcije na prahu utvrđeno je da svi uzorci sadrže kvarc (u znatnim udjelima), plagioklas, alkalijski feldspat, tinjčaste minerale (illit i muskovit), kaolinit, klorit, 14 Å minerale (vermikulite i/ili smektite), pretežno nepravilno interstratificirane miješanoslojne minerale, goethit te amorfnu komponentu. (4) Primjenom metoda optički i infracrveno stimulirane luminiscencije utvrđena je starost CB horizonta mlađeg lesnog supstrata te 2C horizonta starijeg lesnog supstrata. (5) Mikromorfološkom analizom utvrđen je znatan udio rizokonkrecija, željezovito-manganskih konkrecija te prevlaka glina, što ukazuje na intenzivnu iluvijaciju u horizontima vršnog dijela pedosedimentnog kompleksa Savudrija.Abstract: The aim of this Thesis was to investigate mineralogical, geochemical, pedophysical and micromorphological properties of soil in the uppermost part of the Savudrija pedosediment complex. Field investigation included taking six samples, one from each of the six investigated uppermost soil horizons and submitting them to a detailed morphological description. Laboratory work consisted of a detailed chemical analysis, physical and chemical analysis of the paleosols, including measurements of CEC and base saturation, particle size analysis, analysis of iron and manganese oxides and hydroxides soluble in dithionite-citrate bicarbonate and oxalate, mineral composition analysis, using the XRD method, optical and infrared stimulated luminescence and a micromorphological analysis of thin sections. The most important conclusions of this Thesis are as follows: (1) Analyzed uppermost part of the pedosediment complex was represented by two superimposed loess parent materials within which (paleo)soils have developed. (2) With the usage of geochemical ratios of Sm/Nd and La/Ce it is determined that the loess parent material investigated in this Thesis has the same provenance. (3) According to the results of analysis using the X-ray diffraction method, it is determined that all soil samples contain a significant share of quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar, illitic material, kaolinite, chlorite, 14 Å minerals (vermiculite and/or smectite), mostly irregular mixed layer clay minerals, goethite, and amorphous component. (4) Usage of optically and infrared stimulated luminescence determined the age of analyzed soil horizon CB and soil horizon 2C. (5) Micromorphological studies have shown a significant share of rhizoconcretions, ferrous-manganese concretions and clay coatings, which indicates a significant illuviation in horizons of the uppermost part of the Savudrija pedosediment complex

    Properties of the upper part of the last glacial loess-palaeosol sequence at Savudrija (Istria, Croatia)

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    As part of the investigations carried out under the bilateral Croatian-German project NALPS (North Adriatic Loess-Paleosol Sequences), the 7.5 m thick loess- paleosol sequence was investigated with a modern soil on top, overlying the Cretaceous limestone at Savudrija. Within the 7.5 m thick profile, a total of 17 samples (Figure 1) were taken and subjected to various analyses in order to determine the provenance of the modern soil/palaeosol parent material and to reconstruct the conditions of its paleopedological evolution. The subject of this study was the upper part of the 7.5 m thick profile, consisting of modern soil on the top of the loess-paleosol sequence (between 0 and 205 cm). Six horizons were recognized within the studied sequence, arranged from top to bottom: AB-B-BC-CB- 2BC-2C. Laboratory work included chemical analyses, particle size analyses, analyses of iron and manganese oxides and hydroxides soluble in dithionite citrate bicarbonate and oxalate, detailed physical and chemical analysis of the palaeosols (including measurements of CEC and base saturation), mineral composition analysis (using the XRD method), quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and micromorphological analysis of thin sections. This study showed that the uppermost part of the sequence studied was represented by presumably polygenetic soil developed on loess (AB-B-BC-CB) underlain by brown palaeosol developed on older loess (2BC2C). Based on the Sm/Nd and La/Ce geochemical ratios (Sheldon & Tabor, 2009), it was also determined that the loess parent material examined in this study has the same provenance as the materials examined in Baniček (2016) and Durn et al. (2018a, b). XRD analysis revealed that all soil samples contain a significant amount of quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar, illitic material, kaolinite, chlorite, 14 Å minerals (vermiculite and/or smectite), mostly irregular mixed-layer clay minerals, goethite and amorphous components, whose content increases with depth. The micromorphological investigations have shown a significant proportion of rhizoconcretions, ironmanganese concretions and clay coatings, indicating significant illuviation in the horizons of the uppermost part of the Savudrija pedosediment complex. Based on quartz OSL dating, the age of the studied soil horizon CB is 9 ± 0.8 ka and of soil horizon 2C is 20.9 ± 2.1 ka (Zhang et al., 2018)

