17 research outputs found

    Impacts of coagulation on the appearance time method for new particle growth rate evaluation and their corrections

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    The growth rate of atmospheric new particles is a key parameter that determines their survival probability of becoming cloud condensation nuclei and hence their impact on the climate. There have been several methods to estimate the new particle growth rate. However, due to the impact of coagulation and measurement uncertainties, it is still challenging to estimate the initial growth rate of new particles, especially in polluted environments with high background aerosol concentrations. In this study, we explore the influences of coagulation on the appearance time method to estimate the growth rate of sub-3 nm particles. The principle of the appearance time method and the impacts of coagulation on the retrieved growth rate are clarified via derivations. New formulae in both discrete and continuous spaces are proposed to correct for the impacts of coagulation. Aerosol dynamic models are used to test the new formulae. New particle formation in urban Beijing is used to illustrate the importance of considering the impacts of coagulation on the sub-3 nm particle growth rate and its calculation. We show that the conventional appearance time method needs to be corrected when the impacts of coagulation sink, coagulation source, and particle coagulation growth are non-negligible compared to the condensation growth. Under the simulation conditions with a constant concentration of non-volatile vapors, the corrected growth rate agrees with the theoretical growth rates. However, the uncorrected parameters, e.g., vapor evaporation and the variation in vapor concentration, may impact the growth rate obtained with the appearance time method. Under the simulation conditions with a varying vapor concentration, the average bias in the corrected 1.5-3 nm particle growth rate ranges from 6 %-44 %, and the maximum bias in the size-dependent growth rate is 150 %. During the test new particle formation event in urban Beijing, the corrected condensation growth rate of sub-3 nm particles was in accordance with the growth rate contributed by sulfuric acid condensation, whereas the conventional appearance time method overestimated the condensation growth rate of 1.5 nm particles by 80 %.Peer reviewe

    Chain mediations of perceived social support and emotional regulation efficacy between role stress and compassion fatigue: insights from the COVID-19 pandemic

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    BackgroundNurses at the frontline faced high risks of the COVID-19 infection, undertook heavy workloads of patient care, and experienced tremendous stress that often led to compassion fatigue.AimThis study was to explore the role of positive psychosocial resources (i.e., perceived social support and emotional regulation efficacy) in the relationship between role stress and compassion fatigue.MethodsA cross-sectional design was conducted in Hubei Province, China between May and September 2021. The Role Stress Questionnaire, the Perceived Social Support Scale, the Emotional Regulation Efficacy Scale, and the Professional Quality of Life Scale were used to measure key variables of interest. Nurse socio-demographic data were also collected. Structural equation modeling was used to explore the relationships, including potential mediating effect, among role stress, perceived social support, emotional regulation efficacy, and compassion fatigue.ResultsA total of 542 nurses participated in this investigation, and 500 were eventually enrolled in the analysis. The incidence of compassion fatigue among nurses was 94.2%, including 65.8% of nurses reporting at least moderate compassion fatigue. Univariate analysis showed that educational level, marital status, hospital rank, sleep time were the factors affecting compassion fatigue of the nurses. The structural equation modeling revealed that: Role stress had a direct positive effect on compassion fatigue; Perceived social support and emotional regulation efficacy partially mediated the link between role stress and compassion fatigue respectively; And there was a chain mediating role of perceived social support and emotional regulation efficacy between role stress and compassion fatigue.ConclusionThe incidence of compassion fatigue was high during the COVID-19 pandemic among bedside nurses in China. Improving social support and enhancing the efficacy of emotion regulation may help alleviate compassion fatigue directly and/or via buffering the impact of role stress

    Particle growth with photochemical age from new particle formation to haze in the winter of Beijing, China

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    Secondary aerosol formation in the aging process of primary emission is the main reason for haze pollution in eastern China. Pollution evolution with photochemical age was studied for the first time at a comprehensive field observation station during winter in Beijing. The photochemical age was used as an estimate of the time scale attributed to the aging process and was estimated from the ratio of toluene to benzene in this study. A low photochemical age indicates a fresh emission. The photochemical age of air masses during new particle formation (NPF) days was lower than that on haze days. In general, the strongest NPF events, along with a peak of the formation rate of 1.5 nm(J(1.5)) and 3 nmparticles (J(3)), were observed when the photochemical age was between 12 and 24 h while rarely took place with photochemical ages less than 12 h. When photochemical age was larger than 48 h, haze occurred and NPF was suppressed. The sources and sinks of nanoparticles had distinct relation with the photochemical age. Our results show that the condensation sink (CS) showed a valley with photochemical ages ranging from 12 to 24 h, while H2SO4 concentration showed no obvious trend with the photochemical age. The high concentrations of precursor vapours within an air mass lead to persistent nucleation with photochemical age ranging from 12 to 48 h in winter. Coincidently, the fast increase of PM2.5 mass was also observed during this range of photochemical age. Noteworthy, CS increased with the photochemical age on NPF days only, which is the likely reason for the observation that the PM2.5 mass increased faster with photochemical age on NPF days compared with other days. The evolution of particles with the photochemical age provides new insights into understanding how particles originating from NPF transform to haze pollution. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Molecular Composition of Oxygenated Organic Molecules and Their Contributions to Organic Aerosol in Beijing