    Properties of the upper part of the last glacial loess-palaeosol sequence at Savudrija (Istria, Croatia)

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    As part of the investigations carried out under the bilateral Croatian-German project NALPS (North Adriatic Loess-Paleosol Sequences), the 7.5 m thick loess- paleosol sequence was investigated with a modern soil on top, overlying the Cretaceous limestone at Savudrija. Within the 7.5 m thick profile, a total of 17 samples (Figure 1) were taken and subjected to various analyses in order to determine the provenance of the modern soil/palaeosol parent material and to reconstruct the conditions of its paleopedological evolution. The subject of this study was the upper part of the 7.5 m thick profile, consisting of modern soil on the top of the loess-paleosol sequence (between 0 and 205 cm). Six horizons were recognized within the studied sequence, arranged from top to bottom: AB-B-BC-CB- 2BC-2C. Laboratory work included chemical analyses, particle size analyses, analyses of iron and manganese oxides and hydroxides soluble in dithionite citrate bicarbonate and oxalate, detailed physical and chemical analysis of the palaeosols (including measurements of CEC and base saturation), mineral composition analysis (using the XRD method), quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and micromorphological analysis of thin sections. This study showed that the uppermost part of the sequence studied was represented by presumably polygenetic soil developed on loess (AB-B-BC-CB) underlain by brown palaeosol developed on older loess (2BC2C). Based on the Sm/Nd and La/Ce geochemical ratios (Sheldon & Tabor, 2009), it was also determined that the loess parent material examined in this study has the same provenance as the materials examined in Baniček (2016) and Durn et al. (2018a, b). XRD analysis revealed that all soil samples contain a significant amount of quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar, illitic material, kaolinite, chlorite, 14 Å minerals (vermiculite and/or smectite), mostly irregular mixed-layer clay minerals, goethite and amorphous components, whose content increases with depth. The micromorphological investigations have shown a significant proportion of rhizoconcretions, ironmanganese concretions and clay coatings, indicating significant illuviation in the horizons of the uppermost part of the Savudrija pedosediment complex. Based on quartz OSL dating, the age of the studied soil horizon CB is 9 ± 0.8 ka and of soil horizon 2C is 20.9 ± 2.1 ka (Zhang et al., 2018)

    Properties of the upper part of the last glacial loess-palaeosol sequence at Savudrija (Istria, Croatia)

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    As part of the investigations carried out under the bilateral Croatian-German project NALPS (North Adriatic Loess-Paleosol Sequences), the 7.5 m thick loess- paleosol sequence was investigated with a modern soil on top, overlying the Cretaceous limestone at Savudrija. Within the 7.5 m thick profile, a total of 17 samples (Figure 1) were taken and subjected to various analyses in order to determine the provenance of the modern soil/palaeosol parent material and to reconstruct the conditions of its paleopedological evolution. The subject of this study was the upper part of the 7.5 m thick profile, consisting of modern soil on the top of the loess-paleosol sequence (between 0 and 205 cm). Six horizons were recognized within the studied sequence, arranged from top to bottom: AB-B-BC-CB- 2BC-2C. Laboratory work included chemical analyses, particle size analyses, analyses of iron and manganese oxides and hydroxides soluble in dithionite citrate bicarbonate and oxalate, detailed physical and chemical analysis of the palaeosols (including measurements of CEC and base saturation), mineral composition analysis (using the XRD method), quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and micromorphological analysis of thin sections. This study showed that the uppermost part of the sequence studied was represented by presumably polygenetic soil developed on loess (AB-B-BC-CB) underlain by brown palaeosol developed on older loess (2BC2C). Based on the Sm/Nd and La/Ce geochemical ratios (Sheldon & Tabor, 2009), it was also determined that the loess parent material examined in this study has the same provenance as the materials examined in Baniček (2016) and Durn et al. (2018a, b). XRD analysis revealed that all soil samples contain a significant amount of quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar, illitic material, kaolinite, chlorite, 14 Å minerals (vermiculite and/or smectite), mostly irregular mixed-layer clay minerals, goethite and amorphous components, whose content increases with depth. The micromorphological investigations have shown a significant proportion of rhizoconcretions, ironmanganese concretions and clay coatings, indicating significant illuviation in the horizons of the uppermost part of the Savudrija pedosediment complex. Based on quartz OSL dating, the age of the studied soil horizon CB is 9 ± 0.8 ka and of soil horizon 2C is 20.9 ± 2.1 ka (Zhang et al., 2018)