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    The understanding at a molecular level of ambient secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation is hampered by poorly constrained formation mechanisms and insufficient analytical methods. Especially in developing countries, SOA related haze is a great concern due to its significant effects on climate and human health. We present simultaneous measurements of gas-phase volatile organic compounds (VOCs), oxygenated organic molecules (OOMs), and particle-phase SOA in Beijing. We show that condensation of the measured OOMs explains 26-39% of the organic aerosol mass growth, with the contribution of OOMs to SOA enhanced during severe haze episodes. Our novel results provide a quantitative molecular connection from anthropogenic emissions to condensable organic oxidation product vapors, their concentration in particle-phase SOA, and ultimately to haze formation.Peer reviewe

    Is reducing new particle formation a plausible solution to mitigate particulate air pollution in Beijing and other Chinese megacities?

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    Atmospheric gas-to-particle conversion is a crucial or even dominant contributor to haze formation in Chinese megacities in terms of aerosol number, surface area and mass. Based on our comprehensive observations in Beijing during 15 January 2018-31 March 2019, we are able to show that 80-90% of the aerosol mass (PM2.5) was formed via atmospheric reactions during the haze days and over 65% of the number concentration of haze particles resulted from new particle formation (NPF). Furthermore, the haze formation was faster when the subsequent growth of newly formed particles was enhanced. Our findings suggest that in practice almost all present-day haze episodes originate from NPF, mainly since the direct emission of primary particles in Beijing has considerably decreased during recent years. We also show that reducing the subsequent growth rate of freshly formed particles by a factor of 3-5 would delay the buildup of haze episodes by 1-3 days. Actually, this delay would decrease the length of each haze episode, so that the number of annual haze days could be approximately halved. Such improvement in air quality can be achieved with targeted reduction of gas-phase precursors for NPF, mainly dimethyl amine and ammonia, and further reductions of SO2 emissions. Furthermore, reduction of anthropogenic organic and inorganic precursor emissions would slow down the growth rate of newly-formed particles and consequently reduce the haze formation.Peer reviewe

    The effect of COVID-19 restrictions on atmospheric new particle formation in Beijing

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    During the COVID-19 lockdown, the dramatic reduction of anthropogenic emissions provided a unique opportunity to investigate the effects of reduced anthropogenic activity and primary emissions on atmospheric chemical processes and the consequent formation of secondary pollutants. Here, we utilize comprehensive observations to examine the response of atmospheric new particle formation (NPF) to the changes in the atmospheric chemical cocktail. We find that the main clustering process was unaffected by the drastically reduced traffic emissions, and the formation rate of 1.5 nm particles remained unaltered. However, particle survival probability was enhanced due to an increased particle growth rate (GR) during the lockdown period, explaining the enhanced NPF activity in earlier studies. For GR at 1.5-3 nm, sulfuric acid (SA) was the main contributor at high temperatures, whilst there were unaccounted contributing vapors at low temperatures. For GR at 3-7 and 7-15 nm, oxygenated organic molecules (OOMs) played a major role. Surprisingly, OOM composition and volatility were insensitive to the large change of atmospheric NOx concentration; instead the associated high particle growth rates and high OOM concentration during the lockdown period were mostly caused by the enhanced atmospheric oxidative capacity. Overall, our findings suggest a limited role of traffic emissions in NPF.Peer reviewe

    AutoCTS - Automated Correlated Time Series Forecasting - Extended Version.

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    Correlated time series (CTS) forecasting plays an essential role in many cyber-physical systems, where multiple sensors emit time series that capture interconnected processes. Solutions based on deep learning that deliver state-of-the-art CTS forecasting performance employ a variety of spatio-temporal (ST) blocks that are able to model temporal dependencies and spatial correlations among time series. However, two challenges remain. First, ST-blocks are designed manually, which is time consuming and costly. Second, existing forecasting models simply stack the same ST-blocks multiple times, which limits the model potential. To address these challenges, we propose AutoCTS that is able to automatically identify highly competitive ST-blocks as well as forecasting models with heterogeneous ST-blocks connected using diverse topologies, as opposed to the same ST-blocks connected using simple stacking. Specifically, we design both a micro and a macro search space to model possible architectures of ST-blocks and the connections among heterogeneous ST-blocks, and we provide a search strategy that is able to jointly explore the search spaces to identify optimal forecasting models. Extensive experiments on eight commonly used CTS forecasting benchmark datasets justify our design choices and demonstrate that AutoCTS is capable of automatically discovering forecasting models that outperform state-of-the-art human-designed models. This is an extended version of ``AutoCTS: Automated Correlated Time Series Forecasting'', to appear in PVLDB 2022.Comment: to appear in PVLDB 202